HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 02/14/1989 v � i • PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FEBRIIARY 14, 1989 FEB 2 11989 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK PRESENT: JON JOHNSON LAURI ANDERSON BERNE BITEMAN BRIAN R. JONES JUDY WOODS TONY MCCAATHY DON WICKSTROM JOHN MARCHIONS JIM HARRIS ROSETTA JONES JIM HANSEN CLAUDIA JUSTUS DAN STROH STEPHEN ELKINS BILL WILLIAMSON MARTY NIZLEK Comments from Ms. Greenwood on Traffic and Supergonics The Committee was informed that Ms. Greenwood had phoned and stated she was unable to attend the meeting but expressed appreciation for their placing the item on the agenda for discussion. Johnson suggested staff write a letter to Ms. Greenwood informing her that the City has not received a response from the Sonics. When the City does receive a firm proposal from the Sonics the Committee will address her concerns at that time. The Committee concurred with the suggestion. Mrs. Justus Concerns Regarding Intersection of 24Qth and Benson Highway Mrs. Justus stated she was also concerned about the intersections of 240th and 100th Avenue S.E. , and 240th and 102nd Avenue S.E. Mrs. Justus referred to the motorists taking their free right off 100th onto 240th and also from 240th onto 100th without watching for children. There are children who have to walk on the sidewalks on 240th, cross 100th to get to the ramp to go to school. Mrs. Justus commented she would like to have free right hand turns eliminated at this intersection from about 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and 2 :30 to 3 :30 p.m. In addition she says the vehicles are not obeying the speed limit on 240th. She said she would also like to see a sidewalk on 100th. Also there is no marked crosswalk on 100th on the north side of 240th. She also said there is need for some type of protective signing. Woods asked if we could have a trial period of restricting free rights for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon. Biteman commented he did not feel it would be effective for just short periods of time. Johnson questioned if we could restrict free right hand turns. Williamson responded he di4 not think so based upon the model traffic code that the City has adopted. He TI Public Works Committee February 14, 1989 Page 2 added he felt the State Traffic Commission would probably have to approve it. Johnson asked that Williamson research this matter. Biteman requested the crosswalks be painted on 100th and installing a "speed zone when children present" notation to the existing silhouette sign. Mrs. Justus noted the motorists have almost hit the crossing guards. Woods inquired about flashing-caution signs that would operate only during the hours the students would be walking similar to what she has seen on the East Coaot.i Mrs. Jones commented there is a flashing school sign in the Federal Way School District on 16th by Woodmont. Biteman moved, that the Transportation Division analyze the situation and make recommendations to the Committee at the next meeting. The Committee unanimously approved. Mrs. Justus commented the "Walk" "Don't Walk" signals at the new Fred Meyer intersection do not give adequate time for, pedestrians to cross. In addition there are no wheel chair ramps on one side. Also, the left hand turn signal for vehicles to exit Fred Meyer at 102nd is on at the same time as the "Walk" signal for pedestrians to cross 240th and the vehicles do not yield right; of way to the pedestrians. Biteman asked. this be included in the previously requested analysis. Mrs. Justus stated most of the problems are created by the free right hand turns especially at 240th and Benson. , Marty Nizlek, Transportation Engineer for the City of Kent, indioated his staff had prepared an analysis for this meeting of the 24pth and Benson Highway intersection. He commented that during the: analysis some of his staff were placed in dangerous situations by the motorists not respecting a pedestrian in the crosswalk. Be distributed copies of a signal timing analysis for that intersection. This signal allows pedestrian movement at a rate of 4 feat per second plus an additional 7 second buffer. He recommendectitbat a unique sign be installed which would show a pedestrian in a, crosswalk, an arrow indicating turning traffic, and ,a supplemental panel below with the word "Caution". Biteman suggested a large sign that said "Pedestrians Have Right of Way". Nizlek stated his proposal addresses the situations when pedestrians are already in the crosswalk and the motorists need to be alerted to', this. He commented that pedestrians don't always have the right of way and he has concerns that with the wording proposed by Mr. Biteman the pedestrians might be placed in hazardous situations. Biteman moved that the sign as proposed by the Transportation Engineer be installed. Woods stated she was intrigued by Mr. Biteman's suggestion. Johnson commented that if the first type of signing was not effective, the second (Mr. Biteman's propal) could be i N Public Works Committee February 14, 1989 Page 3 tried with the exact wording to be reviewed by the City Legal Department. The Committee concurred. Nizlek commented that a video of the area is available for the Committee's review showing the operation of the signal. The Committee asked to view it at the next meeting. Mrs. Justus asked to be informed of the findings. Mrs. Rosetta Jones Concerns regarding 272nd/277th Corridor Mrs. Jones distributed a traffic analysis she prepared from information obtained from the County and the State. ., She commented extending 277th across the valley floor would creat4' an "East Hill situation" on the West Hill. She referred also to the degree of slope on 277th being 12% which is greater than that allowed on federally funded highways. She commented there have been 58 accidents in a two year period at Military and 272nd* She went on to list the accident rates at various intersection* on the west Hill. She commented the quality of life of those lining on the West Hill near S. 272nd would be badly impaired bythis highway. Now it takes approximately 5-10 minutes to make a left hand turn from the northbound SR 167 exit onto 277th. She referred to suggested locations for traffic signals - 40th South,, 46th South, Lake Fenwick Road, 55th South & Star Lake Road, twoili,ghts needed at overpass at SR 167 one each for northbound and sorthbound, and East Valley Highway. Mrs. Jones suggested widening Kent Des-Moines Road and using it to carry traffic to the east hill. 'The Committee reviewed the reasons for the City's commitment to tbe ,272nd/277th Corridor project. Biteman asked if any consideraj�ign had been given to extending James across the river • and up the hill. Wickstrom responded it has been analyzed many tim . The costs involved are tremendous and the grade up the hill would be excessive. Wickstrom added that it might be a m1acqnpeption that the traffic coming off the east hill on- the 277th QQrridor would be moving to the west hill area. The bulk of the traffic will stay in the valley floor area. Woods asked that Mrs. Jones receive information on the activities of the Mayor's Task Force on Traffic Congestion. The Committee commented they would tae Mrs. Jones comments under advisement. Mrs. Jones also addresd the impact of traffic on the quality of Star Lake. (Judy Woods had to leave the meeting at this point.'� On the Moss ConstructionZStephen Elkins Kater Availability , she wanted to be recorded as supporting the Planninq Committee's recommendation that the ordinance remain as is. lte tS 6, 7, and T 1 • i Public Works Committee February 14, 1989 Page 4 11 were reviewed and Woods stated she had no problems in supporting the recommendations on these items. In addition, she was supportive of the Canyon Drive issues. ) Moss Construction/Steve Elkins Water Availability Wickstrom reviewed previous actions on this item. It was last referred to the Planning Department to review the, , Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the area in question. Theirstudy did not identify the need for any change in the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Committee supported these findings. The re fining options available for Committee decision would be to tither amend the ordinance deleting the section requiring consistency with the City's Land Use Plan or to recommend the ordinance remain as is and that development be required to be consistent with the City's proposed land use for the area. Elkins stated his request was for an expansion for his industrial building and the water !availability would be used simply for the additional rastroom facilities required. Johnson asked if there was any way the City could condition a water availability permit by restrioting its use. Williamson stated that Mr. Elkins has already signed a agreement with the City wherein he agreed to use the water 6onpistent with the City's comprehensive land use plan. By virtue of his industrial use, he is in conflict with the land use plan. Williamson further stated without amending the existing ordinance he did not see how we could condition any water availability and he did not see how we, could create an ordinance a lowing certain use exceptions without creating major difficulties Jn policing the ordinance. Biteman asked what the impact would be of amending the existing ordinance deleting the requirement for consistency with the land use plan. Williamson and Wickstrom responded that property would be able to develop in densities or uses other than what the City would allow if the property were within the city : limits. Responding to Biteman's question, Williamson recommended the ordinance remain as is and it be applied stri tly. Biteman moved not to amend the ordinance and apply it as.;;w"itten. The Committee concurred. Green River aridge Replac ement Wickstrom distributed copies of an analysis of av4il�able funding sources. He related he had reviewed all the pub i.c,,�wgrks projects to determine the availability of uncommitted fund$. These funds are shown on the summary. In addition, he lis "d additional funding needs for 1989 for projects that have Omanated since preparation of the 1989 budget. These needs exceed the amount of Public Works Committee February 14, 1989 Page 5 available funds. Wickstrom proposed funding the first six projects shown on his summary from the available funds which he reviewed for the Committee. He noted that most of the funds for the Green River Bridge Replacement would probably not be required until 1990. Funding for the remaining projects, Wickstrom recommended, be addressed at the time those needs come before Council,. Wickstrom reviewed these for the Committee as well. Bitemanfmoived that the Director's recommendations be approved. The Committee unanimously concurred. This approval addresses items 5 (Green River Bridge Replacement) , 9 (Canyon Drive Removal and Replacexont. of Pylons) and 10 (SR 516/SR 99 Intersection Improvement) on ' to agenda. Johnson asked if the pylons were going to be replaced on Canyon. Wickstrom commented they will be replaced on a temporary basis with another type of pylon. In designing the Canyon Drive Improvements, the left turn pockets will be constructed in the locations originally intended and the remaining road widened, between the left turn pockets so that jersey barriers could be irvot4lled in the future as needed. The current design calls for ptriping these areas to restrict left turns. While the property cvn'ers have not been advised as yet, the Transportation Engineer indicates hazards of left turns in specific areas do exist. Wickstro4 clarified for Johnson that previously it had been thought a gr+iatgr !ahy distance was required for jersey barriers. Further study ha# been done and it appears there is adequate room for them. Riverview RV Park (Kanto' RV Park) agreement Wickstrom explained the developer is, in accordance with the City Is Comprehensive Plan, oversizing and installing to ,extra depth a sewer main to service an area larger than hips immediate development. The developer is requesting the City participate in the costs involved in the oversizing and extra depths The Director estimated the cost to the City would be approxiv4t#ly $21,925 and it is his recommendation the City agree to participate and the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement. ;The Committee unanimously approved the recommendation. Alignment of Crow Road Wickstrom explained this item is in conjunction vIth the Ruth Rezone. The developer deeded right of way for al*;gn%ent of Crow Road to the City. To clear his title on his ' property, the Developer has asked the City quit claim deed bajak' to him any unrequired right of way. The Committee unanimoualy concurred. Public Works Committee February 14, 1989 Page 6 j Canyon Drive Authorization Ito Establish Budget Wickstrom explained this is a housekeeping matter. The auditors require we have specific authorization to apply fot federal funds and to establish a budget for those funds for this project. The i Committee unanimously concurred with the request. L.I.D. 331 - S.E. 240th Street Imprgvement (101ith_+ ,416th) Wickstrom explained there is one parcel on which negotiations are still underway for right of way but to date ,have not been successful. Wickstrom recommended staff be authorized to pursue " condemnation if required. The Committee unanimousXy ,approved the request. Other Biteman asked about intersection improvements at ljeer and SR 516. His suggestions were submitted to the Transportatiopm 'Engineer for review. Executive Session At 5:41 p.m. the Committee adjourned to an executive session to discuss pending litigation and property acquisition. 4 ti ^ I YS f ,7 Y i y ti a '1 I e� SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE FUNDING 1. 3122 WVH & 180TH PHASE I $48,000 3. 3135 SR 99 & 252ND $4,871 4. 3148 CORRIDOR FEASIBILITY STUDY $17,813 5. 3160 LID 297 $506 6. 3167 LID 318 - N. CENTRAL $17,106 7. 3170 LID 325 - 76TH AVE. ST. IMPR. $181,000 8. 3183 LID 313 / CBD $65,000 9. 3185 SMITH STREET IMPROVEMENTS $40,000 10. 3191 REITH ROAD IMPROVEMENTS $9,000 # 11. 3198 212TH & 42ND ( ORILLIA ROAD) $113 TOTAL AVAILABLE* 3831409 LESS: RESERVE $260,000 BALANCE POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL REALLOCATION SOURCES RUBBER RAILWAY CROSSINGS $48,000 260TH AND 104TH SIGNAL $65,OQ0 TOTAL POSSIBLE REALLOCATION SOURCES - $113,000 GRAND TOTAL $611,489 q 0(l FOOTNOTE: * SIDEWALK FUND (3133) $75,000 WOULD REQUIRE COUNCI REALLOCATION OF THEIR COMMITMENT TO SIDEWALK IMPROVIMENTS # $9,000 AVAILABLE IN THIS FUND PRIOR TO CANYON DRIVE PYLON REALLOCATION r 0.0 00 V cl to .P. 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