HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 11/26/1991 Brenda ber Treputy Clerk I Parks Committee Minutes November 261 1991 Councilmembers re ent: Steve Dowell, Jim White and Leona Orr. Staff Present: Barney Wilson, Alana MCIalwain, Tom Brubaker, Jack Ball, Karen Ford, Cheryl Fraser, Lea Bishop, Robb Dreblow, Robyn Bartelt, Patrice Thorell, Alice Neiffer, Helen Wickstrom and Stephanie Strozyk. Others Present: See attached list. LIGHTING AT LAKE PENWICR There has been some concern about the amount of activity at the north end of the parking lot at Lake Fenwick Park. Jack Ball reported that his staff has completed construction of a gate which will be locked during evening hours. Staff has also secured light posts, for which lights are kept in stock at the City Shops. He said that everything should be working within the next couple of weeks. He noted that this is a temporary fix and that the lighting is not adequate for future development. RING COUNTY HOTEL[NOTEL CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FM Q=XNMCE Thorell reminded the Committee that the City of ,Ft,,�as applied to King County for hotel/motel funds to help financ , the cultural center. She explained that as a result of the pat legislative session, King County must have an ordinance in priaoe in order to allocate 1992 funds. In 1992, 80% of the fundaJVa', . be spent in the area of arts and 20% will be allocated for laeri, ' ge projects. Thorell said that she continues to bring the :,isae before the Committee because Kent's grant was denied for 1, 91 . King County felt that the project was a good project, butt majority of monies allocated this round were for programs. Thorell requested to keep the City's approved monies on account until Kent applies again in August of 1992. She is concerned that the $50,000 will be reallocated. Thorell also requested that the City commit to following through with this project. She is concerned that the Planning Department Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Page Two may be applying for heritage funds for a project., and she doesn't want one department to undercut another department and dilute the City's chances to receive funding. She asked that the City set a priority. When asked by White what the Task Force wanted from the Parks Committee, Pat Curran said that she just wanted the committee to be aware that this may be coming up. The committee appreciated the information but instructed staff to work with-Administration in setting the City's priority. Alana McIalwain announced that a meeting will be held with Administration, Planning, and the White River Historical Society, to discuss this issue, and members of the Performing Arts Center Task Force were invited to attend. SCENIC HILL PARRINQ AGREEMENT Helen Wickstrom distributed copies of the revised agreement, and pointed out that the only change is that the City will now pay for electricity in the parking lot. Staff talked the school district into putting in landscaping, lighting, etc. , and the City has agreed to pay for the electricity. Wickstrom clarified for White that the sidewalk will not be along Woodland Way, but rather on the bluff in the park, parallel to Woodland Way. The committee unanimously voted to approve the agreement and to put the issue on the Consent Calendar for full Council approval at the next City Council meeting. 5TH AND CLODDY EARRING BITUATION Wilson said that staff continues to work with the Police Department on this issue. Lori Hogan reported that staff distributes information on parking in coaches' packets; distributes information by hand at jamborees; receives good support from Park Security, and is present every Saturday and Sunday during Parks Department activities. Dowell commented that the Mayor's of f ice has recently received more letters from citizens. He mentioned that the Parks Department should have received copies of these letters. Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Page Three White moved to send a letter to the Mayor recommending additional enforcement by the Police Department. He said that the Parks Department has done everything it can do. Orr seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. It was decided that Administration will contact the residents to let them know what is being done. WASHINGTON STATE GAM 0 Wilson pointed out an error in correspondence received from the City of Bellevue. He clarified that he did not make a decision that the City could not host the 1994 Games, but rather than he did not have the authority to say that the City could host the Games with the current budget situation and hiring freeze. White asked what dollar figure is associated with hosting the Games. Thorell answered that it would involve the cooperation of all City departments. Last year, the Bellevue Parks, Department alone spent 1,200 hours on the project. Wilson said he didn't want the Mayor to think he was making decisions on behalf of the City. The committee agreed with Wilson's recommendation and felt that the City's financial situation is too precarious. Dowell moved to recommend to the Mayor to support the Parks Director's suggestion not to get involved at this time. Orr seconded; the motion passed unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS PARRS DEPARTMENT BROCHURE- Wilson handed out copies of the Parks Department's latest brochure. Due to budget cuts, the department will be cutting eight pages from the 1992 brochures, reducing distribution by 8,000 and reducing the mailing by 2,000. Wilson expressed his concern about the impact this will have on registration and revenue. He said that staff will tabulate the percentage of winter registrations that are received from the brochure. He also mentioned the possibility of advertising in the brochure by the golf course and/or by an outside agency. He said he will keep the committee informed. 0 Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Page Four NEXT PARRS COMMITTRL MLBTING- Wilson suggested moving the December Parks Committee meeting from December 24 to December 17 because of the holidays. It was decided that Pam will check to see if there are necessary issues to be addressed in December, and if so, she will schedule the next meeting for some time on December 17. If there are no issues to come before the committee in December, the next meeting will be held the fourth Tuesday in January 1992. 11CHRISTMAS RUSH$$ Wilson reported "at the City Attorney's office gave the Parks Department official written permission to call the department's fun run, "Christmas Rush." There has been some concern, but Tom Brubaker said that it has been approved as long as the Christmas Rush is not associated with any symbols. PARKS COMMITTEE MELTING November 26, 1991 Attendance Name AddresslDepartment M Phone No. 1. J 1�C k A t l (A e-L Ac. w 3 6 ? 2. La r9en :5$r3 L,k_rem w i'Ck Pd 65a -41 to to 4. K .e 6-Ai Foy rA�2 iY1 Tc . ?j34 S 5. 7. Z66 i r e b 3 8. b --;I<V 9. T2 ta-1c;7 CkkL-nuY,) AL.. � 3g97 11. 31A i- o DA !T T L J;- y/a /f/, Ui,i s!,l, 12. A�1<-#- 13. ��«- � c.a2/ 3 14. TO rA f2?(Z 0 1 15. 3 16. N 17. 18 - \ 20. - Lk. 1W7UJ)-lA— 954- e 7-5 21. 1 eA,:V, G a,A fe,eA t)t'a ram. �-5C:-710 nnn 22.J /Y/ /i 'y�e"�,0L& t A J � .�t+�.. �� �� 77 23 . Brenda ber "d t uty Clerk Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Councilmembers Present: Steve Dowell, Jim White and Leona Orr. Staff Present: Barney Wilson, Alana McIalwain, Tom Brubaker, Jack Ball, Karen Ford, Cheryl Fraser, Lea Bishop, Robb Dreblow, Robyn Bartelt, Patrice Thorell, Alice Neiffer, Helen Wickstrom and Stephanie Strozyk. others Present: See attached list. LIGHTING AT LAKE FENWICK There has been some concern about the amount of activity at the north end of the parking lot at Lake Fenwick Park. Jack Ball reported that his staff has completed construction of a gate which will be locked during evening hours. Staff has also secured light posts, for which lights are kept in stock at the City Shops. He said that everything should be working within the next couple of weeks. He noted that this is a temporary fix and that the lighting is not adequate for future development. KING COUNTY HOTEL/HOTEL CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND ORDINANCE Thorell reminded the Committee that the City of Kent has applied to King County for hotel/motel funds to help finance the cultural center. She explained that as a result of the past legislative session, King County must have an ordinance in place in order to allocate 1992 funds. In 1992, 80% of the funds will be spent in the area of arts and 20% will be allocated for heritage projects. Thorell said that she continues to bring the issue before the Committee because Kent's grant was denied for 1991,,, King County felt that the project was a good project, but, tbA majority of monies allocated this round were for programs. Thorell requested to keep the City's approved monies on account until Kent applies again in August of 1992. She is concerned that the $50,000 will be reallocated. Thorell also requested that the City commit to following through with this project. She is concerned that the Planning Department w Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Page Two may be applying for heritage funds for a project, and she doesn't want one department to undercut another department and dilute the City's chances to receive funding. She asked that the City set a priority. When asked by White what the Task Force wanted from the Parks Committee, Pat Curran said that she just wanted the committee to be aware that this may be coming up. The committee appreciated the information but instructed staff to work with-Administration in setting the City's priority. Alana McIalwain announced that a meeting will be held with Administration, Planning, and the White River Historical Society, to discuss this issue, and members of the Performing Arts Center Task Force were invited to attend. SCENIC HILL PARRINq AGREEMENT Helen Wickstrom distributed copies of the revised agreement, and pointed out that the only change is that the City will now pay for electricity in the parking lot. Staff talked the school district into putting in landscaping, lighting, etc. , and the City has agreed to pay for the electricity. Wickstrom clarified for White that the sidewalk will not be along Woodland Way, but rather on the bluff in the park, parallel to Woodland Way. The committee unanimously voted to approve the agreement and to put the issue on the Consent Calendar for full Council approval at the next City Council meeting. STH AND CLODDY PARKING SITUATION Wilson said that staff continues to work with the Police Department on this issue. Lori Hogan reported that staff distributes information on parking in coaches' packets; distributes information by hand at jamborees; receives good support from Park Security, and is ' present every Saturday and Sunday during Parks Department activities. Dowell commented that the Mayor's of f ice has recently received more letters from citizens. He mentioned that the Parks Department should have received copies of these letters. d: Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Page Three White moved to send a letter to the Mayor recommending additional enforcement by the Police Department. He said that the Parks Department has done everything it can do. Orr seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. It was decided that Administration will contact the residents to let them know what is being done. WASHINGTON STATE 0A8 Wilson pointed out an error in correspondence received from the City of Bellevue. He clarified that he did not make a decision that the City could not host the 1994 Games, but rather than he did not have the authority to say that the City could host the Games with the current budget situation and hiring freeze. White asked what dollar figure is associated with hosting the Games. Thorell answered that it would involve the cooperation of all City departments. Last year, the Bellevue Parks Department alone spent 1,200 hours on the project. Wilson said he didn't want the Mayor to think he was making decisions on behalf of the City. The committee agreed with Wilson's recommendation and felt that the City's financial situation is too precarious. Dowell moved to recommend to the Mayor to support the Parks Director's suggestion not to get involved at this time. Orr seconded; the motion passed unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS PARRS DEPARTMENT BROCHURE- Wilson handed out copies of the Parks Department's latest brochure. Due to budget cuts, the department will be cutting eight pages from the 1992 brochures, reducing distribution by 8,000 and reducing the mailing by 2,000. Wilson expressed his concern ebQut the impact this will have on registration and revenue. He said that staff will tabulate the percentage of winter registrations that are received from the brochure. He also mentioned the possibility of advertising in the brochure by the golf course and/or by an outside agency. He said he will keep the committee informed. 0 Parks Committee Minutes November 26, 1991 Page Four NEXT PARRS COMMITTEE MEETINQ- Wilson suggested moving the December Parks Committee meeting from December 24 to December 17 because of the holidays. It was decided that Pam will check to see if there are necessary issues to be addressed in December, and if so, she will schedule the next meeting for some time on December 17. If there are no issues to come before the committee in December, the next meeting will be held the fourth Tuesday in January 1992. "CHRISTMAS RUSH'$ Wilson reported that the City Attorney's office gave the Parks Department official written permission to call the department's fun run, "Christmas Rush. " There has been some concern, but Tom Brubaker said that it has been approved as long as the Christmas Rush is not associated with any symbols. 4 k PARKS COMMITTEE MEETING November 26, 1991 Attendance Name Addreass/Decartment Phone No. 36r? 2. l..a.+ie Layr2ey1 4. K ,26AJ F PAo,e In�'L 5. /��12ikSL�C.. .�aZwL2� 3.Sf 6. 7. 9,7-9 3 10. 7" c/ C �Al CT-- `7's��G75-, 11. rk� _'/do��Trtn pia �, wns�/� y-d-11 12. jNl - 0� 13 14. TONS 15. Tzz r 3 FX3- 16. 11fy (_ 17. 18 19. 20. e5 - 0 73 21. &4 Z Q� a (,0&3 L )ZW1.C,4 W, 9-5C� 7gEs 2 2. 01/ )-)"nia", y Y1 77 23 .