HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 02/05/1991 CITY P. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 5, 1991 PRESENT: Jim White Ed Chow Leona Orr Ed White Steve Dowell Helen Wickstrom Don Wickstrom Karen Siegel Gary Gill John Watson Carol Morris Mr. and Mrs. Rust Tom Brubaker Lyle Price Rod Saalfeld East Hill Shopping Center Mr. Saalfeld indicated to the Committee that his company wrote a utility bond in 1983 for Heutmaker Construction for the East Hill Shopping Center remodel. No plans were completed after the relocation of the sewer line and the bond has not been released because the City has not received the plans and bill of sale for the relocated line. Heutmaker Construction has since filed for bankruptcy and Mr. Saalfeld' s agency has had to pay the premium for the bond since. Mr. Saalfeld asked for some assistance in getting the bond released. Wickstrom suggested that Mr. Saalfeld could hire a surveyor to complete the as-built plans. Another option would be for the City to act on the bond and use the funds to complete the survey. In response to White's question, Wickstrom indicated that it would require the City to file a suit against the bonding agency and if we win the bonding agency would pay the costs associated with the work. Normally, we would hire the surveyor, complete the work and then go after the bond. White asked how that would affect Bell Anderson. The action would be against the bonding company and not Bell Anderson. The Committee recommended the City act against the bond to complete the work. Update Intersection Improvements 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 260th White had asked for an update on this project. Wickstrom stated that the improvements of this intersection were part of the mitigation conditions of the Canyon Ridge Plaza development. There has been some recent activity on this development and they are currently anticipating an opening date of June or July of 1992 . The improvements required as part of their mitigation must be in prior to that date. Another off-site improvement associated with this development is an intersection improvement at 260th and 108th. The developer has to acquire some off-site property in order to complete these and has been unable to reach settlement with the property owners. Since this improvement is on the City's 6-year plan, the Council had previously indicated willingness to proceed with condemnation if necessary. We should know within the next six 0 Public Works Committee February 5, 1991 Page 2 months if the development is going to proceed. If it does not, the City has budgeted funds to proceed with the improvements via an LID. Request for Signal - Military Road and 38th White stated that Councilmember Houser has asked that this be discussed at Public Works. Dowell had concerns that this should have gone to IBC prior to Public Works. Wickstrom stated that the intersection doesn't meet the warrants for a signal. White stated that he is currently doing a count at the intersection and will have that information later. The 1988 Traffic Flow Map shows Military having an Average Daily Traffic of approximately 7,900 vehicles which probably has increased to about 9, 000 currently. There are probably about 2, 000 ADT on 38th. The MUTCD which is the industry standard for signals indicates the minimum requirement for a signal is at least 150 cars on the side street for at least 8 hours of a 24 hour period and at least 600 cars per lane for the main street for the same eight hour period. White stated he did not think this intersection came close to those volumes. There have not been any reported accidents over the past three years at this intersection. White stated that he would complete the count and prepare a warrant analysis and bring this back to the Committee. He indicated he would also contact Councilmember Houser to see if she had any other concerns that had not been addressed. Reith Road Guardrail Wickstrom reminded the Committee that they had previously directed us to bring the funding request for this project directly to Council. We had originally anticipated having 1991 funding for safety improvements. However, those funds were not included in our budget. Thus, we have reduced the number of feet of guardrail to be installed in order to reduce the cost of the project to about $9, 000. There is $5, 000 in the Asphalt Overlay fund which we are proposing to transfer to the Reith Road project. The remaining $4, 000 would be transferred from the Frager Road Guardrail project once it is completed. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. TIB Grant - Central Avenue Gowe Street to Titus _Street Wickstrom indicated that we had received preliminary approval of a grant for widening Central from Willis to Smith. However, after a cost benefit analysis with TIB we had to reduce the project to improvements between Gowe to Titus providing a two-way left turn lane and a right turn lane onto Gowe. TIB has granted us an 80% L , 0 Public Works Committee February 5, 1991 Page 3 grant for this project scope. Our matching funds will come from $110, 000 in State Overlay money, funds left from the Central Avenue Storm Drainage Improvement project and funds in the Willis Street Improvement project. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to accept the grant. King County Recycling and Composting Demonstration Site Karen Siegel stated that King County contracts with the Washington State Energy Office to provide a Master Recycler/Composter Training program, the fourth one of which is currently being held in Kent. An element of that program is to construct a permanent, demonstration facility to provide on-going. education to the community on waste reduction, recycling and composting. King County has asked Kent to host a site for this demonstration facility. Siegel continued that she has met with John Watson of WSEO and Helen Wickstrom of the Parks Department to look at possible sites in Kent. A section of the Burlington Green is the site preferred by WSEO. Siegel stated that we are seeking approval to proceed with construction of the facility once a final selection of the site is made. John Watson distributed a photo of the site built in the City of Redmond and a draft of a plan for the one proposed for Kent. An area on the southern portion of the Burlington Green currently hosts the "Blind Park" which is scheduled to be torn down this year. Watson indicated the proposed plan for the Demonstration Facility incorporates the use of some of those sculptures. White asked how this fits in with our current recycling program in Kent. Siegel indicated that the City's Recycling Program would be a sponsor of this facility. Wickstrom stated that it also fit in as an element of the yard waste component of our Comprehensive Plan. Dowell asked about the City's financial obligation for the facility. Siegel stated that the. City's financial obligation for construction would be only the removal of the grass over the area, the broken sculptures if this particular location is used and any tree relocation that might be required. ,The County will guarantee to maintain the facility for three years. At the end of that period, if the .City does not want to continue with the maintenance, the County will restore the site to its original condition. Dowell asked if there were any legal problems. Brubaker indicated he felt it fit within the conditions of our lease of the property. Helen Wickstrom stated that the Cultural Arts Division has some concerns with it- being- so close to the Gazebo but that we would continue to work with them on the design to see if we can address their concerns. The Committee unanimously approved to proceed with construction ,of the Facility at a site that is agreeable to the Public Works Department, Parks Department and Arts Commission. i �► Public Works Committee February 5, 1991 Page 4 SeaTac/Kent Annexation/Deannexation Wickstrom stated that Kent has received a grant for expansion of the existing park and ride lot at Kent-Des Moines Road and Military. The proposed expansion includes property which is within the City of SeaTac. We have contacted SeaTac about deannexation of those two parcels with Kent annexing them to simplify the project implementation. SeaTac has concurred with this. The TIA grant is $1.9 million. Metro would be responsible for the City's local share of the project. Brubaker asked if that would include any legal costs associated with the annexation. Wickstrom indicated that would be the case. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Water Main Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that in 1987 Kent took over the East Hill Community Well Company. At that time, we installed water mains to provide service to existing East Hill Community Well Company customers. There were certain parcels in the area that were not members of the Community Well Company and did not require water service at that time. We are requesting to establish a charge in lieu of assessment for those parcels when they connect to the new water mains which will reimburse the water utility for the cost of construction of the mains. The Committee unanimously recommended approval to establish the charge in lieu of assessment. Ackerson Request for Time Payment of Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that Mr. Ackerson has requested authorization for time payments for the charge in lieu of assessment for his water meter connection for his property on Kent Kangley. Wickstrom further explained that the City constructed this water main at the time we constructed L.I.D. 289 but was not part of, the LID itself. We transferred the existing Kent Springs Tr4nsmission Main customers in the area to the new main and estab),i;ghed a charge in lieu of assessment for any new connections tip ;,,; xe main. Mr. Ackerson's property was not connected to the Ci t. s water at that time. The Committee unanimously recommended apa al for the time payment. Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan Wickstrom stated this item was included as information for the Committee. A copy of a brochure developed by Metro explaining the pending implementation of the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan Public Works Committee February 5, 1991 Page 5 was distributed to the Committee. It is proposed to include this information in the City's utility billing. The Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan which the City has adopted indicated that there would be a •rate increase associated with implementation of the Hazardous Waste Program. The program will be implemented by the Seattle/King County Public Health Department who will be adopting a rate ordinance. The City's solid waste haulers will have to either absorb the rate or pass it on to their customers. If they choose to pass it on to the customers, they will have to come before City Council to approve the rates. Water and Sewer Service to Property Outside City LiMits Leona stated that the Planning Committee had discussed the possibility of developing an ordinance that would limit the amount of water and sewer service provided to property outside the City limits. She asked if this item should be brought through the Public Works Committee, through Planning Committee or perhaps simultaneously through both. White distributed copies of a proposed resolution he was planning to present to Council on this subject. Wickstrom stated he would be concerned this action could possibly jeopardize the review and approval of the City's Comprehensive Water System Plan by King County. White indicated his proposed action is to declare a moratorium on the city's extension of any more sewer and water services to property located outside of its incorporated limits. He indicated it was his intent that this moratorium would continue until the urban growth areas are designated by the County. White stated that by extending service outside the City we are compounding and contributing to the problem of growth outside our boundaries which impacts the City and over which we have no control. Leona added that under the growth management act the County has to approve the urban growth boundaries. Wickstrom stated that the County actually establishes the urban growth boundaries. Brubaker added that when a City extends utility services outside their City limits, the courts have ruled that they do so in the role of a business proprietor. We owe no special obligation to provide utility service to property owners outside the city limits so we can choose to provide the service or not. White indicated he would be asking that the Council direct this proposed resolution for review by the Planning Committee. Canyon Drive White asked about the status of the Canyon Drive project. Gill stated that we are in condemnation on the last six parcels and in the process of setting the court dates. If we can get the right of entry from the home owners then we can bid the project this spring.