HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 06/27/1989 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE JUNE 27, 1989 PRESENT: JON JOHNSON SUZAN AMUNDSON JUDY WOODS CAROL STONER DON WICKSTROM MIMI CASTILLO GARY GILL JIM HANSEN MARTY NIZLEK 14AUREEN MACN#�L14yRA BILL WILLIAMSON TOM WOODWORTR TED KNAPP Traffic Signal System Needs Assessment Wickstrom explains there is $15, 000 in the Operating Engineering budget which was originally designated towards updating the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. It was noted that the total cost for said update is $100,000 and that amount is presently included in our 1990 Operating Budget Request. Right now the phasing time is about 120 seconds and engineering Studies support that by reducing the phasing time to 90 seconds, the capacity of the intersections may be significantly increased. Wickstrom requested reallocation of the money for same. Wickstrom indicated that a better use of the money would be to hire a consultant to do time phasing studies on various E and F service level intersections along with corresponding aerial photography. Committee unanimously approved reallocation of money. James street Nizlek explains the different options for this problem. First, enlarging the signs to draw more attention; adding a sign indicating signals; radar guns; rest-in-red showing red in all directions and as vehicles approach they would turn green for the traffic. Rest-in-red would require loops to be ,placed on James with this being the bigg6st cost component of the $8000. Time Base Coordination and Progression Control - Time Base Coordination would cost less but would have sc;me side affects of taking the signals at James in that section out of the computer control. To maintain that coordination using the, city's computer we would have to add interconnection of $50,000. Nizlek recommended that all signals should be interconnected into the computer for its overall emphasis. So the final recommendation is to start out using a combination of three of these. The speed sign emphasis, that is, enlarge the sign modify the location and use pennants to draw attraction emphasizing the speed limit. The second component of the first phase is to use the radar speed sign and the other component of this phase two would be to tnterconnect 94th into the system and that recommendation would be added to the budget for next year. That would be about $50,000. If we were going to enforce more than three or four hours can the warning technique, then some supplemental appropriation would be necessary other than that listed. MacNamara asks what the impact would be on the rest-in-red situation if the signal was resting in red during off peak hours, i.e. , 8: 00 PM to 5:30 AM and how hard would it ba to do that. Nizlek replies that it can be done with the loop detectors placed in the pavement and explains that the $8000 would cover the cost. MacNamara asks about the cost of a patrol car to be placed on that corner for visibility at various times. Johnson recommends that this be pursued at the Public Safety Committee. Further discussion is made on the effectiveness of the speed sign emphasis. Johnson recommends that signs be used and the rest in red signalization be installed at 94th & James. Nizlek asks in what sequence this rest-in-red be done. Johnson requests that the rest-in-red be done immediately, if possible and the interconnect be put into the budget for next year. Johnson notes that in the CIP there was $50,000 in the 193 budget and is that the same money for interconnect - Nizlek explains it could be the same however there are a number of locations around the City that we do not have the interconnections. Johnson again recommends-the-rest in red be done as soon as possible and the interconnect put in the budget for 1990. The signs are not as critical - this can also be put in the budget for next year. Radar should be discussed at the Public Safety Committee. The $8000 would reduce the $50, 000 in next year's budget. Johnson recommends this be taken to the IBC. Wickstrom explains this should go to the IBC with the recommendation of where the money would come from otherwise they will say no. Motion - direct Public Works to install the rest-in-red and put the interconnect and the signs in the 1990 budget. Hansen suggests that this would be valuable and that it should go with a recommendation per Wickstrom's review assuming that there is a source. Wickstrom explains it would go to IBC and from there to formal Council for the allocation and then we would contract it out. Council action would be approximately the last moat,ing in July. Committee unanimously approved installation of rest-in-red. Walkway :for Rent So ool pistXigt - 111thi Ave &Zkp, Wickstrom explains this is a cul-de-sac street with sufficient right of way for sidewalks, and because it is a cul-de-sac traffic is generated from the school. Wickstrom states the cost of striping a walkway *would be about $500. Johnson suggests the problem be reviewed to see exactly how much right of way is available and if there is sufficient room to stripe. Committee asks staff to provide direction and come back with recommendation. The School District should be informed that their letter is being taken under advisement and ,we are trying to come up with an inexpensive solution. Hansen states that 111th is very inadequate and unsafe the way it is right now with heavy traffic in and out of the school. LID 330 - 64th Ave ue Impreyements Wickstrom explains the elements in the project as being the water quality, wetland habitat, hydrology and geology ofgroundwater. Amundsen explains the consultants responsibility as follows. The geologists is going to ascertain what the soil conditions are like. The biologists will do habitat typing of the lagoon and the vegetation that exists right now. Based on the environmental committee's "wish list" of wildlife, they will cone, -up with some vegetation that will withstand some flooding. The Civil consultant will do the work on the pre-detention facility. Hydrologists would supply information on peak flooding we can expect. Amundsen states that the scope of work is what will keep the consultants "on line." The Consultant study is targeted for completion by Christmas but more likely it will be January. After this study is done, we will know how to build the buffer along 64th Avenue. Thy intent is then to design so it could be constructed in the summer of 1990. Wickstrom noted that with Council's acceptance of Environmental Committee's recommendation regarding the model boaters, it may even be possible to construct the road and the buffer simultaneously because the westerly cell can now be isol4teO for wildlife purposes. Wickstrom stated that this was just, li*s' thoughts, as nothing has been discussed with the Environment . Committee per same. Johnson states the importance of a status report on the project in order to keep everyone informed and up to date on the progress. Updates should be prepared on a once a month basis. Wickstrom noted also that once the study is competed we will be in a position to form the second LID which is needed to finance the road. The Committee concurred with the tentative time line Ond recognized that unforeseen problems may occur which would irAp4ct' the schedule. Corrections Facility Emyloy2e Parking Williamson explains that a draft ordinance has been.;prepared with a few changes to be made, On Page 3 it states "municipalities" use Aukeen District Court and should state "offices" . Change "marked" police vehicles to "unmarked" police vehicles. The rest of the ordinance stands per code. Committee unanimously approves acceptance of Ordinance. Unger Mill Creek Detention Basin Wickstrom explains the project was bid last summer at, approximately $760, 000. It was redesigned and is currently out to bid. Bid opens on 6/29. Wickstrom requests transfer of $325, 000 from Drainago Construction fund to the Upper Mill Creek Detention facility project. Committee unanimously approved. Six Year Transportation Plan Wickstrom explains each project on the summary sheet in the Committee packet also explaining that some of they projects listed are not yet funded but can possibly rate high on a potential grant from TIB. - Committee unanimously approved recommendation that these projects go to Council.