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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 09/04/1991 Brenda er Deputy�y Clerk Parks Committee Minutes September 4, 1991 Councilmembers Present: Jon Johnson and Jim White Staff Present: Helen Wickstrom, Tony McCarthy, Alana McIalwain, Carol Morris, Robb Dreblow, Stephanie Strozyk, Jack Ball, Lori Hogan, Robyn Bartelt, Cheryl Fraser, Lea Britting, Karen Ford, Liz Carpenter, Doreen Higgins, Nita Smith and Pam Rumer. Others Present: Bill Doolittle, 412 North Washington Avenue; Dr. David Kronisch, 3001 53 Street SE, Auburn; Cheryle Noble, 316 W Cloudy Street; Jim Hernandez, Don Larson and Scott Fritzschle- Kent Knightriders. NORTH PARR TOT LOT - CHERYLE NOBLE Ms. Noble presented a petition signed by residents of the North Park Tot Lot area. On behalf of those who signed the petition, Ms. Noble requested some lighting in the park. She explained that the drinking and shouting late at night in the park has worsened over the past three years. She also mentioned that some residents have witnessed what appears to be drug deals. Ms. Noble informed the Committee that Parks Maintenance installed a sign stating that the park is closed after dark, but this has not deterred the activity. Helen Wickstrom added that the sign was installed at the request of Ms. Noble and the Police Department. Wickstrom was informed by the Police Department that officers could not enforce the park hours unless they were posted. Upon White's question, Jack Ball reported that there is an alleyway between Second Avenue and Cloudy Street with a pole in the center. He felt the City has two options: install a light on the existing pole facing over Cloudy Street or install a new pple which light would shine into the park. The committee requested that staff obtain cost figures. Wickstrom and Ball both commented that the Traffic Division is willing to work with the Department to determine a close estimate. Parks Committee Minutes August 27, 1991 Page Two White suggested that staff check with local service clubs for funding if the City cannot fund the project. Johnson requested that Wickstrom report back at the next meeting as to what has been done. DR. RRONISCH WEST RILL PROPERTY Wickstrom reported to the Committee that Dr. Kronisch owns 2-1/2 parcels on the West Hill and he would like to sell the property to the City for a park. She said that the property has been assessed at $92,900 and Dr. Kronisch has agreed to sell to the City for $75, 000. She added that Dr. Kronisch is willing to work with the City for as little down as $500, or nothing if necessary, and payments whenever the City can pay them. Wickstrom noted that the City will accrue interest until payments are made. She stated that Dr. Kronisch is offering the City an interest rate of 2% below the best rate available to the City. Wickstrom pointed out that when the Parks Department developed the 1982 Comp Plan, the area being discussed was top priority to be developed into a tot lot to serve the Sunnycrest Elementary School area. In the current CIP, tot lots are #20 on the priority list. Johnson directed the Parks Department and City Administration to work with Dr. Kronisch to negotiate a potential contract in terms that are favorable to both parties. McCarthy reminded the Committee that the City budget is $4,000,000 in the hole and that this purchase is not on the proposed CIP list. He commented that this is a Council decision, but reported that the CIP reserve was spent on the library remodel for the Police Department and more than one-half of the CIP is committed to debt service. Johnson stated that he felt that the City should pursue the purchase to determine if an agreement can be reached. The committee directed staff to work with Dr. Kronisch and City Administration to come up with a plan. WEST HILL - PARRSIDE WETLANDS Wickstrom explained that the City of Des Moines is acquiring 14 acres of Parkside Wetlands and suggested that Kent purchase the two acres of wetlands which are located in the Kent city limits. The City used the $100,000 West Hill CIP funds to obtain $100, 000 in King County Conservation Futures funds for the project. Parks Committee Minutes August 27, 1991 Page Three Wickstrom reported that based on assessed valuations, staff originally thought that the $200,000 would purchase all of the properties, but there may be a shortfall of between $25,000 and $100,000. She requested authorization to acquire as many parcels as possible with the $200, 000 and pick up the rest at a future date, or to use the surplus of $60, 000 in the grant matching budget for this project. She noted that Finance is planning to use the $60, 000 to help balance the budget. Wickstrom referred to the purchase agreement for the Long property. She requested authorization to have the Mayor sign this agreement. The Committee unanimously authorized the Parks Department to have the Mayor sign the purchase and sales agreement for the Long property. Johnson and White clarified for Wickstrom that when the Committee approved the budget for the West Hill Park project, they were also authorizing staff to acquire individual parcels associated with the project without having to bring the purchase of each parcel to Committee for approval. She stated that she brought this to their attention because the total project may be over budget. Johnson and White further clarified that she need not bring the individual Lake Fenwick and Green River Trail projects purchases to the Council, as the budget approval authorizes their ,purchase. The Committee unanimously authorized staff to acquire properties based upon the project budgets. WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL CHALLEN4E Jim Hernandez from the Kent Knightriders challenged the Council and other City staff to an exhibition game tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 1991 at Kent-Meridian High School. Hernandez said that the Knightriders will provide extra chairs and hold a practice session the week before the game to explain use of the chairs and how the game is played. Fraser said that she hopes to get the school more involved by having a youth club sell tickets and by having the band play at the game. She reported that one-third of the proceeds will go to Special Populations scholarships; one-third to the; Knightriders; and one-third to the youth club at Kent-Meridian Higli School chosen to sell tickets for the game. Both Johnson and White accepted the challenge and instructed staff to place this item on the September 3 Council agenda under Other Business for action by all Councilmembers. Parks Committee Minutes August 27, 1991 Page Four BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CHILRCARE STUDY RESULTS Fraser reported that the Council funded the Youth at Risk program last year. Staff, in conjunction with the Kent School District and the Kent Community Council for At-Risk Children, has since conducted a childcare survey and received very positive comments for looking into the issue. Fraser stated that she wanted to keep the Committee informed and make them aware of a new before and after school pilot program this Fall which will be called Kid's Activity Club. She mentioned that 95% of the program's participants will reside in the Kent city limits, as the program will only service those children living in the particular school 's (East Hill Elementary, Noely-O'Brien Elementary and Sunnycrest Elementary) service area. White informed Fraser that with the tight budget crunch, if there are cutbacks, the City will cut those programs which reach out beyond City limits. ADDED ITEMS • Wickstrom reported that the Department will be receiving $149,851.39 earned in interest from the King County Bond Issue. She requested authorization to put the money into the Interurban Trail project budget and to take the issue to Council once the check is received. The Committee unanimously accepted the funds and approved Wickstrom's requests. Wickstrom further reported that the Department will also be receiving $100,000 from King County for the Lake Fenwick project. She requested authorization to bring this before Council for action once the check arrives. The Committee unanimously accepted the funds and Wickstrom's request. • Wickstrom requested authorization to take the cogtract with the Kent School District for the Scenic Hill Park project to Council on the Consent Calendar for approval once it is finalized. Her request was unanimously approved. Bill Doolittle commented that he felt Kent should have the City of Des Moines purchase Parkside Wetlands and Kent should purchase Dr. Kronisch's property with that money. Wickstrom said that she will work with Dr. Kronisch and try to reach an agreement. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. u w