HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 09/06/1994w M - . •, Brenda Jacober .� City Clerk Parks Committee Minutes-- September inute September 6, 1994 Councilmembers Present: Paul Mann, Jim Bennett Staff Present: John Hodgson, Pete Petersen, Tom Brubaker, Teri Stump Others Present: Jennifer Stoner, Saturday Market; Harold Perantie, Golf Advisory Board SATURDAY MARKET REPORT: Jennifer Stoner presented the Saturday Market Report. The market experienced nine cancellations due to rain over the weekend. Jennifer is receiving calls from Puyallup and Tacoma vendors who are closed for the season. The market closed at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday for Canterbury Faire; as a good will gesture, Jennifer gave the vendors 50% of their fee back. Cornucopia Days, has proven to be a low revenue day; Jennifer is hoping to work with the city to encourage traffic to the market by taking over the car show and reviving the art walk. A survey of Cornucopia Days was conducted with the vendors; they requested security and to initiate a requirement that only vendors who have sold more than three times prior can sell during Cornucopia Days. The Board voted to replace member Dorothy Woodruff due to lack of attendance, as stated in the Saturday Market Ordinance. A de -briefing meeting will be held on October 10 to allow vendors input on problems, new ideas, rules and the future of the Market. Jim Bennett has been contacted by ex -city employees who want to give something back to Kent by offering to provide security at special events such as the Market. John responded that this needs to be directed to the Human Resource Department. Jennifer shared that a vendor donation box has collected approximately $200 during the market and she felt this money could possibly be used for security pay. GOLF ADVISORY REPORT: Harold Perantie presented the unapproved minutes from the Golf Advisory Board meeting of August 24, 1994. Harold reported that Jim Stone might have two potential $500,000 investors to upgrade the range and mini putt, if an agreement between the City and S.S.M.D. could be worked out. The Advisory Board recommends the call-in system over the computer system. Players were polled randomly and preferred the call-in system; a few members of the Ladies' Club prefer the Tee -time system better. Both Councilmembers Bennett and Mann endorse the call-in system. The Board also recommends the City review the marshal contract; it provides 95% of the city's revenue. Harold also stated there are indications that people, including marshals, are playing free rounds. Harold suggested including a capital maintenance category in the budget for maintenance projects that come along such as: painting, carpets, nets, poles, etc. Pete Petersen will clarify certain legal issues with Tom Brubaker on construction of the permanent restrooms before permits can be obtained. John responded to Harold's report that he is aware of the free golf allegations and is addressing this issue with S.S.M.D. He is also revising the marshalling program and comp rounds of golf for Riverbend. John and Pete presented the Master Plan to the Advisory Board on August 24 and next week they will present to the Ladies' and Men's clubs next week. A public meeting for input on the plan will be held at the end of September. -"� Parks Committee Meeting • September 6, 1994 �- Page Two GOLF RANGE/MINI PUTT TOUR: John skipped ahead on the agenda to this item and invited the councilmembers to a tour of local mini putts and ranges; it is tentatively set for September 14 at 11:00 a.m. Councilmember Mann declined the invitation stating he has seen most of the local mini putts and ranges and has always supported enhancing ours to encourage more family oriented recreation in the area. Discussion followed regarding mini putts. John will confirm the tour date with Christie Houser and Jim next week. Councilmember Bennett read a letter from the Tacoma Golf Association regarding a request for reduced fees for their tournament. A discount tournament has already been done this year. John is reluctant to allow too many discount tournaments each year because of the loss in revenue and if the words gets out we will have too many requests for discount rates. John will discuss this request with the S.S.M.D. YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAM UPDATE: John met with the Lighthouse Advisory Board and discussed the need for expansion as the program extends throughout the city. Staff continues to meet with apartment complex owner and occupants in hopes to develop the involvement of families working together. By mid-September the program plan will be outlined. Jim Bennett stated that a policy and procedure needs to be set prior to initialization of the program. John replied that the Youth/Teen Committee will be forming a policies and procedures for the program and that it is time to get staff on board and get the program going. Councilmember Bennett was concerned with adaptability of "at -risk" youth to community programs and asked what kind of background will be required of new staff. John replied that the program will give youth something to do, by bringing it to them or by bringing them to it. He sees the program not happening over night, but by starting with some ideas going with success and building on them. One of John's concerns is the level of transportation involved; this needs to be discussed. Jim Bennett who is a member of the Transit Advisory Board hoped we can coordinate mutual transit ventures for youth transportation around the city and that it is very expensive. John added that he plans to hire the best in the field. Councilmember Bennett felt the program needs more "street wise" staff than academic credentials John responded that we have the professionals who can teach them program management; he wants staff who want to positively impact the lives of kids and families in the community. John also shared that he will be meeting next week with division heads from police, fire and human services to find out what each other is doing in regard to youth programs. This knowledge will be a strong force and will ensure a great bond between the city and the community. John Hodgson met with the Chambers Governmental Committee. Eventually he plans to copy the Yakima Youth Leadership which has proven to be very successful. He will be contacting local business' to get involved and find out what jobs are available to offer the youth of our community. Discussion proceeded to the Ordinance for the youth/teen program in reference to it's vagueness, leaving the city open for outside agencies to compete with Parks and Recreation in the development of youth programs. Paul Mann brought up Jungle Gym, a business currently lobbying the city for the money to develop and run the youth/teen program. John is aware of this company and wished they could be allied. Councilmember Bennett felt for fairness, each side could develop and produce a plan for the youth program and present it to the council. John Hodgson replied that he hopes the Recreation Department's program will be all encompassing and meet all the needs of the community. Paul Mann said we also need to review the Ordinance again and revise it so that we aren't challenged by outside organizations wanting to lobby for the money. Parks Committee Meeting • September 6, 1994 -- Page Three Councilmember Bennett voiced concern over the monitoring of local youth programs, namely Project Lighthouse. He questions the reports which claim 300 youth use the center, because he doesn't see that many utilizing the services. John responded there is no tool to measure Human Service programs -- how can you prove that because a child has been attending programs at a youth center he/she will make it in life. It is proven that crime has dropped in the neighborhoods where youth programs have been organized. John said we have a short term and long term objective; as long as a kid -is involved in a program for 5-6 hours per day; that is 5-6 hours they are not on the streets and over a period of time we can influence their lives positively. Councilmember Bennett felt it would be hard to impact kids in apartments due to the six month average stay. John stated that as most city departments are increasing funds directed toward youth, so are we; we need to give kids something to do. Councilmember Mann reiterated that Parks and Recreation needs to develop a solid program for the Council to review. BENEFITS OF PARKS AND RECREATION: A video highlighting the positive impact Parks and Recreation has on all age levels and all walks of life was viewed. Councilmember Mann commented that Kent needs a covered outdoor concert stage for local and national artists to perform. John will pass on this information. W.R.P.A. PARK BOARD TRAINING: John asked if the councilmembers would be interested in attending this training specializing in Park Boards and asked that they notify him as soon as possible. ADDED ITEMS: West Fenwick: two main irrigation lines were repaired last week that is why there is a large hole in the ground. The counters at Russell Road park have bene painted and are going to get one more coat. Councilmember Bennett sends thanks to Kenny Denhert for improving the landscape at Naden Park RV area. The park dedication is Friday, September 9 at 12:00 p.m. Councilmember Bennett asked for a ball park date on restroom installation; there is none as yet. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. 10 0 !f' N �a 0 r i Cn O co O r rn ♦ ?' to '� c m I (ty to z s M:5 8 L 0 0 m CV N 69 69 69 E9 vara NOW fi6-4Z 51eaM ".-= 5I09M fib £Z )IaaM 46 -LZ NaeM Sera Neem 48.-= YIeaM Ge;- Z )IBeM "i -601"m EB -OZ Wm 46r8L �eaM Mrs AeBM 46 -LL xeeM 96 -OL meets Z AeQ ID ID LAsa U 48. -SL �IBeM fi6.-BL x"M 46.-4 L xeeM M -90 199M 46.-fi L KaeM 66.-WieeM verzL MeaM S$rEL leant fi ASO CL Z step U LAso fib-4LAeeM OL lleeM 6 NOW 9 iaeM z **M 9vom CITY OF KENT GOLF ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 24, 1994 Attendees: Harold Perantie, Dan Farmer, Councilman Jim Bennett, Rosemary Mastro, Pete Petersen, Jim Stone, John Hodgson, R. T. Rasco, Dick Eagon, Patty Greeny and Karen Anderson The Meeting was moved up to August 24, 1994 due to conflicts on the scheduled date of August 31, 1994. The meeting was called to order by chair, Harold Perantie at 5:45 p.m. The Golf Advisory Board recommends the Direct Cali in be used over the computer system. A poll of players indicated a preference to the direct call in. The major reason given was confusion with the computer and additional calls to complete the tee time. SSMD indicated they prefer the direct call system. The Advisory Board recommends the City review the contract with regard to the marshall program. The Board recommends the City oversee this program (95% City's revenue) with a chief marshals controlling the marshalls, and working with the starter. The Ladies Club representative, Patty Greeny, reported the ladies club perfers the computor tee time system. They also pointed out that heavy play has increased the number of divots and garbage on the course. The status of the restrooms was also addressed. The Board also recommends the budget include a capital maintenance category to insure funding is available for future maintenance needs, e.g. painting, roofing, nets, poles, carpets etc. Pete Petersen indicated the necessary permits, to start the approved restrooms, will be in hand in 7 -10 days. A date for starting will then be addressed. The master plan was presented by Pete Petersen and John Hodgson for review and discussion. John Hodgson explained the conceptual plan will be reviewed by the Mens and Ladies club, Advisory Board, and the Parks Committee. The plan addresses the par 3 course, mini putt, driving range, and 18 hole course. A feasability study and market study are underway with a goal of presenting it to the Parks Committee by October. The SSMD representative Jim Stone indicated two potential new members of SSMD would bring approximately $500,000 to upgrade the range and mini putt if an agreement between the City and SSMD could be worked out. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Next meeting scheduled for September 28, 1994, at 5:45 p.m., Riverbend Conference Room. • Brenda Jacober City Clerk Parks Committee Minutes-- September inute September 6, 1994 Councilmembers Present: Paul Mann, Jim Bennett Staff Present: John Hodgson, Pete Petersen, Tom Brubaker, Teri Stump Others Present: Jennifer Stoner, Saturday Market; Harold Perantie, Golf Advisory Board SATURDAY MARKET REPORT: Jennifer Stoner presented the Saturday Market Report. The market experienced nine cancellations due to rain over the weekend. Jennifer is receiving calls from Puyallup and Tacoma vendors who are closed for the season. The market closed at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday for Canterbury Faire; as a good will gesture, Jennifer gave the vendors 50% of their fee back. Cornucopia Days, has proven to be a low revenue day; Jennifer is hoping to work with the city to encourage traffic to the market by taking over the car show and reviving the art walk. A surrey of Cornucopia Days was conducted with the vendors; they requested security and to initiate a requirement that only vendors who have sold more than three times prior can sell during Cornucopia Days. The Board voted to replace member Dorothy Woodruff due to lack of attendance, as stated in the Saturday Market Ordinance. A de -briefing meeting will be held on October 10 to allow vendors input on problems, new ideas; rules and the future of the Market. Jim Bennett has been contacted by ex -city employees who want to give something back to Kent by offering to provide security at special events such as the Market. John responded that this needs to be directed to the Human Resource Department. Jennifer shared that a vendor donation box has collected approximately $200 during the market and she felt this money could possibly be used for security pay. GOLF ADVISORY REPORT: Harold Perantie presented the unapproved minutes from the Golf Advisory Board meeting of August 24, 1994. Harold reported that Jim Stone might have two potential $500,000 investors to upgrade the range and mini putt, if an agreement between the City and S.S.M.D. could be worked out. The Advisory Board recommends the call-in system over the computer system. Players were polled randomly and preferred the call-in system; a few members of the Ladies' Club prefer the Tee -time system better. Both Councilmembers Bennett and Mann endorse the call-in system. The Board also recommends the City review the marshal contract; it provides 95% of the city's revenue. Harold also stated there are indications that people, including marshals, are playing free rounds. Harold suggested including a capital maintenance category in the budget for maintenance projects that come along such as: painting, carpets, nets, poles, etc. Pete Petersen will clarify certain legal issues with Tom Brubaker on construction of the permanent restrooms before permits can be obtained. John responded to Harold's report that he is aware of the free golf allegations and is addressing this issue with S.S.M.D. He is also revising the marshalling program and comp rounds of golf for Riverbend. John and Pete presented the Master Plan to the Advisory Board on August 24 and next week they will present to the Ladies' and Men's clubs next week. A public meeting for input on the plan will be held at the end of September. Parks Committee Meeting • September 6, 1994 --- Page Two GOLF RANGE/MINI PUTT TOUR: John skipped ahead on the agenda to this item and invited the councilmembers to a tour of local mini putts and ranges; it is tentatively set for September 14 at 11:00 a.m. Councilmember Mann declined the invitation stating he has seen most of the local mini putts and ranges and has always supported enhancing ours to encourage more family oriented recreation in the area. Discussion followed regarding mini putts. John will confirm the tour date with Christie Houser and Jim next week. Councilmember Bennett read a letter from the Tacoma Golf Association regarding a request for reduced fees for their tournament. A discount tournament has already been done this year. John is reluctant to allow too many discount tournaments each year because of the loss in revenue and if the words gets out we will have too many requests for discount rates. John will discuss this request with the S.S.M.D. YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAM UPDATE: John met with the Lighthouse Advisory Board and discussed the need for expansion as the program extends throughout the city. Staff continues to meet with apartment complex owner and occupants in hopes to develop the involvement of famifies working together. By mid-September the program plan will be outlined. Jim Bennett stated that a policy and procedure needs to be set prior to initialization of the program. John replied that the Youth/Teen Committee will be forming a policies and procedures for the program and that it is time to get staff on board and get the program going. Councilmember Bennett was concerned with adaptability of "at -risk" youth to community programs and asked what kind of background will be required of new staff. John replied that the program will give youth something to do, by bringing it to them or by bringing them to it. He sees the program not happening over night, but by starting with some ideas going with success and building on them. One of John's concerns is the level of transportation involved; this needs to be discussed. Jim Bennett who is a member of the Transit Advisory Board hoped we can coordinate mutual transit ventures for youth transportation around the city and that it is very expensive. John added that he plans to hire the best in the field. Councilmember Bennett felt the program needs more "street wise" staff than academic credentials John responded that we have the professionals who can teach them program management; he wants staff who want to positively impact the lives of kids and families in the community. John also shared that he will be meeting next week with division heads from police, fire and human services to find out what each other is doing in regard to youth programs. This knowledge will be a strong force and will ensure a great bond between the city and the community. John Hodgson met with the Chambers Governmental Committee. Eventually he plans to copy the Yakima Youth Leadership which has proven to be very successful. He will be contacting local business' to get involved and find out what jobs are available to offer the youth of our community. Discussion proceeded to the Ordinance for the youth/teen program in reference to it's vagueness, leaving the city open for outside agencies to compete with Parks and Recreation in the development of youth programs. Paul Mann brought up Jungle Gym, a business currently lobbying the city for the money to develop and run the youth/teen program. John is aware of this company and wished they could be allied. Councilmember Bennett felt for fairness, each side could develop and produce a plan for the youth program and present it to the council. John Hodgson replied that he hopes the Recreation Department's program will be all encompassing and meet all the needs of the community. Paul Mann said we also need to review the Ordinance again and revise it so that we aren't challenged by outside organizations wanting to lobby for the money. Parks Committee Meeting September 6, 1994 Page Three Councilmember Bennett voiced concern over the monitoring of local youth programs, namely Project Lighthouse. He questions the reports which claim 300 youth use the center, because he doesn't see that many utilizing the services. John responded there is no tool to measure Human Service programs -- how can you prove that because a child has been attending programs at a youth center he/she will make it in life. It is proven that crime has dropped in the neighborhoods where youth programs have been organized. John said we have a short term and long term objective; as long as a kid --is involved in a program for 5-6 hours per day; that is 5-6 hours they are not on the streets and over a period of time we can influence their lives positively. Councilmember Bennett felt it would be hard to impact kids in apartments due to the six month average stay. John stated that as most city departments are increasing funds directed toward youth, so are we; we need to give kids something to do. Councilmember Mann reiterated that Parks and Recreation needs to develop a solid program for the Council to review. BENEFITS OF PARKS AND RECREATION: A video highlighting the positive impact Parks and Recreation has on all age levels and all walks of life was viewed. Councilmember Mann commented that Kent needs a covered outdoor concert stage for local and national artists to perform. John will pass on this information. W.R.P.A. PARK BOARD TRAINING: John asked if the councilmembers would be interested in attending this training specializing in Park Boards and asked that they notify him as soon as possible. ADDED ITEMS: West Fenwick: two main irrigation lines were repaired last week that is why there is a large hole in the ground. The counters at Russell Road park have bene painted and are going to get one more coat. Councilmember Bennett sends thanks to Kenny Denhert for improving the landscape at Naden Park RV area. The park dedication is Friday, September 9 at 12:00 p.m. Councilmember Bennett asked for a ball park date on restroom installation; there is none as yet. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. M M ''Q)^ vJ .y L a V M cri CO cri co lifta rz Y 0 O d' of N co O V: GD N fQ as d � �i IG 8 C% at Cl ef' M � 0 0 b x,88 W Q1 d � � W 1 as n a co It c% m c% c% N N 0 t* N r Qi CD C rn ♦ a� to c zlsto 2Z CD 0 N 4 g O g 04 V9 699 H dg 48.7SZ NseM S6rVZ )I"M r SB.iZ )I"M i 68r+LZ �aeM SBr'ZZ AeeM tiB.�Z �seM SBrLZ �seM I 96r84�aeM E8.'UZ �aeM S6rB L �seM 46� LL��M S& -'SL keaM CAM m LLBC U M. -PL N -M M -90 108M 98.iL )loam so. -SL Woo 1M8. -E L �eeM 88ryL�eaM ft-ZL leets SB SL IGOM SABC m CL Z ma E L 6ea a ssrLLMaeM 0 L MOOM S a 14 �1�M slim* 0 3pw ON -M v slow S meets Z BaeM L M -M CITY OF KENT GOLF ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 24, 1994 Attendees: Harold Perantie, Dan Farmer, Councilman Jim Bennett, Rosemary Mastro, Pete Petersen, Jim Stone, John Hodgson, R. T. Rasco, Dick Eagon, Patty Greeny and Karen Anderson The Meeting was moved up to August 24, 1994 due to conflicts on the scheduled date of August 31, 1994. The meeting was called to order by chair, Harold Perantie at 5:45 p.m. The Golf Advisory Board recommends the Direct Call In be used over the computer system. A poll of players indicated a preference to the direct call in. The major reason given was confusion with the computer and additional calls to complete the tee time. SSMD indicated they prefer the direct call system. The Advisory Board recommends the City review the contract with regard to the marshall program. The Board recommends the City oversee this program (95% City's revenue) with a chief marshail controlling the marshalls, and working with the starter. The Ladies Club representative, Patty Greeny, reported the ladies club perfers the computor tee time system. They also pointed out that heavy play has increased the number of divots and garbage on the course. The status of the restrooms was also addressed. The Board also recommends the budget include a capital maintenance category to insure funding is available for future maintenance needs, e.g. painting, roofing, nets, poles, carpets etc. Pete Petersen indicated the necessary permits, to start the approved restrooms, will be in hand in 7 -10 days. A date for starting will then be addressed. I The master plan was presented by Pete Petersen and John Hodgson for review, and discussion. John Hodgson explained the conceptual plan will be reviewed by the Mens and Ladies club, Advisory Board, and the Parks Committee. The plan addresses the par 3 course, mini putt, driving range, and 18 hole course. A feasability study and market study are underway with a goal of presenting it to the Parks Committee by October. The SSMD representative Jim Stone indicated two potential new members of SSMD would bring approximately $500,000 to upgrade the range and mini putt if an agreement between the City and SSMD could be worked out. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Next meeting scheduled for September 28, 1994, at 5:45 p.m., Riverbend Conference Room.