HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 01/26/1988 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE January 26, 1988 PRESENT: Jon Johnson Tim Heydon Judy Woods Jerry McCaughan Don Wickstrom Jack Spencer Brent McFall Alice Milne Gary Gill Lyle Price Ken Morris Jack Bigford V�. Sale of Surplus Police Vehicle Wickstrom explained the City of Morton has offered to purchase a police vehicle from us that we are declaring as surplus. They have offered to pay $1, 150 which is the amount we would anticipate receiving if the vehicle were to be sold at public auction. The Committee recommended approval to sell the vehicle to the City of Morton. Establish Budget for Completion of Water Utility Telemeterinq Control System Wickstrom explained we have had our consultant review the status of the water utility telemetering system. There appears to be several modifications required to make the system fully operational and reliable . The consultant has estimated the cost would be approximately $150, 000 for these improvements. Wickstrom related the money could come from the unencumbered water utility funds. He requested approval to establish a budget and proceed with the work. The Committee concurred. Request for Property Purchase - Scenic Way Mr. Bigford stated he has recently discovered that part of his driveway and his oil tank are located on property that belongs to the City of Kent immediately adjacent to his property. Mr. Bigford requested he be allowed to purchase an 8-foot strip of the City's property which abuts his. Wickstrom explained the property in question is utility property and in order to sell it it must be declared surplus and put out for bids. The costs involved in this process would exceed the value of the property. Johnson inquired if an easement would be better. Wickstrom indicated he would have concerns about the City's liability if an easement Were granted. Public Works Committee January 26, 1988 Page 2 Mr. ' Bigford stated he would be willing to assume the costs of appraisal and advertising involved in order for the property to be put up for bid. McCaughan indicated the cost of an appraisal could be as much as $1500. It was determined that staff should consult with the City Attorney to determine the proper procedure in order to sell the property. Declare as Surplus Property Vicinity of 102nd Ave,=e &.E. and James This is a similar situation as above. This property is a 50x50 parcel that is an old pump station that used to be the sole source of pumping water to the east hill system. An adjoining property owner has offered to purchase this property. The Committee authorized staff to proceed once the City Attorney's determination on procedure has been received. Sale of Surplus Vehicles A list of 15 vehicles the Equipment Rental Division is suggesting the City declare surplus and sell at State auction was reviewed. The Committee concurred with the request. Request for Closure of 110th Place Alice Milne submitted a petition signed by residents of 110th Place S.E. who want 110th closed. This petition is made a part of these minutes. Ms. Milne related that the residents had been told that 110th would be closed once construction had been completed. However, it has remained opened and is being used quite heavily. Wickstrom related originally the developer was required to close 110th in conjunction with development of 109th Street. He subsequently received an amendment to the binding site plan to allow it to remain open, conditioned, however, if the City determined it to be hazardous we could order it c�'osed. It was determined that 110th is a private street. The Committee directed staff to verify with the fire department if they would have any problem responding to the area if 110th were closed, do volume counts to determine the traffic load, research the conditions of the binding site plan and report back to the Committee. 14 :,a Public Works Committee January 26, 1988 Page 3 Canyon Drive Hazard Elimination Project Morris explained a public meeting had been held concerning temporary left turn restrictions on Canyon. A list of comments received was reviewed for the Committee . The anticipated construction schedule for the left turn lanes is within the next 12-18 months. The project is about $280,000 and it completely funded with Federal funds. The left turn restrictions will be removed once the left turns are constructed. Morris stated not only will there be No Left Turn Signs but 36-inch pylons will be placed on Canyon from Jason to 94th. Johnson suggested that No U-Turn Signs be placed at 94th. It is estimated the cost of the signing and pylons would be approximately $10,000 Which Wickstrom proposed be transfered from the LID 313-CBD Improvement project. The Committee concurred with the temporary left turn restrictions and transfer of the funds. Parking 1st and Titus The Downtown Task Force asked the Public Works Committee to review a two hour parking limit on the first two rows of .parking in the lot on Titus Street. Morris indicated parking utilization of the lot was 80-90% during the day. Morris stated he didn't feel there would be any problem with the request. Woods clarified it was requested to provide better parking opportunities for customers of City businesses. The Committee concurred. Traffic Movement Meeker Street into Downtown There was discussion of the request by the Downtown Task Force to remove the right turn only restriction to the eastbound lane at Meeker and Fourth allowing traffic to travel on into �the downtown area. It was requested that Morris bring back a proposal and cost estimate to the Committee. Reith Road .and S. 253rd Sight Qistance Morris reviewed the sight distance problem ce+ated by the construction of a fence by an adjoining property *ner. Johnson stated he thought the problem was not being able tot * cars coming up Reith Road. Morris stated that cars in the right turn lane going up the hill are creating a problem as they are, useing the lane in order to pass slower vehicles. A recommendation would be to extend the buttoning down the hill and place additional Right Turn Only signs. A raised island could also be placed it Reith and S. 253rd forcing the vehicles to turn right out of the right turn lane. The cost for the raised island would be approximately $1,000. Wickstrom stated there are funds in the Reith Road project for this . The Committee approved of these recommendations. Johnson suggested a memo be sent from the Committee ;to the rest of the Council about these changes. � it i. Public Works Committee January 26, 1988 Page 4 Neighborhood Program Morris reviewed material from the City of Bellevue on their Neighborhood Traffic Control program. Residents of a neighborhood are involved in the program actually using a radar gun and recording the speeds of the vehicles traveling through the area. The program also allows residents to take license plate numbers of vehicles who may be consistently creating a problem. ,A letter can be sent to the owners of these vehicles informing them they have been observed speeding on such- and-such a date, etc. Morris stated he felt this could work in conjunction with the Nei hborhood Crime Watch program and the police department is receptive to working with this program. Wickstrom stated a pilot program is planned for the Carnaby Way neighborhood. On Street Parking - Sight Distance Downtown IntergggtJons Morris stated one of the police officers observed there is a sight distance at several of the intersections and driveways in the downtown area because of parking stalls being so Close. one in particular was the driveway out of the City Hall parking lot. Woods will review this with the Downtown Task Force to see if they would object to some of the parking stalls being removed from the more hazardous intersections and driveways. 1' +!T0: Kent City Council ' RE: Closing of vehicle access k8th St. from the 110th Ave. SE entrancie Kent Shires Gentlemen: I wish to raise a strong protest for keeping the vehicle access open to general tm&ic at the entrance to Kent Shires at SE 248th St. and 110th Ave. SE. I feel this open access to be extremely dangerous to the residents in that immediate area. The roadway on 110th Ave. SE at and near the entrance to SE 248th St. is very narrow leaving the residents with insufficient room to safely back out of their gages. Speeding vehicles are increasing through this section in spite of 10 MPH speed limit warning signs. Initially, this roadway was to be closed to all traffic except emergency vehicles. As it is now, emergency vehicles would have a difficult time entering onto 110th Ave. SE because of the parked cars during certain times of the day. I hereby petition the City of Kent to permanently close this access to SE 248th St. to all traffic except emergency vehicles as was originally intended. Failure to do so will surely result in an injury accident sooner or later. r f NAME ADDRESS DATE IF 2— Al 47 S. !.a a ,