HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/22/1989 5i PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AUGUST 22, 1989 ATTENDEES: Jon Johnson Jerry McCaughan Bernie Biteman Bonnie Fell Gary Gill Marty Nizlek Sandra Driscoll John Marchione Jim Hansen Lyle Price Ed Chow Maureen McNamara Chief Berg Gary opened with the discussion of the funding for Fall cleanup noting that it is more of a budget item to look at where the funds will be coming from to continue with the clean up/recycling program as has been approved to date, both being paid for out of the utility tax. Basically we are trying to appropriate the additional funds that would be needed to do the Fall cleanup. Essentially the costs came in at about $14 , 000 for the Spring cleanup where it was anticipated about $9, 000 in actual budget, so it was exceeded by about $5, 000. This would not allow for funding for Fall cleanup or Christmas tree pickup (already completed in January 1989) . We are expecting the cost to be an additional $14,000 for Fall clean up. $70, 000 was budgeted for the recycling program and we are anticipating to exceed that by about $2, 000. We are getting more participants in the recycling program than we had originally anticipated. The other funds are costs relating to our recycling grant program. What we wanted to do was to allocate the funds from our utility tax to cover these costs. Jon Johnson states if we go back into the garbage business, this would make this "moot" , assuming that this is one of the provisions of our contract, the hauler would provide the service. Sandra Driscoll states that the ordinance presented before the Council is consistent with last week's motion to have the same provisions we had prior to going out of the business, which would than require that the Fall and Spring and Christmas tree cleanup and the City pickup all be at no cost to the City and therefore covered by the rate. So that part of this request would be moot. The only item remaining is the recycling contract. Bonnie Fell explains that the first $5000 is for the Spring cleanup which has already been accomplished and the $2300 for the Christmas trees that we already picked up in January. So the only change would be on the $14, 000 for the Fall cleanup if the Council passes the ordinance. P Bernie Biteman states that it might be well to indicate that we have a recycling grant of $60,000 to start and of this we are requesting that be allocated in the way you have indicated here. Gary explains that this is over a three year period. $20, 000 of that would be for 189 . Bonnie explains that $40, 000 includes a 1988 grant of $20, 000 for set up costs involved with the program during 1988$ which was not finalized until 1989 as well as the 1989 grant of $20, 000 to continue the recycling program as a 50/50 reimbursement during 1989. Bernie asks that if we wrote it to be at no expense on our recycling etc. , which means it would have to be renegotiated on the rates - Sandra states that would be the Council's decision as to whether or not they wanted to renegotiate the rates. The proposal tonight would have status quo maintained which we include that the rates would be the same as well. It is totally within the Council authority to order that this be done in the future. Allocation of the funds to cover these costs that would come from that utility tax. We show that we would have an estimated balance at the end of 189 of about $216, 000 with this. It is not building up quite as fast as the Council had originally anticipated but there is still adequate funding there. Biteman moves that this be sent to Council, seconded by Johnson. The next item discussed was the proposed annexation of Pacific Highway between S. 252nd and S. 260th with Gary indicating its location an a map. Citizen concerns relates to lack, of feedback from the County over concerns with traffic, and possibly some of the drug problems that could be occurring in some of the multi family areas as well as lack of other services that the County is providing. The Street Dept. did a detailed review. on the condition of the roadways in that area and have indicated some significant costs to overlay and upgrade those streets. Jim Hansen states that some months ago the Committee established the priority for two annexation areas indicating oreIa 1 and area 2 on a handout map. Area 2 is in a high priority area and it certainly warrants merit of us examining the feasibility of annexation. In addition, because virtually the same effort has to be put into an annexation regardless of its size, it might make sense if we were to seriously look at this to examine the feasibility of making this larger than the area shown. The area indicated is 57 acres but the rectangle between Pacific Highway and our existing City limits which is Military, area 2 goes down to 272nd being another 12 blocks south and also generally runs over to Star Lake. It may be feasible to go ahead and look at an enlarged area as far south as 272nd since Federal Way just established that as their northern boundary, and examine as a total area between I-5 and Pac Highway east/west 252nd on the north and 272nd on the south as a potential area. John Marchidne developed •ate_ i ' a model to examine pluses and minuses in dollars. It is a national model that has been modified somewhat to fit Kent and we would want to use that to the degree that we could "to get a sense of how much it might cost the City to provide the services to this area against potential revenue over time. Coarcial areas generate a great deal of revenue and single family''ar''eas generate less. Once we compile this information it wouldbe -appropriate if we came back to the Committee with a recommendation on whether the area should be larger or smaller. We want to follow the Council 's policy that area #2 was the second highest priority and if there is a willing property owner who is very enthusiastic_on this, there may be a number of others. We are developing a brochure to meet with neighborhoods to provide as much information 4i we can as to the services we have available. It is good timing in that Kent is building a fire station and police precinct very closle by. Biteman states that in the meetings with the 272nd groups, he recalls the support for an approach for annexation demonstrated. The next item discussed was a draft ordinance prepard ',by the Legal Dept. at Bernie Biteman's request to assist in responding to complaints regarding the commercial trucks being parked on residential streets. Biteman states that over the past 3 - 4 years the, truck drivers have taken liberty to park either on Military Rd* pr the cut off in front of 38th unaware of the fact that this is our main entrance and exit on the hill. It is heavily traveled and with the trucks parked on one or both sides of the street it is a dlangerous area. It was found that a loophole was in the ordinance which limited trailers to be parked but did not say anything about the cab. Referring to the draft ordinance, Marty Nizlek indicates that on page 1, Section 1 reference is made to 8000 lbsj. that is not carried over to Section 2 KC 15. 08 . 090 on page 2 and that would be helpful. Also noted that where it states, no commercial truck, vehicle, van, trailer or semi-trailer "greater than 8,000 lbs. " should be added here as well. Sandra stated this correction will be made. Jon Johnson suggests that it should be taken to Cbu0, 0il, on Sept 5th and prior to that time, the departments that want to,ldllomment on the ordinance can do so. Bernie Biteman moves that this Ordinance be taken to Council under Other Business, on Sept 5th and seconded by Jon Johnson. Gary comments on the removal of the stripe on 9+4th ,to be removed in front of Maureen McNamara's house and will get with the Street Dept. as to it's schedule of handling this. At a previous Council meeting, McNamara had inquired as to the program with regard to damage caused to priva't , citizens by developers. Upon the Mayor's suggestion at the July 5th Council meeting, the City Attorney agreed to look i t6', the types of requirements which cities could put on privat , ,oantractors and report back to the Public Works Committee. Sandm!otated at this time that she had reported directly back to Xgffatnara on her inquiry. Gary states that we have now a set of standards circulating within the City for comments from other departments. it m4y not however, address very clearly the types of concerns that we are going to have on substandard streets that arose as part of the Lavender Hills project. When you get into areas of sub-staindard streets, then you're dealing with off-site improvements and 'those are a little more difficult to deal with. Biteman would like an emphasis on including at least sidewalks on the one side of streets. Jon states a sidewalk pjan would be a good idea especially in those areas where children ,are walking to and from school to avoid accidents. The Traffic Division has been in contact with the school Districts to try to identify which schools had walking areas and what routes were used primarily from the residential communities. It is now at the data collecting stage. Biteman recalls that funds had been allocated for that issue last year. McNamara feels that decisions are being made to change the character of citizens neighborhood from rural $o urban with sidewalks. Johnson explains that he refers to a complete subdivision with all houses and have no sidewalks and those people haver' demanded that we put sidewalks in. Biteman explains that the demands are coming from parents of school children. l