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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 10/16/1989 VERBATIM MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEEk MEETING
OCTOBER 16, 1989
PRESENT: Paul Mann Jim Miller
Christi Houser Hal Rees
Ed Chow Dennis Byerly
Sandra Driscoll Kevin Kearns
Alana Mclalwain Barney Wilson
Norm Angelo
PM: Alright, we'll begin. Before we go into the agenda I think
we need to deal with the minutes from the last meeting. I
trust there is a question as to what actually was said here.
There are some conflicting statements. I 'd like us to go into ,s
executive session and look into this matter. So, those people
that were here last, at the last meeting, I would ask to stay
for an executive session and we'll call you back, those of you
that are outside, we'll call you back in as soon as its over.
SD: Just to keep this legit here, we have to state for the record
the reason for the executive session. There are general,
generally things, reasons to go in, matters relating to real
estate, collective bargaining, complaints against
individual employees. Normally, approval of minutes itself
is not a matter by which we can go into executive session.
PM: These matters have to do with personnel, personnel policies,
personnel matters which may effect personnel, have
SD: Okay, if you state that for the record. Going in for matters
related to again, a complaint against an employee and then we
also have to state for the record, how long we're going into
the executive session.
PM: Ten minutes.
SD: Okay.
JM: And, for the record, Chief Frederiksen who was here last time
is not able to be here, he's out of town, has asked me to be
here for this portion. Is there a problem with me being in
the executive session in his behalf.
DB: Captain Miller is Acting Chief at this time in the absence of
Chief Frederiksen.
PM: Well, I would just ask that the people that were here last
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Meeting adjourned to executive session.
Meeting reconvened at approximately 2:25 p.m.
CH: I move the minutes of the September 4th meeting, or 14th
meeting, excuse me.
PM: We first have to amend the minutes.
CH: No, you, now we have to amend them, first we have to have the
minutes, first we have to make a motion, then we have to amend
PM: Okay. Second.
CH: Okay.
PM: All in favor.
SD: Then you have a motion to amend.
CH: Either one of us?
SD: Right.
CH: With two of us here, it's a little more difficult than usual.
Okay, I move that we amend the minutes to reflect recollection
of the Councilmembers that were at that meeting to change the
statement that Captain Byerly indicated that Captain Rees had
the information, not that he had given him the information.
PM: Second. All in favor.
CH: I.
P11: I.
CH: Opposed?
PM: Alright, now the next item here is Standards for Public
Defense Services by City Attorney.
SD: As I said in the memo, that legislation that came out was
passed by the 1989 Legislature requires every city council to
adopt standards for public -defense services. What I have in
front of you is a three-page, three pages of proposed
standards. Each one of these headings that you see, all
thirteen of them, are the specific topics that are required
to be addressed by legislation. It's taken straight out of
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the legislation. What is here is really a compilation of
reading the Washington State Bar Association guidelines for
public defense standards. Some that are now being considered
by several other cities in King County area, as well as some
proposed standards by the Public Defense Association. Public
Defense Association would like more specific, say under the
heading of compensation of ,council. They'd like us to set a
minimum dollar amount. They's like us to set specific case
load limits, types of cases that each of the council can
handle. I think from a City standpoint, we believe it's more
appropriate that it's the Defense Council that make those
determinations just on their own professional judgement as to
what is appropriate. Therefore what I say is say pay is at
rate commensurate with training and experience, case loads,
that necessary for them to ensure effective representation and
broader language like that. But we do need this in place
before we go forward to seek Defense Council for the City and
that contract expires December 31. That's why it's in front
of you know. One thing, on page 2, number 8, when we talk
about the last sentence in there where I say the City shall
have available a contract with additional qualified attorneys
if there's a conflict of interest. If with the Council's
permission, I 'd like to change that proposed language to say
the court shall appoint qualified attorneys. Reading it, it's
not really appropriate for a defendant to come to the City,
say, well my public defense died or lady had a. conflict and
so you got to give me somebody else, because then we're
getting a little to close. So we'd like to have the court
appoint. The City, of course, still pays, but the court
appoints and that's how it 'works now.
CH: Okay.
SD: So, we're just requesting that with your approval, we be able
to go to the Council with this.
PM: Do you want a motion?
SD: Yes, please.
CH: Okay. I move that we approve, we approve the ,Standards forR,
Public Defense for the City with the change that Sandra made
on number 9, 8.
PM: Second. All in favor.
PM: I.
CH: I.
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PM: Opposed.
PM: Okay, it's carried.
License Agreement with King County Water District 75, Fire
NA: What I'd like to do is update you a little bit on the radio
mobile date terminal project. In order for that project to
function properly, we need to have two sites. A remote site
to the east and north of us and another one to the west hill.
Our preferred site was with Water District 75 and their tower
in that it gave us better coverage. It was a site that
already had some tower equipment on it and it was just very
suitable to our overall needs. The idea was to get a long
term lease with renewable five - ten year increments, to
leave us in a somewhat stable position. After much discussion
the Water District felt that the best they would do would go
from a license and not a lease. We were looking for the long
term lease. The license would only be good as long as they
decide to issue it and on a given moments notice, they could
tell us that okay, we want to cancel the license and then we'd
have up to one year to remove the tower from the site,
actually we'd have to set up another tower on the site and
then take the other one down within one year. There were some
stability questions. But the other alternative to us,
however, was to go over behind the fire station on the
Cambridge site, up by the water tower. For the most part, it
would have been hidden. Very few, if any, trees would go out,
but the difficulty is it would go about 40 feet above the
tree line in order to be effective and reach the other tower
site. There were basically then two alternatives. We came
back with City Administration and the Mayor and laid out both
alternatives and give them the overall quality that we can get
from the Water District 75 site, given the fact that in the
,,. past history they have not had a history of kicking people off
of their site, it was felt 'that it was a preferable
alternative to do that versus going to the Cambridge site
which tends to be more of a residential type neighborhood, and
the fact that the coverage from the Water District 75 site
was somewhat better. What it boils down to is that the Mayor
and the City Administration felt it was appropriate to keep
Council informed so that you could be aware that there is a
risk there, but overall the risk is seen as moderate. So we
want to answer any questions you might have with regards to
that and there were two other items like this that are just
informational items.
PM: With the latest development in the Midway Landfill fiasco,
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does that contamination affect Water District 75's well
NA: No, it doesn't. The site that we're looking at is much
further north than that. Water District 75 may have some
more sites down there, but I 'm not aware of any that are
impacted by that particular site in Midway. This is basically
putting a tower on some of their property.
PM: Any questions? What would you like us to do?
NA: It was basically an information item. The other thing other
thing related to hazardous materials, now that you've brought
it up, is that we are not going to, remember in the Council
Targets we were talking about doing some additional household
toxic waste days. There are two things, one there is not
enough budget to do it. Secondly, the County has started a
program where twice a year, they're going to be coming around
with a portable 'unit and be accepting household toxic wastes.
The first one will happen between October 26th and November
4th and they'll locate their site down at the,park-n-ride at
the foot of James Street. 'What we're going to do is require
them to get a permit from us. They will not be paying a fee
for that permit, but it will require them to be monitored by
our people. If they start running a sloppy operation or where
it is inappropriate to our citizens, then we'11 probably step
in and come back to you with further information, with our
recommendations. But if it works out, it will be the long
term solution to household toxic wastes. So, we're going to
hold right now on our plans for next year. We're not going
to conduct additional site visits this year as we did earlier
in April, but we will be monitoring these other folks. Second
thing is that just to update you on your other target issue
up there. We have entered into some training and introduction
to the other Departments to begin their disaster planning and
a. processes for their annexes. So that you can anticipate that
taking a couple of years by the time it gets to the full plan
and then even after that it takes a lot renewal and revising.
But a major step and think there's something like 12 steps it
takes to get one in place, we've gone through 6 of them and
the 7th one now is taking it to the Departments and getting
their annexes ready. So we are proceeding.
PM: We're looking forward to the dedication.
NA: I need to spend some time with you after this meeting for a
couple moments and Captain Miller, Mr. Chow, just to make sure
we have some time coordinated. We'll put you to work out
there on Friday.
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PM: Is there anything else. I have an issue, I just wonder if
I could get some response to and that is this recent death.
This high school student that was killed crossing the street.
EC: On Tuesday, wasn't it.
PM: Yes. Is that the same area .that we had a presentation on, our
Safety Committee by the school official.
NA: I don't believe so, I believe it was up towar4p 208th.
DB: It was on 208th.
NA: It was in a County area. Our people were some of the first
on the scene.
CH: She was talking about Central.
NA: You have some on Central and you have some on the Kangley.
This was, there 'was no school bus near there and.
BW: (Not understandable)
DB: Right.
ED: Panther Lake wasn't it.
DB: Yes, at about 103rd or 4th and 208th.
PM: Was anything done with regard to that concern.
NA: There is some things being investigated with that. It may not
have been totally accidental. There may have been some not
paying attention, some desire, it's hard to say. They're just
doing some research to find out exactly what the cause is.
So we don't know. (not understandable) . .in the school
�. district, so County Police is handling it. We didn't
encounter anything peculiar that, like a school bus stop or
something that would tend to linger up the street or things
of that nature.
JM: Was that actually on 208th? Just for your update, in the
City of Kent, 104th is considered to be the Benson, but
when you get up in that area, 104th is east of the Benson
by roughly 4 blocks, or I'm sorry, west of the Benson by
roughly 4 blocks.
CH: Well, in regards to that matter, we have a letter here from
a man that says that, that appearances indicate that the City
of Kent is intent on impeding traffic by putting so many
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lights up on Kent Kangley Highway, Benson Highway, S.E. 256th
Street intersection. During rush hour, cars are backed up all
over because there are four sets of lights through there and
he thinks we should take out lights or some of ahem anyway so
the traffic would flow through easier.
NA: It would be a boom for business for Police and Fire.
CH: If we took out the lights?
NA: There'd be hell to pay up there.
CH: I mean there's differing opinions on how to you know, how
this should be done.
NA: I think what that person is seeing is there aren't, which we
all know, there aren't enough roads around.
CH: Yes.
NA: And because of that they're focussing into one, area, but to
have a free for all at that intersection, and that's exactly
what it would be up there.
JM: The lights may tend to slow down his progress, but the lights
in general, speed the process of all the commuters through
that area.
CH: Everybody getting through.
JM: If you look at it one direction, yes, the lights do impede,
but they actually speed up the entire process.
BW: And, there's no pedestrian crossing all the way from Panther
Lake to almost the Benson Shopping Center. Pedestrians can't
of get across. That's why we *asked for that underpass at
Garrison Creek. Traffic corridors are really blockers for
the residential areas.
PM: There's a real problem at the Nazarene Church entrance/exit
there on James Street. I wonder if we could put'' on record
here that concern had been raised regarding that issue. I
know there's been quite a few accidents there.
XX: Left turns coming down the hill.
PM: If there's some way to alleviate that with a caution, blinking
yellow light that would change upon being tripped coming from
the Nazarene Church or whatever. I think we need to address
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JM: There are a number of external things that you could do, but
just generally the topography and geography there is the
hazard factor there as opposed to, people have a tendency to
look at traffic ahead of them as opposed to caution lights and
those types of things, so we're almost locked into what the
geography does to us at that location and adding one more
thing for a driver to look at may create more hazard than it
eliminates. It would have to be fairly carefully studied
DB: I think, Captain Miller, part of the problem that you're
indicating is because the entrance is on James Street versus
one of the other secondary roads.
PM: Right. Would you look into that matter.
JM: Yes.
PM: I 'd appreciate it. Anything else. Okay, we're adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.