HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 10/24/1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE OCTOBER 24, 1989 PRESENT: JON JOHNSON GREGG MCCORMICK CHRISTI HOUSER JIM HARRIS DON WICKSTROM NORM ANGELO GARY GILL TIM HEYDON JIM HANSEN JACK SPENCER MARTY NIZLEK PETE CURRAN Request for Street Improvements Ms. Crook was unable to be at the meeting due to illness. Nizlek ran a video of 38th from Reith Road to 253rd. Aftom discussing the situation, it was determined that the Traffic Division of Public Works would do speed studies and look at the accident picture as well as determining if this street has been placed on the asphalt overlay schedule for 1990. This information will be brought back to the Committee at their November 28th meeting at which time perhaps Ms. Crook would be able to attend. Rentonite Shopping Complex John Pain had asked this item be continued to the November 28 meeting. The Committee requested the Attorney's office prepare a position statement on this item that could be made available to Mr. Pain prior to that meeting. Johnson indicated hei would discuss this with their office. Third Avenue Street Vacation Jim Harris reviewed the request and background for ,;the Committee. Staff has some concerns about closing 3rd since traffic uses 3rd Avenue from Willis to Titus toward City Hall as a viable route. Harris continued that Pete Curran has presented- a plan which addresses some of the concerns addressed in the staff report such as a lack of an overall plan for the closure. Curran displayed a plan for the area if 3rd Avenue were allowed to be vacated. He indicated it was planned to always provide access for fire and emergency vehicles. , Curran made reference to the land value recently established for the property in the area aad he indicated he felt the $8.50 per foot value is justified for Vie, time period during which the sale will take place. Curran added that 3rd Avenue has never been open to the downtown area apt from Willis to Gowe. He indicated he felt the City made an excellent decision to close 3rd between Gowe and Titus for the Centennial Building. He referred to excerpts from the 1974 CBD Plan which are included in his handout. He added that the developer of thy: Centennial Building also endorses the vacation of this portion of 3rd. Harris asked if the Church were committed to the particular design being Public Works Committee October 24, 1989 Page 2 presented today. Curran stated the Church was committed to two things - having the plaza in front of the church as shown and to as much parking on the street as possible similar to what is displayed. Johnson asked if the City has ever conditioned street vacations. Angelo stated if the street were vacated without conditions, they would have to ask how the fire, problems were to be handled. The proposal as submitted does address some of those questions. Johnson asked the attorney is we could place conditions that they would develop according to an approved plan on a street vacation. Williamson stated he would want to review the State regulations on that but he doesn't think it addressea it one way or another. After further discussion, the Committee directed staff to meet with Pete Curran to discuss what conditions might be developed in order to allow such a vacation. Jim Harris was appointed as lead for this meeting. Interlocal Cooperation Purchasing Agreement Spencer explained State law allows municipalities to enter into interlocal agreements in order to purchase from the other's bidding procedures for equipment. In this instance, Mason County has received bids on dump trucks which are the same as we need to purchase. By entering into an interlocal agreement with Mason County we would be able to purchase from their low bidder. The Committee unanimously recommended approval for the Mayor to sign the agreement. Update on Trans or ation Management Program Gregg McCormick indicated this item was scheduled for' this agenda to bring the Committee up to date on this issue. A committee composed of the City Attorney, Transportation Engineer and Gregg McCormick have revised the last draft of the TMP ordinance incorporating as much of the Chamber's comments as�,pOssible as well as those of the Planning and Public Works Directors and other staff. It is planned to present this draft pr4inance to the Chamber again for their review. The Chamber has jndicated they would also like the Environmental Mitigation Tas ., ,rce involved. Houser questioned how the goals of participation, , he monitored and what happens if they aren't met. McCormick resonded that the administrative guidelines referenced in the ordinanoe will address the monitoring. Those guidelines have not been developed. Houser asked how the goals were supposed to be met in the three year period. McCormick responded the ordinance prescribes actions that can be taken or be required based on the size of toe development. Houser commented she did not see how this could, be effective Public Works Committee October 24, 1989 Page 3 without cooperation from Metro. Nizlek added the major impact of a TMP program is with the larger employers. identifying how they can improve by van pooling, car pooling, flex time., etc. It is more difficult to address the smaller employers and residential areas. He continued he felt the percentages were optimistic; however, they have been achieved in other municipalities. Hanson commented this might be considered a start and he could see the City employees, similar to what Bellevue did, taking the first step. Houser asked if we knew how many employees carpooled now. Hanson responded the number is fairly small. Marty Nizlek has recently done a comprehensive parking survey of our employees and that should give us more information regarding this. Nizlek asked if the Committee wanted staff to work with the Chamber on this. He stated the Chamber seems to want to broaden the program even beyond what was in the original ordinance. Houser commented she thought they felt it was unfair to apply the ordinance only to new business. McCormick added that originally the ordinance focused on the West Valley area and an industrial development. Hansen stated the intent was to target those properties that benefited from the new zoning that was established in the Valley allowing those properties to develop more intensively. The Committee directed staff to continue to work on this ordinance. s s