HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 02/18/1992 Parks Committee Minutes Pebruary IS, 1992 Councilmembers Present: Jon Johnson, Chair; Christi Houser and Jim Bennett. Staff Present: Jim Hansen, Barney Wilson, Don Olson, Tony McCarthy, Brenda Jacober, Alana McIalwain, Tom Brubaker, Karen Ford, Robyn Bartelt, Stephanie Strozyk, Cheryl Fraser, Lea Bishop, Jack Ball, Helen Wickstrom, Patrice Thorell, Lori Hogan, Rose Nelson, Ken Chatwin, Alice Neiffer, Nita Smith, Doreen Higgins and Pam Rumer. Others Present: Bill Doolittle, 412 N Washington - #31; Arron VanLieu and Tony Heath, 228 S. Naden Ave. ; Doug Schwab, Riverbend Men's Club; and Bruce Weissich, Kent Police Department. YOUTH BASEBALL Johnson reported that the issue has been resolved and there is no action requested by the Council. Wilson commented that through the help of Administration, Recreation, the City Attorney's Office, and the Kent School District, an agreement has been reached with Little League on field use. In response to Bennett's question, Wilson confirmed that the agreement reached will allow Little League to meet their scheduled start date of March 1. GOLF AUDIT REPORT Johnson requested an update on the audit report. McIalwain reported that the committee sent information to the consultant on January 31. She spoke with Mr. Bechtel last week and he indicated that he will have the final report to the City at the end of this week or early next week. Wilson added that McIalwain did a good job in informing Mr. Bechtel that Administration wished for him to follow the RFP so that staff could relate to the report. YOUTH-AT-RISK Johnson explained that the item is on the agenda because Council amended the 1992 budget ordinance to fund the Youth-at-Risk position at full time, and it has since come to his attention that t Parks Committee Minutes February 18, 1992 Page Two the position is now only being funded as a 3/4 position. Johnson had the Municipal Research Services Center issue a legal opinion as to whether or not the Mayor can only fund a position at 3/4 time when it was budgeted as full time. (See attached legal opinion. ) Johnson has asked the City Attorney's Office to look at the issue and submit their opinion. Bennett said that he feels the program is good, but he is concerned that the City has a hiring freeze on and questioned what kind of message is being sent to other departments who have positions frozen which they would like to make full time. Johnson explained that ,he made a motion to fund the position as full time regardless of the history of how it was funded previously and fully recognizing the budgetary impacts, which he said are not large. He felt that the budget impacts are offset by the benefits gained from the program. Johnson said that unless the Council rescinds their previous action, and they have the right to do that, his intent is to have the proper procedure and proper law followed. Hansen explained that from Administration's standpoint, the issue has never been centered around the performance of individual(s) or the quality of the program. He said everyone must divorce themselves emotionally from all issues. The hiring freeze is still in place and he felt that the issue comes down to lines of authority. Hansen commented that if the Council wishes for Administration and the Mayor as CEO of the organization to try to run a tight ship, the Mayor has to have the authority to make those decisions. Hansen added that when Administration became aware a couple of weeks into 1992 that the individual was working fulX time, totally opposite of the desire of the CEO of the organizatioo, ''the reaction was to question under whose authority the person was 'working full time. Hansen explained that through working with the Human Resources Director, Administration cut the position back to 3/4 because the person was not authorized to work at a full time level. Hansen said that Administration did not take any further action, although it may have been warranted given the circumstances. Hansen said that Administration is trying to have some consistency 4 Parks Committee Minutes February 18, 1992 Page Three in how they operate the organization administratively and maintain the freeze as long as necessary until there is a turnaround in the city's financial picture. Johnson agreed with Hansen and said that if the issue can't be resolved without removing emotions, the City will be doing a disservice to the citizens of the community. Johnson announced that the committee will take no further action until the City's own Legal Department issues an opinion. Once they do, Johnson explained that he will take both legal opinions to the Council to find out their wish and to vote on the issue. Houser agreed that a legal opinion from the City Attorney's office is needed. She requested more background information (when it was voted on; was anything said about when it should start; was it under the freeze or was it voted outside of that) . Hansen requested that Brubaker put together some sort of sequence of events, along with a legal interpretation for the next meeting. Hansen commented that perhaps after the City Attorney's office issues their opinion of the Marketing Research opinion, everyone will come out with an understanding of whether the legislative or executive branch of government has the authority in this particular instance. He didn't recall that this has ever been tested before but felt that it is good in that it will clear up the confusion so that this will not occur again in the future. The committee decided that this will come back to the next Parks Committee meeting. FUTURE PARRS COMMITTEE MEETIXG-S The Committee set the third Tuesday of each month at 5.,30 PM as the new meeting date for Parks Committee meetings. USGA WOMEN'S AMATBUR STATE QUALIFIER TOURNAMENT Bennett reported that the USGA is scheduled to hold'its tournament at Riverbend on May 30, 1992 and the group has requested to have green fees waived, or minimal fees, for their qualifying participants. Bennett said that he would like to see a commitment on the USGA's part to purchase prizes and food, and other services from Riverbend that go along with holding a golf tournament. Bennett paralleled this event to the Balloon Classic in that he felt it is such a positive to the community that the benefits M • i Parks Committee Minutes February 18, 1992 Page Four gained from national publicity would be beneficial to the City of Kent. Bartelt reported that there will be approximately 144 golfers, of which 40-60 will be qualifying and the other half would pay regular green fees. Bennett said that he is going to Spokane on business-and would like to sit down with the people in Spokane involved in the event last year to get more information. Brubaker requested information from Bartelt (what it will cost the City, how it might impact expected revenue, what non-monetary benefit might the ,City get) , as the City has to be careful not to make a gift of public funds, even if it is for a good cause. He explained that there arq.constitutional restrictions against that. The committee agreed that it is okay to honor the US6A1s request if everything works out legally. RIVERBNND MEN'S QUB SURVEYS Doug Schwab reported that he surveyed the Riverbend Men's Club last October regarding Riverbend Golf Complex. He shared the results with the committee. (See attached survey results. ) Schwab said that some things have improved since the time of the survey, while others haven't. He felt that the survey results underscore that Kent has an excellent facility but the City needs to pay attention to it. He did not feel that the facility is at the level where it could be. Schwab reported at the same time that Wilson asked ,the Men's Club to provide him with a list of areas for improvexen*/consideration (see attached letter) . Again, Schwab said that zaAy issues have been addressed and some have not. These are the kir4 of things the Men's Club will be interested in this year. KING COUNTY OPEN $PACE BOND .jSSUN INTEREST Helen Wickstrom reported that King County added the interest the City accrued on the King County Open Space Bond Issue projects last year to the Interurban Trail project. Wickstrom said it may take Council action to accept the interest, since it involves a budget change. Wickstrom requested the Parks Committee's approval to accept the $149,851. Parks Committee Minutes February 18, 1992 Page Five Houser moved to accept into the Interurban Trail project budget the interest the City of Kent earned on the King County Bond Issue. Bennett seconded. The motion passed unanimously. PARRS COMMITTEE MEETING February 18, 1992 Attendance y Name AddleselDepartment a. Phone No. 1. '6 e.,j �=o�.� P14 P,A::� 5 ?.>+5 2 . 3 . ' 4 A4 ;"o.7 135F 5. 1-•e q .s�..,S! 6. k -EA. 7. .. dd WAW 9. fit) -- d �tn.�Co l�-a-•�. �, 3� �! 10. `.h /�a ar�-�-�.c �i't iy• 11. a 9 R 12. 13 . PO,.tj 14. Li (' 16. 4t C-0� ' v I 17. 18. T N Y M '6"l ���lh✓c%C ---T i�� 19. tiLSS rbs SQ4G. P — �Ci� I�GS 357iq 20. C I/ye1551 C�- k L 3 22 . 23. MUNICIPAL RfSEAR& 4 XSrWER CS OF WASHINGTON 10517 N.E.38TH PLACE KIRKLAND,WA 98033-1926 February 11, 1992 (206)827-4334 FAX(206)827--5002 BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Honorable Jon Johnson WARREYA.BISHOP Councilmember President City of Kent HARRYA.PRYDE Vke President 224th kv-,c. J. LLOYD W PFrwoN Kent, WA 98032 Secretary DR JOHN D.ISllll Nasrrrer Dear Councilmember Johnson: DIRECTORS This is in response to your inquiry this morning concerning.,the issue of whether FRW H.ANDREkVS the mayor has the discretion to make a city employment position less than full w.arvEC.BoorH time, with a less than full-time salary, where the council hms established in the BET TY DRU.NHELLER '�" NANHEVRIKSEV budget that;the position is to be funded full time with a salary range that reflects ALKO G.ELDONMARSHAU" full-time employment. As I indicated to you over the phone, and as discussed [L L.JOEMIU" below, the mayor does not have discretion in this matter and must carry out the BErMARGE YPRICE policy established by the council. rtilARGERY PRICE DAV(D W,STEIEYS JQWHA s1� There are numerous statutory provisions which provide for the council's authority to establish and adjust compensation of city officials and employees and which STAFF establish the duty of the mayor to carry out the policies of the council regarding RICH4RD YuKL'BOLSKY compensation. In general, RCW 35A.11.020 provides that "f t]he legislative body Executive Drrectnr [city council] of each code city shall have the power . . . to''FIX the compensation bLaRcrEM.KLOBCCHER Controller and working conditions of [the city's] officers and employees . . ." The salaries or JuDaHCOX salary ranges for employment positions are to be set out in the budget document Public Finance Consultant or attached and made a part of that document, which budget is passed by the Ll'\\EDE.1Librarian an council as an ordinance. R071 3.5A.33.050. .075. Irr•aMtion, RCW ^5A.33.105 SLv,vC.E.\GER provides as follows: Planning Consultant BYRo.\'K.KATsL'um Public PbllcTLansal4aw Notwithstanding the appropriations for any salary., ,salary range P4TR1CK W 3f.4S0.V of any employee or employees adopted in a budget, the Legal Coruuftant . RoaERalConsulant legislative body of any code city may, by orit :!, change the Legal Consultant wages, hours, and conditions of employment of ai4 or all of its RoyH.PETERsov appointive employees if sufficient funds are gwailable for Public Ubrks Consultant appropriation to such purposes. PULE,SUL110 Je Legal Consultant FREDL. WiRD Since the city's salaries are set out by ordinance and may be changed only by /n/ameanon Slsreuu Specarbst ordinance (and thus only by the council),it is clear that the mayor has no authority LEGAL COUNSEL to provide for a lesser or greater salary established by the council in the budget ROBERTF.H.4tTH and/or salary ordinance. The mayor is charged with the duty to faithfully enforce General Counsel all ordinances. RCW 35A.12.100. Although the mayor has the statutory obligation EMERITUS ER.vESTH. CA%fPBELI Municipal Lou-Specialist The Honorable Jon Johnson February 11, 1992 Page 2 to prepare and submit to the council a proposed budget, as required by RC 35A.33.055, and may within that proposed budget propose that a city employment position be less than full time and funded accordingly, the council may certainly disagree with that proposal,and authorize a full- time salary for a full-time position. The mayor would then have no choice but to carry out the mandate of the council. I trust the above analysis addresses the question you posed to me this morning. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Ve crul ra, n ' Robert R. Meinig Legal Consultant RRM:sd BPLT,•ROBYN / KENT70/PK HPDesk print. I------------------------- ------------ Subject: USGA WOMEN'S STATI$ QUALIFIER Creator: Robyn BARTELT / I<2NT70/PK Dated: 02/14/92 at O�45,. Jim, The attached information will explain a little about the USQA Women's Amateur Public Links State Qualifying Tournament that will be held at Riverbend on Saturday, May 30, 1992. As you know, this will be an outstanding event and will provide excellent exposure for Riverbend and the City of Kent. The positive results that we will receive from holding this tournament will be invaluable to us. I would like to request approval to waive the green fees -for the participating players, or charge a minimal green fee as the City of SpoXaAe approved. (See attached minutes from Spokane Park Board Meeting. ) My recommendation would be to waive the green fees. As I mentioned earlier, I believe the benefits and publicity received locally and nationally from the ' event will by far surpass any monetary gains. I would like to inform the tournament committee as soon as possible of the decision as they are preparing their newsletters and entry forms. Please notify me should you need any' additional information. Th, k you. Robyn cc: Barney Wilson, Director of Parks and Recreation United StAtes C GRANT SPAETH Golf AsBor iat{on President STUART F BLOCH Vice President tc GO1pR REG MURPHY Vice ent EUGENE M.HOWERDD,JR Secretary lz� JUDY BELL Jan McClure Treasurer P.0. BOX 6 6 PHILIP W TONE General Counsel Golf House Redmond, Wa. 98073 DAVID B.FAY P.O.Box 708 (2 0 6 ) 8 6 8-5 6 0 5 Executive Director Uc `7 Far Hills,ATJ 07931-0708 (908).234-2300 1991 Women•s Amateur FAT:(908)234-9687 PubBe Links Championship Committee MRS C.J BLANCHARD Crewmen 5308 E 5WEE January 26 , 1992 MRS JUNE ARTHUP MRS ANN 0.BRIDGMAN MISS JULIE CARMICHAE_ MRS KARENDARRINuTON Ms. Robyn Bartelt,Mngr. MIS BA'SND`DOU Riverbend Golf Complex MSS BARBARA OOUu�h MRS�MH DRAKE 2019 W. 'meeker Ms RARANDA L G�MANN, Kent, W a. 98032 MRS LOUISE HUGHES MRS PENELOPE=HUN- MRS JUDY LARSON MRS,MARY ANN MERIAN Dear Robyn: r MRS JAN McCLURE MS CHERYL MCDANIE_ MRS MRS KATHI—_MORR The USGA W.A.P.L. Qualifying Tournament will be here MRS JEAN MOWR" Ms LIZMUR°HE` soon so we need to get some policies and conditions MRS JEEP. OC established. MISS EANNNNE PRrrCHAnL MR-' NANCY r RIND=RKNECHT Mr SKY ROUNTREE MAN FL. JANRUVAN=E We are very pleased to be holding our tournament at your MRS DONNA SAUVE MRS SHARON sCHULZ'. course. We understand that the greens are going to be M!SSRS JUDFRAN$Mr'r,Y SMILE` MRS FRA outstanding and that every effort is being Made to get MRS ANN-$ODERMAN MISS DOROTH�TREVETHICK the course in first class condition. We know that it MRS JOANN WALK^F MRS CLARA WETHEPS' takes a lot of effort on the part of many, people, MRS SARAN: especially the greens superintendent, to create good M$A00R1LZOL ZZSr playing conditions. Please advise us of green fee costs , if any, for our participants trying to qualify. Hopefully you will be able to provide complimentary green fees or a reduced rate. Also if we could get a consideration of some kind for those who will be playing in the Nan-Qualifying fund raising tournament it would be great,1.y appreciated. Linda Pearson will be contacting you als = apd will be co-ordinated our program. She also will ,iin contact with the Men ' s Club and Ladies Club forrticipation and help. A, Please let me know as soon as possible;, do&;Lls that you will need from us. The use of both 1st and loth Tee will be needed with a modified shotgun on' the back side for our Non-Qualifiers . Qualifiers must ;tee from #1 . Time of starting could be about 7: 30 or 8: 00 am. Enclosed are copies of press clippings from our most successful Championship in Virginia in, 1991. Individual as well as Team Championship is quite a fete. Also some thank you letters from the participants are enclosed . Best regards , MINUTES OF THE GOLF COMMITTEE ` OF THE S'POKANE PARK BOARD 1 November 19, 1991 The Golf Committee of the Spokane Park Board met on November 19, 1991, at 3:30 p.m. in the Civil Service Testing Room in City Hall. Members present: Jerry Hopkins, Chairperson; Tom Black, Anne LaRowe, and Mark Virden. Ron Sims was absent. Additional Park Board members present: Dennis Hession. Staff present: Frank McCoy, Mike Stone, and Ed Bowers. Golf Professionals present: Mark Gardner, Gary Lindeblad;,Bill Warner, and Rex Schultz. Golf Advisory Committee members present: Rachel Fuller, Tim Campasino, and Bernie Goebel. Guests present:' Jack Kampa, Bob Scott, and Dan Porter. The first item was a request for reduced greens fees for the Womew Amateur Public Links Association. The request on behalf of the Womens Amateur Public Links Association was presented by Mike Stone. They are looking at having qualifying for this event on June 5, 1992, at Esmeralda Golf Course. They expect to have between twenty and thirty women qualifying. Historical background on this event as well as the USGA Men's Public Links event is that the Park Board has reduced greens fees to $1.00 per player for each 18-hole round. Staffs recommendation was to continue that policy and charge the women queers $1.00 per round for their 18-hole qualifying round. PARK Motion No. 1-'7, arkc rdej�-mov_ed_:W allo e_Woih ns,Amdteict'j,.Piu ' ,Links-Association to - BOARD ACTIOl Crave� =� Rw - - _ ----- h w. du52, atEsmerla Golf, rse,- a wipant pay , NEEDED - $ 00.greens-fees:�4n!.-Black-seconded:and the_motiocr�passed lY• The next item was continuation of discussion on the 1992 Golf Budget. Handouts 1 x, i is RIVEREND 'IEN'S Gt)LY JB SURVEY RESULTS OCTOBER 1991 TOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONSES 84 18 HOLE COURSE 'Fair/Poor Good Excellent, Condition 5% 45% 0%© Service 12% 80% 8% DRIVING RANGE Mats 629b 38% 0%n Balls 52% 47% 0% PRO SHOP Merchandise 63% 37% 0% Service 48% 50% 2% RIVERBEND MEN'S GOLV, ,PILUB October 28, 1991 Mr. Barney Wilson Director,Parks and Recreation City of Kent 220 4th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 Dear Barney, As you suggested, the Men's Club Executive Board has prepared an"Areas for Improvement"list for your consideration. It includes first a list of general recommendations followed by a more specific analysis of the 18-hole coutse. The Men's Club members are very"concerned about the condition of the Riverbend Golf Complex and want to work with the City to help improve the facility. We want to be a positive force that helps to bring out the full potential of our golf courses and driving range. We realize that there are financial,climatic, and personnel factors that bait what can be done, but in it's current condition, Riverbend is giving an otherwise high quality Parks system a tarnished reputation. As a result of the current condition of the golf courses and driving ranger,Riverbend is losing it's reputation among golfers as a place to go for a quality go erience. In fact,in a recent poll conducted by the editors of"Inside Golij"a local west publication,Riverbend was ranked only 28th by golfers who were asked about their favorite places to play in the area. We should do much better. Our Complex has unfortunately, but deservedly, gotten the reputation of having poor putting surfaces,fairways which contain a lot of messy mud holes with -that is very thin inplaces, inconsistent rough,unkept bunkers and water hazards,bare Pan areas around the collars of the greens,poor yardage markers,problems wk6 play, marginal range balls and mats, and,an often littered appearance. The City of�.is,;known for the quality of it's Park system, At the present time,however,the Golf Clomj'W does not measure up to the high standards set for the other facilities in this 000*1 nity. We hope that the following suggested list of"Areas for Improvement" help to achieve the goals that we all share for the Golf Complex. Sincerely yours, Doug Sc wab President f CiENERAL RECO IENNDDA_ ONS 18 Hole Course 1) The overall condition of all the greens must be improved so that they putt smoothly and true. Speed is not as much the issue as is the need for the greens to be of such condition that balls hold their line when putted. Special attention needs to be given to greens #2 and #9 which have been damaged due to stress caused by lack of water, and to greens #8, #11, and #14 which have deteriorated badly,this{year. Serious consideration should be given to removing many of the cottonwood which prevent the necessary light and air to get to these greens. Golfers will overlbok other problems,but poor greens will have them taking their business else,where. 2) The fairways need to be aerified and top-dressed so that the grass will be able to develop the root structure necessary for proper growth and long tern viability. The fairways at Riverbend are thinning out in many places and the grotd is compacting to the hardness of concrete. Since the complex opened in 1989,the,fairways have not been aerified and this is causing problems as the clay based soil hardens and prevents the water from soaking into the ground. 3) Please address the various drainage problems around the course tb w have created chronic areas of standing wager or mud holes in most of the fairways. These are not areas the just appear when it rains but are there all year around ciWpg portions of the golf course to be,unplayable. They are both unsightly and in sooe,cases where algae forms in them possibly unhealthy. These areas can be found on the following holes: #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9, #10, #11, #12, #14, #15, #16�*17, #18,. 4) Around many of the greens bare hardpan areas have developed and need attention. These bare patches weed to be resoded after the soil has been improved for growth. 5) The rough needs to be cut on a regular schedule to a uniform ieA�that defines the fairways, but is not so long that findinga ball is a difficult task. when cutting the fairways and rough a pathway should be mowed at fairway le manning from the tees through the rough to the fairway to allow golfers who Wil an avenue along which to proceed. 6) The golf course should be measured for distances to greens from sprinkler heads and from 100, 150 and 200 yard markers in order to help speed up p]14� The cart path should also be marked for distances to the greens. After measuring,plates should be affixed to the sprinkler heads showing the proper distances and souls system should be used to mark the,100, 150, and 200 yard distances(i.e. distance Awgers buried in the fairway) 7) As you replace the flags and pins improve their visibility by getting solid colored pins and flags of distinctively visual colors. You might want to the ad,white and blue system that is being employed on many courses these days.�This will also help to speed up play as golfers will be spending less time trying to figure out(where the pins are located on the greens. , 8) Try to keep the traps raked and the edges trimmed. We know that;the sand in the traps is that recommended by the USGA but it is too soft and fluff►and balls plug or settle too deeply in the sand. 9) Restake those trees that require support so that they are not knoed down or blown over. .f 10) Develop a roping system that is effective in controlling the move014 of golfers around the course and restricts them from areas of repair. 11) Make sure that the margins of the water hazards are marked with r*d stakes placed at the point where the ground brakes down to form the depression containing the water. These stakes are often found in various places other than w1re they belong which causes confusion and delays play. Also the out of bounds stems need to be checked regularly to make sure that they are placed correctly around t�e course. Stakes should be placed behind the #9 green because the pathway,end paved area in front of the maintenance workshop is off the golf course and sbaul4,be considered out of bounds. 12) Replace the Sanicans with permanent restrooms. 13) When setting out the tee markers make sure that the blocks are peed no closer than two full club lengths from the back of the tee boxes. This has been g pfoblem, especially with the back or blue tees from time to time. 14) Consider providing on course beverage service during peak play pciods to enhance service and revenue. 15) Consider hanging a cork board in the hallway leading to the restrooms;in the clubhouse area for the posting of bulletins and tournament entry forms. DRIVING RANGE 1) Improve the general appearance of the range. The place needs a complete power spray washing to get rid of the built up dirt and gnme that has built:up over the years and then a good paint job would help. Also,filthy ash trays,sm�elly,an�l dirty trash cans and old mats right by the doorway look terrible. Cob webs ark drty windows should be taken care of on a regular basis. 2) Continue to improve the turf so that you can minimize the damage;to and loss of range balls. 3) New lines need to be painted along the walkway to provide a visual reminder to stand back away from those golfers hitting range balls. 4) Cull damaged or poor quality balls on a regular basis. 5) Improve the quality of the hitting mats. 6) Place a greater number of distance flags or signs out in the rage 7) Improve the facilities for the lesson program so that the instructors have an area in which they can utilize the latest training methods and techniques. A space set aside for video taping and an area for play back and analysis needs to'W,4n orporated into the range. SPECIFIC AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT-18 HOLE., ► 'SE HOLE #1 Mowed pathway needed for walking from tee to fairway Area of standing water 10 yards in front of green Fairway area in front of green side trap is dying Hardpan area on collar of green between trap and green Large area of standing water between green and #2 tee HOLE#2 Area between #2 & #6 fairways dead due to no water Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Fairway,in landing area compacting,grass thin without base for root growth Large tree on left side of fairway dead due to drainage problem Front of green dead due to lack of water Hardpan areas on collar of green by greenside bunker HOLE#3 Back tee aligned to the right, be careful when setting tee blocks Mowed pathway from tee to fairway needed Four large areas of standing water in the fairway(215yds, 130yds, 100yds,& 50yds from the green) Two low spots 210yds from green in fairway where drainap ditch has settled Area between green and lake needs work and should be roped off to prohibit pull carts and golfers from walking through Hazard stakes along water hazard placed in wrong place HOLE #4 Dangerous area for path users Tee area around bench and sign no grass Hazard stakes in wrong place Standing water and bare ground areas in fairway 180-200y4s,from green Depression around sprinkler head at back of green needs#fling in HOLE#5 Four hardpan or muddy areas around collar of green HOLE#6 Mowed pathway from tee to fairway needed Landing area for second shots grass dying due to poor wateringg(defective sprinkler?) and compact of soil Mud hole on right side collar of green HOLE#7 The smell of the Sanican is always bad here Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Grass dying on back side of right fairway traps Two very muddy areas to right side of green near path Front of the,back bunker needs repair(wall collapsed) HOLE #8 Collar around green worst on the course,especially area W front of back trap to the left side of green Area to left of green unplayable due to cottonwood trees Consider removal of trees to open up green to sun light acid to eliminate debris from collecting on green HOLE#9 Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Two chronic mud holes in fairway 140 and 190yds froth igre Muddy areas around right fairway bunker 50 yard area in front of green including front of green is dead'or dying due to lack of proper irrigation Collar of green between back trap and green hardpan areas or mud holes Out of Bounds stakes needed behind the green HOLE#10 Four mud holes in the fairway 100-175 yards off the tee Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Collar of green left side bare hardpan area HOLE#11 Large muddy area in fairway 50 yards in front of green Very sick green Six areas around collar of green bare hardpan or mud holes HOLE#12 Sprinkler in fairway 110yds.from green needs to be filled itt around head Six areas around collar of green bare hardpan or mud holes Hazard stakes need to be placed in correct place HOLE#13 Weeds growing in right greenside trap HOLE#14 Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Fairway 50-25yds. in front of green has mud holes Right, back and left sides of green have mud holes,worst on the course HOLE#15 Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Collar of green has bare spots and mud holes,back area of the,green is especially bad HOLE#16 Collar of the,green, right side, mud hole HOLE #17 On left side of hole two trees missing intended to protect ggt*Ifers on#3 Middle of fairway in landing area 150-180yds from green three large bare ground areas French drain across fairway at 150yd marker needs some a to level out ruts Fairway left front of green large muddy area Hazard stakes in wrong places . Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed HOLE#18 Mowed pathway from tees to fairway needed Fairway in the tee shot landing area has improved but it is s i.few thin and bare spots that need work Two areas in the fairway near the green are muddy with sope standing water Hazard stakes are in the wrong places