HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 06/14/1988 0 0 MINUTES FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 0 E V c' � D JUNE 14, 1988 AUG 12 1988 OF KENT PRESENT: Berne Biteman Hal Rees CITY CITY CLERK Paul Mann Mike Sweeney Brent McFall Larry Webb Chief Frederiksen Priscilla Shea Chief Angelo Kathleen G,roshong Sandra Driscoll POLICE DEPARTMENT: WACjC COMP Jet INTERFACE CONTRACT Lt. Mike Sweeney stated that the Police Department was seeking authorization for the Mayor to sign the contract with Washington State Patrol (WSP) . The contract would be for external interface with the State for DOL, etc. on every desktop in the Police Department. Sweeney stated that there are hardware standards that per the contract we are required to comply with. Sweeney stated that the Attorney General has approved the contract and that Kent's Assistant City Attorney has approved the content of the contract. Mr. Biteman asked how much time it would be before the system is here. Sweeney stated that it should be here in approximately September to October. Mr. Biteman questioned what the turn around time would be and Sweeney stated that the City system is better than the State, but that turn around time would be approximately 15 seconds. Mr. Biteman questioned pirating. Sweeney stated that security is critical and that's why there is the contract with the State. Mr. Mann moved to endorse the contract and that it go to the consent calendar for authorization of the Mayor's signature. Mr. Biteman seconded. Moved to Consent Calendar. CITY ATTORNEY: DANGEROUS DOG ORDINANCF� City Attorney Sandra Driscoll passed out copies of the proposed ordinance, stating that the pertinent pages started on page 9 and that the ordinance had the precise wording of the State law. Driscoll stated that potentially dangerous dogs are defined as those that can and dangerous dog as those that have. Driscoll reviewed over the ownership requirements that are included in the ordinance such as a the payment of a $100.00 fee to register dangerous dogs in addition to the regular dog licensing fees; that the dog must be in an enclosed pen and if it is out, it must have on a muzzle and be on a leash or chain; that the owner must show proof of a $50, 000 bond before a license will be issued. After a the second violation the animal will be put down. The ordinance does not identify particular breeds, which is done to avoid litigation. r �a PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES, Continued Page -2- June 14, 1988 Mr. Mann stated that he liked the ordinance and wished that the City would have had it when had been doorbelling and had come across such animals. Mr. Mann moved to accept the ordinance and that it go to the Consent Calendar for Council approval. Mr. Biteman seconded the motion. Moved to the Consent Calendar. Mr. Biteman also stated that there should be something in the paper or a letter to the people informing them of the ordinance and that we should monitor it. POLICE DEPARTMENT: DWI TASK FORCE UPDATE/PART-TINS RNITION Capt. Rees stated that the Police Department wished to take the opportunity to update the Committee on the activities of the Drinking Driver Task Force and to make a proposal for a part-time position and then turned the floor over to Kathleen Groshong, Program Coordinator. Kathleen Groshong passed out a packet of information to the Committee that included a review of the activities of the Task Force and contained various other items of interest. Kathleen reviewed through the various activities that occurred such as the Design Contest, the Youth Conference, Server Training, Parent Education, etc. She also showed some of the bookcovers, posters, etc. that had been prepared. Kathleen also showed a video of KIRO news coverage on the Restaurant Owners and Bar Owners that attended the "Drug Waars" meeting that occurred in May. Mr. Biteman asked what had happened at the Ad Lib. Chief Frederiksen stated that many arrests had occurred and that there had been a dramatic impact on the business. Kathleen showed another clip on the video of another television program in which she had participated. Kathleen stated that the program was requesting authorization to use grant funds to fund a part-time position to coordinate the Parent Education Program. Kathleen stated that with the scope of what is involved in coordinating this program, the currant staff cannot take it on. Kathleen stated that there is alot of time involved in planning, negotiating, etc. They would be requesting 20 hours per week and the cost for the remainder of 1988 would, be approximately $5, 500. 00. Also, they will be asking to continue this position next year. Kathleen stated $17,000.00 is being shared with the School District. Mr. Biteman expressed that it seems that parents are always the last 0 0 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTESO Continued Page -3- June 14, 1988 one to know. Kathleen stated that the Parent Education Program involves the parents before the age of experimentation so that they are aware of the signs. Mr. Biteman about the signs, how do you know? Kathleen stated that the book reviews some of those signs and explains some of the risks. Kathleen stated that parents need the tools, in which this program can help. Chief Frederiksen again stated that this request if for the remainder of this year only and that it would be included in the budget requests for next year. Mr. Mann moved to endorse the position and recommended that it be moved to the Consent Calendar for approval and that be encouraged it to continue. Mr. Biteman stated that if a packet of about 15 pageo of "hard-core" information could be provided, he felt it would help. Biteman also stated that he was very impressed with the artwork this year. Kathleen stated that the schools are becoming more excited about the contest and the help from Boeing in the printing helped. Mr. Mann stated that drugs has had a very negative impact on his life and told of a young man that he knew that had ended up paralyzed and eventually died as a result. Mr. Biteman stated that he was glad that the program was reach to the Elementary Schools. Moved to Consent Calendar. FIRE DEPARTMENT: AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH KING, .COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #37 Chief Angelo stated that this issue had previously been before the Committee and since then had been to the attorneys for approval of the language. Chief Angelo briefly reviewed why the change had occurred. Mr. Biteman asked whether the amendment was speeding up the process and Chief Angelo indicated that no,, i ., was slowing it down. Mr. Mann moved to accept the amendment and that it go the Consent Calendar for approval. Biteman seconded the motion. Moved to Consent Calendar. FIRE DEPARTMENT: LIMITED COMMISSIONS FOR FIRE IN!=I9AV_ERS Larry Webb indicated that the Fire Department was seeking to obtain a f PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES, Continued Page -4-'! ' June 14, 1988 limited commission for two fire investigators. curreptly these fire investigators have to work very closely with the Poliee Department in order to obtain confidential information for the i. vestigation of arsons, etc. Chief Frederiksen indicated that the Police Department does support the proposal. Brent McFall asked what the extent of the commission would be and Chief Frederiksen indicated; that it would allow the fire investigators to gain access to KCXC and records through Valley Comm. Chief Frederiksen also indicated that the limit of the commission would need to be well defined through an ordinance. Larry Webb indicated that this would be done after approval to proceed. Mr. Mann asked if other communities have this and it was indicated that yes, they do. Mr. Biteman asked specifically what they were looking for and Chief Angelo indicated that at this point they were basically looking for the blessing of the Committee to proceed with this to the City Attorney for the drafting of the ordinance. Mr. Mann moved to give his blessing. Mr. Biteman indicated that he gave his blessing to move forward until such tilie as the City Attorney drafts the definitions. Meeting adjourned.