HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/25/1988 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 25, 1988 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Badger, Chairman Linda Martinez, Vice Chairwoman Elmira Forner Nancy Rudy Carol Stoner Raymond Ward COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Anne Biteman, excused Greg Greenstreet, absent PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Senior Planner Kathy McClung, Senior Planner Greg McCormick, Planner Stephen Clifton, Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1988 Commissioner Martinez MOVED that the minutes of� June 27, 1988 be approved as presented. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chairman Badger opened the public hearing. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO KCC 15.09 .030E--ZCA 88 Mr. Harris presented the proposal to amend the zoning code to allow the Hearing Examiner to deal with exceptions to development standards under the conditional use section of the zoning code. At the present time if there are exception$ to development standards, the person must first apply for a variance which is heard by the Board of Adjustment. The state has set strict criteria that must be met in order to grant ' a variance. An appeal to this decision would be presented to Superior Court. It is proposed that the , Hearing Examiner be given' discretion in approving or denying ' conditional exceptions to development standards, including height, unique strg6tures, signage, setbacks, etc. , when a conditional use permit to required. The Hearing Examiner would be able to look at the project in its entirety. He used as an example a large development in which the Hearing Examiner could look at all aspects of the development 1 Kent Planning Commission Minutes July 25, 1988 at one time and with one staff presentation. This would speed up the process for certain requests and would be helpful to the applicant, the City of Kent and the Hearing Examiner. An appeal to a Hearing Examiner decision would be presented to the City Council. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that the Kent Zoning Code Section 15. 09.030E be amended to give the Hearing Examiner discretion in approving or denying conditional exceptions to development standards including height of unique structures, signage, setbacks, etc. when 'a conditional use permit is required. Commissioner Rudy SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Stoner felt that it would be more efficient to allow the arguments to take place in one meeting so that there would be a complete picture of the issue involved rather than have two quasi.-judicial bodies to review portions of the same request. Motion carried unanimously. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN AMENDMENTS CONTS.HUED Mr. Harris presented into the record exhibits which were submitted into the record for the Planning Commission Workshop of July 18, 1988: Exhibit 1, Pat Curran; Exhibit 2, Joan Peterson; Exhibit 3 , Dee Moschel; Exhibit 4, Bill Stewart; Exhibit 5, staff memorandum to the Planning Commission dated July ;111, 1988. Commissioner Martinez MOVED and Commissioner Ward SECONDED a motion to admit to the record the letters regarding the Central Business District. Motion carried. An additiopal workshop has been scheduled for August 15 at which time the 'Central Business District discussion will be continued. A letter dated July 19, 1988 from Richard McCann, attorney for Howard Manufacturing, Northwest Metal Products and Borden Chemical, requested time for a presentation at this meeting. Bill Stewart, representing the Local Govern*� ttittee of the Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor's Task requested a continuation of this hearing. Chuck Howard agreed with Mr. Stewart and asked to speak at a later time. Lloyd D. Holman, 30877 West Lake Morton Drive SE,' Kent, President of the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers, Local #22, spoke regarding the employees' concern about their jobs. He 2 q' KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF 11UNE 27 , 1988 Commissioner Ward MOVED that the hearing be continued to a workshop on July 18, 1988 to formulate a plan and presentation for the continued public hearing at a later 4ate. Commissioner Biteman SECONDED the motion. Motion carr#,ed, Commissioner Forner suggested that the Commission expand on the concept of revitalization and the connection between , expanding or reducing the CBD. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO KCC 15.09 .030E Mr. Harris suggested this issue be continued a$ the first item at the next hearing. Commission Rudy MOVED that this item be continued to the next meeting as the first item. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Badger adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully sub*fitted, Jam P. Harr s, .lPlanning Director 9