HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 06/19/1990 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 19, 1990 ATTENDING: Jim White Gary Gill Steve Dowell Martin Nizlek Leona Orr Ed White Don Wickstrom John Kiefer Jim Hansen Dee Moschel Bill Williamson Steve Burpee Alley Between Titusville Station Building and Downtown Post Office - Change to One-Way Nizlek stated he had reviewed this change with the postmaster to determine which direction would best meet their needs. It has also been determined that the post office has ownership of approximately eight feet of the total 15 feet width of the alley. Ed White stated he had not contacted the surrounding businesses as yet but has prepared a letter which will be hand delivered to them if the Committee concurs. We would wait for a response from the merchants. before any action is taken. The alley would be changed to one-way southbound which makes it easier for the post office trucks. White explained that the post office has shifted some of its distribution activities from the East Hill branch to the downtown branch increasing its truck activity. Dowell asked if the post office trucks would be backing across the pedestrian walkway that is being built in that area. White replied it is likely they would and he indicated he would find out what times the trucks would be using the alleyway. Dowell stated this pedestrian activity needs to be a consideration in making this alley one-way. White stated that before any action is approved he would like for staff to contact the businesses and report back to the Committee on their response. Overlook Annexation Wickstrom explained this proposed annexation is in the vicinity of 94th Avenue between S. 228th and S. 222nd. The petitioner for this annexation has been unable to secure adequate signatures to proceed with the annexation area as outlined and is requesting to pursue an annexation of smaller area. Responding to White's question as to why we would want to annex this area, Wickstrom stated the petitioner is the developer of the Overlook Apartment complex and would like to develop the remainder of his property within the City limits rather than deal with the County. White asked if the County had different restrictions. It was clarified the property is zoned single family in the County and would come into the city the same. Jim Hansen stated new zoning would depend on the comprehensive plan for that area. Wickstrom further explained that Public Works would PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 19, 1990 PAGE 2 prefer the larger annexation area as annexations consume a great deal of staff time regardless whether large or small. White stated he needed more information before recommending any action on this item. Orr stated she would want to know if the development would be stopped completely if the area were not annexed. It was determined this would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. White requested that someone from Planning be present to discuss the zoning. City of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement PlAn ((TIP) Nizlek explained that each year we are required to update the annual element of the Six Year TIP. The projects listed on the TIP were reviewed for the Committee. Dowell asked about the possibility of adding a deceleration lane on Canyon at Titus to the Canyon Drive project. White asked we look at the feasibility, costs and funding sources of adding this project. Gill stated staff could develop the cost estimate but noted it will involve major fills because you will be trying to build out over the park. White asked about the accident statistics at this location. Nizlek commented it has improved greatly since the most recent improvements. There are locations in the city that are much worse. Nizlek commented this Six Year TIP will be brought before the whole Council for approval before the end of July. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Kent Springs Transmission Mai Williamson explained that we'll be bringing before the Council a request to rescind the award to Volker-Stevin of the contract on this project. Dowell inquired about the City's liability. Williamson stated that because the project will change as a result of the Army Corps of Engineer's involvement, it will not be the same project that the City advertised for bids. 'Boca;use of that and because the Corps has exercised jurisdiction over a portion of the project, the City's liability would be greater if the contractor were required to proceed. We can not assure access to the contractor for phase 2. Gill added we have received written authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers giving us authorization to proceed with Phase I of the project. We will rescind the award of the total bid, prepare new specifications for Phase I and put that out to bid in a couple of weeks. Responding to White's question, Gill indicated the Army Corps of Engineers has indicated it will take about four months for a permit on the portions over which they have invoked jurisdiction. Williamson stated the Corps will be reviewing alternative impacts - whether PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 19, 1990 PAGE 3 any changes would cause more impact than the original proposal. The public will be involved in the Corps' process. City Center Signing Nizlek displayed a proposed sign design for the Committee and informed the Committee there are 33 entry locations into the City. Dee Moschel stressed the need for signs directing people to the City Center and should not be construed as an alienation of any portion of the City. She continued she would like to see these signs up before Canterbury Faire. The "Kent City Center" signs will be placed at the previously determined locations and the locations and design of the "Welcome to Kent" will be brought back to the Committee in July. White stated he wanted to see city limit signs installed before the summer is over. 94th Between Canyon and James Nizlek reviewed a preliminary plan and costs for the traffic circles. There was discussion about development that will be taking place in the vicinity of 94th and S. 241st. Nizlek will refine his proposal, develop more definitive costs and bring it back before the Committee for action. He informed the Committee the 25 MPH stencils should be placed soon now that the weather has improved. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 19, 1990 ATTENDING: Jim White Gary Gill Steve Dowell Martin Nizlek Leona Orr Ed White Don Wickstrom John Kiefer Jim Hansen Dee Moschel Bill Williamson Steve Burpee Alley Between Titusville Station Building and Downtown Post Office - Change to One-Way Nizlek stated he had reviewed this change with the postmaster to determine which direction would best meet their needs. It has also been determined that the post office has ownership of approximately eight feet of the total 15 feet width of the alley. Ed White stated he had not contacted the surrounding businesses as yet but has prepared a letter which will be hand delivered to them if the Committee concurs. We would wait for a response from the merchants. before any action is taken. The alley would be changed to one-way southbound which makes it easier for the post office trucks. White explained that the post office has shifted some of its distribution activities from the East Hill branch to the downtown branch increasing its truck activity. Dowell asked if the post office trucks would be backing across the pedestrian walkway that is being built in that area. White replied it is likely they would and he indicated he would find out what times the trucks would be using the alleyway. Dowell stated this pedestrian activity needs to be a consideration in making this alley one-way. White stated that before any action is approved he would like for staff to contact the businesses and report back to the Committee on their response. Overlook Annexation Wickstrom explained this proposed annexation is in the vicinity of 94th Avenue between S. 228th and S. 222nd. The petitioner for this annexation has been unable to secure adequate signatures to proceed with the annexation area as outlined and is requesting to pursue an annexation of smaller area. Responding to White's question as to why we would want to annex this area, Wickstrom stated the petitioner is the developer of the Overlook Apartment complex and would like to develop the remainder of his property within the City limits rather than deal with the County. White asked if the County had different restrictions. It was clarified the property is zoned single family in the County and would come into the city the same. Jim Hansen stated new zoning would depend on the comprehensive plan for that area. Wickstrom further explained that Public Works would PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 19, 1990 PAGE 2 prefer the larger annexation area as annexations consume a great deal of staff time regardless whether large or small. White stated he needed more information before recommending any action on this item. Orr stated she would want to know if the development would be stopped completely if the area were not annexed. It was determined this would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. White requested that someone from Planning be present to discuss the zoning. City of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Nizlek explained that each year we are required to update the annual element of the Six Year TIP. The projects listed on the TIP were reviewed for the Committee. Dowell asked about the possibility of adding a deceleration lane on Canyon at Titus to the Canyon Drive project. White asked we look at the feasibility, costs and funding sources of adding this project. Gill stated staff could develop the cost estimate but noted it will involve major fills because you will be trying to build out over the park. White asked about the accident statistics at this location. Nizlek commented it has improved greatly since the most recent improvements. There are locations in the city that are much worse. Nizlek commented this Six Year TIP will be brought before the whole Council for approval before the end of July. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Kent Springs Transmission Main Williamson explained that we011 be bringing before the Council a request to rescind the award to Volker-Stevin of the contract on this project. Dowell inquired about the City's liability. Williamson stated that because the project will change as a result of the Army Corps of Engineer's involvement, it will not be the same project that the City advertised for bids. Because of that and because the Corps has exercised jurisdiction over a portion of the project, the City's liability would be greater if the contractor were required to proceed. We can not assure access to the contractor for phase 2 . Gill added we have received written authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers , giving us authorization to proceed with Phase I of the project. We will rescind the award of the total bid, prepare new specifications for Phase I and put that out to bid in a couple of weeks. Responding to White's question, Gill indicated the Army Corps of Engineers has indicated it will take about four months for a permit on the portions over which they have invoked jurisdiction. Williamson stated the Corps will be reviewing alternative impacts - whether PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 19, 1990 PAGE 3 any changes would cause more impact than the original proposal. The public will be involved in the Corps' process. City Center Signing Nizlek displayed a proposed sign design for the Committee and informed the Committee there are 33 entry locations into the City. Dee Moschel stressed the need for signs directing people to the City Center and should not be construed as an alienation of any portion of the City. She continued she would like to see these signs up before Canterbury Faire. The "Kent City Center" signs will be placed at the previously determined locations and the locations and design of the "Welcome to Kent" will be brought back to the Committee in July. White stated he wanted to see city limit signs installed before the summer is over. 94th Between Canyon and James Nizlek reviewed a preliminary plan and costs for the traffic circles. There was discussion about development that will be taking place in the vicinity of 94th and S. 241st. Nizlek will refine his proposal, develop more definitive costs and bring it back before the Committee for action. He informed the Committee the 25 MPH stencils should be placed soon now that the weather has improved. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS July 3, 1990 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Karen Siegel RE: Correction to June 19th Minutes Attached is a correction to the minutes of the June 19, 1990 Public Works Committee meeting. 'Ito, PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE DUNE 19, 1990 PAGE 2 prefer the larger annexation area as annexations consume a great deal of staff time regardless whether large or small. White stated he needed more information before recommending any action on this item. Orr stated she would want to know if the development would be stopped completely if the area were not annexed. it was determined this would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. White requested that someone from Planning be present to discuss the zoning. City of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Nizlek explained that each year we are required to update the annual element of the Six Year TIP. The projects listed on the TIP were reviewed for the Committee. Dowell asked about the possibility of adding lane on Canyon at Titus to the Canyon Drive project. White asked we look at the feasibility, costs and funding sources of adding this project. Gill stated staff could develop the cost estimate but noted it will involve major fills because you will be trying to build out over the park. White asked about the accident statistics at this location. Nizlek commented it has improved greatly since the most recent improvements. There are locations in the city that are much worse. Nizlek commented this Six Year TIP will be brought before the whole Council for approval before the end of July. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Kent Springs Transmission Main Williamson explained that we'll be bringing before the Council a request to rescind the award to Volker-Stevin of the contract on this project. Dowell inquired about the City's liability. Williamson stated that because the project will change as a result of the Army Corps of Engineer's involvement, it will not be the same project that the City advertised for bids. Because of that and because the Corps has exercised jurisdiction over a portion of the project, the City's liability would be greater if the contractor were required to proceed. We can not assure access to the contractor for phase 2. Gill added we have received written authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers giving us authorization to proceed with Phase I of the project. We will rescind the award of the total bid, prepare new specifications for Phase I and put that out to bid in a couple of weeks. Responding to White' s question, Gill indicated the Army Corps of Engineers has indicated it will take about four months for a permit on the portions over which they have invoked jurisdiction. Williamson stated the Corps will be reviewing alternative impacts - whether