HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 09/17/2007Public Works Committee Agenda Councilmembers: Ron Harmon#Tim Clark#Debbie Raplee, Chair Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 5:00 p.m. on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. u:\pwcommittee\agendas\2007agenda\0717Sept.doc September 17, 2007 5:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 01. Approval of Minutes Dated August 20, 2007 YES None 03 01 02. Information Only/King County Metro Transit Pacific Highway Rapid Ride Project NO David Cantey 15 03 03. Information Only/2nd Quarter Reports NO Larry Blanchard 15 13 Item A. Committee Follow-up Items Item B. Public Comment Follow-up Items Item C. Access Modifications due to construction 1. List of Current Road Closures 22 This page intentionally left blank. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 This page intentionally left blank. 12 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 1 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status TIP Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kangley Road at the Clark Springs Watershed DE/SM/W Completed-100% TIP South 277th Street Corridor Extension Widen 116th Ave SE from Kent Kangley Rd. to SE 256th St DE Project under construction - Expected completion in Spring 2008 TIP Kent Station Mitigation Projects Widen Willis @4th Ave & Central Ave @Willis St DE Design 35 % complete. Coordinating with WSDOT for approval TIP James Street Improvements - UP RR to 4th AvenueDE Design 35% complete. Joint utility project scheduled to begin in Fall 2007 TIP 4th Avenue North at Cloudy Street DE Design 35% complete. Joint utility project scheduled to begin in Fall 2007 TIP Transportation Master Plan Major Update of the Kent 1984 Comprehensive TP TE 1st Phase 80% complete TIP S. 228th St/Burlington North. Santa Fe RR Grade Grade Separation crossing @Burlinton N. Santa Fe RR DE Design 65% complete. Construction scheduled to begin January 2008 TIP East Valley Highway Improvements SR 167 to South 212th Street DE Design 50% complete. Completing environmental approvals. Starting ROW acquisition TIP I-5/S 272nd St Interchange Reconstruction Phase I Provide transit and HOV Direct Access between S272&I5 WSDOT Ongoing coordination with WSDOT and Sound Transit. TIP 72nd Avenue South Extension S 200th St to S 196th St DE Scheduled to start in Fall 2008 TIP S. 228th Street Pavement Rebab - Lakeside Blvd to 72nd AveDE Scheduled for construction in 2009 TIP Smart Growth Initiative Widen Smith St. near Lincoln DE Scheduled to start in Fall 2008 TIP Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker St & West Smith St TE Revisions to MUTCD, regarding distance from RXR may allow signals to be operative without need for RR intertie TIP Southeast 248th St Improvements 116th Ave SE to 132nd Ave SE DE Prepared preliminary layout and investigating potential of an LID TIP 80th Ave S Widening S 196th St. to S 188th St DE Scheduled in 2008 TIP Military Rd S. Intersection Improvements @ Reith Rd.DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2010 TIP South 228th St / Union Pacific Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad DE Proposed schedule for 2011Pursuing additional funding opportunities TIP SE 256th Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Rd) to 116th Ave SE DE Received $2,000,000 grant from TIB. Surveying complete. Evaluating costs. TIP Central Ave. S Pavement Rehabilitation Green River Bridge to East Willis Street (SR 516)DE Prepared preliminary cost estimate. Proposed, scheduled for 2010. Pursuing additional funding opportunities TIP S 224th St Project DE Draft EIS complete. Evaluating public comments and meeting with permitting agencies. Final EIS to be submitted in December 2007 or January 2008. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 13 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 2 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status TIP Willis St (SR516) Union Pacific RR Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific RR (UPRR)DE Proposed Schedule for 2011 - Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP Willis(SR516)/BNSF RR Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific RR (UPRR)DE Proposed Schedule for 2011 - Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP Military Rd Widening S 272nd St to S 240th St DE Proposed Schedule for 2011 - Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP S 212th St Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad DE Proposed Schedule for 2011 - Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP S. 212th St/BNSF Railroad Grade Grade separation crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe RR DE Proposed Schedule for 2011 - Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP West Meeker Street Widening - Phase I 64th Avenue S to the Green River Bridge DE Proposed - Schedule for 2013. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP West Meeker Street Widening - Phase II SR 516 to the E side of the Green River, including a new bridge DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2012. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP Washington/Meeker NB Left turn onto Meeker-Lane Extension TE/DE Need to maximize NB left turn storage by removing most of the median island, leaving C-curbing. Schedule for 2008. TIP 108th Ave SE Extension SE Kent Kangley RD (SR516) to SE 256th Street DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2012. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP S. 272nd Street Widening - Phase II Pacific Hwy S. to Military Road South DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2012. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street North to approximately the 218th block DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2012. Pursuing additional funding opportunities TIP S 208th Street Improvements 84th Ave S to 96th Way South DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2013. Pursuing additional funding opportunities TIP 132nd Ave SE Widening - Phase I SE 288th St to Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2013. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP 132nd Ave SE Widening - Phase II Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 248th DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2013. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP 132nd Ave SE Widening - Phase IIISE 248th to SE 236th DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2013. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP S 196th/192nd Street Corridor - Phase III 84th Ave S (East Valley Highway) to 108th Ave SE (SR 515)DE Proposed - Scheduled for 2013. Pursuing additional funding opportunities. TIP State Route 167 (SR167) Widening City staff engineering and planning support of WSDOT project to widen State Route 167 from SR 512 to South 180th St WSDOT Ongoing coordination meetings with WSDOT subject to pos. RTID vote TIP Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongoing citywide program to encourage the use of non-motorized transportation modes and provide safe routes for schoolchildren TE Several items have been addressed in the 2007 work plan. Detailed Work Plan is available if requested. Several items to be completed 9-07 by Street Dept. DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 14 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 3 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status TIP Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongoing citywide program to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway conditions TE/SM The project involves maintenance/replacement of guardrail. Location of replacements will be described in the 3rd Quarter. TIP Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongoing citywide program to provide enhanced transit service within the City and provide mobility and independence to Senior Citizens, youth and others who prefer to move about the City without an automobile TE Continuing to work with KC-Metro to determine local routes that can be enhanced or added to our system. TIP Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongoing citywide program to repair and/or replace pedestrian ramps in compliance with the Federal Government's Americans with the Disabilities Act TE Wheelchair ramp upgrades adjacent to in-house overlay program have been added to 2007 work plan CIP Signal Battery Back up TE 17 Signals now have Battery Backup units installed CIP Slurry Seal Program (Chipseal Program)SM Project has been bid and contract was awarded. Should be completed in late summer of 2007. Chip sealing 132nd from 240th to 280th 8-07. CIP Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Installation SM 3500 sf identified in 2007 work plan. To be completed in 3rd quarter. CIP Bike Paths TE SMS Miscellaneous path improvements scheduled for 2007 CIP Miscellaneous Asphalt Overlays DE/SM 95% complete CIP Misc. Transportation - Cost saving DE/SM Will be available in the 2nd Quarter Report. Estimated Cost savings of between $131,010 and $214,000 for the Senior Project Surveyor work. This savings will be used to complete additional projects. CIP Shopper Shuttle TE Contract with KC Metro to provide farebox recovery to keep the shuttles operating without cost to riders CIP Neighborhood Traffic Control TE Comparison of program elements from other city programs in vicinity being developed. Anticipate bringing this item to PWC in 1st Quarter of 2008. CIP Street Channelization Program TE Contract Channelization and striping is complete. About 60 % complete with City performed channelization and striping work. CIP Pavement Rating Survey SM Pavement rating will be performed during the summer/fall 2007 1st Avenue North Improvements DE Proposed Schedule for 2012 124th Avenue Improvements DE Proposed Schedule for 2012 WP Street Lighting System Program Modifications ADM TES Began Research. Scheduled for presentation to PWC 4th Quarter of 2007 or 1st Quarter 2008. DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 15 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 4 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status CIP Misc. Drainage Improvement DE UMS Under Construction CIP Drainage Improvements with Road Improvement DE Ongoing CIP Drainage Infrastructure Replacements UM Scenic Hill -80% complete CIP Drainage Master Plan EE 20% complete with Phase I CIP Misc. Drainage - Cost Savings EE/UM Have not hired positions yet due to Engineers being hard to find. Had we been able to hire these positions savings estimated @ $300,000 so far in 2007 for water, sewer, and drainage projects . CIP Misc. Sewer Replacements DE None Scheduled for 2007 CIP Sanitary Sewer Master Plan DE 25% completed. Consultants selected. Negotiating contracts. CIP Misc. Sewer - cost savings UM Have not hired positions yet due to Engineers being hard to find. Had we been able to hire these positions savings estimated @ $300,000 so far in 2007 for water, sewer, and drainage projects . CIP SCADA/telemetry system upgrade WM Completed 80% , will be finalized in 2008 CIP Rock Creek Mitigation Projects EE/WM 2008 thru 2015-begin when HCP is signed CIP Corrosion Control WM Design contract was awarded to KJC. A pre-design report is expected within the next week - final design will commence after report is reviewed by the City and DOH. CIP 3.5 Mixing/Blue Boy Mixing/98th Mixing WM Blue-boy mixing system will be done at the same time as the seismic improvements.2007 thru 2009-start design in fall 2008-after 590 system pressure improvements CIP CS Monitor/CS Roof/CS Well WM Water Quality Monitoring to be completed in 2007, roof and varible frequency drives to be completed in 2008. CIP Rock Creek Augmentation Upgrade WM 2008-when HCP is signed CIP Earthworks Well WM 2008 thru 2009 CIP 125,000 Reith, Cambridge Reservoirs WM 2008 thru 2009 CIP East Hill Well Generator WM 2008 CIP Pump Station #8 VFD WM 2009 CIP Large Meter & Vault Improvement per VA WM Annual improvement program/upgrades CIP East Hill Reservoir at Operations Site WM Starting process of consultant selection in summer of 07 WATER PROJECTS DRAINAGE PROJECTS SANITARY SEWER PROJECTS DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 16 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 5 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status CIP Update Water Comprehensive Plan WM Begin analysis 2007 thru 2008-complete December 2008 CIP Groundwater Rule at East Hill Well WM 2008 thru 2009 EPA final rule CIP East Hill Well Suply Assesment WM Begun 2007-complete for 08 Wtr Syst Plan CIP Kent Springs Transmision Main Repair WM When SSP fully available-Summer 2008 CIP Seismic System Controls WM Emergency power at 6MG Reservoir Guiberson power planned for 2008, will begin design after WSP Modeling. CIP West Hill Reservoir WM Model in 2008 with WSP CIP Misc. Water Improvements WM Ongoing-3600 feet in 2007, 2nd PRV in 2008 CIP 18'' Transmission Main - East Hill WM 2008 and 2009 P Clark Springs Habitat Conservation Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement EE Continuing progress on negotiating and writing P Regional Water Planning efforts for Municipal Water Supply.EE/WM Participated actively CIP Miscellaneous Water - cost savings WM Have not hired positions yet due to Engineers being hard to find. Had we been able to hire these positions savings estimated @ $300,000 so far in 2007 for water, sewer, and drainage projects . CIP East Hill Operations Center OA/DE Grading currently under construction. Architect has a signed contract and is designing buildings CIP Fuel System Replacement FS Update the Construction Standards DVE Internal Draft to be distributed by 9/15/2007. Performance Measures DVE On hold due to workloads Permit Review and Approval Process Review and Modifications DVE Ongoing 2007 Water Festival EE Held 3/28 and 29th, approximately 2,000 students registered. P Spring Recycle Event at Russell Road Park EE Held March 17th-100% Complete P Recycle Material Sale Event @Russell Rd Park EE Held March 31st-100% Complete P Sponsored Storm Debris Cleanup through Allied Waste EE Held in January 2007-100% Complete. CIP Planning and Design of Lake Meridian Outlet EE In progress. Phase I under construction- Scheduled to be completed in 2007. Phase II in review process with Corps of Engineers CIP Planning/Design/construction of Earthworks Park Dam Improvements EE In progress - construction delayed to 2008. MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 17 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 6 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status CIP Upper Meridian Valley Creek / SE 234th St. Culvert Replacement EE Underconstruction CIP Riverview Park Stream Channel EE Council approved the design agreement with the Corps of Engineers received a $150,000 grant from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board. P National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II EE Received Permit from Department of Ecology and participating as a party to its appeal P Developments both within the City and within the City's Municipal Water Supply Wellhead Areas for Stormwater and Critical Areas issues EE Continued reviewing P Adoption of the King County Flood Hazard Management Plan and the creation of the King County Flood Control Zone District EE Continued coordination with other agencies P Green River Natural Resources Area & Nursery EE Continued management P Water quality on Lake Meridian, Lake Fenwick, Clark Lake EE Continue seasonal monitoring Seattle Street Sewer & Water Replacement CE complete Riverview Overpass CE 100% S. 231st/228th Street Imp CE 99% 228th Wetland Mitigation CES 100% Pacific Hwy HOV CE 99% Pac Hwy Landscaping CE complete 1st Quarter 277 Ped Bridge CE 100% Military Road Widening (Phase II)CE 90% LID 360: 227th Sewer DE Completed- Preparing final assessment roll LID 353: 4th Ave/76th Ave/228th St Sidewalk Imp DE 80% 116th Ave. SE Improvements - Joint Trench DE 98% 116th Ave. SE Improvements - Roadway DE 30% Upper Meridian Valley Creek/SE 234th St. Culvert EE 5% LID 353: 72 Ave Left Turn Lane DE schedule delayed -75% Lake Meridian Outlet, Water & Sewer Relocation EE 10% S. 277th St. Detention Pond DE Scheduled to start construction - September2007 2nd Ave Sidewalks CE.DE Scheduled to start construction - Spring 2008 228th BNSF Grade Sep/Utility Ext & Access Imp CE/DE Scheduled to start in 2008 Blue Boy Seismic Imp CE/WMS scheduled to start 2008, waiting for design Asphalt Overlay DE Paving completed - remaining work includes striping and raising utilities2007 City Seal DE CompletedKent Event Center Flood Plain Mitigation DE Construction begunEast Hill Operations Center Grading DE 50% completeEast Maple Street Water Main Replacement DE/WM 0%East Walnut Street Watermain Replacement DE/WM 85% CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 18 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 7 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status Water main cubing/flushing WM 51,228 feet of water main cubed or cleaned Fire Hydrant replacements WM 7 completed @ 1088 hours Large meter service and vault upgrades WM None completed YTD-1 contracted for construction Large meter testing/repair WM 65 tested @ 240 hours Water Reservoir cleaning WM None YTD Control Valve annual rebuilds (Cla-valve)WM 16 valves rebuilt @ 177 hours Water treatment systems upgrades and repairs WM 2 completedWater service replacements/upgrades/maintenanceWM 51 completed Air release valve/blowoff upgrades WM 2 completed @ 164 hours Distribution valves exercise/testing/upgrades WM 55 completed@288 hours Pump/well upgrades and replacements WM None YTD Sanitary Sewer Cleaning & Flushing WWM Ongoing maintanance 47,030 Drainage System Cleaning DM Ongoing - 26,454 l.f. to date TV Inspection (Sanitary Sewer)TVP Ongoing - 23,329 l.f. to date TV Inspection (Drainage )TVP Ongoing - 25,725 l.f. to date Pump Station Maintenance TVP Station maintance 675 hrs to date Sanitary Sewer Manhole Repairs/Cleaned/Inspected WWM Ongoing - 1,046 to date Drainage Manhole & Catchbasin Repairs, Cleaned DM Ongoing - 1.212 to date Decant Dumping DM Ongoing - 109,500 to date Signal Timing Program School Crossing Upgrades Just received parts on 08/24/07. Staff is installing. Hope to have all 6 location completed by the end of September. Involved in most of the projects identified on this list WATER PROJECTS UTILITIES PROJECTS FLEET SERVICES PROJECTS LAND SURVEYING PROJECTS TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 19 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007 2nd QUARTER REPORT Page 8 WP/P / CIP / TIP Project / Work Plan / Permit Name, Location and Extent Responsible Section Other Sections Involved Status Mowing Streets (5.69 million sq. feet)2,370,312SF Mowing Water (15 million sq. feet)9,242,940 SF Mowing Drainage (10.06 million sq. feet)3,887,833SF Wetlands Maintenance (16.45 million sq feet)701,700 SF Sidearm Mowing (12.38 million sq feet)5,721,427SF Sign Fabrication (140)81 each Thermo-plastic Installation (12,000 lineal feet)10,675 LF Line Striping Parking Stalls (14,000 lineal feet)12,275 LF R.P.M. Installation (9,500)1638 each In-House Asphalt Overlays (190,000 sq feet)53,384 SF Digout asphalt repairs (27,000 sq feet)9,691 SF Crack Sealing Program (140,000 lineal feet)56,000 LF Concrete Sidewalks (3500 sq feet)132 SF Special Projects (30,000 sq feet) 6,076 SF Kent Event Center (James, N4th Avenue, Drainage Systems, Fill Materials)DE TES, EES, SM, WM, UM, CM, Preparing DesignPedestrian walkway on SE 240th St (137th to 144th)DE/SM/DM To be installed by the end of Septmeber 2007. Earthworks Park Dam Improvements EE Construction delayed due to coordination with Earthworks Park Infrastructure Design Impacts and Flood Plain Mitigation issues. 13-Sep-07 STREET MAINTENANCE PROJECTS PROJECTS DELAYED + the reason ADD ON PROJECTS DE: Design CE: Construction LS: Land Surveying EA: Eng. Admin DVE: Development TE: Transportation EE: Environmental OA: Ops Admin TVP: TV/Pumps FS: Fleet SMS: Street maintanance WM: Water WWM: Waste Water SM: Street DM: Drainage 20 This page intentionally left blank. Road Closures Road Closures The City of Kent continuously updates this page to keep its residents informed of road closures and other significant traffic disruptions. It’s just one resource to make trip planning a little easier in and around our city. Need more information for the rest of the county or the region? Check the links at the bottom for all the other resources you might need. Region Street closed From intersection To intersection Reason for Closure Status Date closed Estimated reopen date East Hill 116th Avenue Southeast Southeast 256th Street Kent Kangley Road Rebuilding and improvement of existing roadway Closed 6/4/2007 8:00:00 AM 10/15/2007 5:00:00 PM Kent Valley 2nd Avenue North West Smith Street West Harrison Street Roadway improvement Closed 7/16/2007 7:00:00 AM 9/17/2007 5:00:00 PM East Hill SE 234th St 128th Pl SE 130th Ave SE Culvert replacement for Upper Meridian Valley Creek to improve stream flows and fish passage Closed 9/17/2007 7:00:00 AM 10/1/2007 3:30:00 PM