HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 04/07/1992 Parks Committee Minutes April 7, 1992 Councilmembers Present: Jon Johnson, Chair; Christi Houser and Jim Bennett. Staff Present: Ed Chow, Barney Wilson, Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich, Tom Brubaker, Mike Sweeney, Helen Wickstrom, Robyn Bartelt, Lea Bishop, Cheryl Fraser, Patrice Thorell , Pete Wilson and Pam Rumer. Others Present: Brad Bell , Brad Bell and Associates; Bill Doolittle, 412 N Washington #31; Pat Curran, and City of Kent Performing Arts Center Task Force. RESOLUTION NO. 1049 - NANIN6#PUBLIC FACILITIES The Council previously passed Resolution No. 1049, which established the procedure for naming public facilities. There has been some question as to whether every facility should go through the Parks Committee for the naming process. Roger Lubovich presented a draft of a modified resolution which would allow the issue to go before the committee which deals with the facility. The draft resolution also provides for naming a public facility after someone who has contributed to the City rather than just assisting in the acquisition of land. Lubovich requested direction from the Parks Committee on what to do with the current policy established by the Council regarding naming public facilities. Houser moved to recommend that the proposed resolution go before the full Council . Bennett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lt. Mike Sweeney then requested direction from the committee in naming the new police headquarters. There has been interest in naming the facility the Robert E. Lee Building. Robert E. Lee is a former police chief, councilmember and Chamber promoter. Sweeney said that Mr. Lee is still highly regarded throughout the community today. The Parks Committee directed Sweeney to take the issue to the next Public Safety Committee meeting, allowing for public input at that meeting. The Committee agreed that if there is no major concern by the Public Safety Committee or the public, then the issue is to be taken from there to full Council for approval . Houser moved to recommend that the new police headquarters be named the Robert E. Lee Building, and that the issue be referred on to the Public Safety Parks Committee Minutes April 7, 1992 Page Two Committee. Bennett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. KENT MEMORIAL. PARK HOUSE Helen Wickstrom explained that once the renter moved out of the Kent Memorial Park House a year ago, staff determined that it would take substantial funds to improve the house in order to continue renting it. Staff did not want to put the funds into the improvements because the department wanted to eventually tear down the house to expand the parking for Kent Memorial Park. In the meantime, Wickstrom said that the City has received an offer to purchase the property for $68,300. Brad Bell , representing his client, explained that his client has had an eye on the property for a year. He feels that the house serves as an eyesore for the City. Bell suggested that the Committee consider selling the property if the City has no use for it. Wickstrom explained that there is a shortage of parking at Kent Memorial Park and that this is the only property adjacent to the park which could be used for additional parking. She asked the Committee to weigh this heavily when making their decision. Wickstrom said that she received a new estimate for tearing down the house and cleaning up the site for $8,656. She requested that the Committee authorize transferring the $6,833 left over in the Kherson Park budget to allow the Parks Department to tear down the house. The Committee considered having an appraisal done on the property. Bell said that the City could have an appraisal done for approximately $1,200, but he suggested that if the Parks Department needs the property, hisJvote would be to use it. He advised the Committee that if the City has an appraisal done, it will not be much more than $68,300. Bennett moved to recommend transferring the $6,833 in the Khers-',on Park budget to fund tearing down the Kent Memorial Park house to expand parki6,9, ,provided that the Parks Department does not come back in the future and request funds in the Kherson Park budget. Houser seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Wickstrom added that she will obtain additional estimates for tearing down the house, which will hopefully result in an estimate within available budget. If not, staff will go to the Executive Committee with a proposal to fund the balance. Parks Committee Minutes April 7, 1992 Page Three MULTI SERVICE CENTER REQUEST UPDATE Wilson announced that the $7 fee per participant for merchandise was eliminated for the Multi Service Center golf tournament. He said this will be the policy when other volunteer groups make such a request. Tom Brubaker added that there is still an issue of unconstitutional donation of public funds. He suggested making it part of the policy to enter into a contractual agreement and put down on paper that in exchange for waived fees, the group will agree to provide something back to the City. In this case, Brubaker said the Multi Service Center agreed to take the funds generated from this tournament and reinvest the proceeds back strictly to the area which serves Kent. Bennett moved to approve the adoption of the policy. Houser seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. GOLF COURSE AUDIT UPDATE Johnson said the Committee has met once and will continue to meet. He added that there is nothing to report at this time. Doolittle requested that better public notice be given for the next meeting. The Committee agreed to this. In response to Wilson's question, the Committee confirmed that public input will be allowed at the April 21 Parks Committee meeting. CITY OF KENT PERFORNINfi ARTS CENTER TASK FORCE Pat Curran reported that the Task Force is in the process of goal setting. There will be another meeting on April 15 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM at Cjty Hall . Curran invited everyone to attend. Curran thanked the Committee, as part of the Council , for upgrading the project on the goals for the coming year under the category of Downtowh Revitalization. Curran said that the Task Force has completed Step 1, the Feasibility Study, which showed that there is a need for such a facility. The Task Force is now moving into Step 2, which is to develop an architectural plan and site selection. Curran announced that the motto is "Shovel and Picks in '96." IAC FUNDING FOR SCENIC HILL PARK Wickstrom reported that a contract will be received within a week to allow the IAC to give the City of Kent $225,746 for the Scenic Hill Park project. 4 Parks Committee Minutes April 7, 1992 Page Four She requested authorization to place the issue on the Consent Calendar for the next City Council meeting rather than having to wait a month to accept the funds. She added that the Council has already approved application for the funds. Houser moved to have the issue placed on the Consent Calendar for the next City Council meeting,authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract with the IAC. Bennett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cheryl Fraser announced that April is National Volunteer Month and the Resource Center staff will be recognizing 60 or more volunteers in the Youth at Risk and Special Populations programs on Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Resource Center. She invite8' the Committee to attend. Staff is providing the food and cooking. PARRS COMMITTEE MEETING April 7, 1992 Attendance Name Add essZDepartm nt Phone No. 1. LLJ :3 7 ,9- -3 2 . 4. 5. "1 6. 4 L 9 8. ?0'1-� 9 Q / 9. o'm tJAaJL4- ¢ 16 0 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 . CITY OF ��� Dan Kelleher, Mayor t otril,ey Wilson, Parks Director April 2, 1992 Mr. Doug Smith South King County Multi Service Center 1200 South 336 Street Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: GOLF TOURNAMENT Dear Mr. Smith: Please find attached a memo from Robyn Bartelt, Manager of our golf complex. I am in agreement that we will eliminate the $7 per person merchandise fee for your tournament. I feel the compromise will allow you to have a successful fundraising tournament. Best of luck and please check with Ms. Bartelt on any questions regarding your tournament. C]?rneyyWil cealy, 4l on Director Kent Parks and Recr tion Attachment cc Jon Johnson, Parks Committee Chair Tony McCarthy, Finance Director Robyn Bartelt, Riverbend Golf Complex Manager 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859.3M/FA)K 9 859.3334 MEMORANDUM - S TO: Barney Wilson FROM: Robyn Bartelt Zj3 DATE: March 31, 1992 SUBJECT: Chbritable Organizations - Tournament Roquests , f- I have reviewed the request by the South King County Multi Service Center regarding reduction or eliminating green fees for their fundraising tournament in August As you know, we receive numerous requests from similar worthy o xgauizations throughout tlyear. Therefore, I would recommend we continue to follow our current policy regarding tournament fees, as the majority of tournaments held at Riverbend are fundraisers. However, we could review our policy regarding the $7.00 per person merchandise fee, as a large portion of awards and prizes for the fundraising tournaments are donated. Subsequently, by waiving the merchandise fee the tournament participants would only pay the green fee, thus reducing some of their costs.