HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 03/28/1989 i PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MARCH 28, 1989 PRESENT: JON JOHNSON BILL WILLIAMSON STEVE DOWELL JIM HANSEN DON WICKSTROM MARTIN NIZLEK JIM HARRIS RANDY FELT ED CHOW LYLE PRICE Reguest to Use Drainage Easement - 4504 Somerset Lane Williamson explained that Mr. Felt wanted to access the drainage easement to gain access to his backyard and to possibly park a recreational vehicle. Williamson referred to another similar request but which was to use a walkway not drainage easement. Williamson added there is a drainage flume in the center of this access area approximately 20 feet in from Carnaby. Mr. Felt clarified his immediate needs are to access his backyard for periodic cleanup. At this time he does not own an RV but may be an occurrence sometime in the future. His long term goal would be to build a retaining wall about 10 feet from the access road and level his lot. Williams explained further that the property owners to the south of the access road actually own fee title to the road. Dowell asked if it were possible for the City to give permission if the neighboring owners gave permission for the access. Williamson stated Mr. Felt would have to, independent of any permit from the City, get permission from the other property owners or use it adversely. Williamson brought up the point there were other property owners who might request the same thing. Additionally there are potential liability concerns with opening it up and the City would have to ask Mr. Felt to coinsure us and hold us harmless. Wickstrom added this is the only access to our retention pond and any inadvertent blockage of the roadway could present problems for maintenance. One possibility would be for the property owners abutting this access road to farm an LID for roadway improvements making sure the road is structurally sound and addressing the safety factors involving the drainage outlet. Dowell moved to deny Mr. Felt's request and that he explore the possibility of an LID. The Committee approved. Transportation Benefit District Wickstrom explained the Valley Transportation Committee is subdivided into several committees - Steering, Administration, Finance and Projects, Priorities and Boundaries (PPB) Committees. The PPB Committee has developed a project boundary for a TBD which ' Public Works Committee March 28, 1989 Page 2 Wickstrom demonstrated on a map for the Committee. The area has an assessed valuation of $10 billion. Approximately $300 million worth of needed transportation improvements have been identified and prioritized within this area. Those projects given a I'll' or 112" priority total approximately $180 million. It is estimated the TBD could assist in funding approximately 5o% of the costs of these projects. The Steering Committee of VTC has approved the proposed boundary and priority array. Wickstrom continued the intent is to gain Council concurrence on the boundary and projects.. He added that the 277th Corridor, 192nd/196th Corridor and the 224th/228th Corridor are included in the "1" and 112" categories. It was determined to place this under Other Business on the agenda so it can be opened for discussion. Wickstrom explained further, if legislation goes through at the State level, King County would form the TBD and the jurisdictions would determine the makeup of the administrative board. LID 330 - 64th Avenue Improvements - Interim Fillancina i ; Wickstrom explained in order to maintain the proposed construction schedule for this project• he would like to establish interim financing prior to formation in order to continue with right of way acquisition. It is estimated interim financing in the range of $350,000 would be required. Normally, interim financing is " automatically set up when an LID is formed. In this instance we are requesting to establish interim financing prior to formation so acquisition can proceed while we address the environmental issues of the project. Dowell asked about the status of that. Wickstrom indicated we had just hired a consultant to address the impacts on the lagoon and come up with mitigation measures which will be building the buffer, develop a plan for the 100 foot buffer and come up with a plan to offset the habitat that we modify when we build the buffer. *The Environmental Committea; seems to concur with these measures. 'Dowell asked if there woUld; be any problems with establishing interim financing before formation.. Wickstrom explained the worst case would be that we would 0hange the scope of the project to two LIDS. It was clarified there would be no construction around the lagoon until the buffer is built and the habitat ,established. The Committee recommended approval of the request and concluded to place this on Other business on the - � agenda. It was mentioned the school district wants' to open their new school in the area in the fall of 1990. Public Works Committee -. March 28, 1989 Page 3 y, Green River Levee Improveme4ts Wickstrom explained through the Green River Management Agreement we have been working with the County and Valley cries to address the flood control on the Green River. One of t23e goals was to establish a financing package for the levee improvements. The conclusion is that the financing for these improm�em,ents is best handled as the responsibilities of the individual cities involved and a draft agreement has been developed to that end. Wickstrom indicated he was presenting this as information fot the Committee. There will be approximately $1-2 million worth of levee improvements that Kent will have to do. Funding for these will be included in the Drainage Utility budget probably outer the next ten years. Reith Road Walkway Paul Mann has brought up concerns over walkways in the Reith Road area. After a field review, it has been determined that a gravel walkway could be placed in the vicinity of 38th and'' Reith Road from the existing sidewalk into the 8-foot wide shoulder. Also at Military and Reith improvements would be made to the pathway. The cost of these improvements would be approximately $6,500 and that amount is available in the Reith Road Improvement fund. Dowell asked if we should prioritize the intended sidewalk, improvements before approving this expenditure. Wickstrom responded that we haven't identified all of the needed sidewalk improvements as yet. Johnson agreed they should be prioritized but perhaps we could proceed with the Reith Road improvement as funds are available from the Reith Road construction fund and this improvement could be considered a continuation of that project. The CoMittee approved proceeding with the project. Johnson inquired about the status of the Reith, Road and 253rd improvements. Wickstrom indicated we were waiting for the weather to improve in order to complete it. Walnut Park apartments Wickstrom indicated the developer of the Walnut Park Apartments in the vicinity of 256th and 111th Avenue S.E. has requested to use the public right of way area to build a temporary 0o4struction road to access his property. Once construction is complete it would be closed back up. The Committee authorized the Public Works Director to review the request and make a determination,