HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 11/28/1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
November 28, 1989
Wickstrom noted that approximately 1983 Greg Wingard pointed out
that a site in Landsburg was being or had been used as an illegal
dump site of possible hazardous wastes. As such, possible
contamination of the surrounding ground and surface water was a
potential. DOE was made aware of it and field inspected the site.
We also tested our Clark Springs water supply for contamination and
found none. We were led to believe DOE would take action; however,
nothing has happened. Greg recently has taken DOE, out there again.
Greg also has taken our water quality engineer out to the site.
She has confirmed Greg's concerns and due to the location of the
site with respect to our Clark Springs source, we want to do
anything we can to assure DOE takes action this time. We propose
to contact DOE and see what assistance we can provide to assure
action is taken. We may need to hire a consultant, to verify the
problem and assist DOE in the case. It is really quite threatening
to our major water supply. There are barrels out there and we do
not know what they contain. They may have deteriorated. We are
proceeding with water sampling near the site to determine if any
contaminates have been released yet. Bill Williamson stated we
know who the property owner is and he has been notified of the
problem. The Committee authorized the Public Works Director to
take any necessary action to identify and correct the problem.
Reauest forStreet t thCrook
Nizlek reviewed the material submitted in his ' memorandum.
Summarizing, Nizlek indicated his findings do not indicate the need
for the improvements at this time. The speeds area at the high end
but are marginal as far as police enforcement. Thirty-Eighth is
a residential collector accounting for the volumes. Nizlek noted
these are now reduced to almost half than what was out there prior
to placement of speed humps elsewhere in the neighborhood. There
is no accident problem documented over the past ' two years.
Additionally, Mrs. Crook was informed of the petition process and
she has not come back to us with that. Nizlek added it should be
stressed to her that if she finishes the petition- process, that
does not mean funds are available for the improvements. Johnson
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November 28, 1989
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suggested when 38th is scheduled for overlay we look at making
those improvements at that time. Wickstrom indicated that is the
normal process. Woods asked when 38th was scheduled for overlay.
Wickstrom confirmed it is not in the current schedule. Woods
suggested we point out: to Mrs. Crook the level to which the volume
has decreased. The Committee concurred that no action would be
taken at this time and a copy of Marty Nizlek's memo and excerpt
from these minutes should be sent to Mrs. Crook.
Overlook Annexation
Wickstrom explained we have received a 10% petition for annexation
of approximately 35 acres in the vicinity of 93rd Avenue South and
S. 222nd. If Council approves going forth with this proposed
annexation, the next step would be to set a meeting date with the
petitioners. Harris explained this is in conjunction with the
apartment complex currently under construction in the area. The
City has required annexation in order for the developer to do Phase
II of the project which is currently in the County, It will come
in as 20,000 square foot lots and they will hav* ,to apply for any
change. Harris noted the Commission will b4a, recommending an
approximate 31% reduction in multifamily but this will not be
detrimental to that recommendation. The Committee unanimously
concurred with acceptance of the 10% petition and scheduling a date
for public meeting with the petitioners.
Third Avenue Street Vacation
Jim Harris distributed a memorandum to the Committee on this item.
On a map he detailed for the Committee the area included in the
previously approved vacation of Third Avenue between Gowe Street
and Titus for the Centennial Building and the property involved in
this vacation request for Third Avenue from Titus to Saar. At the
November 2 meeting with Pete Curran, several conditions were
developed which, if the Council chose to approve the vacation, are
suggested be made a part of the vacation approval. He reviewed
those for the Committee as detailed in his memorandum. Harris
explained it is the intent of these conditions that,there is a plan
for improvement and that the applicant works to implement the plan
within a specified time period. Harris emphasized that the
previously prepared staff report for the public hearing scheduled
for September 19 did recommend denial. The City Attorney's office
has recommended that any street vacation approval include a
condition that the City be able to use the vacated area for public
parking at specified times and events. Harris alluded also to Bill
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Williamson Is memo in which he determined the City has the authority
to condition street vacations. Harris mentioned also the concerns
the Police Chief has relating to access to the new parking garage
which will have its entrance on Titus and the police parking areas.
Dowell moved the Committee recommend denial of the request and to
support staff recommendation of denial. Johnson stated he was in
favor of the vacation if the Church were agreeable to the
conditions outlined. Dee Moschel referred to the left hand turn
lane on Willis which feeds into Third. She added that a backup of
vehicles accessing the new parking garage from Titus could restrict
access to her property. She felt this portion of Third is good for
downtown circulation. ; Johnson stated he felt that vacating the
portion of Third Avenue for the Centennial Building has already
destroyed the circulation for downtown. ' Johnson suggested that
Pete Curran present these conditions to the Church to determine if
they would be agreeable to them and bring their comments back to
the Committee. Harris suggested this item be placed in abeyance
until such time as the Centennial Building and the parking
structure are constructed and some time has passed so that we will
have an experience of what traffic patterns will be. Woods agreed
we could inform the Church we are interested in seeing what occurs
over that period of time but we should know if they are interested
in meeting these conditions. Dowell agreed with this. The
Committee directed Jim Harris to take this back to Pete Curran to
determine the Church's willingness to agree to the proposed
conditions and bring it back before the Committee. Woods stated
we should also indicate there is a concern about what the impact
of the new building and potential parking loss will have. Johnson
added he felt Harris' suggestion was something to consider as well.
Requested Correction of September 12, 1989 Minutes
Wickstrom commented that Ms. Fletcher's reference to the closure
of Russell Road was inaccurate. We did indicate it world be closed
after 64th was constructed and opened. The Committee concurred
with that. Nizlek commented traffic goes to 228th and many turn
right - basically avoiding Meeker and James signals. It is hard
to say where they go from there. The Committee, unanimously
recommended that Ms. Fletcher's letter be made a part of this
Signal System Audit
Wickstrom stated that we had previously reallocated $15, 000 to hire
a consultant to do an audit of our signal systems and that we use
$3 , 000 of that for aerial video of intersections. Instead of using
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the $3 ,000 for the video, he requested authorization to use it to
pay the consultant to come back and oversee the implementation of
some of his recommendations. Wickstrom commented he felt this was
a better use of the money. The Committee unanimously concurred
with this request.