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City Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 05/10/1989
PARKS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 10, 1989 Councilmembers Prent: Steve Dowell, Chair; Jon Johnson. Staff Present: Mr. Chow, Barney Wilson, Sandra Driscoll, Alan McIalwain, Nancy Woo, Nancy Leahy, Helen Wickstrom, Jack Ball, Patrice Thorell, Cheryl Fraser, John Marchione, Karen Michel, Liz Carpenter, Pam Rumer. Others Present: Cynthia Stewart, King County; Dee Eklund, Kent Chamber of Commerce; Grace Hiranaka, Kent Arts Commission. Park and Recreati©n Service Area Wilson explained that the Parks Department is still investigating the idea of forming a park and recreation service area. He then introduced Cynthia Stewart, a representative from King County, who explained the process in developing a service area, and then discussed the time line of each process involved. Stewart emphasized that there is a tremendous amount of developmental work involved. Both Wilson and Stewart recommended that the City delay the proposal until after the King County Park Bond Issue in November, and submit the proposal the following September. If the King County Bond Issue fails, the department could then take the top issues to the citizens of Kent and have them vote on them. Eklund commented that Chamber members generally are in support of the service area, but that they do not have enough'�in,formation yet to take positions on the issue. a t: Dowell suggested that a paper be developed, 1I-the pros and cons of a service area, to help to inform ev F0 the process by the first of the year. ''' � $� Parks Committee Minutes May 10, 1989 Page Two Golf Course 92date Sullivan reported that everything is running smoothly and on schedule. Wickstrom explained that, with Mr. Chow's approval, the department will submit a proposal to the Council to accept Hall and Lindsay's portion of the golf course contract as complete, as .recommended by the golf course architect. Park and Recreation Facility guide - 1989 Ite2rint Leahy reported that, in fact, the facility guide had not been updated since the snap and verbage were partially up4ated in 1985. She explained that there will be a separate trail information sheet, which will include the Interurban Trail and the, Green River Corridor. Leahy showed a rough draft of the revised guide, and reported that the 1989 Facility Guide will be available to the public in mid-June. Lake Fenvick Development PlUs Wickstrom informed the Committee of the planned additions for Lake Fenwick, some of which include trails, more access to the lake for fishing boats, better access for the handicapped, picnic areas and a pedestrian bridge. Wickstrom reported that the department will award the bid for this project in August. City Art Plan Liz Carpenter reported that the Arts Commission has revised the existing City Art Plan. Carpenter explained each ijewarea of the plan and informed the Committee that the revised , t Plan will be submitted to the attorneys' office in the form of a; rlesolution. Balloon Classic Location Change Thorell explained that the Friday and Saturday xoXming launches have been moved to the Kent Meridian High School boseball fields. The Saturday evening "Glow" is still scheduled to take place at the par-3 course.