HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 04/25/1989 i
APRIL 25, 1989
Signing at 212th and Prager Road
Mike Anderson commented that lack of specific instruction causes
problems for the motorists. He referred to the situation of the
signing at 212th and Frager and indicated the signing did not deal
with a "through" situation. The "Right Turn Only" sign, he
continued, only deals with a turning situation and there were no
instructions for a vehicle wanting to proceed straight across. He
suggested a sign be installed which deals with other than turning
movements. Mr. Nizlek presented a video of the intersection.
Dowell questioned the effect of changing the intersection to a
right turn only at all times rather than during the posted hours.
Nizlek responded there is a project in the transportation
division's work plan to install islands at 212th and Frager forcing
the right turn only. Dowell asked how vehicles would go southbound
on Frager if crossing 212th were eliminated. Nizlek indicated
traffic would have to proceed to 42nd and come back which would add
approximately another mile. An alternative, which could be a
costly one, would be to construct a turn around further west on
212th. Hazard Elimination Funds have been applied for for this
revision. Johnson indicated the purpose of the time restrictions
was to deal with the commuter traffic. Biteman asked when the
signs were installed and if there were other tickets issued for
infractions in this area. Nizlek indicated the signs were
installed in 1986. Frederiksen responded the area is worked quite
often due to the high accident rate and there have been other
citations for going through during the restricted hours. Johnson
indicated he had inquired of the City Attorney's office what the
court's actions have been in similar type of cases. Their response
was that the court has upheld the City in their citations in that
the courts don't get into the question of interpreting the sign.
Biteman indicated he was concerned about the clarity of there are
a number of people going through during the restricted hours.
Frederiksen commented he did not think it was that',the signs were
unclear but that many people were making the decision to make the
illegal maneuver during the restricted hours. Biteman suggested
a no-left turn sign be attached to the stop sigma at 212th and
APRIL 25, 1989
Prager and expressed concerns making it right turn only at all
times. Responding to Dowell 's question, Nizlek indicated the
installation of the islands has not been designed or, funded as yet.
It is estimated the cost would be $5,000. Nizlek added that one
problem that could develop if islands are installed restricting
movements from Prager is that traffic will then begin to use
Russell as an alternative. There was further discussion about the
clarity of the meaning of the signs and the affect of the Prager
Road residents if the hours of applicability were removed. Biteman
requested a traffic count during the off-peak houre, and the number
of accidents occurring be brought back to the Committee. Johnson
asked for the number of citations that has been issued as well.
It was further determined the residents along Prager should be
contacted to receive their input on eliminating the hours of
applicability. This item will be brought back before the Committee
at their next meeting.
100th Avenue S.E. Walkway Imrovements - Anproy1%1 Rf Funds
Dowell moved to approve this item and to place it on the Consent
Calendar for the next Council agenda.
Master Meter RegUest - Bennett Business Park
Wickstrom explained he was recommending a master meter be approved
subject to the conditions contained in his memo. Wi'ck0trom further
explained the owner built five buildings and provid$d, water service
to them from an existing meter without making any water
applications to the City. In order to obtain a certificate of
occupancy for these buildings, this discrepancy, and others, must
be corrected within sixty days. As such, he either must service
each building with a separate meter or obtain Council approval of
a master meter which he essentially already has. The conditions
require he furnish the City with a certified ca�cuiation that the
meter is the correct size and if not repjm+ it with the
appropriate sized meter and vault and pay any as4oC .ated fees. The
Committee unanimously approved the recommendation,,
Target IssRes Report from Public Works
Wickstrom explained the report was presented to toe Committee for
their review and comments. Biteman inquired about the status of
the mitigation agreement. Wickstrom indicated he thought the Task
Force would be meeting in June to make a final decision on a
generic agreement on which our legal staff and Ted Knapp have been
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working. After discussion, the Committee unanimously accepted the
report as presented.
272ndf277th Corridor
For the Committee's information, Wickstrom distributed a copy of
a letter from King County Executive Tim Hill to Darn Kelleher in
which he indicated it would take approximately 2-4 months for the
County to execute a contract with their consultant for the study
and EIS and would anticipate completion of the study to take
approximately 24 months. The letter further indicates they are
concerned about any activity taking place on the corridor until
completion of their study. The Mayor will be requesting
clarification of their letter as the time schedule projected in
this target issue is affected by this.
192ndZI96th Corridor
Wickstrom informed the Committee he has a meeting next month with
the County regarding lead agency status on this corridor project.
Wickstrom suggested if we want to move ahead on; this project
perhaps we should be willing to assume the lead agency status. If
we take the lead there would possibly be the need for additional
funding this year. Wickstrom indicated he would have further
details after the meeting on May 11.
Closure of 1s_ t Avenue BetwesU Smith and Meeker
Jim Hansen displayed a proposed schematic for the now library. He
explained the project includes closure to through traffic at Smith
of 1st Avenue between Smith and Meeker. Hansen continued that when
Council accepted the library proposal they endorsed this closure
but official approval is being requested at this time. Responding
to Biteman's question on access, Hansen further explained there
were 123 parking spaces proposed and access in and out has been
provided on both sides. One of the reasons for closing First is
to create additional parking stalls along First to , accommodate
library and growing business needs. Biteman oxp ee®ed concern
about traffic then developing, on North Second. Handon added there
have been meetings with the downtown businesses in addition to two
KDA meetings. Only one business owner expressed any protest to the
plan and his concerns have been addressed. Rod Frederiksen
indicated the Fire Chief does have concerns about iclosing the
street from a public safety standpoint. The Police Department
would as well but not to the degree of Fire. Dowell asked about
the traffic volumes on Second versus First. Hansen responded there
APRIL 25, 1989
wasn't a significant difference. The count is less than 1,000 cars
a day. Dowell inquired further about the property ;to the west of
the library. The City owns a portion and the remoinder owned by
private parties. Dowell said he worries about cutt*nq traffic off
from downtown Kent but if the businesses and KD,A. bave no concern
he could support the motion. The Committee unani0ously approved
the closure of First between Smith and Meeker.