HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 08/10/1993 0 Parks Committee Minutes August 10, 1993 Councilmembers Present: Jim Bennett, Chair; Christi Houser, and Paul Mann. Staff Present: Tom Brubaker, May Miller, Patrice Thorell , Helen Wickstrom, Cheryl Fraser, Jack Ball , Lori Hogan, and Pam Rumer. Others Present: Keith Sanden, Riverbend Golf Complex; Jody Stead, 11239 SE 267 Place, Kent 98031 ; Lori Huckins, 11202 SE 267 Place, Kent 98031 ; and Doug Schwab, Riverbend Men's Club. TUDOR PARK MASTER PLAN Helen Wickstrom presented a master plan which included a baseball diamond, a basketball hoop, and a play area for a neighborhood park at Tudor Square. She reported that the Rotary Club has asked to take this on as a club project. Rotary has agreed to provide volunteer labor, some large machinery, and $5,000 or more to help fund the park. Jody Stead, a resident of the Tudor Square neighborhood, reported that she will be contacting the Boeing Good Neighbor Group and the company that owns the Target stores for possible donations toward the project. Wickstrom said that as a result of the impact fees ordinance, the Parks Department has received $21,533 in impact fees, and suggested that perhaps those funds could be earmarked for this project. Councilmember Bennett asked that staff continue working on this project and get more information from the Rotary Club before any action is taken by the Parks Committee. Tom Brubaker added that it will be necessary for any Rotary volunteers to sign an agreement to indemnify the City. He will also ask that the Rotary Club sign a waiver. Brubaker will check with Ken Chatwin, the City's Risk Analyst, to determine whether the Rotary Club has sufficient, if any, insurance to cover such a project. Brubaker also reported that if the total project cost is below $35,000, the City can avoid having to go out to bid. He stated that the City does not have to include volunteer labor in the cost of the project. REPORT BY RIVERBEND GOLF COMPLEX DIRECTOR Keith Sanden reported that the new restaurant officially opened on Monday. He also said that business at the complex has improved. Mr. Sanden questioned where the City is with regard to the golf complex improvements that were passed at the Council meeting. Jack Ball said he has been working to coordinate the color of the three buildings. Zed Construction submitted the lowest estimate to paint the facility. Tom Brubaker has reviewed Y +, w 2 the contract with some language changes; once Zed Construction returns the agreement, it will be submitted to the Mayor for signature. Ball said he has not made any contact to date regarding the ball washing apparatus. His contact person on the restroom project has been on vacation. In the meantime, he has been working with the Building Department to make sure the restrooms are in compliance with City codes. Capital outlay forms for painting and carpeting have been routed to the Mayor's office for signature. Once they are returned, the carpeting is scheduled to be installed at the mini putt. Mr. Sanden announced that Riverbend will host the Pacific Northwest Public Links Tournament on August 21-22 and invited those interested to come and watch. REQUEST FOR KITE FLYING PARK This item was pulled from the agenda because Mr. Halverson did not attend the meeting. SELECTION OF GOLF MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS MANAGER This item was pulled from the agenda due to a holdup in the hiring of this position. YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER ARCHITECT SELECTION Cheryl Fraser requested approval to go ahead with the plan for a youth activity center. She reported that 20 submittals were received in response to the RFP. The top five firms were then selected and interviewed. The interview panel unanimously selected the Miller Hall Partnership from Seattle as the top firm. The Miller Hall Partnership subsequently submitted a fee for the project which was considerably higher than anticipated, but because the firm wants to work with the City of Kent on this project, they lowered their fee to $30,000. Councilmember Houser moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Miller Hall Partnership subject to working out details with the City Attorney's Office. Councilmember Mann seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.