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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 12/14/1993 Parks Committee Minutes
December 14, 1993
Councilmembers Present: Jim Bennett, Chair; and Christi Houser.
Staff Present: Jack Ball , Tom Brubaker, Cheryl Fraser, Lori Hogan, Alana
McIalwain, Pam Rumer, and Helen Wickstrom.
Others Present: Bill Doolittle, 412 N Washington, #31; Connie Epperly, 639 5th
Ave. S; Keith Sanden, Riverbend Golf Director; and Doug
Schwab, Golf Advisory Board.
Staff has received notice that the City will receive Metro and King County
Conservation Futures grant to purchase Riverview Park, and a King County
Conservation Futures grants to purchase Upper Mill Creek Canyon. Both King
County and Metro will be sending interlocal agreements which will need to be
taken to Council for action.
The funding source for Riverview Park is 100% grants, as .Metro is matching King
County's funds. Public Works will match the $71,000 King County grant for the
acquisition of Upper Mill Creek Canyon. Public Works would like to reserve those
properties for drainage.
Councilmember Houser moved to accept the Metro and King County Conservation
Futures grants. Councilmember seconded. The motion passed 2-0. Staff will
contact Councilmember Johnson by phone to obtain a unanimous vote for the consent
Staff received a letter from the Seattle Water Department which needs to be
returned by December 23 indicating whether the City of Kent has an interest in
the Midway Reservoir property. The Parks Committee has indicated an interest in
the past, and Helen Wickstrom requested direction from the Committee.
Wickstrom explained that the assessed value of the property is $208,800. The
City of Seattle is having the property appraised at this time, and the property
will be for sale at the first of the year for the appraised, value. Seattle is
willing to accept 20% down, with 7% interest for a ten gear-term, with one
payment per year.
The National Guard is also interested in a portion of the property. Wickstrom
pointed out that returning the letter does not obligate the City of Kent to
purchase the property.
The Parks Committee directed staff to return the letter to the Seattle Water
Department, expressing the City of Kent's interest in the property.
Wickstrom explained for May Miller that the Parks Department has already included
Riverview Park and Upper Mill Creek Canyon in its level of service for growth
management purposes; and the Midway Reservoir property would fall into the
category of the need for more neighborhood parks.
As a result of a recent news article and safety issues regarding basketball in
residential neighborhoods, Jack Ball presented a list of potential sites for
basketball half-courts prepared by staff.
Councilmember Bennett thanked him for his work and stated that perhaps a more
comprehensive plan can be put together after the first of the year. He said he
has asked the Public Works and Police Departments to hold off on citing
individuals until after the first of the year.
Ball explained that he tried to select potential sites which are close in
proximity to large housing developments. He recommended to the Committee for
safety reasons that the City not place courts in the vicinity of parking lots.
Bill Doolittle suggested that staff contact the City of Federal Way, as they have
experienced problems at basketball courts they placed in existing parks.
Cost estimates obtained from Hough Beck & Baird for a half court and full court
are $8,000 and $15,000, respectively. These estimates include ground prep, base
material , asphalt or concrete slab, hoop and net and one end, and construction
costs. The estimate for a open covered basketball facility ranges from $7 to $20
per square foot, depending upon the type of structure the City chooses to use for
Keith Sanden reported that business has lessened but the complex is pretty close
to budget. A new ball washing machine is on line and working very well . Sanden
and his staff have been receiving a number of requests for discount rates during
the off-season. He presented a proposal for discounts. S.S.M.D. will advertise
these discounts in local papers to generate additional traffic at the complex.
Lori Hogan added that a policy has been developed by the Parks Department
regarding promotions at Riverbend which stipulates that all promotions will be
negotiated between the City of Kent and S.S.M.D. She requested that Mr. Sanden
wait until Patrice Thorell returns on Thursday before implementing his proposal .
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The Parks Committee authorized Parks Department staff to proceed with
negotiations with S.S.M.D. regarding promotions.
Cheryl Fraser reported that the Youth/Teen Center Committee is close to
completing their report for full Council . The Center Committee has been
addressing two concerns which have been raised in the past, people outside of the
City using the facility and not paying for it; and West Hill residents having
access to the facility if it is built on the East Hill .
The option of using school district facilities for the program was discussed at
the November 9 Parks Committee meeting. Fraser reported that after much
research, the Youth/Teen Center Committee has learned that the schools are not
available on a consistent basis.
Dr. Jim Hager of the Kent School District has assured the group that if the
schools are available, the School District will make them available for the
youth/teen program; and if the schools are not available, the School District is
interested in discussing a joint bond issue. Fraser said this gives the
Youth/Teen Center Committee hope.
The Youth/Teen Center Committee is also very concerned about residents in the
Valley and on the West Hill . The School District is looking into offering a
facility for a Lighthouse program in the Valley twice a week. The Principal of
Totem Jr. High is very optimistic about offering his facility for a Lighthouse
program for those youth/teens on the West Hill .
Fraser said it looks as though the recommendation from the Youth/Teen Center
Committee to Council is to build a youth/teen center on the East Hill , located
on the 248th site; and to offer Lighthouse programs in the Valley and at Totem
Jr. High. The Committee will make its presentation to Council -in late January.
Bill Doolittle requested information on the research done by the consultant
regarding the feasibility of locating the program in vacant supermarkets,
specifically the vacant Johnny's on the East Hill . Councilmember Houser
requested information on operating and maintenance costs of such a facility.
Fraser will supply both with the information they requested.
Bill Doolittle inquired as to the status of the motorcross track. Tom Brubaker
reported that during his latest conversation with Connie Epperly, she said she
is looking at another site because of a wetland problem at the current site. The
Committee will research this issue further.
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