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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 03/07/1995 *PARKS COMMITTEE MINUTS alAiiz,_
March 7, 1996
Council Present: Christi Houser, Chair; Paul Mann; Jim Bennett
Staff Present: Helen Wickstrom, Tom Brubaker, John Hodgson, Teri Stump
Other: Pat McAllister, 24805 Pacific Highway So, Kent, Washington
John Hodgson reported that staff, along with Paul Mann, interviewed two design/build contractors for
the Miniature Golf Course at Riverbend Golf Complex and Harris Miniature Golf was chosen for the
project. The project is to begin April 1 and will be ahead of schedule by 2-3 weeks. John Hodgson
also stated that he will be seeking approval from Council that evening to enter into a contract.
Councilmember Mann told John he was very impressed with Harris Miniature Golf at the interview. To
keep the public informed a ten-minute video, that Harris used during the interview, will be played on
Cable TV with an intro of the ground breaking. The design includes two waterfalls and three ponds.
The construction schedule shows Harris working for three weeks, then Parks Maintenance is
responsible for the landscaping, and then Harris comes back and finishes the project off and lays the
synthetic turf. Councilmember Houser commented, "good job." Future concession needs at the course
are being discussed with S.S.M.D.
Staff is working to extend Project Lighthouse to Totem Junior High. Because of neighbor's concerns,
the Federal Way School District will review the plan first, and hold a public meeting in the future to get
neighborhood feedback. Councilmember Houser suggested using Thomas Jefferson School.
Councilmember Bennett asked how Kent Junior High is working out; John replied that it is doing great
and that we haven't even peaked yet. John referred to a complimentary editorial in the paper on the
program last week. The Youth Employment Grant is on hold due to the volume of applications
submitted. John is confident we will get some funding because of his contact with staff at King County
Youth Employment.
Pat McAllister came to the Parks Committee meeting representing the Ott family, owner of property
near Kent's 2 acres at Salt Aire Hills wetlands. He is requesting vacation of 26th Place South Street,
which lies between the Ott property and city-owned park property. Tom Brubaker summarized that
Pat is asking permission from the Parks Committee to go to the Council and have the Mayor or John
sign the application to initiate a street vacation process; it will go to Public Works, or Planning, for
detail consideration, then come back to Council a second time as an actual street vacation matter.
Councilmember Houser asked Mr. McAllister why he wants this. Pat replied that this has been a
dumping area for many years and the Ott family wants to add to their property. Mr. McAllister stated
that permission from the Parks Committee is the first step in his construction process. He will
complete the EIS and a topo survey. Councilmember Mann asked staff if there is any reason not to
do this. Tom responded that this would be the stage to stop the process, but that there will be another
chance to look at it. Helen stated that by allowing this, the City gains 20' of park land, and it affords
us an opportunity to cut a trail through to the King County Park for residents of Salt Aire Hills.
Councilmember Mann moved to start the process, Councilmember Bennett seconded. The vote was
unanimous 3-0.
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Parks Committee Minutes
Page Two
March 7, 1995
John Hodgson wanted to update the Committee by pointing out that the Council agenda item,
"Accepting King County Bond Interest Money for the Interurban Trail," was first discussed and
accepted at a Parks Committee meeting last summer.
Councilmember Bennett met with John Hodgson and the contractor to create a donation-type event
for the people of Kobe, Japan. He suggested that part of the green fees be used as a donation and
have a raffle from prizes furnished by the vendors. It could be a 7-day event, March 24 - 31. Tom
stated he would check to see if it falls under the unconstitutional gift of public funds depending on the
structure. John Hodgson added that raffles have to go through the Gaming Commission. Discussion
followed that lead to Tom Brubaker suggesting that it be placed under"Other Business" until it is fully
defined. Councilmember Houser agreed. The vote was unanimous 3-0.
Councilmember Mann referred to the child who was hurt while skateboarding on the street recently and
stressed the need for the skateboard park. He asked for the city public street standards. Tom
Brubaker will research skateboarding on public streets and suggested Ken Chatwin be involved. John
Hodgson will contact WCIA and have a report ready for the April meeting. John suggested that the
day the street ordinance is in place, limiting skateboard on City streets, the skateboard park is opened.
Tom Brubaker requested revising the motion on the Miniature Golf Course Renovation to read that the
project stays within the amount budgeted for the project.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
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