HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 09/14/1989 MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1989 PRESENT: Paul Mann Norm Angelo Christi Houser Rod Frederiksen Ed Chow Dennis Byerly Alana McIalwain Mary Ann Kern Tony McCarthy Bob Bradley Sandra Driscoll Priscilla Shea Barney Wilson John Marchione AGREEMENT WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPT OF CPJ=ITY DEVELOPMENT Fire Chief Angelo indicated that with the agreement with the Washington State Department of Community Development, the City of Kent would provide a Drill Master for the Fire Service Training Center at North Bend from September 1, 1989 through November 15, 1989. The cost (approximately $11,000) to provide this service would be paid by the Washington State of Community Development. Chief Angelo also indicated that the assistant chiefs had agreed to fill in where ever necessary with this individual being gone which would add no additional expense for the City. Christi Houser moved to place the Agreement with the Washington State Department of Community Development on the Consent Calendar. Paul Mann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Paul Mann stated that at a meeting the previous evening, he had been selected to be the new Chairperson of the Public Safety committee. ORDINANCE ON PATRONIZING A PROSTITUTE City Attorney Sandra Driscoll indicated that the Judges have had some problems with the City's current ordinance as it reads that the prostitute can be arrested, but does not provide for those that , are requesting the services of the prostitute. Therefore this would be adding a new section to the Kent City Code making it a crime to patronize a prostitute: Christi Houser moved to have the Ordinance on Patronizing a Prostitute placed on the Consent Calendar. Paul Mann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. REPORT ON THE DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCE Capt. Dennis Byerly indicated that the committee that was formed to examine the Drinking Driver Task Force was composed of Alana McIalwain, John Marchione and himself. He indicated that the M MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continued Page -2- SEPTEMBER 14, 1989 report contained nine (9) recommendations and indicated that basically with the expansion of .the responsibilities and programs of the Drinking Driver Task Force that they had "outgrown" being a "Drinking Driver" Task Force and it was felt that the Task Force should be moved to City Administration. Christ. Mouser asked whether there were any restrictions involved in the monies that are received from the State for the Task Force. Sandra Driscoll indicated that she would have to review the details of the grant agreement to determine what, if any restrictions may be involved in what the scope of responsibility for the Task Force is. Chief Frederiksen indicated that he had not received a copy of or seen the report made by the Committee and asked ghat the nine recommendations were. Capt. Byerly indicated that he had given a copy of the report to Capt. Rees, who was the Acting Chief of Police while Chief Frederiksen was on vacation, to be forwarded to Chief Frederiksen upon his return and didn't know why it wasn't given to him. Sandra Driscoll also indicated that she had not received or had an opportunity to review the recommendations made by the Committee and that is why at this point she could not make a determination what if any impact the recommendations might have upon the grant. Alana McIalwain explained that there were basically nine components to the recommendation made by the Committee and asked for Capt. Byerly to read those nine components. Capt. Byerly reviewed through the nine components as follows: 1) To hire an interim part-time position for the Drinking Driver Task Force - appointment to be made by City Administration with staff assistance; 2) To hire an interim part-time position for the Crime Prevention Unit - appointment to be made by City Administration with staff assistance; 3) At the discretion of City Administration that a supervisor be hired on an interim basis; 4) That organizationally the Drinking Driver Task Force be moved to City Administration; 5) That Crime Prevention and Dare be retained in the Police Department primarily because; of the rule of being a commissioned officer, although it will be necessary to coordinate with the Drinking Driver Task Force; 6) To explore the possibility of having a Public Information Liaison which would be in Administration and coordinate a.0 Public Information activities including police, fire, parks. In response to item #6, Barney Wilson indicated that this was the first that he had over heard of the proposal and asked why other Departments that might be impacted by this were not contacted. Ed Chow asked Capt. Byerly to continue , on with the report, to which Mr. Wilson asked if he were not allowed to ask questions. Capt. Byerly continued on to item #7 of the report as follows: 7) Request a meeting with the City Administrator to discuss other issues that surfaced as a result of the interviews with staff and management; 8) Redraft for review the resolution on the Drinking Driver Task Force; 9) That under no circumstances will any temporary replacement be hired in at pay greater than current staff. It was discussion of the possibility of postponing this particular issue to the next Public Safety k" v MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continued Page -3- SEPTEMBER 14, 1989 Committee meeting in order to provide the City Attorney an opportunity to review the grant agreement and the report containing the recommendations, but due to various programs being in jeopardy such as the Design Poster Contest, it was determined that some sort of a decision be made in order to get some help on board. Sandra Driscoll indicated that as far as moving the Task Force to Administration, the Council did have authority to remove those positions from Civil Service and locate them in Administration, but that she did need time to research any restrictions there may be regarding the grant agreement if they were to be. expanding the scope of duties. Chief Frederiksen indicated that temporary part- time positions are not covered by Civil Service therefore, that would not pose a problem in the hiring. Capt. Byerly indicated that the list of recommendations did not include expanding the scope of the Drinking Driver Task Force. Sandra Driscoll and Chief Frederiksen indicated that they had not seen the report. A copy of the report was given to Sandra Driscoll, which she did read and related that she did not see a problem with what was included in the report as it did not make reference to any expansion of duties. Chief Frederiksen stated that he supports the program no matter where it's located, be it the Police Department or City Administration. Paul Mann asked Barney Wilson whether his questions had been answered. Mr. Wilson indicated that he had concerns what impact this might have upon his marketing program. Christi Houser asked about the DARE officer and the filling of the position that was occupied by Diane Lewis. officer Bradley indicated that a DARE officer had been approvedr but that with the proposed reorganization of the Drinking Driver Task Force, he would like to have an additional full time position. There was a lot of confusion about what was being presented so Officer Bradley used the chalk board to chart out how the Crime Prevention Unit and the Drinking Driver Task Force were currently organized and what he was proposing. In addition to having a "crime prevention officer" and a "DARE officer", Officer Bradley was proposing to, change the half time position that was previously occupied by Diane Lewis to a full time position. Although Diane Lewis was a full time employee, her position was split half-time with Crime Prevention and half-time with the Drinking Driver Task Force. This would allow for the Crime Prevention Unit to have a full time staff support person and in essence they would only be asking for an additional half time person. Chief Frederiksen indicated that he did support this proposal. Mr. Chow asked why this information was not presented with the budget information and Chief Frederiksen indicated that at the time of the budget meeting, he did not hav® the information on the Drinking Driver Task Force recommendations. Mary Ann Kern indicated that in the budget information there was a request to change the position occupied by' Carol Smith from a part time y MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continued Page -4- SEPTEMBER 14, 1989 position to a full time position. And that this, request would cover the proposal that was being made if the full time position were split in half between the Parent Education Program and the Drinking Driver Task Force. Christi Houser moved to accept the recommendations for,the Drinking Driver Task Force as they were presented and to have. them presented to full Council. Paul Mann seconded the motion. Notion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.