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City Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 10/11/1988
As t PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE October 11, 1988 PRESENT: Jon Johnson Bill Williamson Berne Biteman Gary Gill Judy Woods Ed White Don Wickstrom Dan Stroh Jim Hansen Stephen Elkins William Kramer Moss ConstructionfSteve Elkins Water Availability Rgauests Williamson explained that Mr. Elkins was not present at the last Public Works Committee meeting thus this item was brought back before the Committee at a time when Mr. Elkins could attend. The attorney's office reviewed whether the City could allow or if criteria could be created under Chapter 4.22. 010 Which is Kent's sphere of interest requirements for consistency with Kent's land use plan for services outside Kent city boundaries. They looked at creating unique criteria which would allow those requirements to be waived; at the grandfathering question to the extent the code would be applied prospectively. After this, it is the recommendation of the Attorney's office that none of these options be pursued and the Planning Department be requested to prioritize a Comprehensive Plan Amendment examination for the area. It is felt this would be the most objective opportunity for the City to address the entire area rather just these two parcels. It is estimated the Planning Department would need about 2-3 months to complete this. Dan Stroh added the study is in the Planning Department's work plan. However, the size of the ,study area has not been identified as yet. Some of the things they will be looking at are whether there have been significant changes in use or other characteristics that would support the need for a comprehensive plan change. To do that change would be the next phase. Williamson stated that Mr. Elkins has indicated there are King County land use studies available justifying the County zoning. He has been encouraged to make that information available to the Planning Department. Hansen added that while no guarantees could be given as to the outcome of the study, Mr. Elkins could be assured the existing uses will be recognized and evaluated. M r . Elkins stated he bought the property based on the ' King County zoning and planned his development not knowing he should check with the City regarding utilities. That, in fact, the property owners of the area were unaware Kent had determined a different designation. While he has a well he could develop to serve the property it would require additional expense. He urged expediency in the study as he is affected economically by the delays. Hansen clarified that Kent's land use plan for the area was developed in the early 70's and the comprehensive plan process does not require property owners to be notified. However, property owner Public Works Committee October 11, 1988 Page 2 notification efforts have been improved of late. Gill stated that Nancy Mann was unable to attend this meeting; however, she urged that the Committee to move ahead with the study. Biteman moved that whatever steps necessary be taken to settle this matter as soon as possible. In discussion, Dan, Stroh noted that Planning will be initiating the study right away and would anticipate completion of the study by the and of the year. If a change in the comp plan were to be implemented that procedure would begin then in January approximately. Woods seconded Biteman's motion. The Committee unanimously approved. Public Interest Vacation - West Temperance Strut Williamson asked this be withdrawn from the agendt as he is not prepared to make a recommendation at this, time. Mr. Kramer was in attendance for this item and presented photographs of the area which he gave to the Attorney for his use Jja preparing a determination on this item. Request for Master Meter - Rjverview RV Park Wickstrom indicated this RV park is developing south of the Green River north of 167 in the vicinity of 262nd. Separate meters are required by ordinance for individual services. The developer has requested to be allowed to serve the site with a, master meter. Council authorization is required to allow a master meter. Williamson added it might require an ordinance. (NOTE: After further review it has been determined that an ordinance will not be required. ) The Committee unanimously approved alXowing a master meter for the development. Discussion of Traffic MitigAti n for King County glats Affecting Kent Transportation Sya_tem Wickstrom explained that to date when a development is taking place in the County outside Kent's utility franchise area yet affecting Kent's transportation system, the only avenue available to address these impacts has been to appeal the SEPA determina+,ions. In some cases, we have been able to reach a settlement wifih,,o;the developer. The County has recently recognized that their pr ' 1fd',etermination of not being able to address the impact on Kent's ,, Aos without an interlocal agreement is not lawful and that SEPA hair to address all impacts and can not be restricted by County ordir*noe. Now the County will be requesting our input prior to the SEPA determination. Johnson stated he has met with Greg Nichols and Gary Grant on this issue. He pointed out that impacts even to County intersections are not being addressed and ho expressed he t , 1 �. .. Op0 Public Works Committee October 11, 1988 Page 3 would like the County to develop tougher standards, to require the developer to mitigate not only where the City is concerned but in the County as well. Wickstrom stated we would likely be coming before Council to amend our SEPA ordinance to adopt the GRVTAP study as part of the SEPA review. Williamson stated we will be looking at the various formulas for mitigating the Upacts so King County can use the information we develop. Recyclinq Biteman stated he would like to discuss the city-rwi,de recycling issue that has been redirected to the Committee. Johnson indicated that the City Attorney would like to be present when this is discussed. Biteman continued he understood the only alteration to the recycling contract was to extend it to five, years from 18 months. Johnson indicated the issue was whether Kent Wanted to get back into the utility business as we were before. Then we could contract for recycling, fall and spring clean up, and other programs that WUTC will not allow haulers to inplude in their contract. Biteman stated he sees a couple of problems with whether Kent would want to go back into the garbage business. One would be the $300,000 grandfather clause and what happen with that if we go back into the business. Another would be who might respond to the bid process and the type of service they might offer. Biteman continued he has calculated there is $1300000 in recyclable material presently going into the landfill without a city-wide recycling program. He would like the issue back on the agenda so we can move ahead on the recycling program. Johnson stated it was his understanding the City has the authority enter into a contract with a hauler for recycling. Williamson responded the Cities in Washington State have tended to treat recyclables !different than garbage and that the Legal Department wants to ,be sure their recommendations are supported by adequate findings of fact and conclusions of law on this matter. Woods suggested,t4e Attorney's office be prepared to bring a recommendation to• thd 'Council when this is placed on the agenda thereby not puttJoq staff in a position of not being able to defend a Council de�csisi:©r}. Williamson will review with the City Attorney a date on Vhith 'lthis can be brought back before the Council and the committee 3rembers will be notified. LID 327 - West Valley Highway Improvements Wickstrom explained we are in the process of right of way acquisition for this project. Inasmuch as we need to be under contract by at least January or February for this project, he is requesting authorization to pursue condemnation procedures for right of way on those parcels where negotiations are'lunsuccessful. Public Works Committee October 11, 1988 Page 4 Wickstrom emphasized we would continue with negotiations at the same time. Woods moved that this request be approved. Biteman seconded. The Committee unanimously approved the request.