HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/07/1990 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AUGUST 7, 1990 PRESENT: Jim White John Bond Steve Dowell Ed Olson Leona Orr Jack Spencer Don Wickstrom Dave Clark - King County Jim Hansen Charlie Kessler - King County Bill Williamson James Dunn Marty Nizlek Mr. and Mrs. Rust Tim Heydon Flood Control Zone District Wickstrom introduced Dave Clark and Charlie Kessler from King County Surface Water Management. Wickstrom summarized that since 1985, Kent executed the Green River Management Agreement to manage the Green River. One of the tasks in the Agreement was to look at the levee system to determine what improvements were needed to address today's flood conditions in terms of providing adequate freeboard and to address future needs. Studies have determined there are approximately $14 million worth of levee improvements needed. Individual jurisdictions have agreed to construct the levee improvements needed within their own area and the County would take over maintenance and operation of the levee system. However, the County currently has to maintain not only the Green River levee but all the other rivers they maintain from the River Improvement Fund. This fund is established by a tax levied county wide of which approximately $200,000 per year therefrom is spent on maintenance of the Green River system and most of that goes for maintenance of both the Black River Pump Station and the P-17 (Tukwila) pump station. Wickstrom stated that Kent has spent $350, 000 just on one maintenance project for the levee. Wickstrom explained that the County could provide the ongoing maintenance required through the Flood Control Zone District. This is an existing entity instituted in 1965 with taxing authority or can levy a service charge for flood protection purpos". The County has estimated the needs would relate to approximately 6 cents per $1,000 property valuation. The River Improvement funds could then be used for capital improvements. Wickstrom added the County is seeking the city's concurrence to pass a resolution to institute a flood control zone district and asking the County to institute same. White asked about Kent's' drainage utility. Wickstrom responded our utility has been concentrating on internal drainage although we have spent $350,000 and will be spending another $300, 000 on the Meeker Street levee improvement., Responding to White's question, Dave Clarke indicated the total assessed valuation of the Flood Control Zone District is approximately $7.5 billion for approximately 44,000 acres. Some older studies have indicated that if the levee were to fail in Public Works Committee August 7, 1990 Page 2 Auburn about 17, 000 acres would be inundated. Under this scenario, if the assessed valuation were equally distributed over the entire area, there is a potential for about $2 .5 billion worth of improvements subject to inundation. White asked what percentage of the Flood Control Zone District was commercial/industrial. Clarke responded he thought the entire district would be about two-thirds commercial/industrial and one- third residential. Dowell asked what would happen if we didn't do this. Wickstrom stated we would continue on a piece-meal approach. Dowell moved this item be placed under "Under Business" on the Council agenda with a recommendation for approval. Clarke added that the County, City of Kent and City of Auburn have been working cooperatively on Mill Creek since 1978 as part of the basin program. The costs of developing the engineering design for the Mill Creek projects and built those costs into the Flood Control Zone District rate base as well. It was suggested that the two cities and county might want to consider this which would add 6'.9 cents per thousand to complete the design work. This is outlined in the report included in the Committee's packet. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Proposed LID - 218th Street SEVH - SR 167) Wickstrom explained that Mr. and Mrs. Rust had seen this project listed as a potential project and asked it be placed on the agenda for discussion since they own approximately 4 acres in the vicinity. Wickstrom explained the existing road is less than 2 lanes and in some cases narrows to 12 feet; thus, it is inadequate to handle the existing traffic. There is a large development planned for the area which will handle most of their traffic through their internal streets out to EVH but a portion will use S. 218th. The City is in the process of putting together estimates and information to form an LID to ,improve S. 218th Street. Mr. Rust asked how soon it would be implemented and asked why an LID was being considered now when United sold. Wickstrom stated it was not necessarily related to United. The property in the area is zoned industrial and the road has to be improved to allow further development. Once estimates are prepared, we will be sending notices to the property owners indicating the estimated costs, type of improvements, etc. If we receive adequate support from the property owners for formation of the LID, we will proceed with the formal process of property owner meetings, public hearings, etc. Public Works Committee August 7, 1990 Page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Rust asked several questions concerning the Trammell Crow development. Mr. and Mrs. Rust will be kept informed as to the status of the project. City Entry Signs and Central Business District Signs Nizlek displayed the sign that has been developed for the Central Business District signs and demonstrated the 20 areas at which they will be placed. The cost is approximately $1,200. Ed Olson and Tim Heydon presented a proposed design for the "Welcome to Kent" signs. Olson emphasized these signs are planned to be placed just within the city limits at every major arterial coming into the City. It is estimated the cost for the signs would be $4,500 to $5, 000. The Committee suggested that Olson bring back a final design as prepared by the artist for their approval and this would then be taken to Council for full Council approval. 94th Avenue Between Canyon and James Nizlek stated the 25 MPH stencils have been placed. The other issue that was to be addressed was how to place temporary traffic circles. Nizlek described the application which would use barrels at two locations, one on 94th Avenue S. at S. 244th and the other at S. 242nd Street. Estimated cost would be $12, 000. Nizlek stated there are no funds available for this. Funds were requested in the 1990 budget process for neighborhood traffic controls but was not approved. Funds have again been requested in the 1991 budget. If you wish to proceed with this temporary modification this year, we will have to request a mid-year budget change. Dowell asked how the temporary measures that are in place now are working. Nizlek stated that vehicles have been "Spinning" their wheels on, the 25 MPH stencils. Nizlek stated he has observed this has happened in other areas that have similar street markings. Mr. Dunn stated the temporary measures have helped a little. Dowell restated his concern about the need for enforcement of the speed limit in residential areas. White asked about the public safety issues of speed humps for this area. Nizlek replied that the fire chief certainly prefers not to have anything that would change the elevation of the vehicles. Nizlek stated he would be hesitant to recommend speed humps given the speeds that are occurring. White asked if these temporary circles do not clear up the problem sufficiently what would be the next step. Nizlek commented perhaps increased enforcement would be the next measure. White stated he would be willing to try the temporary circles using the barrels and asked about funding. Wickstrom stated there are funds in the CIP � + 0 • Public Works Committee August 7, 1990 Page 4 that could possibly be used. White asked staff's suggestion to solve the problem. Nizlek stated he felt it would take this measure plus added enforcement as you will continue to get those who will scoff the laws. The Committee concluded they would like staff to proceed with implementing the temporary measures this year and to request the funding from IBC. White asked Dowell and Orr to take the request for increased enforcement to the Public Safety Committee. Nizlek alluded to the need for an established procedure and criteria for the placement of these types of barricades. White agreed and suggested that we proceed with this Location and staff can then prepare a procedure to bring before the Committee and Council for approval. Authorization to Surplus Eauipment Heydon referred to the material that was included in the Committee's packet which supported Equipment Rental 's policy of replacing these pieces of equipment with approximately 4,500 hours. Heydon stated we also have the option of using this equipment as trade-in on purchase of new equipment. The Committee unanimously approved to surplus the equipment. Speed Limits - West Valley Highway Williamson stated an ordinance has been prepared reducing the speed limit on West Valley Highway during construction. Williamson stated he believes the City has authority under State statute to allow and enforce the speed reduction. The Committee unanimously recommended adoption. Vehicle Registration Fee After a brief discussion, the Committee unanimously recommended approval of the Vehicle Registration Fee. Library Street Closure list Avenue) Hansen reviewed the approved traffic patterns for the Library. The contractor would like to proceed with this closure so he can bring his equipment into the site. Dowell asked about parking for those businesses on First and Second. Hansen responded the Library's parking lot is public parking and there are 127 spaces available. In addition there will be parking available in the municipal parking lot across from the new library. It was determined that after completion of the library there will be more parking available than there is now. Hansen reviewed that the closure is Public Works Committee August 7, 1990 Page 5 just for access from Smith. The Committee unanimously recommended that a public hearing be held on closure of the Smith Street access to First Avenue and that staff proceed with the traffic revision process. Traffic "Bulge" Frager Road and S. 212th and Crow Road Bypass The Committee asked staff to followup on these requests and to contact the individuals who brought the issues up at Council meeting and to bring this back before the Committee. Left Turn from James Street to First Church of NazgXene Dowell stated this came up in Public Safety Committee. It was suggested that "No Left Turn" be placed on James Street. Committee asked staff to review the problem and to bring recommendations back before the Committee. Rubberized Rail Crossings Wickstrom stated that bids were opened this morning on purchase of the rubber for the railroad crossings. He would like to add it to the agenda for this evening's Council meeting in order to facilitate the construction to coordinate with the City's Overlay project. The Committee agreed.