HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 06/08/1993 Parks Committee Minutes June 8, 1993 Councilmembers Present: Jim Bennett, Chair; and Christi Houser.. Staff Present: Tony McCarthy, Tom Brubaker, Jack Ball , Cheryl Fraser, Helen Wickstrom, Patrice Thorell , Ken Chatwin, May Miller, and Pam Rumer. Others Present: Jean Parietti , Valley Daily News; Lori Huckins, 11202 SE 267 Place, Kent; Julie Blue, 11233 SE 267 Place, Kent; Jody Stead, 11239 SE 267 Place, Kent; Doug Schwab, Riverbend Men's Club; and Keith Sanden, Riverbend Golf Complex Director. TUDOR SQUARE PARK DEVELOPMENT In 1987 as part of a resolution approving the Tudor Square Plat, property was donated to the City of Kent. Most of the property is wetlands, however Tract C is a flat area consisting of 1 .66 acres. The Tudor Square neighborhood would like to see this developed into a park. Helen Wickstrom explained that this is listed in the CIP as a possible park project in the year 2000+. Lori Huckins of the Tudor Square neighborhood requested that the 1.66 acre site be developed into a playground with such amenities as large toys, a swing, slide, and jungle gym, and possibly a basketball hoop and baseball diamond. She asked how the neighborhood should proceed with this request. Ms. Huckins said the neighborhood would like to have the City fund the park development, but she would be willing to try to collect donations from those living in the neighborhood. In response to Tony McCarthy's question, Wickstrom approximated the cost to develop a children's play area and a baseball diamond to be $150,000. She explained that much of the costs are underground such as drainage and utilities. Jack Ball suggested that his staff could develop a ball diamond in-house once activity slows and weather allows. Councilmember Houser explained to those Tudor Square residents in attendance that in order to fund the project now, the City would have to shift another project to the year 2000, but she suggested that if the Committee had a cost breakdown of each part of the project, perhaps some monies could be found to fund the underground costs. If the neighborhood is successful in collecting funds from residents, Houser suggested that those funds could be used to purchase equipment for the playground. Wickstrom mentioned that there may be impact fees available for park development in the future. 2 The Committee informed Ms. Huckins that Parks Maintenance would maintain the park once it is developed. Tom Brubaker explained to Ms. Huckins that there is a statute which releases landowners from liability when they hold out their property for recreational uses. He mentioned that there are exceptions, however. Brubaker recommended that if the Tudor Square neighborhood provides funds for the park, the funds be in the form of a donation to the City, earmarked for a special purpose. Councilmember Bennett encouraged the residents to maintain their enthusiasm and to work with the Parks Department. Wickstrom will keep the Committee informed of any progress made. Helen Wickstrom will have someone look at the site and draw a schematic. Then she will have the cost of each part of the project broken down. REPORT BY RIVERBEND GOLF COMPLEX DIRECTOR - KEITH SANDEN Mr. Sanden said that his group has been at the complex for a week and is excited about working at Riverbend. He reported that, counting marshals, he kept 27 employees and integrated some new employees. Changes underway at the complex include a new design for the 18-hole kitchen, a new food and beverage cart that will go out onto the course and distribute food and beverages to golfers; and an overall facelift to the inside of the driving range. Mr. Sanden said that he has received a proposal from a gentleman who has agreed to build a putting green in front of the driving range in the area immediately to the west of the entrance at no cost to the City or Mr. Sanden. This gentleman builds putting green for private residents and wants to do this for Riverbend for the exposure. He has asked that Riverbend not charge the public to use the green, and that he be allowed to display a small sign with his name on it. Mr. Sanden mentioned that there is currently no place at the driving range for instructors to teach bunker shots, and felt this addition would enhance the facility. The Committee agreed. Patrice Thoreli suggested that the Parks Department should look at the plans prior to installation since Golf Course Maintenance staff will ultimately be maintaining the green. Councilmember Houser moved to accept in concept the practice green proposal , with the provisions that the Parks Department, City Attorneys and other staff involved look at the plans, and to place the issue on the next Council agenda for consideration. Councilmember Bennett seconded the motion and opened the floor for discussion. Tom Brubaker stated that the City will need to enter into an agreement with this gentleman for insurance and liability purposes. He also said that the plans for gthe green will have to go through the Planning Department for permits. 3 The motion passed 2-0, as Councilmember Johnson was not present. Tony McCarthy requested that Mr. Sanden have a rough sketch of the proposal to him by Friday morning for the agenda packet. Councilmember Bennett commended Mr. Sanden and his staff for their effort at Riverbend. He commented that the parking lot is half full of golfers at 5:15 AM. Mr. Sanden also reported that he has changed the parking arrangements at the complex. There is one reserved parking spot for City employees at the driving range and one at the 18-hole course. The rest are for customers. Tony McCarthy requested that the Golf Advisory Board meet with City staff and Mr. Sanden prior to the next Parks Committee meeting- to put together a consolidated capital improvements list for the golf complex. A number of needed paving repairs at the complex were mentioned and discussed. REPORT BY PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT - JACK BALL Jack Ball reported that the fairway aerator, two sets of greens rollers, the top dresser, and the sand trap grooming item have been purchased. The utility unit, bedknife grinder, and reel grinder will be ordered soon and om line in a few weeks. Jack Ball said that he has received estimates of $27,000-$30,000 to replace the netting for each side wall and $11,600 to replace the netting at the end for the south end of the driving range. He has located only one company which agreed to do the work. Ball said that requests for Equipment Rental purchases for replacement of articulating mowers and tractors have been to Public Works and are going to full Council next week. Greens mowers are due to be replaced. Three have been received and all should be on line by the weekend. ADDED ITEMS: Update on Project Lighthouse Cheryl Fraser reported that Project Lighthouse has decided not to use the O'Brien school site for a teen center, but is now looking at the former Pay 'n Pak mall site. She said that Project Lighthouse will be submitting a request to the City for operational monies to get a teen program started for the summer. Fraser reported that 55 architectural firms have responded to the Kent Youth Center RFP. 4 Extension of Green River Trail Councilmember Bennett complimented Helen Wickstrom and other Parks Department staff responsible for development of the extension of the Green River Trail . He said that it is outside of his back door. Meeting Time Tom Brubaker informed the Committee that it needs to clarify if it will hold one or two meetings a month by establishing a regular meeting time rather than leaving the fourth Tuesday of each month open. The Committee established THE SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 5:45 PM as its regular meeting time. If an additional meeting is necessary, the Committee will call a special meeting. —