HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 09/24/1991 Bren a Jacober Depc City Clerk Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Councilmembers Present: Steve Dowell and Judy Woods Staff Present: Helen Wickstrom, Roger Lubovich, Tony McCarthy, Alana McIalwain, Mimi Castillo, Jan Banister, Tom Brubaker, Jack Ball, Karen Ford, Lee Anderson, Stephanie Stroyzk, Patrice Thorell, Cheryl Fraser, and Alice Neiffer. Others Present: See attached. PARKSIDE WETLANDS PURCBASE AND SALES AGREEMENT The City Council sent the issue of whether or not the Parks Department should continue trying to purchase the block totaling two acres on the West Hill back to the Parks Committee for consideration. Helen Wickstrom gave a brief history of why this block was selected, and how it fit in with the King County Bond Issue and Des Moines Parkside Wetlands acquisition. She reminded the Committee that they approved this project at their January ;6 meeting and that the Council accepted the $100,000 King County grant for this project on February 5. Wickstrom said that negotiations have been underway with a number of property owners, and just today, staff received a signed earnest money agreement for the most southerly parcel. She requested the Committee's approval to purchase both parcels, and to be authorized to purchase as many of the remaining parcels as possible within the $200, 000 budget. Wickstrom also read a letter from Karen Waalkes in=;support of the purchase and the plans to provide a park for the Salt Air Hills neighborhood. Bill Doolittle presented arguments against the purchase of the aforementioned properties: 1. Land is too steep to be a useable park; 2. Des Moines should purchase it if it is needed; 3 . Residents of the neighborhoods next to the area cannot get to the site; 4. City financial difficulty makes it poor timing; 5. Kent has too many parks and the maintenance is deteriorating; 6. Investigated prices of two houses for sale in Salt Air with large lots, both in the range of $1.18,000 with large flat lots; Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Page Two 7. If land is to be purchased, the selected block is not appropriate for a children's park 8. Long property has a septic tank system which may eventually have problems with its drain field. Pat Colgan from the Salt Air neighborhood mentioned the promise made by the Council to provide a park when the 14 acres set aside in the Midway Landfill for a future park were given to Seattle. She reminded the Committee of the commitments made at that time. Ms. Colgan stated that she attended the February City Council meeting where the Council voted to accept the King County grant for this project and she is surprised that it was necessary for her to return today to fight for this project. Vicki Long was asked about her septic system. She agreed to a Committee recommendation, as a condition of the sale, that a satisfactory septic system inspection be required. Pumping may be necessary if determined by the inspection. No determination was made as to who would pay for the work. It will have to be negotiated. Tom Brubaker will write that clause into the agreement. Both Dowell and Woods supported the project, recalling the promises made to the neighborhood. They felt it was a good project and because of previous commitments, Woods moved to send it back to Council for approval to purchase the two parcels and to continue the acquisition of the parcels in the project without having to present them individually. Dowell seconded the motion. The motion passed. DR. KRONISCH WEST HILL PROPERTY The purchase and sales agreement between the City and Dr. Kronisch was discussed. The terms were no money down, and $15,000 a year for five years beginning in 1993. The IBC recommended not to purchase at this time due to the bleak outlook for future budgets. Dr. Kronisch is willing to negotiate any contract and terms which the City proposes. He said he practiced medicine in that area, retired, and now he wishes to give something back to that community. The Parks Committee was in favor of purchasing the property and asked Tom Brubaker and Helen Wickstrom to discuss with Dr. Kronisch the details of entering into a new purchase and sales agreement, wherein the City would purchase his property and the consideration by the City would be a promissory note payable in full at a future Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Page Three date. The price is $75,000 and the interest rate would be 4.55%. Under the terms of the note, the City could prepay all or a portion of the note prior to the due date without any prepayment penalties. Alternatively, the City could take advantage of the low interest rate and pay the fhll amount due plus accrued interest on the due date. The Committee requested that this new purchase agreement be taken directly to Council without coming back to the Parks Committee. They expressed their hope that the IBC would support the new agreement. WASHINGTON STATE Q M,ES Dollie Armstrong from the Washington State Games spoke on the possibility of Kent being the site for the 1993 Games. She mentioned that if not in 1993, any year after could be considered. A slide show based on last year's Games was shown. The 1991 Games were hosted by Bellevue, with assistance from Redmond, Kirkland and Issaquah. The Committee asked that Patrice work with the Washington State Games people to answer questions about costs and manhours needed to host the event, and prepare more information on which a recommendation to the Council could be formed. The October 15 Council meeting will be the target date. NORTH PARR TOT LOT LIGHTINQ Jack Ball reported on the light installation. The pole was set on the 24th, the fixture will be installed on the 25th, and Puget Power will connect the pole in the next day or so. - OTHER BUSINESS - SAKE FENWICK TREE SWING Mr. Doolittle informed the Committee that he delivered a letter to the Planning Department requesting that the rope swing tree at Lake Fenwick be declared a historical site. There is an ordinance pending to list the historical sites in Kent. Mr. Doolittle feels that over the past 40 years generations of citizens haVe swung into the lake from that tree and it is a part of Kent's cultural heritage. In response to the issue of it being a party place, he feels it is self-policed by the users. He stated that the big kids teach the little kids how to use the swing, and that the City should let the tradition carry on. Jack Ball assured the Committee that the removal plans were supported by Fire and Police but were on hold. Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Page Four OTHER BUSINESS - IAC GRANT Wickstrom announced that the IAC approved a grant application for the development of Scenic Hill Park. It ranked third of 39 applications in the local park category. She reported that only 13 of 39 projects were approved. Wickstrom noted that it didn't hurt Kent's project that Barney Wilson served on the evaluation committee. She said that although he couldn't evaluate Kent's project, his presence there made for a relaxed atmosphere. The meeting adjourned at 5:07 PM. PARRS COMMITTEE MEETING September 24, 1991 Attendance Name AddresslDevartment Phone No. 1. ,CE7J 3. L-e d�eG � U A�O/ V 4. o� fe� /"� —#4 5. 113��a 6. 7. `C_V Z° �L`c� 0 lir�^rxrw -yj5, 8. (L,t t.CIL It u " &gZ -<�z&3 9. NAB iz to 10. k l 8 C T I l.[..Q VY!f h 1- 3 3 :27 11. 12. (�Wgo& 35 I J/ 14. oArT% 15. 16. C=n.•;'S:--! 3J01 J 3""" 5T S6 17. s' ; J C*-qps 18. 19. ` Zd ��.� ^f0 2 0. C W 2 • 1 h. elz:, 22. 23 . Y.� Brenda Jacober Dep40 City Clerk Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Councilmembers Present: Steve Dowell and Judy Woods Staff Present: Helen Wickstrom, Roger Lubovich, Tony McCarthy, Alana Mclalwain, Mimi Castillo, Jan Banister, Tom Brubaker, Jack Ball, Karen Ford, Lee Anderson, Stephanie Stroyzk, Patrice Thorell, Cheryl Fraser, and Alice Neiffer. Others Present: See attached. PARKSIDE WETLANDS PURCHASE AND SALES AGREEMENT The City Council sent the issue of whether or not the Parks Department should continue trying to purchase the block totaling two acres on the West Hill back to the Parks Committee for consideration. Helen Wickstrom gave a brief history of why this block was selected, and how it fit in with the King County Bond Issue and Des Moines Parkside Wetlands acquisition. She reminded the Committee that they approved this project at their January 16 meeting and that the Council accepted the $100,000 King County grant for this project on February 5. Wickstrom said that negotiations have been underway with a number of property owners, and just today, staff received a signed earnest money agreement for the most southerly parcel. She requested the Committee's approval to purchase both parcels, and to be authorized to purchase as many of' the remaining parcels as" possible within the $200,000 budget. Wickstrom also read a letter from Karen Waalkes in support of the purchase and the plans to provide a park for the Salt Air Hills neighborhood. Bill Doolittle presented arguments against the purchase of the aforementioned properties: 1. Land is too steep to be a useable park; 2. Des Moines should purchase it if it is needed; 3 . Residents of the neighborhoods next to the area cannot get to the site; 4. City financial difficulty makes it poor taming; 5. Kent has too many parks and the maintenance is deteriorating; 6. Investigated prices of two houses for sale in Salt Air with large lots, both in the range of $118,00,0 with large flat lots; s Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Page Two 7. If land is to be purchased, the selected block is not appropriate for a children's park 8. Long property has a septic tank system which may eventually have problems with its drain field. Pat Colgan from the Salt Air neighborhood mentioned the promise made by the Council to provide a park when the 14 acres set aside in the Midway Landfill for a future park were given to Seattle. She reminded the Committee of the commitments made at that time. Ms. Colgan stated that she attended the February City Council meeting where the Council voted to accept the King County grant for this project and she is surprised that it was necessary for her to return today to fight for this project. Vicki Long was asked about her septic system. She agreed to a Committee recommendation, as a condition of the sale, that a satisfactory septic system inspection be required. Pumping may be necessary if determined by the inspection. No determination was made as to who would pay for the work. It will have to be negotiated. Tom Brubaker will write that clause into the agreement. Both Dowell and Woods supported the project, recalling the promises made to the neighborhood. They felt it was a good project and because of previous commitments, Woods moved to send it back to Council for approval to purchase the two parcels and to continue the acquisition of the parcels in the project without having to present them individually. Dowell seconded the motion. The motion passed. DR. KRONISCH WEST HILL PROPERTY The purchase and sales agreement between the City and Dr. Kronisch was discussed. The terms were no money down, and $15, 000 a year for five years beginning in 1993. The IBC recommended not to purchase at this time due to the bleak outlook for future budgets. Dr. Kronisch is willing to negotiate any contract And terms which the City proposes. He said he practiced medicine in that area, retired, and now he wishes to give something back to that community. The Parks Committee was in favor of purchasing the property and asked Tom Brubaker and Helen Wickstrom to discuss with Dr. Kronisch the details of entering into a new purchase and sales agreement, wherein the City would purchase his property and the consideration by the City would be a promissory note payable in full at a future fi --ems Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Page Three date. The price is $75,000 and the interest rate would be 4.55%. Under the terms of the note, the City could prepay all or a portion of the note prior to the due date without any prepayvent penalties. Alternatively, the City could take advantage of the low interest rate and pay the fall amount due plus accrued interest on the due date. The Committee requested that this new purchase agreement be taken directly to Council without coming back to the Parks Committee. They expressed their hope that the IBC would support the new agreement. WASHINGTON STATE Q MES Dollie Armstrong from the Washington State Games spoke on the possibility of Kent being the site for the 1993 Games. She mentioned that if not in 1993, any year after could be considered. A slide show based on last year's Games was shown. The 1991 Games were hosted by Bellevue, with assistance from Redmond, Kirkland and Issaquah. The Committee asked that Patrice work with the Washington State Games people to answer questions about costs and manhours needed to host the event, and prepare more information on which a recommendation to the Council could be formed. The October 15 Council meeting will be the target date. NORTH PARK TOT LOT LIGHTING Jack Ball reported on the light installation. The pole was set on the 24th, the fixture will be installed on the 25th, and Puget Power will connect the pole in the next day or so. OTHER BUSINESS - FAKE FENWICZ TREE SWING Mr. Doolittle informed the Committee that he delivered a letter to the Planning Department requesting that the rope swing tree at Lake Fenwick be declared a historical site. There is an ordinance pending to list the historical sites in Kent. Mr. Doolittle feels that over the past 40 years generations of citizens have swung into the lake from that tree and it is a part of Kent's cultural heritage. In response to the issue of it being a party place, he feels it is self-policed by the users. He stated that the big kids teach the little kids how to use the swing, and that the City should let the tradition carry on. Jack Ball assured the Committee that the removal plans were supported by Fire and Police but were on hold. Parks Committee Minutes September 24, 1991 Page Four OTHER BUSINESS - IAC GRANT Wickstrom announced that the IAC approved a grant, application for the development of Scenic Hill Park. It ranked third of 39 applications in the local park category. She reported that only 13 of 39 projects were approved. Wickstrom noted that it didn't hurt Kent's project that Barney Wilson served on tte evaluation committee. She said that although he couldn't evaluate Kent's project, his presence there made for a relaxed atmosphere. The meeting adjourned at 5:07 PM. PARRS COMMITTEE MEETING September 24, 1991 Attendance Name AddresSJDegartment Phone No. l. �4,2 E7J A0,eZ> 2. :5;ic,�— �l( PR+r � ��. , 3 6 ? If 3 G-2 b6�� gilk6 4. Vidtl 4N4- 5. fin;e S-��o��k Parks 6. 7. 'yj s. 2ct.•cu ' � 9. pp, 10. (M I CAST,U-0 A4 yn!n 11. 12. �WWVL- Ate(& 359 14. 15is.� _�eo�iTi L� ��2 N� u-'a�rh 3 15. ,�V l 1) Kgc/%J"5cll 3 C-1 p1 5 3 h 5 j, 16. 6<-fr!l,,5 -4' 30o! 73 5--C(3( J C*44P& 6�a--%a 17. S ; f� 18. 19. ` Cy -log v C ly5K4: 20. E' 21. - 7 22. 23.