HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 03/31/1989 • 0
MARCH 31, 1989
PRESENT: Berne Biteman Mary Berg
Christi Houser Larry Webb
Paul Mann Jim Miller
Jim Harris Mike Sweeney
Rod Frederiksen Chuck Miller
Norm Angelo Lyle Price
Chief Berg reviewed some of the problems they have been having with
the work training person that was to be instructed in on-the-job
training for building inspector and complaint inspector. Chief
Berg indicated that due to the various problems they have had in
getting this person to show up for work, the program has been
terminated. Mr. Biteman asked what the up shot of the program was
and Chief Berg indicated that they are still exploring the
possibilities with the Work Placement group to see if they can get
a replacement, but they hadn't heard anything from the yet.
Larry Webb indicated that due to all of the new fire stations, new
fire engines moving from station to station, that the Fire
Department would be unable to inspect 3,500 businesses this year.
They have opted to go with regular inspection of the County, a
regular inspection of everything that . the Fire Department has
permitted such as flammable liquids, propane tanks, places of
assembly, etc. anything that's really a hazard. With the rest,
they are going to try an experimental mail-out program to let them
inspect their own business -using the form that the Fire Department
uses. Webb stated that Auburn has a similar program on self-
inspection and there are other towns that have done it. Webb
indicated that there would be approximately 2,300 to 2, 600 of the
self-inspection forms mailed out this year.
Ms. Houser questioned as to whether those businesses would not be
inspected at all or if there would be spot inspections. Webb
indicated that they would be inspected by the business owner, they
would have 30 days to inspect and if the form is not, returned, they
will be inspected. Webb indicated that they would ,also be making
spot checks of places that they know are not the best tenants.
Mr. Biteman stated that if he were to put himself in the place of
a business owner receiving the introductory letter with the self-
inspection form, he would wonder how many others had been selected
to participate in the program, was everybody selected or what.
Webb indicated that approximately 2,600 will be a self-inspection
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out of 3,500. Mr. Biteman also stated that this is an inspection
report that is going to take some time fill out and he is wondering
how precise that he needs to be in filling it out. If he knew what
they were going to do with the report, he would know how well to
prepare it. Webb indicated that if the form is filled out and
everything is okay, the form goes into the Department's files. The
emergency information on the top of the page is updated with valley
Comm. If there is a problem; then the business will be re-
inspected. Mr. Biteman indicated that perhaps a statement in the
cover letter telling what is going to be done with form would be
helpful to ensure that the business owner prepares the form
Mr. Mann stated that he felt the Department is just trusting these
business owners to do this and they're not going to report
problems. Biteman and Houser both disagreed with Mann with Biteman
stating that most of these people have been inspected before and
they know that this is on file and if they get spot checked or if
it does go back into regular inspections and they find this,
they'll get hit twice as hard on the next inspection.
Chief Angelo indicated that this program is critical this year
because there is not physical human way that the Fire Department
can complete all those inspections. They won't just leave it here
and let it continue this way forever, they will be doing more
checks. They don't see it replacing annual inspections forever.
It is a method of giving the business people the opportunity to be
involved or sold into the process of making a safer community.
Mr. Biteman asked what percentage of the businesses would be
inspected this year or next year normally. Chief Angelo stated
that normally 100% of the businesses would be inspected.
Ms. Houser stated that there probably is a small percentage of
those who would not fill the form out correctly, but that she had
faith that the most would answer the questions truthfully. Chief
Angelo indicated that the higher risk businesses, businesses that
they know are habitually having difficulty understanding the code
would be inspected and they would not be offered the self-
inspection program. Mr. Biteman asked how long an inspection would
normally take on an average. Webb indicated that approximately an
hour for a small occupancy.
Mr. Biteman asked that the committee be advised at the end of the
year how the program went.
Mr. Mann asked who checks some of the businesses to make sure that
they're not a health hazard, that the workers are not breathing in
fumes that are harmful. Chief Angelo indicated that if there is
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an infraction other than in the City's code, they are able to
notify others such as the Health Department or Environmental
Chief Frederiksen indicated that it is common throughout the
profession, that there is going to be some conflicts that occur
when there is internal review of disciplinary matters and that
there has been controversy within the police department with regard
to the process of dealing with internal investigations. Some of
the concerns of the Union have been relayed to the Chief and in the
interest of finding a process that would be acceptable not only to
the Police Union, but also to the Police Administration, Chief
Frederiksen had suggested to the Mayor a compromise that he feels
is going to be a very workable solution to the problem.
Frederiksen stated that what he is proposing is to create a
position within the Police Department which is called an Internal
Affairs Coordinator. Chief Frederiksen introduced Detective Chuck
Miller of the Kent Police Department as the individual that he is
proposing to be appointed to fill the position of Internal Affairs
Coordinator. Chief Frederiksen reviewed how he .gees the functions
of the Internal Affairs Coordinator. He would be an individual
that the Department would provide special training to and he would
conduct the majority of internal investigations that ,occur within
the Department. He would be called a coordinator in that there
will still be investigations, because of their magnitude that there
may be the need to have additional people assigned to the
investigation with the Coordinator to ensure that the investigation
is done properly. There also may be situation where an individual
of sergeant's rank or above that may be involved in the
investigation and it may require that somebody of greater rank be
assigned to assist in the investigation. Chief Frederiksen
indicated that through analyzing what has been occurring in the
Department historically that on an average there are four internal
affairs investigations or allegations of misconduct per month and
it is hard to speculate how much time that would take because it
depends on the seriousness of the allegation, therefore, at this
time, it would be necessary to combine some other tasks within the
Police Department with the Coordinator's assignment. Chief
Frederiksen indicated that another reason he has sel6cted Detective
Miller is because he is the Department's polygraphist. There is
also the necessity of doing pre-hire employment background checks
and it is essential that the Department does policy review to
ensure that policies are updated on a frequent basis. Chief
Frederiksen stated that Detective Miller was also chosen because
of he feels that not only does Police Administration feel that he
is an excellent individual and somebody of great quality and
trustworthy, he is also viewed that way by the Union, as well as
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his fellow workers. Chief Frederiksen stated that there are
several key issues that he has pointed out in his memorandum to
Mayor Kelleher and they are also pointed out in the letter from
Union President Mike Painter. Those are that the Coordinator
report directly to the Chief of Police, that the Coordinator not
make recommendation as to appropriate action or whether the
allegation should be sustained or not, but be on a fact finding
mission and prepare a good investigative report of the allegation
for the Chief's review, and also that if there were one individual
handling this, it would be much easier to provide him with updated
training on an annual basis. Chief Frederiksen indicated that
there are three alternatives that he sees to allow this to happen.
One would be to assign one of the three new detectives that have
been authorized by the Council to fill Detective Miller's tasks
within the Detective Unit now and forego some of the items that
were to be done this year on more emphasis on drug investigations;
the second would be to select the Internal Affairs Coordinator this
year and provide him the training and not really have him perform
those tasks until the beginning of next year; or to request a mid-
year adjustment to allow this program to start in June of this
year. Chief Frederiksen stated that he feels this is a vitally
important position for the Department and he thinks that the money
would be well spent to start this program June 1st of this year.
The cost identified to start this program would be for a half-year
probationary officer would be $18,136. Chief Frederiksen stated
that this would allow the Department to hire a probationary officer
and" begin training him, to allow as the training is complete, to
bring somebody else into the Detective Unit so that operations
would not be jeopardized. Chief Frederiksen stated that this
proposal is supported not only by Police Administration and the
Mayor, but also by the Police Union.
Mr. Mann moved that Chief Frederiksen's recommendation be accepted
and go with the option that he feels is most beneficial to the
Department. Ms. Houser seconded the motion.
Mr. Biteman commented that he recognizes that over the years in
Kent that the Police Department has had a, because of the expansion
of the City and a variety of other reasons and the change in the
form of the organization, it has been difficult. $iteman stated
something he has also recognized in contacting the officers
themselves is that when you have people that operate .well
independently, you get sometimes more independence that you had
wanted and from that point of view, he feels its probably a little
more difficult at the top to weld these into the working unit that
you can be completely satisfied with. Mr. Bitemao commented to
Detective Miller that he feels he's got a remarkable task ahead to
walk the tight line required to keep the ombudsman relationship in
hand. Mr. Biteman stated he likes the idea and thinks that it
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certainly should bring the kind of stability that everyone is
looking for. Mr. Biteman questioned Mr. Harris regarding the
funding. Mr. Harris indicated that the $18,000 for this year would
come from the City's "magic" source of funding and' then it would
be put in the 1990 budget.
Mr. Biteman asked for a vote. Motion passed unanimously.
Chief Frederiksen indicated that this is another issue that relates
to the Internal Affairs Coordinator and in the process of
discussing these issues with the Union, it became very apparent
that it would be very good for both Administration and the Union,
and for the City to also have the Union President attend the
training in San Francisco in April. Chief Frederiksen stated that
he felt it important for the Union to have a good understanding of
the internal affairs process and have the training and exposure to
others that are involved in the same process across the country.
Chief Frederiksen indicated that he is recommending that Union
President Mike Painter be allowed to attend this training at City
expense. He stated that he feels that the value to •th'is community
and to the Department would be money well spend. The amount for
this would be $956.00 which includes travel and all expenses.
Mr. Mann moved that the proposal be approved to go to the consent
calendar. Ms. Houser seconded the motion.
Mr. Biteman indicated that a motion has been made to, approve the
sum of $956.00 for Mike Painter's training and asked for comments.
Ms. Houser commented that there would be four attending the
training. Chief Frederiksen stated that the monies for the other
three would come out of the Department's training budget and
indicated that the training that was attended in Las Vegas was of
very poor quality and the Department has received approximately
$1600. 00 back in training benefits from I.A.C.P, but that he is
asking the City Attorney to write a letter asking for the remainder
of the funds that were expended for that trip. Mr. Biteman
commented that he felt this would be essential,, although its
something that would be overlooked, is the Union's .'recognition of
internal affairs and procedures.
Mr. Biteman asked for a vote. Motion passed unanimously.
The modification of the existing U.S. Marshall's agreement is the
first and the last sentence of Article IV. Chief Frederiksen
indicated that primarily it states that this agreement shall be in
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effect from January 1 through December 31 each year until
terminated in writing by either party. Chief Frederiksen indicated
that previously it stated that there was a conclusion of the
contract last year, so this would basically be an extension of the
agreement between the U.S. Marshall 's and the City of Kent. Mr.
Biteman asked if this has already gone out and Chief Frederiksen
stated that no, it had not. It is being requested is approval for
the Mayor to sign. Chief Frederiksen again indicate4 that this is
primarily an extension of the contract, it speaks about the 15 bed
guarantee and the capability of both parties to get out of the
agreement if they have to. Chief Frederiksen reminded the
Commiteee that today there are 82 prisoners in tho Corrections
Facility and there are prisoners on the floor, s6 they're are
looking at the possibility in the near future of having to reduce
the contract with the Federal Government and are also having to
work with the local courts to find some solution to the problem.
Chief Frederiksen indicated that although it is nice to have this
to reduce the guaranteed beds, but it has to be remembered that as
this is done, there is the potential of losing a swbstantial sum
of revenue.
Mr. Mann asked how you go about mitigating with the courts to
alleviate the problem of congestion in the racility. Chief
Frederiksen indicated that one of the things that is being looked
at is that there is a distinct difference in the asentencing of
prisoners at Aukeen Court in comparison with, all , the other
districts and that his general thoughts are that as they started
to utilize the new Corrections Facility, because it was empty they
started sentencing prisoners to much greater tArms. Chief
Frederiksen indicated that an analysis is being don4 to show them
that they are sentencing far greater than anybody, aloe ,in the area
and try to reduce the sentences in some of the misdemeanor
prisoners that are being sentenced to the Facility., Mr. Mann
stated that he hoped that they wouldn't let up on thei drug area.
Chief Frederiksen indicated that a good number of the people that
area arrested for drugs are charged with felonies and certainly in
that type of situation they wouldn't reduce the sentences, but that
there are some situations such as with one indiVie ual, they can
only be sentenced for each violation for one y�sar, but this
individual has been sentenced to three years on #hare separate
charges and so basically the Facility will have thin prisoner for
three years as would be normal for a penitentiary.. Mr. Biteman
asked Chief Frederiksen to restate the kinds of inhabitants that
are at the facility, limited to what. Chief Fredsri)won indicated
that they are misdemeanor prisoners, with the exception of the
Federal prisoners which can be felons and those arrested on
felonies that are housed in the Facility until thay, sare arraigned
in court and then they're sent to the County facility. Mr. Biteman
asked what misdemeanor would cover and Chief Frederiksen indicated
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that it would traffic laws, minor conduct, domestic Violence, minor
assault. Mr. Biteman indicated that the reason that he was asking
this was because it continually comes to him that the prisoners are
being serviced too well and that he has to point out that these are
people from our own community that are misdemeanor type', he may not
have paid his alimony.
Ms. Houser moved to recommend authorization for the;• Mayor to sign
the modification of the U.S. Marshall's contract, Mr. Mann
seconded the motion.
Mr. Biteman asked for a vote. Motion passed unanimously.
Chief Frederiksen reviewed through a brief backgrQund on how the
library building next to City Hall became des il ated as the
location for the police facilities. Chief Frede 'I sen indicated
that this is a short term solution to the Police Department's
overcrowding problems and should serve that need probably into the
year 1995. Chief Frederiksen indicated that he teals that the
process was done backwards--the building was found, established a
budget for remodelling it and now going through the process of
establishing the functional needs of the Department into the future
and doing an assessment of the condition of the building, which
should have been at the other end of the process. Chief
Frederiksen stated that through the assessment of thw building it
has been found that the roof needs to be repaired or 'replaced, they
have had problems with the heating and cooling sytt*% for the last
five years and it has been recommended that the heating system
needs to be replaced. Chief Frederiksen indicated that in order
to accomplish the needs of the Police Department with the building,
it will take a conservative budget of $1,147,000.' There is
currently $700,000 budgeted for the remodel. What the Department
is going to be asking for in the budget process is that additional
money be placed into the CIP for fiscal year 1990 to allow the
Department to go forward with the remodelling eXpOndi.tures. Chief
Frederiksen indicated that he realizes this may put,; a ',drain on the
system, but in the building there are a great number of needs that
' become very apparent the day you move. One of the.ineeds could be
that if there were to be a substantial leak in the 'roof that it
could ruin a good portion of what was remo deled. If the
Department moves into a facility where the system is inadequate and
start closing off more office space, then obviously, the heating
and cooling system is even going to do less of a job than it does
now. Chief Frederiksen stated at this point, it is necessary to
get direction from the Council as to whether or not to move forward
with this. It needs to be determined whether to go ,tbrward at this
point to do more programming, spending more money out of the
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$700,000 to do the programming for the building. If the decision
is made not to do that or not authorize the funding, then that
determination should be made now.
Mr. Biteman asked what was needed from the Committee on this item.
Chief Frederiksen indicated that'although this was an informational
item, the Department did need some direction from they Public Safety
Committee as to their thoughts as far as proceeding forward and
expending more money in the process. Chief Frederiksen asked Lt.
Mike Sweeney to review through some of the details of where the
Department is at with the architect.
Lt. Sweeney indicated that the dilemma that the Department is in
is that there is a $700,000 budget that was set before there was
a structural/mechanical/electrical inspection of the building,
which was set before there was a program about how the space was
going to be used and how it might be configured. Now., in order for
that building to achieve what it is that the Department wants it
to do, according to the engineers, it will cost an additional
$447,000. Lt. Sweeney advised that there are a couple of issues
that the Committee needed to be aware of before they, looked at the
budget. The first issue is that public safety buildings need to
be built seismically to withstand greater loads and forces than do
common office buildings. Lt. Sweeney indicated thit the problem
occurs in the definition of public safety building. The Police
Department intends to use the building as office space and
headquarters only. Public safety tends to conjure up in its
definition to meet the seismic requirements, the issues of dispatch
centers and jails, not just office space. The structural engineers
have preliminarily talked with Code Enforcement and basically it's
pretty safe to assume that it will be a Class i office type
building, not a public safety building. It's a police
headquarters, but it doesn't have to satisfy,- at this point, all
the seismic requirements.
The second issue is, in figuring a 60% closed office and 40% open
office concept, the more closed offices you have, the more
mechanical you need to move air, to run electricity, etc.
Since the beginning of the project in December,, it has been
determined that there are three things that are wrong with the
building. First, the City has to hire somebody to map the septic
lines monthly, it flows up hill not down. Unless ,it's pumped
monthly, the library has a problem. The mechanical engineer has
pointed out the alternatives to solve the problem and none of them
are cheap. Second, in order to protect the investment that goes
on underneath it, the engineers say that it would b4 foolish to do
that scale of remodel to the building and not put a new roof on.
Third, the heating and ventilating system in the building, MINUTES
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according to the current people who maintain it�, 'the current
heating and ventilating system is not suited to its purpose once
the building has been remodelled. The system has been maintained
well and internally it is very sound, but the problem is that it
doesn't have the capacity for the building that it*s in.
The issue of the mezzanine serves two purposes. one, it's a
reasonable cost and increases floor space by approXimately 2,000
square feet and second, it allows for power, plumbing and
mechanical to the other end of the building and keep ,it hidden.
Mr. Biteman asked for any reactions to the information that has
been presented.
Mr. Mann stated that when he first heard about the ssptic problems,
the flag went up and he figured that there would be other problems,
so this is no surprise to him, but that he feels that it is
something they needs to be dealt with. So whether it's the Police
Department there or another department, if it needs a new roof,
then a new roof has got to be put on. If it needs hew heating and
cooling, it's got to be done.
Ms. Houser stated that the thought of trying to come up with
$450, 000 more. She stated that she is real concerned about where
they will get the $450, 000 to do this.
Mr. Harris stated that this would be asked for in the 1990 budget
and that it would be one of the tough decisions that, the Council
would have to make in setting the budget.
Mr. Biteman stated that he would have share Mr. Mann's viewpoint
on this. That biting the bullet, he feels is easit,ial in terms
of the investment in the building and that the Committee's
recommendation has to come on whether they should move forward with
it or not. The locating of the funds is the job of ,fiho City staff,
the Finance Department and others.
Ms. Houser stated that she feels that there isn't •a whole lot of
choice. It's a part of City Hall and there has been extensive
remodelling done all over City Hall, but that this is just such a
large lump sum.
Mr. Biteman stated that unless there are some alternatives on
locating the funds, the Department has the committee's approval on
moving ahead to pursue whatever it takes to get this thing done
right. He stated that he understood that this was ,something that
couldn't be taken care of in one-year time, that this would be a
two year project at least.
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Mr. Harris stated that he thought it was important for the Police
Department to get the green light to continue on with.
Lt. Sweeney indicated that the next step would be to develop the
architectural program around the functional needs, and how that
building will accommodate them and that is going to cost more money
out of the $700,000.
Mr. Biteman indicated that when the Police Department makes the
presentation to Council the fact that the preliminary allocation
of funds was not based on an inspection of the building.
Mr. Biteman asked Chief Frederiksen if there was any, action of any
kind that would be needed other than the affirmation the Committee
had given and Chief Frederiksen stated that he felt that the
information that the Committee provided was enough ?;to go forward
with the expenditures.
Mr. Biteman expressed his congratulation on finding the mezzanine
space because the space need is •the biggest thing. Mr. Mann also
wished to commend the Department for all the time and ', energy that
has been put into the project and the anxiety over the whole thing.
Chief Frederiksen concluded by stating that he feels that this
would serve the Department's needs for the immediate future, but
that he didn't want to leave the Committee with the feeling that
this would take them further than maybe 1995 in thAt ,as the City
grows as a community and go forward with annexation ,anId add to the
population, that that particular facility could be fast filled.
The Department could then be back asking for additional, funding for
more facilities, whether it be a precinct on the, east hill or
Mr. Harris indicated that he felt that the City would grow on
natural increase without annexing anything at a rate;of about 1,400
or 1,500 a year due to the various apartment complexes and now the
single families. If the City touches annexation,, it's going into
the big-time city operation just on population. T" pity is there
now in the profile of the community being an induotirial/service
community. Someone from an insurance company came through not too
long ago and said that Kent has the profile Of a city of over
Chief Frederiksen indicated that this is brought to the Committee's
attention simply because there are direct and fnd�rect costs of
annexation and as the whole picture is presented to Council for
consideration, that there is a good analysis of ,what the true
fiscal impact would be.
r J^.
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Mr. Biteman suggested that some of the pictures bed replaced with
some growth factors, just a chart showing the grew year by year.
'� Meeting adjourned.