HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 09/19/1990 Marie Jensen • City C&k CITY OF RENT PARKS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 19, 1990 Councilmembers Pre ent: Steve Dowell, Chair; Jon Johnson, Jim White and Christi Houser. Staff Present: Ed Chow, Helen Wickstrom, Jack Ball, Cheryl Fraser, Lori Hogan, Patrice Thorell, Robyn Bartelt, Karen Ford, Steven Szydel, Alana McIalwairx and Pam Rumer. Others Present: Brad Bell, 26034 142 Ave. SE, Kent and Dick Hensel, 855 4 Ave. N #200, Kent. EXTENDED FENCING AT COMMONS PLAYFIELD Mr. Hensel explained to the Committee that the Commons Playfield has created problems for his apartment complex (851, 855, 861 - 4th Avenue North) for four and a half years. He has encountered pedestrian traffic to and from the park, children riding bicycles in the complex parking lot and participants parking in the parking lot. Hensel pointed out that tenants' children are. not permitted to ride bicycles in the parking lot. He also added that he has lost tenants due to these problems. Hensel said that the Parks Department provided him with barricades to put up before events and this is extremely inconvenient. Wickstrom also mentioned that Parks Department literature does inform participants that parking for Commons Playfield ,events is at the Metro Park and Ride. Hensel stated that participants still continue to park at his complex. Hensel said that the complex is spending $10,000 to install a security gate along Fourth Avenue. He requested that the Parks Department extend the department fence and put a gate at the complex. Hensel said that he would put a combination lock on the gate. Dowell questioned how much it would cost to extend the fencing. Ball reported that he received three quotes for the 600 feet of fencing: P K Fence $ 4,367.24 Always Fence $ 4,107.80 Built Rite Fence $ 3,729.45 Dowell questioned if Ball checked with Bailey's Fence. Parks Committee Minutes September 19, 1990 Page Two Wickstrom read from the fiscal note prepared by Finance that the Internal Budget Committee recommends that the fence should not be a City expense. The IBC feels that it would be bad precedence and pointed out that other situations on private property, are solved with "No Parking" and "Tow Away" signs. White questioned where the department will get the funds. Ball reported that Park Maintenance is reviewing their budget to see if there are funds available. Johnson moved to approved extension of the fencing if funding is available. White seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. White suggested that the Parks and Finance Departments determine if there is funding available and report back at the next Parks Committee meeting. IOOF HALL UPDATE Wickstrom reported that the Odd Fellows have informally made a proposal to sell the IOOF Hall to the City for $250,000. She pointed out that this item did not make the cut for funding in the 1991 budget, but it is a rare opportunity to make this purchase. Brad Bell commented that the City has been working on this project for 30 years and the Parks Department has been aggressively pursuing this for six months. Bell reminded the Committee that the Odd Fellows have never agreed to sell to the City before. Bell said that the City will receive a formal sales agreement soon, which also involves two leases. The City will either have to buy out the leases or relocate the tenants. Bell commented that there is no condemnation clause in the contracts or anything that states what will happen if the building burns down. Wickstrom pointed out that the Parks Committee has been encouraging the Parks Department to pursue this issue. The Ospartment would like some direction now that an offer has been ma4e.; Both Dowell and White questioned why this was '+ ht before the Parks Committee. They agreed that it should be considered by the full Council as a City project, as it is part of downtown revitalization. Parks Committee Minutes September 19, 1990 Page Three Dowell questioned why the funds should come from the Parks Department budget when it is a capital expense. White asked that the Parks Department take a look at the 1991 Supplemental Budget to see if there are available funds. He also asked that staff find out all legal ramifications involved and determine a more accurate idea of the costs. Chow requested that the department determine liability involved in relocation so that the Council will have the full picture. The Committee told Bell that they are interested io this project and would like to see the paperwork once it is received. PETITION FOR IRRIGATION AT PAR-3 AND DRIVING v Wickstrom explained that the irrigation scored high; enough for funding, but due to Finance's projections for golf course income, none of the golf complex's requests were granted. In answer to Dowell's question, Wickstrom stated that the department does not understand how Finance arrived at the (800,000) figure. Chow pointed out that it was not taken into consideration that there would be sales tax on the fees charged to golfers. White mentioned that most of those who signed the petition are not City of Kent residents. Bartelt stated that those participants saw the petition as an opportunity to voice their support. She pointed out that they do pay the same fee to golf. Bartelt said that the main concern is to install the main irrigation line under Meeker Street in case the current system at the Par-3 shuts down. She said that it is a very old system. Dowell said that he is concerned about the figures for the golf complex and that he will meet with Tony McCarthy. Bartelt requested that if Finance's figures are incorrect, that the golf complex be allowed to put some of those revenues back into the complex by funding some of the complex requests. White requested that someone from Finance and parks meet and calculate the figures to the penny, rather than guessing at them. White moved to look at the $20,000 request to install the main line irrigation at the golf complex to see if the money is available. Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2 Parks Committee Minutes September 19, 1990 Page Four Dowell expressed concern that the driving range expansion also did not make the budget cut. He stated that the driving range is a money maker and the City will lose revenue if the money is not spent for that expansion. Dowell suggested that the Council should take a look at the requests again. He did not feel that Council had the opportunity to give much input to Tony McCarthy's presentation because of the time limitation. RENT MEMORIAL PARR RENTAL I OXWE Wickstrom said that it would require a lot of work to get the house in rental condition. She said that the department considered demolishing the house, but costs for the demolition are high. Ball informed the Committee that he received two quotes for demolition: City Transfer $9,500 + tax, plus hazardous material inspection and removal Russ Lloyd Demolition $6,269.80, plus hazardous material inspection and removal Dowell asked if Park Maintenance staff could do the demolition. Ball responded that it would require excessive manpower and labor costs, and there would be no place to dump the debris. Dowell questioned why the City doesn't sell it. Wickstrom said that it is an option. She stated that we would need to subdivide the lot so that the portion with the house on it could be sold. The Committee instructed staff to pursue subdividing the property and selling the front portion which is zoned commercial. Steve Dowell recommended that the house be boarded up. Wickstrom stated that the department is attempting to make the house look lived in and that if it were boarded up, vandals would 'know it is empty. Maintenance staff keep the lawn mowed. PRIORI-TEE CARDS Bartelt asked to defer this issue until the n A s Committee meeting. Staff are still writing the polict *,`,; { ; te cards, as directed by City Administration and the Internal get Committee. PARKS COMMITTEE MEETING ,1 September 19, 1990 Attendance Name Address/Department- Phone No. 1. A�kr t FAr-k 3 2 . (,LAM& ed 3 . L/A 9Z &-,.Z> �� 3 345' 4. I/I d l7�Nd" �. � �" `Z�116r,IJ• V b:7 6. 7. _ 8. frQlwlec- L-L- 3Q Y 9 L o 2 10. g 12 . 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17 . 18 . 19. 20. 21. 22 . 23 . r MCCARTHY,TONY / �KENT70/F� HPDesk print. D _________________________________________ , Subject: FENCING AT COMMONS PLAYFIELD - FISCAL NOTE Creator: Tony MCCARTHY / KENT70/FN Dated: 09/13/90 at P835. IN AN EFFORT TO RESOLVE NEIGHBORS COMPLAINTS ABOUT PARTJCIVANT PARKING IN APARTMENT PARKING LOTS AND PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS, THR PARK DEPARTMENT IS PROPOSING TO EXTEND THE FENCE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF THE COMMONS PLAYFI,'ELD BY 600 FEET. BASED ON TELEPHONE QUOTES RECEIVED BY THE PARK DEPARTE3M, ;TUE COST OF THE FENCE WILL BE ABOUT $4,200. THE PARK DEPARTMENT NOTED Tl�hl A GATE WILL BE PUT IN THE FENCE WITH A KEY MAINTAINED BY THE APARTMENT MAN)WiW ,iSO THAT THE FENCE CAN BE LOCKED DURING CITY EVENTS. THE IBC FEELS THAT THE FENCE SHOULD NOT BE A CITY EXPENSE gINCE IT WOULD BE BAD PRECEDENT FOR OTHER FENCING REQUESTS. PARTICULAR PROBJJEXS EXIST WITH HAVING A GATE THAT ALLOWS INDIVIDUAL ACCESS BUT NO PUBLIC ACCESS. SIMILIAR PRIVATE PROPERTY ISSUES ARE SOLVED WITH NO PARKING AND TOWING SIGNS THAT ARE ENFORCED BY THE PRIVATE SECTOR. MCCARTHY,TONY / KENT70/FN ='" HPDesk print. ----------------------------------------- Subject: IOOF MALL - FISCAL NOTE Creator: Tony MCCARTHY / KXNT70/FN Dated: 06/14/90 at :;,609. THE PARK DEPARTMENT IS PROPOSING THE ACQUISITION AND DEMOLITION OF THE IOOF BUILDING. THE INITIAL PROPOSAL DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY DLOPMENT COSTS BUT ONE POSSIBILITY MENTIONED WOULD BE USE OF A PORTI N " OF THE PROPERTY FOR RETAIL SHOPS ALONG A MALL CONNECTING GOWE STP T ;WITH MEEKER STREET. $250, 000 IS BEING REQUESTED FOR ACQUISITION AND DEMOLITION. NONE IS REQUESTED FOR DEVELOPMENT. THE PROPOSAL ADDRESSES COUNCIL TARGET ISSUES RELATED TO "RENEW AND REVITALIZE DOWNTOWN", "DEVELOP PARK SYSTEM" AND "PROMOTE CITY PRIDE AND IMAGE". IT ALSO IS SUPPORTED IN CONCEPT BY AN ORIGINAL DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN DONE IN THE 19601S, BUTT IT HAS NEVER BEEN INCLUDED IN OV RECENT DOWNTOWN PLANS AND THEREFORE IS NOT PART OF THE 1990-1994 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. THE IBC DOES NOT RECOMMEND THE PROJECT AT THIS TIME BUT RECOMMENDS THE INCLUSION OF THIS PROJECT AS A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST- FOR 1991. THEY ALSO RECOMMEND THE PREPARATION OF DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES WItH APPROXIMATE COSTS SO THAT AN ENTIRE PROJECT CAN BE EVALUATED. ONE ALTERNATIVE MAY BE ACQUISITION IN PHASE ONE WITH DEMOLITION AND DEVELOPMENT IN PHASE TWO. IN THE INTERIM LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH EXISTING TENANTS COULD BE WORXED OUT. IF THE PARK DEPARTMENT PREPARES A REQUEST FOR 1991 FUNDING,, THE REQUEST WILL BE INCLUDED FOR EVALUATION BY THE COUNCIL AT THEIR AUGUST 9TH BUDGET WORK SESSION. IF THE COUNCIL RATES IT HIGH, THE ACQUISITION CAN BE MADE IN LATE 1990 OR IN EARLY 1991 AS DECIDED. INCLUDING IT IN THE RATING PROCESS INSURES ITS IMPORTANCE WHEN COMPARED WITH OTHER CIP REQUESTS. MCCARTHY,TONY / KENT70/FNO HPDesk print. 0 ` -------------------------- -------------- U Subject: IOOF MALL UPDATE - FISCAL NOTE Creator: Tony MCCARTHY / KENT70/FN Dated: 09/13/90 at 0049. - 'd -',�{cc /X0 ON JUNE 14TH THE IBC WROTE, A FISCAL NOTE ON THE IBC-' L4- )k, COPY OF THAT NOTE IS ATTACHED. THE NOTE RECOMMENDED DEFERRAL OF THE REQ1;E$T FOR FUNDING UNTIL EVALUATED IN THE 1991 BUDGET PROCESS. THE INITIAL ACQUISITION AND DEMOLITION COST WAS ESTIMATED TO BE $250,000. THE 1991 BUDGET REQUEST ASKED FOR $310, 000 WITH AN ADDITIONAL $200,000 BEING REQUESTED FOR DEVELOPMENT IN 1992. THE IBC IS NOT RECOMMENDING ACQUISITION BASED ON THE COUNCIL'S 1991 BUDGET PRIORITIES. ON A PRIORITY SCALE THE COUNCIL GAVE THE REQUEST A COMPOSITE 3 .00 RATING WITH AN AVAILABLE FUNDING CUTOFF AT THE 3 .43 LEVEL. MCC3§RTHY,TONY / KENT70/Ff HPDesk print. p ----------------------- _-__-- , Subject: IRRIGATION @ PAR-3 & DRIVING RANGE - FISCAL NOT,3 � Creator: Tony MCCARTHY / KENT70/FN Dated: 09;/14/90 t*t 80i3. THE PARK DEPARTMENT HAS RECEIVED A PETITION FROM THE PAR 31, ]N'S AND LADIES ' CLUBS TO SUPPORT ALLOCATING FUNDS TO INSTALL IRRIGATION AT?THE PAR-3 GOLF COURSE AND DRIVING RANGE. THE COST FOR THIS SYSTEM WAS ESJIMATED AS A 1991 BUDGET REQUEST AT $174, 000. ' THOUGH THIS REQUEST RECEIVED A RATING THAT COULD HAVE FUNDRD 'iIT WITH CIP DOLLARS, THE COUNCIL DIRECTION IN THE PAST HAS BEEN TO FUNS? THIS TYPE OF REQUEST WITH GOLF DOLLARS. WITH CURRENT PROJECTIONS IT ©OSSN'T APPEAR THAT THE GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND CAN FUND ANY MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVNTS. PRESENT PROJECTIONS SHOW THAT ADDITIONAL LOANS MAY NEED TO BE MADE, TQ FUND CURRENT OPERATIONS IF ADDITIONAL REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS OR EXPENDITUAZjCUTS AREN'T MADE. IT SHOULD BE ALSO NOTED THAT MANY WHO SIGNED THE PETITION" PID NOT HAVE A KENT ZIP CODE. TO FUND THE REQUEST WITH CITY TAX DOLLARS ' OULD MEAN THAT CITY TAXPAYERS COULD BE FUNDING A PROGRAM FOR NO CITY RESIDENTS. THE IBC RECOMMENDS DENIAL AT THIS TIME PENDING AVAILABLE GOLF ENTERPRISE RESOURSES.