HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 12/05/1995 b PARKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 1995 Council Present; Paul Mann, Jim Bennett, Leona Orr (sitting in for Christi Houser) Staff Present: Mayor White, John Hodgson, Pam McFall, Tom Brubaker, Jim McDonald, Julie Stangle, Helen Wickstrom, May Miller, Lori Hogan, Cheryl Fraser, Teri Stump Others Present: Virgil Tomaras and Tim Higgins, 808 E. Temprance, Kent. Joel Epperly, 639 S 5th Avenue, Kent. Todd Sugita, 23335 91st, Kent. Eric Hodgson, 16120 SE 252nd Place, Kent. Amos Trent and Marla Trent, 3432 So 261 st Place, Kent. Linda Johnson, Kent Downtown Partnership Skateboard Park Plan Update Pamela McFall gave an update on the Skateboard Park. The site selected for this park is just west of the RJC in the green space by the Interurban Trail. Permission has been sought from Puget Power, Burlington Railroad, Kent Park and Ride, Kent Downtown Partnership, and a Citizen's Group for the RJC. Puget Power and Burlington Northern have given a verbal'okay, but are waiting for written confirmation. Pam and Julie spoke with an architect who is working with the City of Des Moines on their Skateboard Park. After written confirmation is given, they will seek public input, skaters' input, and then sit down with a blank board and come up with some designs. A few conceptual designs were shown to the committee. Funds will need to be raised based upon designs already in place. The committee currently has $50,000 to work with. Kent Arts Commission is looking at this as an opportunity to work with kids on site. It is a very exciting opportunity! Target date for this project to be completed the summer of 1996. Pamela also read an inspirational quote to Paul Mann and thanked him for his support of the projects she was involved in. Mayor White also thanked Paul for his commitment to Kent and to Pamela and Julie for their work on the Skateboard Park. 1996 City Art Plan/Five Year Art Plan Jim McDonald presented the 1996 Art Plan for approval. He also presented the Five Year Plan which is a long term look at the direction the Arts Commission would like to go in respect to public art. The Reclamation project is to target youth by bringing a professional artist and youth together to create art in areas where vandalism has occurred. Last year four projects were completed and they went incredibly well. Very little vandalism has been reintroduced to the area since the projects have been put in place. The Lion's Shelter at Kent Memorial Park seemed to wrap up the 1995 project well. They would like to complete two more projects for 1996. The Canterbury Faire Crown Project is a fun element, Helen Lessick, a local artist created a crown, 10 feet i Parks Committee December 5, 1995 Page 2of3 high, 20 feet in diameter, in Tacoma. Permission has been granted to use this for the 10th anniversary of Canterbury Faire. While it is a small budget item, they do want it on the list. It will be placed on or near the Senior Center to draw attention to Canterbury Faire. Banner replacement is geared towards the Kent Sign down by the golf course. These were originally put in place in 1989 and are in desperate need of replacement. The Art Commission feels they are a very visible and need to be kept up. Also to be replaced would be the kiosk covers at the golf course on the 18th green. Portable Collection Purchases is art purchased at Canterbury Faire; they would like to continue this. The public participation art project is geared to bring citizens into the art project. This year they would like to see a project focused on the Meridian Annexation area to let them become aware of the Kent Arts Commission. The piece would be placed in some public place in that area. For the five year plan the Commission would like to see the reclamation project continue, as this focuses on the teen resident. They would also like to see a Japanese American recognition project to focus on the Japanese American heritage in the Valley; this is scheduled for 1997. The Commission would also like to be a major player in placing art in the performing arts center, if it does happen. Money is being set aside in the five year plan for 1997, 1998, 1999, should it be built. The money would be used for participation projects, if the center is not built. Murals, reclamation art, and portable art projects are budgeted for 1999 and 2000. Jim Bennett made a motion to accept the plan, as presented for the 1996 plan and the five year plan. Leona Orr seconded the motion. Without further comment the motion carried unanimously 3-0. Saturday Market Advisory Board Linda Johnson met with the Saturday Market Advisory Board on October 31, to finish up the 1995 season and wrap up the final correspondence. She and the current board felt that the board, in its current state, was ineffective and added a layer of bureaucracy, thus they would like to see the Saturday Market Advisory Board Ordinance repealed. Instead of this board, she would like to have a vendor representative qn the Kent Downtown Partnership Board, who would report vendor concerns direody. Councilmember Jim Bennett made a motion to repeal Ordinance 2.54 of the City Codes. Councilmember Leona Orr seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding whether the City needed to be involved in the formation of the committee of vendors. Linda stated that would fall under the Kent Downtown Partnership By-Laws. After discussion the motion carried unanimously 3-0. s Parks Committee December 5, 1995 Page 3 of 3 Added Items John asked direction as to the next scheduled committee meeting on January 2. To date, there are no action items and the committee will have only two Councilmembers because Paul Mann is retiring as of 1996. Councilmember Leona Orr suggested postponing the meeting until the Council selects a new Parks Committee President and committee members; it was agreed to cancel the meeting. John Hodgson ended the meeting by presenting the retiring Councilmember Paul Mann with a cake and plaque which conveyed thanks to Councilmember Mann for enhancing the lives of those who live and play in Kent. John added that Paul has been very impressive with his quiet and steady contributions to the City of Kent. Councilmember Mann sincerely thanked everyone and was very moved by the gift and cake. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session - Property Acquisition at 5:40 p.m. d Y �r L PARKS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 1996 Council Present: Paul Mann, Jim Bennett, Leona Orr (sitting in for Christi Houser) Staff Present: Mayor White, John Hodgson, Pam McFall, Tom Brubaker, Jim McDonald, Julie Stangle, Helen Wickstrom, May Miller, Lori Hogan, Cheryl Fraser, Teri Stump Others Present: Virgil Tomaras and Tim Higgins, 808 E. Temprance, Kent. Joel Epperly, 639 S 5th Avenue, Kent. Todd Sugita,, 23335 91 st, Kent. Eric Hodgson, 16120 SE 252nd Place, Kent. Amos Trent and Marla Trent, 3432 So 261st Place, Kent. Linda Johnson, Kent Downtown Partnership Skateboard Park Plan Update Pamela McFall gave an update on the Skateboard Park. The site selected for this park is just west of the RJC in the green space by the Interurban Trail. Permission has been sought from Puget Power, Burlington Railroad, Kent Park and Ride, Kent Downtown Partnership, and a Citizen's Group for the RJC. Puget Power and Burlington Northern have given a verbal`okay, but are waiting for written confirmation. Pam and Julie spoke with an architect who is working with the City of Des Moines on their Skateboard Park. After written confirmation is given, they will seek public input, skaters' input, and then sit down with a blank board and come up with some designs. A few conceptual designs were shown to the committee. Funds will need to be raised based upon designs already in place. The committee currently has $50,000 to work with. Kent Arts Commission is looking at this as an opportunity to work with kids on site. It is a very exciting opportunity! Target date for this project to be completed the summer of 1996. Pamela also read an inspirational quote to Paul Mann and thanked him for his support of the projects she was involved in. Mayor White also thanked Paul for his commitment to Kent and to Pamela and Julie for their work on the Skateboard Park. 1996 City Art Plan/Five Year Art Plan Jim McDonald presented the 1996 Art Plan for approval. He also presented the Five Year Plan which is a long term look at the direction the Arts Commission would like to go in respect to public art. The Reclamation project is to target youth by bringing a professional artist and youth together to create art in areas where vandalism has occurred. Last year four projects were completed and they went incredibly well. Very little vandalism has been reintroduced to the area since the projects have been put in place. The Lion's Shelter at Kent Memorial Park seemed to wrap up the 1995 project well. They would like to complete two more projects for 1996. The Canterbury Faire Crown Project is a fun element, Helen Lessick, a local artist created a crown, 10 feet ' 1 Parks Committee December 5, 1995 Page 2 of 3 high, 20 feet in diameter, in Tacoma. Permission has been granted to use this for the 10th anniversary of Canterbury Faire. While it is a small budget item, they do want it on the list. It will be placed on or near the Senior Center to draw attention to Canterbury Faire. Banner replacement is geared towards the Kent Sign down by the golf course. These were originally put in place in 1989 and are in desperate need of replacement. The Art Commission feels they are a very visible and need to be kept up. Also to be replaced would be the kiosk covers at the golf course on the 18th green. Portable Collection Purchases is art purchased at Canterbury Faire; they would like to continue this. The public participation art project is geared to bring citizens into the art project. This year they would like to see a project focused on the Meridian Annexation area to let them become aware of the Kent Arts Commission. The piece would be placed in some public place in that area. For the five year plan the Commission would like to see the reclamation project continue, as this focuses on the teen resident. They would also like to see a Japanese American recognition project to focus on the Japanese American heritage in the Valley; this is scheduled for 1997. The Commission would also like to be a major player in placing art in the performing arts center, if it does happen. Money is being set aside in the five year plan for 1997, 1998, 1999, should it be built. The money would be used for participation projects, if the center is not built. Murals, reclamation art, and portable art projects are budgeted for 1999 and 2000. Jim Bennett made a motion to accept the plan, as presented for the 1996 plan and the five year plan. Leona Orr seconded the motion. Without further comment the motion carried unanimously 3-0. Saturday Market Advisory Board Linda Johnson met with the Saturday Market Advisory Board on October 31, to finish up the 1995 season and wrap up the final correspondence. She andem, current board felt that the board, in its current state, was ineffective and added a layer of bureaucracy, thus they would like to see the Saturday Market Advisory Board Ordinance repealed. Instead of this board, she would like to have a vendor representative on the Kent Downtown Partnership Board, who would report vendor concerns directly. Councilmember Jim Bennett made a motion to repeal Ordinance 2.54 of the City Codes. Councilmember Leona Orr seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding whether the City needed to be involved in the formation of the committee of vendors. Linda stated that would fall under the Kent Downtown Partnership By-Laws. After discussion the motion carried unanimously 3-0. Icy � Parks Committee December 5, 1995 Page 3 of 3 Added Items John asked direction as to the next scheduled committee meeting on January 2. To date, there are no action items and the committee will have only two Councilmembers because Paul Mann is retiring as of 1996. Councilmember Leona Orr suggested postponing the meeting until the Council selects a new Parks Committee President and committee members; it was agreed to cancel the meeting. John Hodgson ended the meeting by presenting the retiring Councilmember Paul Mann with a cake and plaque which conveyed thanks to Councilmember Mann for enhancing the lives of those who live and play in Kent. John added that Paul has been very impressive with his quiet and steady contributions to the City of Kent. Councilmember Mann sincerely thanked everyone and was very moved by the gift and cake. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session - Property Acquisition at 5:40 p.m.