HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 05/24/1988 r PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MAY 24, 1988 PRESENT: JON JOHNSON KEN MORRIS JUDY WOODS PRISCILLA SHEA BERNE BITEMAN JOHN BUCKLEY - R.W. BECK DON WICKSTROM SYLVIA BURGES - R.W. BECK SANDRA DRISCOLL RON VERNESONI - EPA BRENT MCFALL MARK SHAFFER - CONVERSE GARY GILL GREG WINGARD UPDATE ON WESTERN PROCESSING Gary Gill introduced the consultants present to the Committee. John Buckley distributed a status report to the members of the Committee (copy attached) . He reviewed the contents of the report. Buckley made comment about the level of efficiency of the stripping system of the air emission procedure. Buckley stated they have made comments to Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency who is reviewing the procedure with Chem Waste. Addressing the groundwater testing, Buckley referred to a seep noted by EPA from the site into Mill Creek. The contractor did not correct the problem adequately. Greg Wingard has noted this problem. Another issue is a potential contamination plume starting to move northwest off the site. In terms of surface water, Mill Creek seems to be getting cleaner in terms of contaminants that are being released into it. However, there is still a question as to what is happening with the sediments. The only way to determine the level of contamination of the sediments is to go through another sampling program. The consent decree covers the cleanup within the site boundaries but it doesn't go any further down the creek. This issue might impact Kent due to the development taking place downstream of the site. Greg Wingard commented the seep has been controlled, with a retaining wall and have reseeded the area. He commented he has not seen any results of the sampling from the site yet. Wingard stated his concern about the plume is that he doesn't feel evasive steps have been taken. He stated that Standard Equipment has not been contacted about placement of additional monitoring wells in Area VII. There has been a request for barrier wells which is still being reviewed. He stated he has a serious problem in waiting for the test data to define the nature of the plume. He felt the existing data would indicate you would expect to see a plume and that it has a potential for acceleration. He felt the investigations into the plume should start immediately. Mark Shaffer of Converse distributed a map of the well locations. (copy attached) The well in question is circled in red. The first time the well was sampled was December, 1987 which showed contamination by four different compounds. The schematic handout indicates that the middle sampling is what is showing the contamination. The other monitoring wells in the north end of the site do not show contamination with exception of one of the 8M8 series and that is being double checked. The second page of the written handout list possible sources of contamination of the 7M26B well. The third page of the written material lists those things that have been and are being done. The barrier well in Area VII has been sampled and is clean. He stated he felt the turnaround time of the laboratory data will improve with the implementation of an onsite laboratory. Biteman asked why probes couldn't be put down to determine the contamination. Shaffer responded that it is probably too deep for a probe. Ron Vernesoni added it is crucial to get the barrier wells into Area VI. He stated they have been in negotiations with Standard Equipment for about a year to get this done. Wingard stated there is indication the groundwater is moving either west or northwest. He commented the barrier well placement is not ideal. He commented about the concept of the Area I wells drawing the plume. Ron Vernesoni stated he has discussed this with Greg for several hours. He added that EPA and Department of Ecology has a team of 5 hydrogeologists working on this program. It was determined this item was for the information of the Committee and that no action was called for at this time. Gill stated the City will be pushing for action on this. REGIONAL WATER ASSOCIATION ANNUAL BUDGET Wickstrom stated the City has been participating in the RWA for approximately 5 years and have been contributing to the annual costs of the program. It is proposed that instead of each member contributing to the costs that a budget be established and the participating agencies contribute an annual cost. The City's share would be approximately $8,100. Woods moved the City continue participation and contribute its share of the annual cost estimated at $8,100. The Committee unanimously approved. ESTABLISHING DATES FOR REVIEW OF 1989 PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET It was determined the Committee would review the Public Works 4 Budget at their meeting on June 28 at 3:00 p.m. G.O. BOND ISSUE Wickstrom stated that he is working with the Valley cities and county in the formation of a TBD. Wickstrom stated he is concerned that if Kent goes ahead with a G.O. Issue it could complicate the implementation of the whole package. Driscoll explained that currently there is no vote required to form a TBD only when issuing bonds. That gets into some of the legal issues. Part of the plan being discussed is going back to the legislature and have the existing legislation amended to having to go out to a vote to form the TBD. That may help cure some of the problems. Wickstrom stated that at the last VTC meeting it was recommended that the County be the lead agency and that the City passes a resolution agreeing to participate in the formationn of a TBD. Woods stated she thought the concept was to use the G.O. bond issue to provide pressure to get the project under way. Johnson stated he had hoped the issuance of the bonds would be contingent upon all the other regional participation and funding being available. It was commented that having a TBD to vote on as well as a bond issue could be confusing to the voters. Biteman asked if we were waiting for action from VTC. Wickstrom responded that a letter from King County Executive will be coming to Council with a sample resolution. McFall stated that if we don't go for a bond issue this fall we would be facing a very high validation percentage next year. Woods stated that if proogress is being made she would be reluctant to "muddy the water". It was decided to wait until the City has received the information from the County. REITH ROAD AND 260TH Biteman stated he had gotten a call about No Parking on Reith Road and 260th on the curb. He asked staff to look at it. Ken Morris will report back to the Committee. O'ROURKE MATTER Biteman stated Mr. O'Rourke had contacted him about the survey problems in an area on Benson. After discussion, it was determined that it is a civil matter. The residents can have the area resurveyed but it is not a matter the City can become involved in. Biteman stated he would refer Mr. O'Rourke to the City Attorney's office. STOP SIGNS Morris distributed a list of the top 20 accident locations in 1987 that are stop sign controlled. Some improvements have already been made alleviating some of the problems. At 42nd and 212th, a left turn pocket has been installed. A 4-way stop has been installed at 192nd and 80th Avenue, a 4-way stop at 2nd and Meeker and a signal installed at 252nd and Pacific Highway S. Three other intersections have signals planned - Meeker and 64th, 104th and 260th and 216th and West Valley Highway. There was channelization and pavement marking improvements made at Lincoln and Meeker. Left turn restrictions were placed at 212th and Frager and Russell. Morris continued they are currently going through the police citation records to determine where there is a high incident of drivers running stop signs. This will help make a final determination where the striping of the stop sign posts should be placed. Biteman stated he would be interested in knowing when accidents occurred as a result of running the stop sign. RELEASE OF COVENANTS - THE LAKES The Lakes development had executed covenants for improvement which have been constructed. They are asking that the covenants be released now. Wickstrom asked for Committee approval for the Mayor to sign the release. The Committee concurred. i� i UU-1660-XS1-AA R. W. Beck and Associates CITY OF KENT WESTERN PROCESSING SITE CLEANUP Status Report No. 3 SITE WORK o Approximately 25,000 cyds of contaminated material has been removed from the site and hauled to Arlington, Oregon. The excavation areas were backfilled and the groundwater extraction and infiltration systems have been installed. o The Groundwater Treatment Plant (GWTP ) building has been erected in Area VII. Equipment installation is in progress. Surcharge for the air emis- sion control system has been placed in Area I . The GWTP, including air emission control system, is expected to be operational by August, 1988. o Chemical Waste Management (CWM) has applied to Kent for water and sewer permits. Revised information on the permits has been submitted by CWM. Kent is in the process of issuing those permits. AIR EMISSION ISSUES o CWM has applied to the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) for an air quality permit for atmospheric discharge of organic compounds stripped from the groundwater. The stripped organic compounds are pro- posed to be adsorbed onto activated carbon. The activated carbon will be periodically (10 hours/day) regenerated with hot air. The organic com- pounds in the hot air will then be thermally destroyed in an incinera- tor. We have reviewed the permit applications; our basic concerns are as follows ; - Air quality modeling was not based on local data or conditions. - The risk assessment was based only on a single indicator species (dichloromethane-methylene chloride). - Air emission allowance for HC1 (acid gas discharge) appears to be very 'liberal . - No data was presented for the basic assertion regarding performance of the proposed equipment (methylene chloride adsorption onto acti- vated carbon. - The proposed incineration system appears to operate, at relatively low temperatures with a short residence time. In making judgements on these issues, there is a questions as to whether the proposed incineration is a "fume" incinerator or a hazardous waste inciner- ator. Emission monitoring is not adequately addressed. We understand that CWM is preparing a response to our concerns. City of Kent - Status Report No. 3 Page 2 WATERBORNE TOXIC RELEASE ISSUES A. Groundwater o There have been several conceptual changes in the Trostee' s ground- water remediation plan. o In early April, groundwater test data became available which indi- cated a potential contamination plume spreading westward from Area I into Area VII (location of the Groundwater Treatment Plant) . The principal indicator species (oxazolidone) was found in Monitoring Well 7M26B located on the south tip of Area VII (See Figure 1). Oxazolidone is a semi-volatile organic chemical found throughout Area I, generally ranging in concentrations of 1 to 30,000 ppm. Prior to receipt of the test data, it had been generally thought that groundwater contamination, other than the "trans" plume, had remained under Area I and on the east side of Mill Creek. - The Monitoring Well 7M26B data tends to support a hypothesis that Area I contamination is migrating to the west or north- west. - Further analysis of the data is needed to verify the above hypothesis. EPA has indicated that such analysis should be complete by the end of May. EPA and the Trustee's are attempting to secure permission from Standard Equipment to install monitoring wells in Area VI. EPA is also considering installing a moniiar well in the 196th St. right-of-way at the north-west corno,oi? Area VI. Installation of these monitoring wells would give valuable data on off-site contamination migration. B. Surface Water o Mill Creek is currently receiving contamination from the Area I site via shallow groundwater migration and seepage. Such releases will continue until the slurry wall is installed , Oad, the ground- water extraction and treatment system is in ope ratfon, A visible seep was spotted by Greg Wingard recently, coming from the location of a pipeline that was removed last summer. CWM hAs recently in- stalled a bentonite cutoff wall to stop the seepage. The effec- tiveness of this cutoff wall will be monitored weekly until the slurry wall is installed and the groundwater extraction system is operational. City of Kent - Status Report No. 3 Page 3 o There is little information on sediment contamination in Mill Creek downstream of the Western Processing site. The sediments are sus- pected of being contaminated with heavy metals, although the level and extent of contamination is not known. Kent is in somewhat of a dilemma regarding this downstream contami- nation. Owners of property through which Mill Creek runs may want to develop their property in the vicinity of the Creek. If Kent grants permits (i. e. , development rights) and damage occurs due to sediment contamination, Kent may be involved in any ensuing litiga- tion because of its knowledge of the suspected contamination. Con- versely, Kent may be sued if it unduly restricts property develop- ment in the vicinity of Mill Creek without an adequate basis for such restriction. Given the above situation, it may be desirable for Kent to sample Mill Creek sediments and determine if contamination does exist and to what extent. This information may be useful to Kent in granting future permits (development rights). In addition, this information may be useful in "reopening" the Western Processing consent decree relative to cleanup of the Mill Creek sediments under Phase III. (1306e) s R. W. Beck and Associates 5/20/88 Seep from Area I to Mill Creek The Issue o In February 1988 EPA discovered water seeping from Area I into Mill Creek in an area where Chemical Waste Management (CWM) had removed a 10 inch drain line. CWM reported that they had removed all gravel bedding material associated with the drain line and backfil- led the trench with impervious soil. CWM was instructed to correct the problem. " o Greg Wingard noticed speepage at the subject location on April 15, 1988. Discolored vegetation within the seepage discharge zone was also noticed. Actions Taken o CWM sampled seepage water and soil at the point of discharge; metal levels in the soil were of the same order of magnitude as general site levels. Levels of metals in the water samples were much lower than those in the soil, but still above background. o CWM placed a retaining wall of untreated timber lined with plastic to prevent movement of surface materials into creek (see sketch). o CWM dug a trench 18"-24" deep and filled it with an impervious grout/bentonite mixture to cutoff subsurface flows to creek (see sketch). o Seepage has been correlated with rainfall ; the preliminary conclu- sion is that the seepage is the result of local percolation from rainfall accumulation between the mini-beam and site berm. o Contamination along Mill Creek will be removed during Mill Creek cleanup and restoration. Side. ber«� �re4. _ /may M;►1 Cr. d.s co�ot e� y � 1 NORTH e e 5 e AREA T, RAt680AD 8 IX i AREA ,8M8 VIII 11111 AREA 9M9 X S. Mill St. AREAIE 1 6 XV AREA o '1 15M16 7M26 II 13M30 H ® AREA 01M24 13M12 15M17 ❑ i AREA •15M1S 6M6 I AREA SSM27 ®1M1 AREA XI• 1 X111 AREA .1M2 ♦V SM4 AREA •1M254—XII 14M14 0 L AREA AREA AREA Or�in�p� x1v IV {{{ 3M29 Olr lrlol . N o. N 3 13M13 ti FIGURE 2.1 WELL L00ATIONS (AP?Fxr)i Approx.SCSI* 0 100 200It. IV — Remedial Action Area • — AREA XI Designates Mill Creek 0 Monifor" wcUs or-dtk5,W wttjy — AREA xll Designates East Oratn � 134rritY W GII+ • Solid Syrnbol5 - 2X��t'inq We.US ♦ Traws WeII optiq Syr►,AoIs- Proplarve , ltoW5 M Cuv+bintd b4rrler/41PY6 we,I,I, 7MZ6 WELL$ 0 A 8 C D iQ DISCONTINUOUS LENSES OF SILT, CLAY,AND SAND. Kh=1 TO 10 FT,/DAY 30 40 FT.—=— 4.0 •is{�e'✓::{ :�:•}r•. : { + •.v ..h :•.a: 60 FINE-MEDIUM SAND WITH• j%;i;:f DISCONTINUOUS SILT LENSES.'• 'r1•'• SO Kh =10 TO 100 FT.IDAY "X . •j,;, ::ti:•e'i: ::Y +� I :i 1 : ,•�l 150 FT. DENSE CLAY AND SILT Kha10-2 FT./DAY (estimated) I SCHEhAA'1C GEOLOGIC SECTION WESTEM PROCESSING Kent,lNasF*voo MtN. 8'� S" DIAM> �EI?. STEEL CA51N& WITH H1NC�D Hot_ L CY KSNG LID HANDLE ( THREADEp CAP }t (n � +t 0 0 n . t CEMENT/13ENYONfTE GKouT U) w •v t Q �. . 4" DIAMMR �' •Q PVC F)Pe (SCHF-PULE 40) ° WrM RU514- MRI A=JOINrr5 • - a •° MWTCNITE SEAL • tJo.2 M oN'1-Eize Y F l LTA 12 •; PAC K ' PVC. SCRESK` YHKEAPeP ENV FL9 z ' N Source, Western Processing Remedial Action Plan Phase 11 Documents (1986) by Landau Associates, Inc. Modifications incorporated by HDR. Single Completion Monitoring Well Detail not to scale r l P+ o o CD m CD -h �, m m -, �• �• n oCD m a m ~ r•F a CD O N O (D o = n CAo) cc CD a• z (D % O g CL j CD a o z CO ? ODD na p CA 0 CD 0CD Z a � Y .(� C4) N r. n cn v ° N I CD " CD 3 CDCL m o °' O 6 0 cn �. 0 c 3. CD co CA -, CD m 0 .� O O z CD •a O CD � CD m D O z ° < D �. D 3 �`. z c0i m D O CD to CD O < 3 C CL n ° N O CD CD Q. a 0) Ca a� f n ° =r �. •• to .; CA) tv CS-0 ' � -1 0� 3 0 0 a D 0 CD co W W —� co 0) 0. c o N 0. 0 -* c�v u o > > (D 0 a O cp CD �. 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