HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 10/05/1992 L f PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1992 PRESENT: Paul Mann Ed White Leona Orr Kevin Lindell Jon Johnson Frank Connelly Jim Bennett Dennis Byerly Tony McCarthy Tom Brubaker Norm Angelo Dave Haenel Kevin Kearns Laurie Evezich Mary Berg Jean Parietti Ed Crawford Bill Doolittle Tom Brubaker of the Law Department introduced David Haenel to the , Committee. Haenel is the chief prosecutor for the City and he will now be the attorney who will be advising the Public Safety Committee. REPORT ON JAMES STREET SAFETY CONCERNS Ed White reviewed the report of alternative solutions that could be used to help rectify the accident problems occurring on James Street in the vicinity of the Nazarene Church. White indicated that the preferred alternative is to install warning signs and flashing yellow beacons. This alternative is relatively inexpensive and gives greater flexibility for other options if needed. The cost would be approximately $10,000 ,and the funds would be available through the James Street Project. White indicated that they were also going to take a look at the ordinance that was passed several years ago restricting access on the neighborhood streets, but they haven't had an opportunity to get with the attorneys yet. Johnson asked about the history of accidents on James Street. White indicated that the accidents are there and it's apparent that there are problems. Johnson asked if most of the accidents are occurring at the Church. White indicated that it's all along James Street. Mann stated that he feels that traffic lights would help to slow the traffic down. White explained that in this particular situation with the grade of the hill, traffic signals would actually increase rear-end accidents. Mann further stated that a light would allow pedestrians to cross the street rather than having to go all the way to the bottom of the hill. There was further discussion related to the problems with traffic signals and pedestrian overpasses, and history on access issues. White expressed that there are no easy answers, but they could try the signing and see what affect it has. White further indicated that the only real solution would be to go ahead and spend the money to make it five lanes, but that would be very expensive. Public Safety Committee , October 5, 1992 Page 2 of 4 Leona Orr asked if anything was done at the time the school came in, did they change the use. White indicated that he wasn't sure what conditions, if any, were placed on the school. Angelo expressed that one thing to remember is if physical barriers were put up, it would substantially impact response routes and times. Leona Orr moved to give Public Works authority to move forward with Alternative #4, the placement of signage and flashing yellow beacons. Jon Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0. White to take back Public Safety's recommendation to Public Works Committee. ORDINANCE CLARIFYING THE ELEMENTS OF THE CRIME OF ASSAULT, AMENDING SECTION 9.02.20 OF THE KENT CZTX CODE Dave Haenel and Officer Frank Connelly explained a problem that is occurring at Aukeen District Court due to a legal loophole on cases involving assaults on officers. Connelly indicated that some of these cases have been dismissed from Aukeen Court after being challenged by defense attorneys. The defense attorneys wait until the case has already been heard, then ask for dismissal because of a conflict between state law and the Kent City Code and because a person can't be tried twice for the same crime, the case gets dismissed. Haenel explained that this revision simply defines assault without incorporating the degree levels. Leona Orr moved to approve the revision. Jon Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0. ORDINANCE REGARDING THE ADMIILITY OF REFUSAL EVIDENCE IN DRIVING WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE PROSECUTIONS. ADDING A NEW SECTION 9.3 6.110 TO THE KENT !QII'Y CODE Dave Haenel explained that the Washington Legislative Session neglected to add RCW 46.61.517 to the Model ,Traffic Ordinance and because the City of Kent had simply adopted the MTO previously, Chapter 9.36 of the Kent City Code needed to be amended to add this section. The new section adds that the refusal of a person to submit to a test of the alcoholic content of his or her blood or breath under RCW 46.20.308 is admissible into evidence in a subsequent criminal trial. Leona Orr moved to approve. , Jon Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE NABRINGZQN MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE: AMENDING CHAPTER 9.36 Dave Haenel explained that Section 9.36.010 of the Kent City Code Public Safety Committee October 5, 1992 Page 3 of 4 was being changed to add that the Model Traffic Ordinance as set forth in RCW 46.90 is adopted by reference. Leona Orr moved to approve. Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0. REVISION OF THE INTERLOCAL INSPECTION AGREEMENT WITH KING COUNTY Mary Berg explained that the County has revised two Sections of the Interlocal Agreement to perform fire code inspections within Fire District 37. Section 4 was reworded to reflect the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 9 has been changed to reflect that the County will pay the City 50% of the permit fees collected. This section previously read that the County would pay 50% of 75% of the fees collected. Leona Orr moved to send to the Consent Calendar for authorization for Mayor to sign after legal review. Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0. JOINT PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH KING COUNTY AND VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Chief Angelo and Assistant Chief Kearns explaind that after approximately three years of background research -and conceptual system design work, King County voters recently 4pproved a $57 million 3-year levy to implement a regionally integrated 800 MHz trunked radio system for all public safety agencies in the County. Kent and Valley Com personnel have been closely involved in the planning process and have demonstrated a keen grasp of issues that are crucial to the success of a project of this nature. King County has approached Kent and Valley Com to donsider a joint project management and implementation arrangement, with the assignment of Assistant Chief Kearns as the joint project manager. The City of Kent would be fully reimbursed for all costs associated with Kearns' reassignment. Kearns has expressed a willingness and desire to assume this role but has expressed several reservations about his position in the Kent Fire Department and the ability of the Department to continue programs and activities that he is responsible for without a loss of direction and continued functionality. Angelo indicated that the key issues that need to be resolved to make this arrangement workable are: 1) the ability of the Kent Fire Department to back-fill Kearns' position and to reassign staff so they can continue in-progress programs and maintain existing systems to existing standards; and 2) the ability of the Department to reach agreements with Valley Com and King County that will allow Public Safety Committee October 5, 1992 Page 4 of 4 them to still have access to some of Kearns' time during the project. Angelo further indicated that at this time they were only looking for authorization to explore negotiations to show that they are, in fact, interested in looking at the idea. Leona Orr moved to give authorization to proceed and put on consent calendar to explore negotiations. Jon Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0 LEASING OF TRANSMITTER SPACE AT THE_ CAMBRIDGE RADIO SITE Chief Angela indicated that a .number of months ago, Council gave them authority to negotiate and manage agreements for the leasing of radio equipment space at the Cambridge site. Angelo indicated that Kearns has been able to negotiate an agreement with the Port of Seattle that will be of mutual benefit to the City and to the Port of Seattle. The lease agreement has been reviewed and approved the City Attorney's office. Angelo indicated that they are requesting authority to proceed to the consent calendar for authorization for the Mayor's signature. Kearns indicated that the agreement is pretty straight forward. The revenue collected from the Cambridge site will offset the expenses from the Squawk Mountain site. In addition, the Port of Seattle has agreed that they would negotiate future integration of their system into a regional network. There are also some site improvements that they'll male, including having an emergency generator for the radio site and if they were to ever terminate the lease, it would stay with the property. Leona Orr moved to approve to go to the consent calendar. Jon Johnson seconded the motion. Passed 3-0. PERMIT PROCESS REPORTS Chief Angelo indicated that the reports for the permit process have already been scheduled to go to- the Planning Committee and asked if they should also come to Public Safety. Leona Orr explained that the Planning Committee has already talked about it briefly and they are fully prepared to continue on, however if Public Safety would like to hear the reports too, that's fine. Paul Mann indicated that he didn't feel that Public Safety needed to hear it too. Meeting adjourned.