HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 10/17/1995 Brenda Jacober City Clerk City of Kent Parks Committee Meeting October 17, 1995 Present: Christi Houser, Paul Mann Employees: John Hodgson, Helen Wickstrom, Lori Hogan, Cheryl Fraser, Dimitris Carter, Christina Stookey, Julie Stangle, Tamara Sevigny, Dave Everett Residents: Tiana Waters, Annie Fomai, Sonya Waters, Nicole Sanchez, Cheri Warner; James Street Crossing property manager/854-8100. Make a Difference Day: John invited all council to this event on October 28th. Over 12,000 bulbs will be planted in downtown Kent and in parks. It is a national program that is sponsored to promote community service. Capital Projects: Going to bid on new park signs hopefully next week. We hope to have the signs for the five new parks in the annexation area by January 1. Surplus Houses: Golf course house has someone interested in it. The buyers are looking for a place to put it. No one wanted the Salt Air Hills home or the Corrections Center home, so we have negotiated with the fire department to use the Salt Air Hills for a fire test site. It will be burned three times then cleared. The Corrections Center home we could not burn, so we are getting bids now to have it demolished. Our hope is to have the later two houses gone by November. Russell Road: Sidewalk and storm drain work being done. Acquisition of Midway Reservoir: Still in negotiations regarding the future possibility of putting in the water area and the cost goes up for permits, who should pay for them. Kiwanis Tot Lot#2 is done. Kiwanis Tot Lot#3: We have applied for a grant and feel like we,may_get it. Kiwanis Tot Lot#4: We should have all four of the tot lots rebuilt.by#ip middle of 1996. Lights: All 16 lights have arrived and are being installed as we speak. Lake Fenwick Trail: Stairs are in; 200 feet of stairs! Youth Teen Program: Cheryl Fraser introduced the staff and gave spree background on their lines of expertise. Julie Stangle thanked the committee for the donations which make the program possible. Video technology is giving the kids a craft. Julie sees this program expanding to teach kids how to work in a real TV station. Goal is to hook up with teens and encourage them to tape games, interviews, etc., and bring back for the cable station. Other areas teaching leadership skills and recycling which they can take back to their apartment complex and use as a p-patch or recycling program. To encourage the arts, teens were encouraged to become a part of the Art Reclamation Program at the Kent Memorial Park. Dimitris Carter shared how kids are learning to make friends and bring cooperation into their lives through recreation. He also shared how the Lighthouse Project worked to help kids make friends and find positive outlets for their energy and build confidence. Dimitris found this saying and brought it up as how he felt personally about the program: "We know we are in a position to make or break a child, Break them from the social ills, and create a variety of positive experiences. From our director to our rec leaders we believe in supporting, mentoring, and healing through multicultural diversity as well as fostering pride in today's youth and teens. And we believe they know it's true by what we say and by what we do." Tamara is working on the apartment based programs. Finding a simple place for kids to do homework, learn home-life skills, sports, community volunteer projects and leadership. Tamara's second area to be working on is to provide after school sports, drama, after school games, crafts for older and younger siblings. Another reason this is so important to the program is it provides the children with a shelter and a feeling of safety after school. A recreation van is being sought to provide kids an opportunity for hands on use of computers, and video production equipment. With recently received grant money, the program is looking for a dealership who will match funds to purchase a state of the art van. The present van offers games, camcorders, video production, sports events, music and cultural/ethnic events. "Outreach" is designed to attract and enable all youth to participate in current recreational and cultural programs with the assistance of scholarships, transportation, equipment, and on-site programming. Cheri Warner from James Street Crossing offered testimony that the programs have been very positive. Thank you very much. The Hot Steppers were introduced. Tiana, Sonya and Annie. They reported how the program has been positive for them. How they have made friends and helped them become confident. John Hodgson noted that we do have a grant to buy equipment - and to enhance the Cable TV system and we envision a youth cable TV segment. Other grants received: $38,000 for mobile unit, and $20,000 for p-patch program. . � 46 Golf Fees: Proposed unlimited use card. During the weekdays for Winter use. A fee of $300/$350 is charged. If a person golfed everyday -they would save about $600. Request for mini-putt and range by $.50. We would like to raise the Par 3 course, but can wait if necessary as we haven't made improvements to the course. Paul Mann moved to accept total fee increase as presented to the committee. It was seconded and approved. Watercraft Ordinances: With the annexation on Easthill, we need to bring the water ordinances in line with the current King County Ordinances. Two ordinances have been brought before the committee. The first 4.01, removing watercraft and boating within the ordinance and moving the water regulations to 4.06. These codes are to merely put in place the same codes that currently exist. No new regulations are being put in place at this time with the exception of Page 11: 'any watercraft with internal combustion'. We have changed the penalty provisions to civil infraction with a fine up to $250 except for a couple items which are misdemeanors, damage to property, firearms discharge. Float planes have not been regulated with these ordinances. Roger will check into this to make sure it is regulated under a different jurisdiction. Paul Mann moved to accept the ordinances with the changes discussed. Christi seconded the motion. It carried. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Brenda Jacober ' City Clerk W City of Kent Parks Committee Meeting October 17, 1995 Present: Christi Houser, Paul Mann Employees: John Hodgson, Helen Wickstrom, Lori Hogan, Cheryl Fraser, Dimitris Carter, Christina Stookey, Julie Stangle, Tamara Sevigny, Dave Everett Residents: Tiana Waters, Annie Fomai, Sonya Waters, Nicole Sanchez, Cheri Warner; James Street Crossing property manager/854-8100. Make a Difference Day: John invited all council to this event on October 28th. Over 12,000 bulbs will be planted in downtown Kent and in parks. It is a national program that is sponsored to promote community service. Capital Projects: Going to bid on new park signs hopefully next week. We hope to have the signs for the five new parks in the annexation area by January 1. Surplus Houses: Golf course house has someone interested in it. The buyers are looking for a place to put it. No one wanted the Salt Air Hills home or the Corrections Center home, so we have negotiated with the fire department to use the Salt Air Hills for a fire test site. It will be burned three times then cleared. The Corrections Center home we could not bum, so we are getting bids now to have it demolished. Our hope is to have the later two houses gone by November. Russell Road: Sidewalk and storm drain work being done. Acquisition of Midway Reservoir: Still in negotiations regarding the future possibility of putting in the water area and the cost goes up for permits, who should pay for them. Kiwanis Tot Lot#2 is done. Kiwanis Tot Lot#3: We have applied for a grant and feel like we may get it. Kiwanis Tot Lot#4: We should have all four of the tot lots rebuilt by the middle of 1996. Lights: All 16 lights have arrived and are being installed as we speak. Lake Fenwick Trail: Stairs are in; 200 feet of stairs! Youth Teen Program: Cheryl Fraser introduced the staff and gave some background on their lines of expertise. Julie Stangle thanked the committee for the donations which make the program possible. Video technology is giving the kids a craft. Julie sees this program expanding to teach kids how to work in a real TV station. Goal is to hook up with teens and encourage them to tape games, interviews, etc., and bring back for the cable station. Other areas teaching leadership skills and recycling which they can take back to their apartment complex and use as a p-patch or recycling program. To encourage the arts, teens were encouraged to become a part of the Art Reclamation Program at the Kent Memorial Park. Dimitris Carter shared how kids are learning to make friends and bring cooperation into their lives through recreation. He also shared how the Lighthouse Project worked to help kids make friends and find positive outlets for their energy and build confidence. Dimitris found this saying and brought it up as how he felt personally about the program: "We know we are in a position to make or break a child, Break them from the social ills, and create a variety of positive experiences. From our director to our rec leaders we believe in supporting, mentoring, and healing through multicultural diversity as well as fostering pride in today's youth and teens. And we believe they know it's true by what we say and by what we do." Tamara is working on the apartment based programs. Finding a simple place for kids to do homework, learn home-life skills, sports, community volunteer projects and leadership. Tamara's second area to be working on is to provide after school sports, drama, after school games, crafts for older and younger siblings. Another reason this is so important to the program is it provides the children with a shelter and a feeling of safety after school. A recreation van is being sought to provide kids an opportunity for hands on use of computers, and video production equipment. With recently received grant money, the program is looking for a dealership who will match funds to purchase a state of the art van. The present van offers games, camcorders, video production, sports events, music and cultural/ethnic events. "Outreach" is designed to attract and enable all youth to participate in current recreational and cultural programs with the assistance of scholarships, transportation, equipment, and on-site programming. Cheri Warner from James Street Crossing offered testimony that the programs have been very positive. Thank you very much. The Hot Steppers were introduced. Tiana, Sonya and Annie. They reported how the program has been positive for them. How they have made friends and helped them become confident. John Hodgson noted that we do have a grant to buy equipment - and to enhance the Cable TV system and we envision a youth cable TV segment. Other grants received: $38,000 for mobile unit, and $20,000 for p-patch program. F Golf Fees: Proposed unlimited use card. During the weekdays for Winter use. A fee of $300/$350 is charged. If a person golfed everyday -they would save about $600. Request for mini-putt and range by $.50. We would like to raise the Par 3 course, but can wait if necessary as we haven't made improvements to the course. Paul Mann moved to accept total fee increase as presented to the committee. It was seconded and approved. Watercraft Ordinances: With the annexation on Easthill, we need to bring the water ordinances in line with the current King County Ordinances. Two ordinances have been brought before the committee. The first 4.01, removing watercraft and boating within the ordinance and moving the water regulations to 4.06. These codes are to merely put in place the same codes that currently exist. No new regulations are being put in place at this time with the exception of Page 11: 'any watercraft with internal combustion'. We have changed the penalty provisions to civil infraction with a fine up to $250 except for a couple items which are misdemeanors, damage to property, firearms discharge. Float planes have not been regulated with these ordinances. Roger will check into this to make sure it is regulated under a different jurisdiction. Paul Mann moved to accept the ordinances with the changes discussed. Christi seconded the motion. It carried. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.