HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 03/17/1989 0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE O MARCH 17, 1989 MAR 2 11989 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK PRESENT: JON JOHNSON MARVIN NIZLEK JUDY WOODS JIM H 'SEN BERNE BITEMAN ROD FDERIKSEN DON WICKSTROM NORM ANG,ELO JIM HARRIS JED ,AL RIDGE BILL WILLIAMSON Council Parking Jim Harris stated this item was brought to his attention when one of the Council members was issued a parking citation for parking in a space designated for City vehicles. Council members currently have a typed up parking permit they can clip to , their mirror. Harris presented a suggested format for an official parking permit for Council members. Rod Frederiksen added his concern is that the current parking permit has no designation that it is for the City of Kent. Harris recommended the parking ordinance' be amended to allow this and to develop an official permit for Council members. The Committee unanimously approved. Canyon Drive Improvements Wickstrom explained there are three issues involved„, in this item - one would be authorization to apply for FADS fun44nq which is a 'housecleaning 1' item; second would be the reinstallation of pylons and the third issue would be the jersey barriers. Nizlek reviewed the findings of his study which are detailed in h�s memo made a part of these minutes. He added that a different; type of pylon has been tested but has not held up well. He will continue to investigate other types of pylons but it might be there is nothing available that might be better than what we have, previously had. ' The proposed design is to install reflectorized Dusan bars on 5- 6 foot centers with pylons installed every 40 keet. Biteman inquired about the possibility of using c-curb instead of pylons. It was determined they would possibly create greater traffic hazards. Biteman asked what the reflectors would do. Nizlek responded they would indicate to the drivers not to cross the centerline. The Committee unanimously approved theirelinstallation of the pylons. i Johnson suggested that staff apply for FAUS funds to include the + jersey barriers in the project and to also include,the funds in the i i � r ._-,jt...i•.-.fie".... _..K. ..px.-" -e;1'i" _.i•^ "• - _. Public Works Committee March 17, 1989 Page 2 1990 budget and not authorize the expenditure now. That would allow time to analyze the accident count to determine if we do want to install the barriers permanently. The question of leasing the Jersey barriers was raised. Staff responded that those that are moved from site to site are usually owned by a contractor and are construction-site treatment and are not permanently installed. If barriers were installed on Canyon they would have to be tied down. It was confirmed that it will take a minimum of 4-5 months to acquire the necessary right of way to widen the road sufficiently to allow the barriers. That time period could be extended if acquisition did not go smoothly. Wickstrom clarified we currently have FADS funding for this project; however, he was not sure if they would approve a change in scope of the project for additional funding. Biteman moved to apply for FADS funds for the barriers. Johnson stated that White was concerned about the timing for installation of the barriers. Wickstrom responded that the barriers can not be installed until the roadway is widened, the roadway can not be widened until we have acquired, the necessary right of way. That right of way acquisition is currently underway but we are estimating it will be a minimum of 4-5 months, barring any need for condemnation, etc. , before that acquisition is complete. If it is necessary to pursue condemnation on any of the parcels, this 4-5 month time period could possibly ,extend up to a year. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. Angelo added they have re-evaluated their response position on this issue. While the barriers will present a delayed responss for them they will help to prevent the vehicle fatalities. He continued that the demand for the East Hill station will not be caused solely by this issue but this adds to the need and he will continue to press for it. He wanted the Council members aware there will be times when there will be delayed responses to their calks greated by the Jersey barriers and the inability of his crews to cross over. Weighing the two, he felt the recommendation of the Public Works Department to install the jersey barriers was the 'best solution. Responding to Johnson's question, Angelo clarified the turning radius needed for the fire engine is such that they can't make the maneuver without creating another unsafe situation such as a traffic hazard or putting the engine in an unsafe position. Rod Frederiksen added he continues to support a reduption in speed limits, left turn pockets and the jersey barriers as a good solution to avoid head-on collisions. The Commit#ape unanimously approved the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the issue of applying for FAUS funding and establishing a budget therefor with respect to the existing project. a Public Works Committee March 17, 1989 Page 3 AID 327/328 - Agreement with Metro for Bus Pullouts Wickstrom explained that in conjunction with the West Valley Highway improvement project, we have been working ,with Metro and the State to include bus pullouts. Metro has agr*ed to pay for one-third of the costs and the State will pay for one-third. A copy of the draft agreement has been included with the Committee's packet. Metro's share will be approximately $118,000. The Committee unanimously voted to approve the Mayor's signature on the agreement. Intersection Concerns - 240th Nizlek referred to and reviewed the findings of his study on this item which is made a part of these minutes. For the situation at 100th, he would recommend the crossing guard exercise more authority and will bring this to the attention" of the School District. Additionally, he recommends a marked crosswalk across 100th be provided and that the obstructions in the pathway be removed and pavement markers be placed to delineate the edge of the pavement. Wickstrom added there is some right of way which may have to be acquired in order to do this. Biteman ' aoked that the School District be asked if this area would be One of their priorities. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of these recommendations. Nizlek reviewed the findings of the study at 102nd. His recommendations would be to attempt to shorten the signal cycle length to move the traffic more quickly and provide more frequent opportunities for the pedestrians to cross; continue to monitor the traffic and pedestrian activity and work w#h the retail establishments on their concerns. The Committee,' unanimously approved these recommendations. Nizlek reviewed the findings of the study of the 240th and 104th intersection. His recommendation is to place the proposed caution signs on the north-south corners. It was noted that construction of the 240th Street improvement project will alleviate some of the problems noted at this intersection. Biteman suggested we review the effects of these changes in approximately sixty days to determine if anything' further needs to be or can be done. There was discussion about the location of the Metro buo stop. The Committee unanimously approved placement of the two caution signs. ' l 1 'A� c `1 S Public Works Committee March 17, 1989 Page 4 Recycling Wickstrom reported the hauler has quoted that if the participation rate stays the same as current level (61-90%) , the rate to include a second monthly pickup would be $1.96 per customer per month. The current rate is $1.35 per customer per month. This would increase the cost of the program by $28,080 per year. Bit man moved the second pickup be authorized and the funding be taken from the mitigation fund. Woods seconded. Wickstrom pq,inted out the mitigation fund was established to address the landfill closure and cleanup needed. After some further discussion, , the Committee unanimously approved the motion. They requested an analysis of the Environmental Mitigation fund be provided in their Council packet for this item. Budget The Committee determined they will review the Public, Works proposed 1990 budget at their meeting on May 23. Harris explained that the Finance Director will be outlining the budget revi'ow program with them at their workshop meeting on March 21. Out of State Trip Wickstrom explained we are requesting authorisation for the department's GIS coordinator to attend the Delt4systems Users' Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado. Appropriate funds were included and approved in our 1989 budget but they were not specifically identified for an out of state trip. The Committee unanimously approved the request. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 16, 1989 TO: Public Works Committee and Don Wickstrom, Director FROM: Martin Nizlek, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Status of Traffic Investigations 240th from 100th to 104th At your February meetings the subject intersections were the topic of discussion. Traffic staff has carried out field investigations of the traffic and pedestrian situation. The purpose of this memo is to apprise you of my findings, actions which have been taken and to recommend supporting actions. 100th Findings - 1. Children use the westside of 100th as a school route Some travel as far as a mile from subdivisions to the north. While a 20 mph school speed zone can be placed, the length of the restriction would result in violations of the speed restrictions. 2. No sidewalk exists along the west side of 100th. A gravel path exists with obstructions to pedestrian movement (esp. in groups) . 3. Crossings east and west at the intersection of 10Oth and 240th do occur but with a much lower volume. No marked crosswalk is in place. Also, observation by staff indicates no significant conflict by right turning vehicles from 100th southbound to east bound on 240th. Recommendations - 1. While the preferable solution for pedestrian movement along 100th north of 240th would be an LID for the placement of sidewalk improvements with curbs and gutters, on both sides, a more affordable solution, however, would be to remove obstructions and place pavement markers to delineate the path. A cost estimate thereof has not been prepared at this time. It should be noted that right-of-way acquisition may be required. Potential funding could come from the $75,000 presently budgeted for sidewalk improvements. I � Status of Traffic Investigations 240th from 100th to 102nd March 16, 1989 Page 2 2. A work order has been initiated to place a marked cross-walk east to west on the north side of 240th at 100th. 102nd - Findings - Complaints from Mrs. Justus and Fred Meyer have been investigated. Mrs. Justus pointed out that pedestrian crossing time was insufficient and there were conflicts from turning traffic. Fred Meyer reported complaints from patrons of long delays waiting to enter/exit. Field observation and checks of our signal timings indicate the following: a. Additional time could be (and was) given to traffic turning left into and out of Fred Meyer. b. Pedestrians are witnessing long delays both because of the length of the signal cycle time and because their need to cross is not being conveyed to the signal system. This latter situation may be from their not pushing the crossing button or a problem with the button itself. We have not been able to determine the cause. C. The long signal cycle length is also presenting problems for evening eastbound traffic desiring to enter the shops on the north side of 240th across from Fred Meyer. Traffic stacking to enter Fred Meyer blocks their ability to eater. These stores have retained an attorney who has beew requesting that we mitigate the situation. Recommendations - 1. Meet with retail establishments on north side of 240th and explain feasible actions. (Note: requests to reduce the length of the Fred Meyer turn pocket and plat* a two-way left turn arrow date back to the opening of Fred Meyer in late 1988. To these requests we responded that the -demand to/from Fred Meyer would have to be observed after the holidays to see what is realistically needed) . 2. In conjunction with what is found feasible at 104th (Benson) , seek to implement a shorter cycle length to reduce the delays Status of Traffic Investigations 240th from 100th to 102nd March 16, 1989 Page 3 to turning traffic and for pedestrians desiring to cross at this point. (Note: staff shortages due to the loss of our traffic signal technician at the end of the month may prolong our ability to accomplish this) . 3 . Continue to monitor the traffic and pedestrian characteristics at this location. (Note: Fred Meyer has boon conditioned to carry out a patron survey to evaluate their traffic impacts for the corridor mitigation process) . 104th Findings - 1. A pedestrian - auto conflict situation occurs when RTOR drivers fail to respect the presence and right of way of the pedestrian. A sign has been proposed to you which may alleviate this problem. 2. The configuration of 240th east of this intersection (a narrowing) causes eastbound drivers to merge loft as far west as Fred Meyer. This greatly reduces the capacity of the intersection of 240th and Benson Highway. 3. One of the City's serious accident locations may relate to the above situations. At the driveways to Safeway and Thriftway, east of 104th, we have more than a dozen accidents each year. It is possible that the signal cycle length and the merge situations described above contribute to this problem. Recommendations - 1. Carry-out a survey of approximately 100 people to assure that the previously recommended sign (see attachment,) is understood by the driver. 2 . Continue to place the 240th street improvement project this construction season to widen 240th east of 104th thus alleviating the merge problem and possibly help reduce the accident problem. 1 ifJ • r}r` o 1 r 1 i Status of Traffic Investigations ' 240th from 100th to 102nd March 16, 1989 Page 4 3. Continue to evaluate signal timing at this intersection, seeking to reduce the cycle length without increasing congestion. NOTE: I have read the contents of this memo to Mrs. Justus and she made the following comments regarding my recommendations; 1. At 100th, she disagrees with the finding that RTOR vehicles do not present a hazard to children. Her observations are that westbound students in the morning and the ,reverse in the evening are in danger. The crossing guard is not respected by the drivers. She physically crosses her daughter to provide the needed protection. 2. At 100th, she recalls some previous discussioA of placing a flashing caution sign overhead to warn of the' need to watch for the school children. 3. At 102nd there needs to be more time for the pelts and drivers don't respect the pedestrian. 4. At Benson right turn warning signing is very necessary. She asked for it to be placed on each corner, not just on the north - south road. If the driver takes a free right, the pedestrian's opportunity to cross is lost for another cycle. cc: C. Justus Sgt. Jones