HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 05/15/1990 Marie Jens Ci ty0erk l EVE # WE tl CITY OF KENT t JUN 14 1990 SAFETY COMMITTEE CITY OF KE�T MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 �' CLERK Members Present: Judy Crouch, Senior Center; Geri Hanby, Parks Maintenance; Brad Dupleich, Public Works Operations; Janet Shull, Planning; Jackie Figgins, Fire Prevention; Jan Cutting, Finance; Joe Sams, SWS; Sedonia Young, Personnel ; Sue Viseth, Personnel, Safety Chair The City of Kent Safety Committee met on Tuesday, May 15 at 2:30 p.m. in the Courtroom of City Hall . The following information was discussed: MARCH - ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS: Public Works Incident: Employee was using jack hammer to break up damaged sidewalk and to remove tree roots, resulted in pain in lower back and left lag. Employee continued working until he went home later that day. Employee did not fill out incident report at that time. It was the determination of the Safety Committee that this incident was non-preventable. Safety Committee suggests additional training on proper use of jack hammer be provided to employees in the future. Committee also encourages employees to complete incident/accident in a timely fashion. APRIL - ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS: Police Department Incident: Employee was in process of arresting suspect who resisted in attempt to escape. During this resistance, the suspect used hands to push officer away, while pushing, suspect jammed hands into officers hands causing spraining of left ring finger. The Safety Committee determined that this incident was non-preventable. Incident: Employee was placing a money order in control room lobby sliding drawer, person receiving the money order jerked the door open smashing the employee's left hand. The Safety Committee determined that this was a non-preventable incident. Parks Department Incident: Employee was push starting a truck when the rear dual tire caught his right foot and ankle. The Safety Committee determined that this incident was preventable. w Incident: Employee was getting ready to move driving range tractor to back door to unload balls from trailer. In trying to close the cage door, which is in bad order, employee's hand slipped and hit sharp object on cage frame resulting in an infection to the hand. The Safety Committee determined that this incident was preventable. Incident: Employee tripped while carrying a large, but light box downstairs while wearing high heel pumps. Resulted in a sprain to left foot. The Safety Committee determined that this incident was preventable. Incident: Employee's hand was caught between wrench and roller when working on a mower. Employee was removing a blade and replacing it with a new one. Resulted in bruise and cut to left finger. The Safety Committee determined that this incident was preventable. Fire Department Incident: Employee was running physical training in the morning and strained knee. Knee became sore when running or climbed stairs. Resulted in irritation and inflammation of knee. The Safety Committee determined that this incident was non-preventable. OTHER BUSINESS: • Update on request for Safety Committee Representatives from the Kent Commons and Golf Course facilities. The Safety Committee Chair, Sue Viseth, informed the Committee that the managers' of both the Kent Commons and Golf Course facilities had been contacted and will notify personnel of the designees to represent their facilities at future Safety Committee meetings. • Update on status of bottled water memo sent by Committee to City Administrator. Safety Committee Chair informed Committee that the City Administrator is currently in the process of researching this issue and will be responding in writing to the Safety Committee, hopefully, by the next meeting in June, • Update on smoking in the workplace issue. See attached letter from Wellness Team to Administration. It was the consensus of the Safety Committee that a firm stance be taken on smoking in the workplace. Committee requested the Safety Chair draft a memo to administration for their review at the next Safety Committee meeting. • Request from departments for training on appropriate lifting techniques, "backfire training" through SWS to be scheduled in June/July. - 2 - Safety Committee Chair also notified Joe Sams, SWS Loss Control Technician, that the Corrections Facility has requested a video on back training. There was further discussion amongst Committee members regarding coordination of safety training at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance Facility. It was suggested that a letter be directed to Parks Maintenance Superintendent, Jack gall , advising that Safety Committee activities be coordinated amongst the two departments in the future. This would include safety training in the shops as well as regular safety meetings on a monthly or quarterly basis. Janet Shull of the Planning Department presented the Committee with a memorandum from Lin Ball , Senior Planner, regarding the environmental health issues at the new Centennial Building. The memo is addressed to Jim Hansen, Assistant City Administrator, regarding exposure to formaldehyde and other possible chemicals in the new building. The Safety Committee has requested that Jim Hansen and a consultant or developers of the Centennial Building be invited to attend a future Safety Committee meeting to brief the Safety Committee on precautions and standards that are being used regarding air quality and environmental health issues in the construction of the new building. There was further discussion from Jackie Figgins of the Code Enforcement Division as to possible topics for her department safety training. Joe Sams advised Ms. Figgins that he would assistant her in developing possible topics for upcoming department safety meetings. Ms. Figgins informed the Committee that she has an earthquake video available that was used at a recent department safety committee meeting and was well received. This video is available to Safety Committee members by requesting it from Ms. Figgins. Brad Dupleich of the Public Works Operations Division had a number of issues to discuss with the Committee, the first being lifting techniques and what is the maximum weight requirement for the maintenance workers. Safety Committee Chair informed Mr. Dupleich that they would research the OSHA standards and reply to him at the next meeting. Mr. Dupleich also brought up the question of wellness activities that are taking place during breaks and lunch time. Maintenance personnel are asking for clarification on possible liability issues if they should injure themselves while in the course of a wellness activity, i .e. walking, jogging, biking during their lunch or break time. It was determined that since lunch time is not City paid that any activities during this period would be considered at the employees ,pwn risk; as well as during break time, if the employee is participating in a non-work related activity. - 3 - There was further discussion by Mr. Dupleich regarding s culrity issues at the Shops building. He asked whether the building itself is actually considered a public facility. There have been a number of incidence of the public being allowed access throughout the Public Works facility as well as damage to City vehicles in the Public Works parking lot. This information will be researched further with the Police Department. Safety Committee Chair advised the Committee that the Police Department is currently in the process of providing training to all City employees regarding these security issues and employees should take advantage of this training. Mr. Dupleich also brought to the attention of the Safety- Committee that the entrance and exit gates at the City Shops are still an issue. Directions are still not being followed as to entering and exiting from the proper gate, specifically a problem with some of the engineering staff and police officers using the wrong entrance. It was the consensus of the Committee that a general memo be sent to everyone reminding them of the entrance and exit gates at the City Shops facility, in hopes of alleviating this problem. This will be recommended to the Public Works Operations Manager. The next scheduled meeting of the Safety Committee is Tggs4iy, June 19, at 2:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room. 2660W-30W - 4 -