HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 12/13/1988 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
DECEMBER 13, 1988
L.I.D. 330 - 64th Avenue Improvements
Wickstrom reviewed that the project includes improvements of 64th
Avenue from Smith Street north to 212th with signals at Meeker,
James, 228th and 212th. It is planned for a 5-lane facility with
a 17-foot wide landscape median. The majority of the property
owners are supportive of the project and have been involved in
development of the design. Wickstrom explained he anticipated
bringing this before Council for passage of a Resolution in January
or early February. Johnson asked when construction would start.
Wickstrom explained it is hoped to be under construction in April
and would be approximately a year in length. It is planned to hold
the hearings on formation, advertise for bids and then hold the
hearing on the final assessments before actual construction to
eliminate any interim financing on the project. At this time,
Wickstrom explained, he is seeking Council concurrence to proceed
with the project. The Committee unanimously approved proceeding.
Special Project Engineer
Wickstrom explained we have hired engineers from a consulting firm
to work on the West Valley Highway improvement project. These
engineers will not be available to us shortly. In addition to the
WVH project, the department also has several other major
improvement projects as outlined in his memorandum which must begin
in 1989. Existing staff will not be able to manage this workload
without the use of consultant services. Our previous approach was
to minimize the use of consultants by hiring the consultant's
engineers to work in house with City staff on the development of
projects. We have found this approach produces a better project.
Inasmuch as we have so many major projects to initiate which could
be at least a 3-year workload and to assure continuity within the
projects, it is proposed to create the position of Special Project
Engineer who will work with City staff in the management and
development of the construction projects. Wickstrom explained
there wouldn't be an impact on the budget as the engineer position
would be charged to the projects and the engineering revenue would
be increased to offset the expenditures. Wickstrom added that in
addition to those projects he has listed he has just been notified
Public Works Committee
December 13, 1988
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that all five projects submitted to the Centennial Clean Water Fund
for grants have been approved. Biteman inquired "Out the permit
process and if this position would help that. Wickstrom explained
that an engineer position has been approved in the 1989 budget
which was originally submitted for the Water Quality Program but
will be initially used to facilitate the permit process. Wickstrom
reiterated that the department has an unusual number of large
construction projects without adequate staff so we are reviewing
staffing needs. The Committee unanimously recommended, approval of
creation of the special project engineer position.
Green River Management Agreement
Wickstrom reminded the Committee of the City's participation with
the County and other Valley cities in the Green River Management
project of flood control, levee maintenance, and capital
improvements associated with the levee work. Wickstrom identified
several levee areas in the Kent area requiring capital improvements
to raise the freeboard to FEMA requirements which could result in
an expenditure to the City of $4 million. Wickstrom continued that
discussions within the group now are centering on how to distribute
the costs. One concept is that each city would be responsible for
their share of the project costs.
Impoundment Rgservoir
Biteman stated he thought the impoundment reservoir concept was a
good one and inquired about the status of the Tacoma pipeline
project. Wickstrom stated Tacoma was about to apply for their Army
Corps of Engineers permit to cross the river. This supposedly will
trigger any legal protests by the Indian tribe. Once this issue
is resolved Tacoma should be able to obtain bonding, ,and begin the
L.I.D. 334 - Derbyshire Sewer I tarovements
Wickstrom indicated the bids received were within the engineer's
estimate; however, a portion of the installation VAs required to
be extra deep to service areas outside the LID boundary. This
resulted in increased' costs. As done on previous projects, the
City has paid the cost involved in the extra depth requirement.
Wickstrom requested the transfer of $28, 000 from the unencumbered
sewerage utility fund to this project for this extra-depth cost.
The Committee unanimously approved the transfer.
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Public Works Committee
December 13, 1988
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Public Works Budget Carrvove�
Wickstrom explained the weather delayed the City contractor from
completing the asphalt overlay work which is budgeted in the
operating funds of the Street division. If these fonds are not
carried over to the 1989 budget there will be insufficient monies
to pay the contractor. This is true also of approrgimately $5,000
in the Equipment Rental fund for a highway broom which won't be
delivered until 1989. Wickstrom requested the funds in the Street
Division operating fund for the asphalt overlays and the moneys
appropriated for the highway broom in the Equipment Rental
operating budget be carried over and project funds established.
The Committee unanimously concurred.
Johnson asked about doing something on an interim basis at the
railroad crossings until the rubberized crossings arks installed.
Wickstrom explained the City has no authority to manse any repairs
within one foot of the outside portion of the tracks. If we were
to make any repairs inside the tracks the City wou, .d be assuming
liability for any accident that may occur.
Johnson also mentioned the intersection of EVH and 212th where the
crown of EVH is higher than 212th. Wickstrom stsd it would be
a while before this is scheduled for an overlay but the crown could
be corrected when it is overlayed. Biteman mentioned this problem
was true also of the driveway into Kent Commons.
Reith Road Sight Distance
John Bond displayed the planned improvements of left turn pockets
on Reith Road at 253rd both north and south, a might turn pocket
on Reith at 253rd and a flashing light lower on Reath Road which
would be activated by vehicles on 253rd. The cost for these
improvements is estimated to be $6,300. Wickstrom i d�cated there
were remaining funds in the Reith Road Improvemsrkt,�pr!o j ect. The
Committee unanimously approved proceeding with �rovements.
Agreement with State
Wickstrom explained the State has requested the City, to enter into
an agreement for participation in the right of way acquisition for
the construction of the detention facility in t10 Garrison Creek
area in the vicinity of 104th. The City's share of the acquisition
costs is estimated to be $37,000. Wickstrom stated we had
originally planned to !develop the area for erosion control but the
Public Works Committee
December 13, 1988
Page 4
State wants to develop it as storm water detention associated with
the State's project. y There is currently $25, 000 in the project
fund and we had anticipated the balance of our share for the
acquisition and construction to be funded via a revq�aue bond issue
coupled with a drainage utility rate increase. Wiclrstrom proposed
transferring $15,000 from the unencumbered sewerage Utility fund
to provide for these immediate expenditures. The Committee
unanimously approved transferring the funds and -executing the
Ring County Citizens for Improved Transportation
Hansen updated the Committee on the request from this group for a
$1,000 contribution. Hansen suggested that based !upon the fact
their legislative package wasn't complete at this time the City
contribute $500 now and the remainder when the package is more
fully developed. Hansen stated that the support is probably not
measured so much by the dollar figure as by the fact that the City
is supportive of their effort. White added this, group is the
"umbrella" group trying to coordinate the activiti4s of all the
transportation groups iin the area to put together ia legislative
package. The Committee concurred with the procedure of
contributing $500 now and the remainder when the legislative
package is written. It was determined the funds "uld come from
the Civic Affiliations fund.
Neighborhood Traffic Safety- Rrggram
John Bond demonstrated the 22 areas which have expressed some
interest in the program. Seven of these neiq;hborhoods are
actively pursuing the program. The program will be initiated on
114th Way after the holidays as well.
Biteman suggested John also review this program for the Safety
Granting Easement - Drainagg Jaility Property
Wickstrom explained that two developers have reVested use of
drainage utility property in the vicinity of S. ' 216th Street
between the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and the Ci,*�y's abandoned
sewerage lagoon. This usage would allow them to meet the Fire and
Zoning Code requirements for their proposed developments. In
return for these easements, the developers would Construct the
drainage channel and respective maintenance road in accordance with
the City's requirements for the overflow channel;A Wickstrom
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Public Works Committee
December 13, 1988
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requested authorization to grant the easements. The Committee
unanimously recommended approval.
Request for Sidewalks S.E. 236th Place and 104' ; ,& ate S.E.
Wickstrom reviewed the citizen request for sidewalks for the
Committee. The property owners have not been supportive of
constructing the project on their own. Wickstrom stated while we
can require them to do the work it is his recommendation not to
pursue the project. Biteman concurred. Wickstrom explained that
when the vacant property abutting this area develgpa;wei can require
them to construct the sidewalks. The Committee un"impusly agreed
not to pursue construction of the sidewalks at thin time.
Town Hall Meeting Communications
Johnson asked the Committee how they wished to rappond to those
citizens who made comments about traffic issues at: the Town Hall
meeting. It was determined a Committee meeting would be held after
the first of the year to discuss these issues and the citizens
invited to attend.
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