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City Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 12/18/1990
OJ�u� ® E C E 11 W Eou J A IJ � ? 1991 ?UELIC WORKS COMMITTEE DECEMBER 18, 1990 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK PRESENT: JIM WHITE TONY MCCARTHY LEONA ORR RUTH GIBBS STEVE DOWELL LINDA AMBER DON WICKSTROM JAMES E. MAYS GARY GILL GREGORY P. KITZ ED CHOW SANDY SHERIDAN TOM BRUBAKER MR. AND MRS. JIM RUST CAROL MORRIS JACK COSBY ED WHITE LYLE PRICE JOHN BOND Request for Signs - Jason Avenue Ed White showed the Committee a sign reading "Residential Street" which he is suggesting be placed on the west side of Jason for the southbound traffic. There is a 25 MPH sign on the north end of Jason and there is a "No Heavy Truck" sign. On the south end there is a similar 25 MPH sign, "No Truck" sign and a 'To Turnaround" sign. White stated that since the area is becoming saturated with signs, he is proposing to place these "Residential Street" signs above the 25 MPH sign. White stated this sign could also be used in other neighborhoods if they are experiencing similar problems. While no formal Council action was necessary, the Committee supported the Department's proposed action. James Street Overpass Request Ms. Gibbs distributed copies of a report she has prepared for the Committee summarizing the comments received from citizens who reside in the area. She reviewed the material for the Committee. She included a suggestion of placing jersey barriers along the north side of the James between the street and the :sidewalk to protect the pedestrians. White read a memo from Councilman Paul Mann, chair of Public Safety Committee, asking for' the safety of the citizens in Kent to be upgraded to a top priority specifically addressing the issues of James Street and S. 259th and Central. White commented that Council could possibly adopt a resolution signaling council's intent to upgrade these projects in the CIP. Ed White summarized that James Street carries approximately 25, 000 vehicles per day with accidents occurring more at intersections than mid-block. Mid-block accidents that have occurred were in the vicinity of the Church of the Nazarene and in the vicinity of Fred Meyer. Speed studies revealed the 85th percentile speed was 43 MPH. Staff did not have time to do an origin and destination study; however, White stated -he felt most of the vehicles were going on through rather than local destinations. Orr asked about the possibility of increasing the number of left turn pockets or x t Public Works Committee December 18, 1990 Page 2 eliminating left turn possibilities. Jim White asked also about widening James Street. Wickstrom stated that some of the problems being experienced are symptoms of the growth of the, S,00s Creek Plateau. Implementing the 224th/228th Corridor will relieve James of a lot of traffic. John Bond suggested that a speed, enforcement officer be added to staff and paid from the income from citations. The Committee suggested that this idea be explored further. It was determined that staff would review various recommendations and bring this back to the Committee in 1-2 months. Jim White asked that we place the radar unit that displays the speeds on James Street. Ms. Sheridan volunteered the use of her yard to place the unit. 272nd/277th Corridor Wickstrom informed the Committee that the County had recently approved a motion (copy attached) requiring the Public Works Department to complete an analysis whether the 272nd/277th corridor is needed and prioritize the projects. Additionally, the motion called for Kent to defer finalization of our EIS until. the County' s traffic data was developed and for a Citizen's participation Committee to be formed. Wickstrom continued that the County will be using the same consultant we are using to develop our EIS. Thus, he has directed the consultant to upgrade our traffic modeling effort with more current data and land use information. This will assure that our EIS and the County's report will have consistent data. We would anticipate being able to publish our EIS in May. By the County Council's action, they want to take over the lead on implementation of the 272nd/277th corridor.' Wickstrom stated, as such, this could delay the project until the year 2000. This could .change once County Council is brought up to date on the requirements of the Growth Management legislation. , Wickstrom reviewed for the Committee a proposed area of annexation for which the City has commitments for approximately 73%, of " the assessed value. Jim White asked if we moved ahead with the annexation could the City say that we would not extend utilities any further outside the City limits without those properties annexing, Wickstrom continued that if the Committee wished to pursue, annexation scenario, he would like to look at the City's ', east side water/sewer franchise areas to determine the numbed+, ovenants we have and the possible annexation boundaries availablo:•to the City. Jim White stated that if the area were annexed the -people would then be able to have input to the Council about the corridor. ' Carol Morris stated that the Growth Management Act precludes us from annexing properties outside our boundaries except those that are in delegated growth areas. The County designates the growth areas. Wickstrom stated that the County is looking at their urban Public Works Committee December 18, 1990 Page 3 growth boundary as what is dictated in the Soos Creek Plan. Tom Brubaker brought up a potential problem with the covenants that we have. Another stumbling block to the annexation might, be that the County has the right to invoke the Boundary Review Board's jurisdiction. In that case, a public hearing would be, established and the Boundary Review Board could take jurisdiction control over our decision to annex. Jim White stated that if we could not control land use and traffic that impacts this area then we as a City should no longer extend utilities until actual annexation. Orr asked how we could start protesting some of the County's development that impacts the City. Wickstrom stated he had filed appeals on County developments before and the County Council denied those appeals. Further pursuit would involve seeking court action. Orr continued that she thought it was time to take a good look at the City's policy of extending utility service to developments that impact us to the point that our residents can't drive on their streets, we can't build new roads and businesses are suffering. Jim White stated he would like us to move ahead with the annexation. Dowell stated we need to consider the financial impact. It looks questionable whether the increased-, taxes would cover the increased expenses. However, it might be worth it to be able to control the land use. The Department will complete its work on all possible annexations on the east side including a financial analysis thereof and bring it back to the Committee for further direction. Street Utility Wickstrom stated that with the defeat of Initiative' 547 and the County's institution of the vehicle registration fee, the last remaining element of the financing structure for thel=rridors is the formation of street utility. The revenue of a Street utility is dedicated to street improvements. We are proposing the utility absorb the utility tax on the sewer, water and draie utilities to offset the charge of the street utility. Orr as%iad if having the street utility absorb the water, sewer, and drainage tax will have a negative impact such that we later would haVe ;to, reinstate the utility taxes. Orr asked about the staff that � ,,required and how funds would be provided for them. Wickstrom rest'; d d that the staff needed immediately would be funded from the c ack to the projects and would not impact the general fund. Wicka` r4m reviewed for the Committee the actions outlined in his memo if a utility were formed. Jim White suggested the item be moved to full Council. He would support it at that time. He continued that while he hates to think of putting on an additional tax, it takes money to solve the problems. Dowell suggested that we just leave the utilities where they are and go ahead and add the street e Public Works Committee December 18, 1990 Page 4 utility. That way we know where the taxes are going. Orr stated that was the reason for her earlier question. White asked that Wickstrom include the two options in his presentation to the Council. Landscaping - Scenic Hill Resegyoir Jack Cosby stated the neighbors around the Scenic Hill Reservoir site would like to see it landscaped as it is an eyesore to the community. Wickstrom stated that a preliminary review estimates it would require a budget of approximately $15, 000. additional concerns are whether we have sufficient maintenance . staff to provide continual care for said landscaping once its in. The funds would come from the unencumbered fund balance of the water utility. Wickstrom stressed that if the Committee wanted to proceed a budget would have to be established along with providing the , necessary maintenance personnel. It was concluded that staff should work with Jack Cosby in putting together a plan that would satisfy the residents and meet the City's needs. That could be brought back before the Committee with a proposed budget. Metro - Infiltration/Inflow Wickstrom explained that Metro did a pilot study in Kent 's North Park area on water seepage into the sewer system. They studied whether rehab of the system including side sewers up to the houses would be cost effective. Metro would pay 54% of the project costs. The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of infiltration/inflow into the Metro system which Will help to minimize the ultimate expansion of the treatment plan. Funds were included and approved in the 1991 budget requests. Wickstrom stated he was recommending we proceed with the project. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Parking - Front of Centennial Building Ed White stated he was recommending that the two stalls near the west driveway into City Hall remain with a two hour limit, the one stall between these two-hour stalls and the crosswalk be ,designated as Passenger Load Only and the two stalls between the crosswalk and the driveway east of the Centennial Building be 30 minute parking. The Committee unanimously concurred with the recommendations and recommended the ordinance be amended making these changes. Jim White brought up the matter of City utility vehicles being Public Works Committee December 18, 1990 Page 5 parked in the City Hall lot. Tony McCarthy stated, there is no where else for them to park when the employees need to be at City Hall. There are no assigned spaces in the Centennial Building parking garage for these vehicles. It was suggested that something could be worked out to share those stalls in the Centennial garage. Arterial Classification - 196th Corridor and Lind_Ayre,l)ue Wickstrom stated that in order to get TIB funding we heed to have the route classified on the Federal system. We are, proposing to have it classified as a principal arterial. In addition, in conjunction with our EVH improvement, we will have .a TIA grant application and need to classify Lind Avenue as a minor, arterial in order to be eligible for funding. The Committee: unanimously recommended adoption of the ordinance classifying theso streets as proposed. Mrs. Snodderly Claim - Property on Alexander This resident has filed a claim for $25 to reimburse, her for mowing the grass on City property on Alexander Avenue. Wickstrom explained that we do not have sufficient City staff to mow the property weekly but we do maintain it two to three times a year. The Committee felt there must be some way to express appreciation for what Mrs. Snodderly did and to encourage the residents of the City to care for their area. The Committee asked staff to put together some type of award program whereby Mrs. Snodderly could be recognized for her efforts. Guardrail - Reith Road Ed White stated there have been several requests tq. install guard rail at two locations on Reith Road. We can apojr . for Hazard Elimination funds for this guard rail project or tr, pfer funds from other safety improvements. An original es:� *atGe for the project was $15,000. However, by reducing the gth of the guardrail the cost can be brought to approximate, #000. Jim White stated he would like to know which sa ' m rovements projects we would be transferring funds from, ; Committee recommended this item be brought before Council a list of those projects from which the funds would be transfetted. Frager Road and Russell Road Closure Along S. 212 itgeet John Bond stated that the accident ranking of the in��rsections of Frager Road and Russell Road at S. 212th has been on the State's y z Public Works Committee December 18, 1990 Page 6 high hazard list for many years. It is recommended that the turning movements at these intersections be restricted throughout the whole day. To change the turning movements to right in and right out only at these intersections would cost approximately $15, 620 for which we would transfer funds from the street overlay fund. Dennis Byerly stated that to the best of his .;lowledge the Police Department concurs with the action. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of restricting the turning movements as proposed and reallocating the funds. Water System Plan Amendment Wickstrom explained the amendment consists primarily of clarification of issues raised in the DSHS review of our 1988 plan. Since the original plan was adopted by ordinance, this amendment would have to be adopted by ordinance as well. Toe Committee unanimously recommended adoption of the amendments of the Water System Plan. Emergency Slide Repair - Canyon Road at 94th Wickstrom explained that during the recent storm there was a slide in Mill Creek in the vicinity of 94th on Canyon Drive side. The slide is about ten feet from the pavement and is due to saturated fill. Since the integrity of Canyon Drive could be In Jeopardy, it is recommended the repair be declared an emergency so that we might forego the normal bidding requirements and proceed with the repair. It is estimated the repair would be $100, 000 whigh_wpuld be paid from the unencumbered funds of the sewerage utility. We will also seek FEMA reimbursement. The Committee unanimously concurred with the request, ,fir,' s FROM'PUHLIC WDRKS/PLANN14 TO-CITY OF KENT JAN 4. 1991`'i ,✓f P.(32 AWOL n �P rwii•ni,ru ..ven.• ......,•... — r November 27, 1990 Introduced by: CMt ji/S):277th.M02 Proposed No- t _ • s SUBSTITUTE; 1 MOTION NO. �-- 2 A MOTION directing the King County 3 Executive to expand the scope of the 4feasibility study on tho proposed road S project on 5E 277tti Street in the vicinity of the City of Kent, determine Costs for . the study's expansion, determine a time'$ ,;' 8 for,the expandGd feasibility study's, g completion, defins the County's actions 10 concerning those portion$ of the -City of 11 Kent,s proposed road projoot on SE 27Znd' 12 street which enter upon unincorporated, ltibl-, 13 County, and establish a Citizens Advisory 14 committee oomprised of affeoted• aitizens is and area residents to provide assistAnco 16 and advioe an the proposed road prof 17 WHEREAS, the Citizens Of the East Hill area iM the vicinity is of the City of Kent, and citizens- in other nearby 39 neighborhoods, have expressed concern to the King coubty, 20 Council's Transportation and public Works Committees ga;rding 21 road projects proposed by both the City of Kent and Itinq 22 County, and 23 WHEREAS, the testimony provided to the Tran9port1ktign and 24 public Works Committee by the public ham indicated dagiidienafes 25 in the public process used to gainer input from affpated 26 citizens, and 27 WHEREAS, the affected citizens of unincorporated king 26 County have been alarmed by their inability to impa+Ct, a public 29 process in a matter which affects them, and. ; 30 PIHt.RBAf3, the aotions Contemplated by the City oi';Kemt to 31 aoguiro land in unincorporated King County for its pVoppsed 32 road project has caused concern among residents atouty 33 Counailmembers, and 34 WHEREAS, the data used to support oontinuatAO4 with both 35 proposed road pro jeota is old and may no longo<r boa u,ratr�, 36 and 37 WHEREAS, the Transportation and Public Works 00Mi,ttee 30 deal res further information prior to recommending;,f"ther n on the proposed road projects# and 39 aetions'to be take ` iPRA INN G TO:CITY OF KENT /'�M:PUHLIC WORK8 JRN 4, 1991; h �, 1#527 P.03 i WHEREAS, the Transportation And Publics Wot)cs Co it t � m1a t� e® 2 ± 2 wishes to insure that affected County citizens have the proper, 3 opportunity to comment on the proposed road projedts, and 4 NIIEREAS, completion of the City of Kent's Draft 5 Environnontal ;mpaot statement is a logical point at, whl,oh to G pause in the process to ensure that all available 4nproation 7 is considered; 8 NOW, THEREFORE EF IT MovED by the Council of Xi.ro; county: 9 The Executive is directed tot • 10 A. Revise the Scope of Work for the King County; 11 Feasibility' Study on the SE 277th Road Project Corridor. Such 12 study is to be expanded ' o inoludot a review of .th*� Ota 13 supporting the need for the proposed road proj6ot to, da,termine 14 if the need for its oonstrootion still exists)• and' 0�e is identification and examination of the feasibility rig'; 16 considering other, alternate corridors in which rc*4 17 improvements designed to alloviate traffic oondjt ons. on the la Soos creek plateau might also gccur. The•revised adopt: of Work 19 shall include a determination of the costs of its 64ppagsion,and 20 a timeline for its completion; and said coop* shad be ,approved 21 by action of the County council prior to its implo"nitotion. 22 The revisod soope shall be submitted to the Council ;for its 23 review no later than February 28, 1991. 24 S. Determine the nood for tbs City of Kent's proposed road 25 projoct, which determination l)all constitute a pdit of the 26 County's expanded feasibility study, and any and a ; results 27 from the city of Kent's environmental analysis shall bacome a 20 part of the County's findings. The City of Kent's ii,nai 29 Fnvironment4l impact Statement shall include con a ic+n of 30 additional traffic analysis to be provided from t ,,Jj000ntylo 31 transportation model. 32 The City of Kent: shall not condemn prop6tt' or proceed 33 with the construction of any portions of the nort ,'porridor 34 within unincorporated Xing County without the priori review and 35 explicit approval of the Xing County CouhDil. 19vmh�'approval 2 AA --- - --------- - 432,0 -PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING TOICITY OF KENT JAN 4, 1991 0- ,*At�2? P.04 -76 I shall consist of the formal establishment of a rout*# whiw 2 establishment shall include County review and approv4l;of, the 3 City of Kent's preliminary design. 4 C. Create a citizens Adyisory Committee constituted Of 6 residents of the Bast Hill, West Hill, Lea Hills and .8000;, Creek 6 plateau areas# among others as may be, Appropriate,, and 7 representatives of organisations and bodies as may ba -4ffilboted a by the pr'op000d actions to .review and prOvidO input to King 9 , County on' thS need for the road proJ600 and their 4 tjon. 10 The Citizens I Advisory COIAMittes shall be comprised 21 citizens of the areas in unincorporated King COuhtY in' the 12 Violnity of Kent who would be affected by the "nott",tion of 13 the proposed roads* 24 The methodology and oriteria dovelopod by the,3*00tiv* fOl' 15 tho selection of the Citizens Advisory Committee Bha3,%, be 16 subject to the Council's review. Said methodology'*h41 c�-iteria 27 shall be made, available to the- Council no later than is February 28, 1991. 19 The OrO*tiOn of this Committee shall not be OMOVU84 to 20 supplant the need for public input as providdd by puVl,i-'c 21 hearings and community meetings. In addition to th$ 44vioe to 22 be provided to the ZxeoUtivD, the Citizens Advisory "Waitt.Oe 23 shall he empowered to report its independent findingg,and 24 conolusions directly to the Xing County bounoil. 25 PASSED this day of 19_. KING COUNTY COUHCH� 26 KING COUNTY, W)00*10W 27 28 hair 29 30 A 1:T F,S T 31 32 clerk of the CoUnOil 3 jt� �txd h43i"tt to substitute Motion 90.946 by 2 fter 'tocour" and i,afora the psri+ ,insert 01i page � line 16, � u olude the and I the oxaminat�.on of rltsrr�at .vO t,ransitt inot alu ing but not construction ©f new r04401 suvh as mesa rail syaber+ ►wpl+ad with an ��ff ioiant 1 imitad to a north-south emst-what bus network" M is