HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 01/19/1989 :0 _ i MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 19, 1989 PRESENT: Berne Biteman Priscilla Shea Christi Houser Lt. Mika Sweeney Paul Mann Capt. Jim Miller Jim Harris Sgt. Brian Jones Alana McIalwain Carole Stevenson Chief Frederiksen Carolyn Lake Chief Angelo Sandra Driscoll Ed Olson Jeanne Schultz - citizen John Bond Merrily Manthey - citizen Marty Nizlek 1. CROSSWALK SAFETY COMMITTEE - KENT JUNIOR HIGH 9 Jeanne Schultz from the Crosswalk Safety Committee at Kent Junior High School made a presentation regarding their concerns about the safety of the children that must cross James Street going to and coming from school and related some of the problems that they are seeing with the increase in traffic flow and the increasing number of pedestrians that are finding the need to cross James Street. Ms. Schultz stated that they have been talking with the Kent Engineering Traffic Department about the different options that may be available to them. Ms. Schultz stated, that at this time there were two things that they would like to ask. The first would be essentially a driver alert system that says that this a heavy pedestrian area and they would like to ask drivers to exercise every caution that they can. Ms. Sch#ltz indicated that the School's reader board says, "Driver Alert, Kids Cross Here". Ms. Schultz asked that the City also inclUde messages such as these on the reader board at the Kent Cantons. The second thing that they would like to ask for is si,gnage at the various points that say, "Do Not Block This Intersection". Ms. Schultz indicated that there are several things that have already been done at the school to help with these efforts, with slot of cooperation with the Engineering Department. The school is going to do some seminars with the kids that live noth of James Street. Also, due to the fact that some of the kids feel the need to cross the street to buy pop, the school hts decided to put a pop machine at the school to help with: th4t, particular problem. She stated that they felt they were -doiag as much with the kids as they could do and that now they ate , ding for help from the City. t, Mr. Biteman expressed that he felt Ms. Shultzlq at,t4tude was remarkably objective. Chief Frederiksen asked It hey were encouraging the kids to crass at Central and' a at,* that he felt it was vital that the ,Aids be encouraged--; O #h down to the crosswalk where the light , *, Ms. Schultz stated that is part of the program. Chief Frode;#sen asked Traffic Sgt. Brian Jones to MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continued Page -2- January 19, 1989 comment briefly on traffic in the area and what the Traffic Unit is doing. Sgt. Jones indicated that for that at least 12 years that he knew of, James Street has always been a problem for police enforcement, primarily because of the high traffic volume, the type of roadway it is. Sgt. Jones stated that the speed limit in that area is adequate for that hill. Downhill, most motorists travel a little above the speed limit. Because of that, the Traffic Unit has been actively working the area of Jason and Clark Street. They are monitoring traffic going through that location predominately downhill, so what they are doing is effecting traffic stops in the immediate vicinity of Woodford, State and Central Avenue. Sgt. Jones indicated that he has more specific information that he could make available later as far as the numbers and the violator contacts, the amount of time actually spent in that area if Ms. Schultz was interested. Ms. Schultz said that she would be very pleased to get that information. Sgt. Jones also indicated that he would be interested in having one of the officers either meet with the Crosswalk Safety Committee or become a member of the committee. Ms. Schultz stated that they would like that. Mr. Biteman asked about T intersections, where there is an intersection on one side of the street and not on the other and what the legal requirement would be as far as crosswalks. John Bond indicated that all intersections crosswalks and pedestrians have the right-of-way in that crosswalk, even if it's not marked. Ms. Schultz again asked about the use of the reader board at the Commons. It was determined that the Public Safety Committee would check into the use of the reader board as a Public Service. Mr. Mann asked about making marked crosswalks and the use of some unique sort of signage. There was discussion of this such as crosswalks where one car stops, the child steps out thinking its safe to cross and is then hit by the second or third car coming in the next lane. It's a false sense of security. Sgt. Jones related similar circumstance at Sequoia Junior High. Chief Frederiksen indicated that he strongly su pgrts a member of the Traffic Unit becoming involved with the OoMittee in the school and also to continue to work with the i ring Department. Mr. Biteman also asked that the T�i ic Engineering work in conjunction with Sgt, Jones with respeci th this particular problem. Marty From, Traffic Engineering indicated that they have been working with the school on the problem. Jim Harris indicated that he would look into the possibility of turning the messages proposed for the reader board into a City message. MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, continued page -3- January 19, 1989 Ms. Schultz if it would be possible to pursue the alert to drivers to keep that intersection open. Chief Frederiksen indicated that the Police Department could work with the media as they have done in the past. Chief Frederiksen indicated that we should not only concentrate just on this school, but on all school crossing and talk about the problems. Mr. Biteman asked if there was anything that we could do with the signage. Chief Frederiksen indicated that again the Police Department would work closely with the Traffic Engineers to evaluate what type of signage is not only legal, but that would be effective. Ms. Schultz thanked everyone for their time and cQncern. 2 . CRIME IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA - MS. MERRILY MANT Ms. Manthey introduced herself and indicated that she was invited to attend to discuss with the Public Safety Committee a couple of issues that she brought up at the Town Hall Meeting. Ms. Manthey indicated that she had lived in the country by Lake Sawyer for 14 years and never had any insurance for vandalism, etc. and now in 2 years here, just a couple of blocks away, she has had four claims (car break-in, house break-in, and two garage break-ins) . Ms. Manthey indicated that she also had an incident that occurred in her office that was quite frightening. Ms. Manthey indicated that she had a strange person come into her office and she was a little leery about this person so she decided to remove herself from the office, they went out to take a walk. She indicated that she needed to feel safer and by that she meant she had to get out of her office. She started walking this direction, toward City Hall. She said that as it turned out she was able to get herself out of the situation and send the person on his way, but later she got a call from a Seattle Detaotive, Homicide and apparently the man that had approached her in ,her office was charged with murder of a counselor in Pioneer Square. She said some of the other women with businesses here contacted her and said that they had been bothered by this individual also. Ms. Manthey stated that she didn't know what has been done, but she does believe that there have been some foot patrols in the downtown corridor. She stated that she had not personally experienced the foot patrols, but another retail person that she knew was quite relieved when she did see some foot,, patrol in the downtown corridor. Ms. Manthey also indicated' that, she had some lighting concerns in the alley near her residence and it was determined that Ed Olson would look into it and work with Engineering on this issue. Mr. Biteman asked Chief Frederiksen to give some information on what's happening with the foot patrols. Chief Frederiksen indicated that foot petrol is being used as a directed patrol basis. They do walk in the business areas as much as time allows and the visibility in those areas MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continue page -4- January 19, 1989 has increased greatly. Chief indicated that another little thing that they area doing is when the officers come into the station they are having them come in by different routes and drive through the business areas to provide a better coverage. Mr. Biteman indicated that we are expanding so rapidly and related some statistics he had read on what we can expect in the next ten years. He also expressed his appreciation to Ms. Manthey for making them aware of this. Mr. Biteman asked Chief Frederiksen to brief Mr. Manthey on the 911 system and some other factors. Chief Frederiksen indicated that perhaps Patrol Captain Jim Miller could do that in detail with Ms. Manthey. Ms. Manthey also expressed concern over quite regularly she finds someone sitting on steps and they say they are waiting for someone. Capt. Miller indicated that the Police Department would appreciate a call, even if it's titled suspicious circumstance, If you can't quite put a finger on it and you would like to have something checked out because slot of times they find out that it it nothing other than innocent. Alot of times, they may make an arrest based on a traffic warrant that exists, just by making that contact or they may make an arrest based on ether violations just based on that contact. Capt. Miller stated that a common misconception with 911 is that people say that's for a dire emergency only and that is not they way it is designed. If you want a police officer contact, that's when you dial: 911, regardless of whether it's a suspicious circumstance or whether it's a homicide occurring in front of you. He indicated that the time delay that occurs when someone doesn't dial 911, but dials another business number is why they sometimes don't get to a suspicious circumstance. Capt. Miller stated that they'd rather go to 100 suspicious circumstances and have them all to turn out to be innocent, than to miss one that is a valid one. Ms. Manthey indicated that she certainly did have that, misconception of 911. 3 . BRIEFING ON EASTHILL PROJECT - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Angelo indicated that working with Mr. Christiansen, the architect, has been a very enjoyable experience;, out unfortunately not all of the subs that the architect has had available on the Easthill project have been as supportive and giving. Chief Angelo indicated that the mechanical. and plumbing subs unfortunately have a different philosophy of operation and related information on some of the various delays, mis-information, but they are too far into the projecct to turn back. Chief Angelo indicated that they are in cooperation with the lawyers on this issue. He stated that simplest terms that he could explain it to the committee was that they are being held hostage by the sub. They are making the subs justify every nitty gritty detail of every additional expense that they say 4 MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Contin ed; page -5- January 19, 1989 they deserve and have denied some. There will be some additional costs. Chief Angelo indicated that on the Station, 71 project they are going to be very meticulous to make sure that there is no more misunderstanding on the subs part at all. There will be a little bit of a time delay, they hoped to be in permit by now, but they now envision it going to permit within the next 30 days or so. Chief Angelo indicated that they will probably be coming back to the Committee later to inform you if not to get an action to handle the additional costs (perspective on thei costs at this point in time are well under $12,000) . Chief Angelo assured the Committee that the architect and staff have done everything in their powers. Chief Angelo also indicated that soon there will be a need to take action on the bonding of the $950,000 that was identified a number of years ago to help finish the facility. Chief Angelo also indicated that he has project management funds to carry him through to December of 1989 to get these projects done. These projects will not be completed as early as that. What Chief Angelo will be proposing in the futurwibudget in order to cover that, in the 7-year plan, he had identified a training officer and a secretary to be funded from funds already in the budget that were being utilized for the northend Warehouse. Chief Angelo stated that he was confident at this point in time that they will be somewhere around the point of December when they will have Station 71 ready to re-occupy, therefore they will be able to recommend utilizing funds to be able to provide for that training officer and the secretary support there. Chief Angelo's suggestion would be to take that position and not fill it and use that money and not any additional band money or any other additional funds, until that facility is completed. The Westhill site should be ready by November or Dedei4ber of 89, the Northend should be ready towards March or the beginning of April of this year. Chief Angelo again, indicated his satisfaction of Mr. Christiansen, even though it has been very trying and difficult dealing with the subs. He indicated that he didnl!t feel that Mr. Christiansen would be doing business with this sub again, and he assured the Committee that he would never recouneaCthem. Mrs. Houser indicated especially in light of the projeet 'coming up, we needed to make sure. Mr. Biteman asked who hi„ged this sub, if it was a bid. Chief Angelo indicated that they c6ntract with the architect, the architect then contracts the subs. Mr. Biteman questioned about legally being protected. Chief Angelo reviewed over some of the steps that they are taking to help ,avoid further problems with this particular sub. Sandra Driscoll indicated that in the contract we are legally protected, we1have a good contract that provides those opportunities, then the decision is is well at what point do you have to consider the,,crosts. Contractually, they do have the legal protection. Mr. Mann asked about when this thing is done and the dust settles, can't s MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, Continued pace 416 January 19, 1989 we just take them to court. Sandra Driscoll indicated that in any contract situation, you have one-year after completion of the construction there's a warranty period and if we find problems in that period of time it's up to the contractor to correct that. If we find that there is a defect in the design, however, that up front you can have legal resource even beyond that one-year warranty period. 4. LIBRARY REMODEL CONTRACT - RQLICE DEPARTMENT Lt. Mike Sweeney indicated that contract negotiation's with the architect, Edberg-Christiansen were complete. The contract has been reviewed by the City Attorney as to form and is ready to be signed. Lt. Sweeney indicated that the Poli.ce ,Department is requesting that the contract with Edberg-Christaannsen Architects for the remodel design and planning be placed on the Consent Calendar for approval for the Mayor's signature. Paul Mann moved to have the Library Remodel Contract placed on the Consent Calendar. Christi Houser seconded the motion. Mr. Biteman asked for discussion, and stated that h'e would like to ask in reference to problems that have been run into on the Fire Stations, did this go out to bid? Lt. Sweeney indicated that the architect selection process is one that Is defined by law to which the Department has complied with. The process is that a request for qualifications is submitted, firms respond, based on evaluation criteria, they are shortliated, the firms are then interviewed, they are then rank ordered and Edberg- Christiansen was the first ranking firm. Lt. Sweegney stated that he is fully confident that the law was complied with in the selection. To address the issue that was brought up by Chief Angelo in regards to the sub-contractor, the particular firm that they are having difficulties with is not specified in the library remodel contract. Lt. Sweeney indicated that the firms that are listed in the contract are the same firms that were used in Corrections Facility project and that project was a success, it was on time and on budget. Moved to Consent Calendar. 5. "TEEN NIGHT CLUB ORDINANCE" - POLICE DEPART Chief Frederiksen indicated that this item is as agent perhaps as the topless ordinance that was presented to the. Committee a few months. Chief stated that they have found in other communities such as Seattle, Renton and others around the northwest that there is a propensity for the type 'of people who MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continued ftge -7- January 19, 1989 are opening teen dance clubs to prey off the young people and they've found that there has been prostitution going, on in this type of establishment, child abuse, drinking, drug use and the Department felt it essential to work with the Attorney's staff and find a method of addressing that problem before :it confronts the City of Kent. Chief Frederiksen indicated that this ordinance is a pro-active approach to the problaz ;and he stated that he would like to compliment Carolyn Lake for the superb job in putting the ordinance together. Chief referred any specific questions to Ms. Lake. Mr. Biteman asked Ms. Lake for a brief overview. Ms. Lake indicated that the ordinance is 'a conglomeration of Renton and Redmonds ordinance. It requires any person wanting to put on a teen club to license with the City going through the Finance Department and the, Chief of Police. There is an investigation undertaken to insure that the owner, applicant and employees haven't had felonies or convictions for prostitution, etc. It provides for a fee schedule and also an appeal process if they are denied the license. There is a provision for litter control, a bond for clean-up. There is a provision to provide that there is adequate security personnel. There is also an exemption for non-profit dances, such as the teen dance at the pornucopia. Chief Frederiksen stated that they would like forithe ordinance to go on the consent calendar for next Council meeting. Chief also indicated that another important point that should be brought up is that this prohibits the young people from leaving the dance and going out into the parking lot and tben going back in without paying the fee. Chief said they feel it's quite important to prohibit that because from experience they've found that they go into the parking lot and drink and then try to re-enter the establishment. Paul Mann moved that this item be put on the Consent Calendar. Christi Houser seconded. Moved to Consent Calendar. 6. AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE/CREDa,'!f NORTHWEST CORPORA" -, RQLICE DEPTs r . ,.-- Chief Frederiksen indicated that the reasons for "tering into this agreement are that the Police Department does background checks on all applicants for the job of police officer. It is essential that the Department be able to look at the individual's past credit history as it tells alot about the credibility of the individual and whether or not there exists enoogh,.concern in the area of credit history that the Department should ,bo concerned about the possibility of them being blackmailed or becoming involved in some scheme to obtain money outside heir salary. 4 MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Conti",,, Page -8- January 19, 1989 In addition, the Detectives quite commonly need to inquire about the location of suspects of criminal activity and one of the methods that is utilized very successfully in the past is by utilizing firms such as Credit Northwest to obtain that information. Chief Frederiksen indicated that the agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney's office. They chid have some concerns about certain areas of the contract, one being the hold harmless. The City Attorney's office did propose another contractual arrangement with the company, who refused to change the contract. There will also be a charge for ea ;check that the Department engages in with the company, the aarge is between $3.00 and $6.50. Mr. Biteman asked City Attorney Driscoll for comments. Sandra Driscoll stated that they did r*view the contract and it is perfectly legal to enter into this contract, but they did have a couple of concerns. If the c6apany won't change the contract, then it's our choice. Do we take their terms or do we not do it. Mr. Biteman asked if t1iis is the Bellevue headquartered firm. Lt. Sweeney indicated that it is a national company that is headquarter on the East coast, but has offices located in Bellevue. Mr. Biteman indicat d' that he had worked for this company or one similar and that the Department should be aware that these firms are not like thelgovernment doing an investigation. That the depth of the ,information may not always be there. Chief Frederiksen stated tt they certainly understand that they are providing the";Department information and that that information has to be gonfirmed, but it certainly does give leads as to the location of suspects and provides information that is taken into conjunction with other background investigation. Mr. Biteman asked spegi»f,ically what was being looked for. Chief Frederiksen indicated that he was requesting that this item be put on the consent calendar for approval for the Mayor's signature. Alana McIalwain asked if this would be used for both Union and non-union employees. Chief Frederiksen stated yes. Mr. Biteman asked if this is a check on prospective employees only. Chief Frederiksen yes, this is not something that would be used to check on current employees. It is to be used for applicants only. Christi Houser moved that this item be placed on,�,the Consent Calendar. Paul Mann seconded the motion and staffed that he felt it was a good thing. We don't want to hire' poople that are having problems. Mr. Biteman stated that he ;hod occasion in the past when they hired an individual that c6 from Alaska. All it would have taken would have been phone call back to Alaska to have taken care of a problem that arose later that took lawsuits and everything else and nobody bothered to make the phone call and he thinks that this kind of thing could save us alot. Moved to Consent Calendar. t MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Conti yw* ; ,Page -9- January 19, 1989 7. WORD PROCESSING POSITIONS -, POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Frederiksen stated that due to the automation advancements within the Department's computer system and the way that narrative is going to entered into the computer, we are finding currently by using Word Processing staff there is, a redundancy necessary in the operation if it continued to information entered in Word Processing instead of within the Department itself. Word Processing currently has 1.5 openings to fil, within the budget. In an agreement that was reached after much discussion with City Administrator Brent McFall and Ron Sprang, it was agreed that the Police Department would assume the portion of the word processing responsibilities that are now totally assumed by Word Processing and that the 1.5 positions would be xoyed from the staff of Information Services (Word Processing) to the Police Department. Those positions haven't been filled so the Department would have to go through a hiring pr=c ses. In the examination of this complication, it was Chief Fredefriksen's feeling that because the Police Department is a 24-hour operation and he was concerned that by having one full time position, plus a part-time position, that the Department would n0i; be able to cover for vacations, sickness as well as they could with two full time positions. Also considered was the rapid increase in calls for service that are occurring in the Department ind also the fact that eight new personnel were just added ,to staff. Chief Frederiksen stated that specifically what was beiaq asked for is that in addition to the 1.5 positions that are authorized, that it be authorized to increase the half-time position to a full- time position for the remainder of the budget year. The cost for doing that is approximately $12,832, to come from,; the City's contingency fund. Chief Frederiksen referred anyltochnical questions to Lt. Sweeney and indicated that he dish, highly support this proposal, it's been reviewed by and supported by Ron Spang, plus it was supported and approved to come to Coaittee by former City Administrator Brent McFall. Mr. Biteman indicated that he wasn't sure if he, updorstood what was taking place with this and requested clarif*c ttton on the positions. The 1.5 positions currently exist w t%ip the Information Services, but which are not currently-, filled. Mr. Biteman asked if these positions were allocated ;Pr Police support. Priscilla Shea from the Finance Deportnt indicated that Information Services gets all of their fttda; from internal funds, so in effect, Police is already paying for, tuose services Chief Frederiksen would like to have positions moved to the Police Department staff. Mrs. Houser asked if this, was requested in the budget and Lt. Sweeney indicated that yes, but it was not approved for the Police Department. Priscilla Shea indicated that would do wonders for the Police Department,, that it would help tremendously. Lt. Sweeney stated that this is an issue MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Conti=" page -10- January 19, 1989 that he's been involved in for 24-months and indicated that the Police Department has suffered for some time due to this. He also extended an invitation to any of the Commutate members that would be interested to come to the Police Department and see the computer system. Lt. Sweeney indicated that this issue has to do with automation planning and making systems whole rather than fragmented and what they intend to achieve by having these two people taken from Information Service and given to the Police Department so that the Police Department can work them on the basis of a 24-hour day is that all of the master ease text, the initial reports that are taken by officers in the field will be on line and available for the entire Department to inquire on and review in as short a turn-around as is possible. In essence, when the Chief goes into his office each morning, he will be able to electronically call up not only all the information that happened the day before and the text that is assooia,ted with it and have an understanding when he gets a phone call 'from say for instance Mrs. Manthey about what the issues were that resulted in the officer being sent to that home in the first place. Right now that does not exist for the Chief. Mrs. Houser questioned the rational for not putting this into the budget. Chief Frederiksen indicated that a couple of yeaaurs, ago they were looking into the possibility of getting software that would allow Word Processing to enter data directly into the Police Department system and so as this was trying to be ;developed, the issue of transferring people to the Police Department which was proposed was put on hold. Lt. Sweeney indicated that the Police Department software was acquired from a company that provides Public Safety software to a variety of police departments in the United States and there are some choices that can be made about how that software works and there are others that cannot. When the Department first acquired the software, the intent was to have Word Processing enter this narrative from their locale to the Police Department system. For reasons involving hours of work, holidays, weekends of work, some labor relations issues, some aesthetic issues about work environment and Mork climate, that never was achieved. Lt. Sweeney was directed to research and see about the development of another custom made' piece of software that would make all this come together. 'It. Sweeney indicated that the Department has been through t*oe' different alternative scenarios about how to have the text available to the Department and haven't been able to implement 'any of them due to a variety of reasons. Lt. Sweeney stated What needs to be done is to have people in the Police Department working a schedule that the Department is able to assign then to, primarily evenings after report generation has been at its highest, enter data into the computer from worksites in the Police Department and not in Word Processing. Lt. Sweeney indicated that what this is is a reallocation of 1.5 staff from the Informaaation Services Word Processing Division to the Police Department"-land the MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continue. Page -11- January 19, 1989 addition of .50 again. Mr. Biteman stated that when they first bought in on the automation project, they has asked specific questions about the needs of Fire and Police and the ability to coordinate through the main frame and other coordinations and they were promised that all of those things could take place. He stated he didn't have an objection to the what is ;being requested but that he did have a strong need for more information and wanted to walk through this with the Department in order to understand it a little more specifically. Lt. Sweeney indicated that the best way for this to be done would be to visually demonstrate the deficiency of the current system and what will be achieved by the change. Chief Angelo said that he thought the Committee needed to be aware that that is what Information Services was intending to do with Info Comp. When that system broke down there was less of an opportunity for Information Services to make their system mesh with the Police Department system and therefore, he feels the intent has always been there but now with the software alternative that are out there that out of necessity these things are going to happen. Mr. Biteman stated that he fully understood the immediacy of the requirements of the Police Department. Jim Harris commented on the fact that years ago there was the need for centralized word processing system. Now the City is slowly getting out into a dispersed sort of system and he feels that this is very timely of the Police Department to tack on two of these people, because he thinks in time that the Word Processing center may slowly disappear, they may have one or two operators in there. He stated that in Planning they now have 13 computers with de-centralized word processing and they never go near Word Processing anymore. It is much more timely and cost effective for them to do it in their own office. He also stated that with the Police Department the particular needs are at night away from another work station, they need their own work station. Mr. Biteman started that he had no problem with it outside of understanding it. Mr. Mann indicated that he fully understood what was being asked for and approved of it and would it be possible to go forward with it with out loot approval. Mr. Biteman asked if it was necessary to have an answer at this meeting. Chief Frederiksen indicated that they could certainly schedule a special meeting if necessary after the Committee was afforded the opportunity to walk through the system with Lt. Sweeney. Lt. Sweeney suggestod ,that if at all possible could it be approved to go on the next consent calendar contingent upon the Committee satisfactotily receiving more information. If the Committee decided after going over the system that they were not comfortable with the proposal then it could be pulled from the consent calendar. Mr. Bateman asked if this was indicating that this was an urgent situation and Lt. Sweeney and Chief Frederiksen both indicated that .yes, it was a very critical situation. Mr. Biteman stated that if he understood it correctly, that it was merely displici,ng 1.5 MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continu, Page -12- January 19, 1989 personnel from one location to another because of the need for functional coordination and asked where the additional .50 person was coming from. Chief Frederiksen indicated that what was being asked was that the funds come from the City's contingency fund, the amount to be $12,832. Mr. Mahn commented that he felt that this was not unreasonable, that it was not anticipated in the budget, and in his opinion, streamlining the system. Mr. Biteman asked if anyone had any reservations about the matter and everyone indicated that they felt it was needed. Mr. Biteman stated that he would make a point to get with Lt. Sweeney this afternoon to walk through the system. Mr. Mann moved to approve this and put it on the Consent Calendar. Mrs. Houser seconded. Moved to Consent Calendar. 8. MANAGING THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS FUNCTION SEMINAR. - DEPT. Chief Frederiksen indicated that this is a request submitted by himself, supported by the Mayor to allow three staff members (Chief Frederiksen, Capt. Rees and Capt. Miller) to ,attend the "Managing the Internal Affairs Function" seminar #n Las Vegas, Nevada. As the Committee is aware, as the Police )ppartment went through the Lowery matter in the Civil Service 'Hearing, there was concern expressed by the Union regarding the process that was undertaken by the Department. Chief Prederiksen stated that he still feels very strongly that the Department conducted a proper investigation and followed professional standards for this type of investigation as well as legal standards, he stated that he didn't want to be closed minded to think that they didn't need to be updated on all of the latest happening► in the area and understand case law as it affects the Department process. Chief stated that he felt that this seminar would'`be a very good expenditure of funds and would allow the Department to evaluate their internal process and make improvements if necessary and also look at the policy within the Department to be sure it complies with the latest standards. Mrs. Houser commented that she felt that this is something that she feels should be done. Mrs. Houser moved to approve to send three people to the seminar and to have the item put on the consent for approval. Mr. Mann seconded the motion. Mr. Biteman commented that Oarticularly because of the recency of this very crucial decision and the fact that it's happened before in the last 5 years, that he feels that it is not only essential but hopefully that the individuals concerned relate what they learn. Chief Frederikn, stated that the idea and direction certainly is going to be that this information is brought back and that in a timely %anher, training q i f \ L \ • ry MINUTES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, Continue- Page -13- January 19, 1989 is put on to all supervisory personnel as to what is learned at the seminar as well as reviewing the policy to make any changes that may be necessary. Moved to Consent. Meeting Adjourned.