HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 11/22/1988 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 22, 1988 PRESENT: JON JOHNSON JOHN BOND BERNE BITEMAN MARTIN NIZLEK JUDY WOODS OFFICER PAT LOWERY DON WICKSTROM OFFICE BRIAN JONES GARY GILL MIMI CASTILLO JIM HANSEN ED LABOUNTY BILL WILLIAMSON R.E. IRELAND FEMA - Informational Item Wickstrom explained FEMA has adopted new guidelines. Wickstrom continued that we will be developing an ordinance adopting this new program and bringing it before the Council shortly. If the City does not adopt the new regulations, developments would be unable to obtain federally supported (direct or indirect) financing for projects within these flood plain elevations. Water System Plan Wickstrom presented the revised Water System Plan which projects $11.8 million worth of improvements over the next five years but no water rate increase. Johnson complimented Wickstrom on writing such a clear understandable document. The Committee approved the revised Plan. Sewer Rate Increase Metro's rate will increase effective January 1, 1989 to $10.45 per residential equivalent from the existing rate of $9.90. As has been done previously, it is proposed we pass this increase on to Kent's sewer utility customers. This will result in an increase of 55 cents to each residential equivalent bringing the single family residential rate to $16.45 per month. Wickstrom stated we would be bringing an ordinance before Council adopting the new rate. The Committee unanimously recomended approval. Biteman asked for a breakdown of the operation charge included in the monthly rate. Speed is - CntaAvenue - S. 212th Street Nizlek reported the speed studies on S. 212th showed the 85th percentile speeds to be approximate to the 40 MPH posted speed k Public Works Committee November 22, 1988 Page 2 limit. There has not been any accident experience which would warrant decreasing the speed limit. On Central Avenue, the 85th percentile both north and south bound were within I MPH of 42 MPH. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH. Nizlek stated he would not recommend any changes for either of these streets. Nizlek added he did drive over the tracks on 212th Street at 40 MPH. While the ride is not the most comfortable now, these tracks will be improved with the new rubberized crossing which will be installed shortly. Wickstrom explained the speed limit on Central was reduced to 30 MPH during construction and the ordinance which will be before Council will raise it back to the preconstruction limit of 35 MPH. Bond reported that during October the police department spent 13 hours patrolling the 1000 block of Central and wrote 57 citations and 47 warnings and all would have been for speeds in excess of 15 MPH over the posted speed limit. The Committee unanimously approved leaving the speed limits as posted. This ordinance will be brought back before Council for adoption. Sight Distance - 253rd and Reith Road Nizlek reviewed the situation with those present and concluded there is adequate sight distance for those vehicles on 253rd to see vehicles coming down the hill on Reith but inadequate to see those coming up the hill on Reith. Mr. Ireland suggested the stop bar on 253rd be moved up and suggested realigning Reith Road. Mr. Nizlek suggested rather than realigning there were other options. He suggested some rechannelization for vehicles on Reith Road giving those coming up the hill a left turn pocket; move the stop bar on 253rd forward about three feet. Nizlek also suggested it was possible to install a detector on 253rd which could activate a flashing advisory sign to those vehicles coming up Reith to slow speed to 30 MPH. Mr. LaBounty commented that if you stop at the stop bar you can not see any oncoming vehicles from the left but can from the right if you pull forward. The fence currently doesn't present too much of a problem. He asked for increased police enforcement of the speed limit in the area. He addressed the difficulty of turning left onto 253rd off Reith Road. Mr. Ireland echoed the need for increased enforcement. The Committee unanimously recommended that staff engineer the proposed rechannelization, develop cost estimates for that , as well as the proposed flasher installation, move the stop bar on 253rd forward as much as possible and determine if a portion of the fence in question needs to be removed. The costs for these revisions will be brought back to Committee for funding authorization. Johnson suggested also the Police Department be requested to provide increased enforcement of the area. Mr. Ireland and Mr. LaBounty Public Works Committee November 22, 1988 Page 3 gave Officer Jones information as to locations and times. Biteman asked staff look at the intersection of Lake Fenwick Road and Reith Road, that the buttons are too far forward. Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program IIpdate Nizlek reported that 22 requests for the program have been received. These have been screened to five areas. Expenditures to date have been approximately $2,500, $1,700 of which was for the radar gun which is loaned out to the neighborhood+ Approximately 500 brochures have been distributed and two neighborhood meetings held. The Committee expressed an interest in he4ri.ing more about the Program but due to time constraints for this meeting asked that the item be placed on the next Public Works Committee agenda. Biteman complimented staff on their responsiveness to these issues. Johnson asked that the Committee be kept apprised , of the areas participating in the program and of any difficulties arising. Restriction of Free Right Turns Johnson explained his concern was for areas similar to Central and James. Those vehicles traveling north on Central turning east onto James using a free right turn are also competing for the lane with those vehicles traveling south on Central and turning east onto James from the two left turn lanes. Johnson eiMkessed concern about the accident potential. John Bond added that the double left turn on Central onto James will be eliminated shortly. It was allowed during Smith Street construction. Johnson stated that would seem to correct the situation. Russell Road Closure Hansen informed the Committee that involved Department Heads had met recently on this issue. It is being recommended that Russell Road remain open. Wickstrom explained we will have to bring an ordinance before Council as the road was closed by, ordinance. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of� the ordinance allowing Russell Road to remain open. Ring County Citizens for Improved Transportation The City has received a request for a $1,000 donation for the Ring County Citizens for Improved Transportation group. Their literature indicates they will compile a "consensus of needs and work with the 1989 legislature to get meaningful i action on a Public Works Committee November 22, 1988 Page 4 transportation funding package". The Committee asked that staff verify the legitimacy of this group before approving any expenditure. The Committee recommended approve, cif the $1,000 donation only after staff verification. Other Items Biteman stated he had met with Ron Bockstruck of DOT regarding the intersection of Meeker and SR 516. Biteman has received a letter from Mr. Bockstruck indicating the intersection-hays been placed on their project list.