HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 03/30/1988 u `M1 . PARKS COMMITTEE MINUTES March 30, 1988 Councilmembers present: Steve Dowell , Chair; Judy Woods, Jon Johnson Staff present: Brent McFall , Tony McCarthy, Barney Wilson, Helen Wickstrom, Neil Sullivan, Lori Hogan, Jack Ball , Patrice Thorell , Robyn Bartelt, Cheryl Fraser, Priscilla Shea, Judy Karwhite, Judy Crouch, Monica Johnson, Lea Britting, Beth Remington Also present: Leroy Charf, ORB; Dick King, Shearson Lehman Brothers; Lyle Price, Valley News. (see attached list) CANTERBURY FAIRE SLIDE SHOW Thorell showed a slide presentation of the Canterbury Faire which ,she has shown sponsors, service clubs and boys and girl scouts, etc. Over 1 ,000 people have seen the show which is used to solicit volunteers and donations. There will be a Canterbury Faire meeting next Thursday, April 7, at 5:30 in the Council Chambers. Volunteers are solicited. RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE STRUCTURES BIDS Wickstrom advised that 6 bids were received for the support structures. Charf reviewed the Pease bid (low bidder when alternates combined with base bid), breakdown as follows: Base Bid $1 ,2550550 Add Alternates 1 , 6B, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 , 12, 13 and 16 378,900 Deduct Alternate 4 (34$000) Total $1 ,600,450 Wilson noted that'.the push button traffic signal was needed and that item would come out of next year's budget. Dick King reviewed Shearson Lehman Brothers' financial breakdown and said he could attend the April 5 Council meeting if necessary. Wickstrom advised that it would be necessary to transfer $50,000 1 from the Mill Creek Trail and $250,000 budgeted for Kent Commons Parking into the Riverfront Acquisition Account to be utilized for Golf Course land acquisition. It was requested that both items be placed on the consent calendar; unanimous approval was given by Council members. SENIOR CENTER BY-LAWS McFall explained that there had been two proposals, one from the existing Senior Center Advisory Council and another from a group called the Concerned Citizens of Kent. He had met with both groups and recommended to the Committee the following compromises to the Senior Advisory Council By-Laws. 1 . Membership in Advisory Council - All members must be registered participants for a minimum of 30 days. 2. Facility Manager would be an exofficio member. 3. Among the officers would be an elected secretary; the staff administrative secretary would not be an exofficio member. The duties of,the secretary would be to record and prepare minutes, records of attendance and maintain all records of the Advisory Council . 4. Change wording to read that the nominating council shall list, not select, all candidates. 5. Qualifications: 55 years of age and a registered participant for 30 days. Eligibility for voting also 30 days. 6. Nominations to be posted (with resume). 7. A majority plus one to allow an amendment to the by-laws. McFall clarified that secret ballots would be used for elections and pointed out that vertificaltion of votes could be covered in OperatingjRules and Procedures. _ 2 _ iy,;, , 1, k A concern was voiced regarding the 30 days requirement; it was It that this was not long enough. Johnson pointed out that the seniors co+wld decide from the resumes whether a nominee had been a member long enough. Ore senior wanted to note that she was 100% behind the staff and was concerned abbout role of new Advisory Council . Dowell complimented all participants of the meeting on their diplomacy and explained that the Advisory Committee was "advisory" in nature ,�nd did not set policy. Woods recommended that future differences be handled within the context of the Senior Center Program and said that she had comgjete confidence in staff and volunteers, and felt it was the finest Senior Center in the area if not in the state. It was moved and seconded that the Parks Committee approve the bylaws with the above changes and change the name to the "Senior Advisory Committee," instead of Council (so this body would not be confused with City Council ); Administration was directed to implement same. This motion passed unanimously. 2733R-15R - 3 - i 1 i lei w"J - / / 704r sE ;L P la R• et -• fed• a. q/6 '$.a 1; 3lu �l- .�y ao T /0o19 - S C Vw)S o 1 � I 6v, dew for Cemter I 1 I 1 I I 1111) TABULATION FORA GENERAL. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE SUPPORT STRUCTURES CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON ORB JOB NO. 87.10 BID OPENING: Wednesday, March 16, 1933 10.01) a.m., PST PLACE: City of Kent, Office of City Clerk 220 South Fourth, Kent, Washington for Parks and Recreation Department m o oVnumaimi[M a o C3Z W tl AO O• P d c01O W U <U N O0vP C 3 /- K3 Go •Co O U W tu W4O N 10 NN •O O X �f Z t` •r'0 J O J o O^ G J M Q r•W UN Uj UIr1Jv K m a,v F- 0 rAO Jte -�-OWNMGI�0 OJQN JO<MF v OU•0 W�f SM N W WN FrAW .OWM OW•O U.-se W LL d mN NP NNU1Milillhi h WESMAMall" HlHlI e BID BOND w Proposal Signature Page = Compliance Statement M X X X Noncollusive Affidavit ADDENDUM NO. 1 V X X X ADDENDUM NO. 2 re X X X X ADDENDUM NO. 3 X X X X BASE BID YES 1,434,312 1,251,700 1,265,900 1,408,747 BASE Bill iItIEAKDQtVN: a NIECIIANICAL SUBCONTR.-.CT s �y (Dlrislon 15) >i I20,0(7Q 128,400 13 , a15 a ELECTRICAL Sl#I3C-ON*tRACr y� (Diyisign: 16) - ffa � 86 0 . o PAVING AND-SURFACING � (Section 42600) Z , 39, ,5 0 t1 LANDSCAPLIG AND a - IRRIGATION SUBCONTRACTS i 38,� ��n1 40,660 jSectfaus 02750 artd M00� I 0 BALANCE OF BASE BIB : 1,� {,,32 997�693}325 General Carttrna s ALTERNATE BIDS 8lIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIl1811111111111 111111111 Iltlilllll 1111111111 ill!lI111! + r + + a - ALTERNATE BID NO. 1: Add - "BRIDGE CROSSING" AND ALL APPURTENANT DEVELOPMENT yes 253,027 263,100 231,505 250,529 — + + _ ALTERNATE BID NO. 2: .dil - "PARKING AREA LIGHTING" no 20,080 17,800 18,275 17,000 ALTERNATE BID NO. 3 +) Suhatitute - SHEET METAL ROOFING AND SIDING NO 25,000 60,500 47,000 42,000 ALI•ERNATE BID NO. a: Suh%titute - CEDAR SIIINGLES yes 25,000 43,600 34,775 45,000 M.TERNATE 1110 NO. 5: Add - %tr EKE1t STREET reocsTR1AN CROSSING no -47,277 60,700 44,212 53-,000 .. - - --- --- -- \LI*I:RNArE BID NO. 6. r add - ISItIDt;l: RAII.IN(: � Altcru.ttc Nn. hA: �],no •!• %dd - I'1r1'1:-1" BRIDG E RAILING: 32,874 37,800 28,055 32,000 YAlternate Nu r,lk - ,1dit . TYPIC "It" IIREDG E RAILING; 29,174 34,500 25,325 28 000 BID TABULATION FORM RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE SUPPORT STRUCTURES PAGE 2 N O G UZco 1-1 P}a jvP W W C O Z 4 3 W_ 2043 U)4> tOJ . - W ZM -OWO i0.10 D W� Om F-O. Wm9 WO In y~j WN W�dCul o a w t= alum �NH{N� NNH/Hf w BID BOND Proposal Signature Page w Compliance Statement is X X Noncollusive Affidavit w ADDENDUM NO. ] X X w ADDENDUM NO. 2 w w ADDENDUM NO. 3 X X BASE BID e,5 M 1,550, 1,255,550 1,064,000 •:BAS£ w •• . :•:�a.itIEEIIAi�ICA .. •'�'•�•` (Dittsibnr�7r.._;. ::. :`:;';•r: : •:::::` ::; as ':•'•�•£#,IrC'FSI�+4�. 5i#)3CL}�i�'BfiC7;.. � �� •'.;�#��;:. - . . .. . s. v I�td 4V I)SUii:F�LQNc:: . :' >•PA : x a :..:::..>::::.::.. . l.A,il#SCAPLti4`r'A)�iD'' ' :.;;.;; is ":'.:•.-r.,: :-: :r.; ;•IRIfIGAT10i+I SUBCOMTR.A&S.': = ... .. :.:•:. .40735 •;..:�.:�5eetians Il3730 a,ufl 029QB�:;;::;:';: w •. .. .. .. -. . ,. a ''•: Cenerai'Corctraer��:�:•��::;. :':::�::;�:.::.s �'ts :.' y •;;�.. '' . .. . .. . .. ALTERNATE BIDS 8r1111111111 Illlllllill lillillllll 111111111 IIIIIIIIII 1111111111 IIIIIIIIII + + + + + + M+ ALTERNATE BID NO. 1: Add - "BRIDGE CROSSING" AND ALL w 217,492 205,000 240,250 APPURTENANT DEVELOPMENTYE w+ .ALTERNATE BID NO. 2: 11,315 Add - "PARKING AREA LIGHTING" NO M 16,8M 16,500 + l-) w(+ (-) + (-) (+)(-) l+) (-) l+) ALTERNATE BID NO. 3: Sultttitute - SHEET METAL NO = 40,600 68,000 35,000 ROOFING AND SIDING ALTERNATE BID NO. 4: w 19,025 Sul-ctitute - CEDAR SHINGLES YES C 36,915 34,000 ALTERNATE BID No-.-S.. - - - w* - + -- >dd - %IEEKER STREET NO M 45,W0 55,000 ��� PEDESTRIAN CROSSING + + + + + �+ ALTERNATE RID NO. 6: Add - BRIDGE RAILING w w F + + + + �+ Altrrnatr No. 6.1, w 23,320 33 000 34 000 Add - l'1'1'E "A" BRIDGE RAILING N0 = , , w + + + + + + Altcrnute No. bit: s+ 29,000 30,000 20,000 add - TYPL "It" 11R15GE RAILING YES .�i BID TABULATION FORM RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE SUPPORT STRUCTURES PAGE 3 m o � •o � 2uj O m ZM yW o?o zxC3 c~i o• oa Qo in co U fAQ O►-o• Q 30� •ao O .� OC 3 F-6•Q Y1 Cp O• W P CS 1--N ►-O UW3 �' Ww Z_ fno en o Q z a 2NQ K^ O�tQ F-Wgg 14 7 3 tu�.0 V 3 fA O Q 3 OC OC (n F- G) •O g p0 X 970 X >1 W W.~- a�W P •J P Z _ GO 2NQN Ox<IOn be lxIt V V Om Op!-� 'J C61 m Cl WN �OYI W W pppp..J p p^_� •M1►- F-V p•O N CM pOp1A C)oJ $'�Q O•a ui JO W� Ct•0 Wit M^N W WN zinW Q^W Qawwmmm _r yY� u.O.LL P momm.mummom _�t m f9 :u' O IA..... N N IR M r+ f + + + + itftil + ALTERNATE BID NO. 7: Add - FINISH FLOOR MATERIALS a yeS 19,624 19,600 19,388 20,000 AT THE CLUBHOUSE rr ALTERNATE BID NO. 8: + + + + + Add - "WELL POINT VAULT STRUCTURE" AND r yes 12,290 10,600 9,786 9,000 "ELECTRICAL SERVICE" ALTERNATE BID NO. 9: r+ + + + + + Add - "IRRIGATION PUMP HOUSE"AND "ELECTRICAL SERVICE" yes 43,076 37,600 35,878 38,000 ALTERNATE BID NO. 10: �' + + + + - Add - "ELECTRICAL SERVICE"TO LAKE "A" AND TWO (2) a yes 20,%3 21,000 24,563 20,000 REMOTE RESTROOM SITES to ALTERNATE BID NO. 11: + + + + + - Add - "WATER SERVICE" TO TWO (2) REMOTE, FUTURE RESTROOLV[ ro S 11,295 11,200 6,002 9,000 SITES AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS ALTERNATE BID NO. 12: + + + + + Add - "PEDESTRIAN MATTING" TO i yeS 2,878 3,500 3,823 3,000 THE BRIDGE CROSSING ALTERNATE BID NO. 13: M Add - "FUEL STORAGE TANK" A;ID m yes 11,100 17,900 11,910 20,000 "DISPENSING STATION" ALTERNATE BID NO. 14: - - Deduct - "HOT WATER RADIANT FLOOR HEAT SYSTEM" no 1,400 1,200 2,210 1,100 ALTERNATE BID NO. 15: m no 10,833 12,800 10,925 11,000 Deduct - "AIR COOLED WATER CHILLER" m ALTERNATE 810 NO. 16: - Q + + + a�l,l - "cHA1NLINK FENCING" yes 42,620 39,500 42,436 41,500 rm UNIT PRICE BID ITEM NO. I ; 2.14 none PILING PER % LINEAL FOOT LESS TIfAN "BASIC DESIGN LENGTII" (BY MORE TI(AN 5 FEET) ITEM NO. 2 -� FOUNDATION PILING PER LINEAL FOOT MORE. TITAN $ � 11.00 1b.05 none DESIGN LLNCTII" • (IIY 11()Rli IAIAN 5 FEET) � . r BID TABULATION FORM RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE SUPPORT STRUCTURES PAGE 4 z ows N O r Z 0 Colo. u 10 PP r•O� � O .i w CD r-c tivWi6 ►.--a00 i4z oe W r x zUA -O WO ou9 .O�pp W•-9-1 O4r C mrP u,m .p 6.W0 z 4 au S 0 ca 4�t <0m►- Ci WN W Q� OWI^ 0'y rn u% A a r�n fl> fr o W + + . + + ALTERNATE BID NO.7: MM Add - FINISH FLOOR MATERIALS i AT THE CLUBHOUSE YES M 20,000 20,000 23,%5 ALTERNATE BID NO. 8: + + + + + + Add - "WELL POINT VAULT STRUCTURE" AND i 17,000 6,000 14,260 ELECTRICAL SERVICE" YES m ALTERNATE BID NO. 9: + + + + + + Add - "IRRIGATION PUMP HOUSE„ 27,000 36,500 42,748 AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE Y E S ALTERNATE BID NO. 10: + + + + - Add - "ELECTRICAL SERVICE" TO LAKE "A" AND TWO (2) YES : 20,700 20,000 23,100 REMOTE RESTROOM SITES .. ALTERNATE BID NO. 11: YES w+ + + + + + Add - "WATER SERVICE" TO TWO (2) m3,135 4,000 41,365 REMOTE, FUTURE RESTROOM o SITES AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS o ALTERNATE BID NO. 12: M Add - "PEDESTRIAN MATTING"Tp, 3,000 3,400 3,210 THE BRIDGE CROSSING r E S ALTERNATE BID NO. 13: + + + + + + Add - "FUEL STORAGE TANK" AND "DISPENSING STATION" YES Mnon@ 13,000 17,500 ALTERNATE BID NO. 14: MWED - - - Deduct- "HOT WATER RADIANT FLOOR HEAT SYSTEM" NO 2,200 2,000 1,$70 ALTERNATE BID NO. IS: NO VS Deduct - "AIR COOLED WATER CHILLER" - 10,000 11,000 14,435 ALTERNATE BID NO. 16: Ems, + + + + Add - "C1iAINLINK FENCING" YES M 41,500 41,000 45,000 UNIT PRICE BID F �� ITEM NO. 1 FOUNDATION PILING PER 10 15 ; 14 LINEAL FOOT LESS THAN "BASIC DESIGN LENGTII" (BY MORE TITAN 5 FEET) m ITCH NO. 2 FOUNDATION PILING PEI? 10 1.00 ' 14 LINEAL FOOT MORE. TITAN_ � "BASIC 01-*.Sl(;N LENGTH" Z (IlY MORE THAN 5 FEET) J I KENT SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER SENIOR ADVISOR e4Wad.,t BY-LAWS ARTICLE I NAME SECTION 1 : The name of this organization shall be the Kent Senior Advisory -Gemei+ (hereafter referred to as Advisory -Geans4sU.. e0%ft,A0V_ Cam+^( ARTICLE II PURPOSE COA100 ec SECTION 1 : The purpose of the Advisory fewme4l- shall be: a) To provide counsel in the City's service of the needs of senior adults at Kent Senior Activity Center. b) To be responsible for advising the staff concerning the operation and programming of the Kent Senior Activity Center. c)) To advise and be a liaison between staff and senior adults. SECTION 2. Specific functions include: a) Inform staff about current needs and concerns of seniors in the Center's service area. b) Evaluate the Center's program and operation and report findings to the staff. c) Recommend to the staff changes in the Center' s policies or practices, based on needs assessment and evaluation. d) Develop and maintain linkages with other community agencies which plan or provide senior services. e) Provide expertise to assist the staff in the operation and program of the Center. f) Interpret the needs of seniors as they relate to the purposes and program of the Center to the general public. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 . The membership of the Advisory -6s * shall be comprised of 9 members. Positions and staggered 2 year terms are as follows: Positions 1 , 3, 5, 7, 9 expire September 30, 1989, 1991 , 11993, etc. Positions 2, 4, 6, 8 expire September 30, 1988, 90, 92, etc. On the expiration dates listed above, each position will be filled according to ARTICLE V. Ccprr.:�ot SECTION 2. Al members of the Advisory must be 55 years of age or older. Co,„r:��•� SECTION 3. All members of the Advisory must be registered participants for a minimum of 30 days at the Kent Senior Activity CentderN=�6` SECTION 4. An Advisory 40vaae member may be removed by a majority vote of the Advisory if he or she has 3 unexcused absences from meetings. SECTION 5. Mid-term vacancies will be appointed by a majority vote of the Advisory 411031W GoM..iI&- . SECTION 6. The Senior Activity Center Facility Manager shall be an ex-officio member ,of the Advisory . ARTICLE IV SELECTION AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION 1 . Officers a) A Chair, Vice-Chair and Secietary selected by a majority COMw.1 !L vote of the Advisory to serve terms of one (1 ) year each. SECTION 2. Duties of Officers a) Chair 1 ) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Advisory QcnmW . 2) The Chair shall appoint any special committees and the Chair of such committees as needed. 3) The Chair is empowered to call additional special meetings as needed, with 3 day notice. 4) The Chair shall prepare the agenda for ach meeting from items submitted by Advisory 4dwasif members, staff, and Kent Senior Activity Center participants. 5) The Chair shall appoint a nominating committee-for the annual eleStion meeting, consisting of 3 outgoing 01"MI ee. Advis ry members and 1 continuing Advisory lry.r.. e— members. b) Vice-Chair 1 ) The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in his or her absence. 2) When necessary, the Vice-Chair shall assume any duties assigned by the Chair. 3) The Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of the Chair in the event the Chair steps down during an unexpired term. c) Secretary 1 ) The Secretary shall record and repare minutes of all r-0MMf ea- meetings of the Advisory -GevvaPW_- 2) The S�p/cretary shall keep a record//nf attendance of e_vA" 12e, C.OM'.I cc, Xwmazgg members of Advisory-Caiust6i meetings. 3) The Secretary Pall maintain all records of the Co we.i ee. Advisory 449ft0. ARTICLE V NOMINATING COMMITTEE AND ELECTIONS SECTION 1 . A nominating committee shall consist of four (4) Advisory Coa.'..:#0,4 4manaQ members a gointed by the Chair, consisting of 3 o'er: ee. outgoing Advisory- -i members and 1 continuing Advisory 1 member. SECTION 2. The Nominating Committee shall accept names and ressymes of oMIN% those desiring to be elected to the Advisory G, from June 1 to June 30. SECTION 3. The Nominating Committee will list all qualified candidates to be presented for election. a) Qualifications to include 55 years of age and older and a registered participant of Kent Senior Activity Center for at least 30 days. SECTION 4. Qualified candidates, names, photo, and fact sheet will be made public as of the 3rd Monday in July until day of election. SECTION 5. Qualified candidates will give brief oral presentations at the annual election meeting. SECTION 6. Annual meeting for elections to be held the last Friday of September. Notice of the annual meeting and election will be published in local newspaper, the monthly bulletin, and posted on the Kent Senior Activity Center bulletin board. a) Those registered at Kent Senior Activity Center for 30 days or longer on the date of election shall be eligible to vote. b) Voting will be by secret ballot. c) Nominating Committee shall count ballots at the conclusion of the annual election meeting. d) Public announcement shall be made as soon as results are tabulated. Results will be published and posted on the Kent Senior Activity Center bulletin board. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS I SECTION 1 . Meetings shall be held on the 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Kent Senior Activity Center, unless otherwise posted and announced. SECTION 2. Notice of meetings shall be published in the monthly newsletter and posted on the Kent Senior Activity Center bulletin board. SECTION 3. All meetings shall be open to the public; however, the public will have no vote and may participate only when recognized by the Chair. SECTION 4. Minutes of meetings shall be posted by the 4Gound l Secretary. CO/v�M�Ci"tc� ARTICLE VII QUORUM AND MAJORITY SECTION 1 . Six (6) voting member present at a regular or special meeting CIIN../ e, of the Advisory 4ameW shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 2. A majority vote is 50% plus one of the members present, so long as those present constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS SECTION 1 . All proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted in Co&$.I fee, writing to the Advisory 6e at least ten (10) da��/�/s prior to �h.aa/rt�. any regular or special meeting of the Advisory . SECTION 2. These y-Laws may be amended by a majority voted V the Advisory members present at any regular or special meeting of GM.,Wee. the Advisory 1 . 2559A-02A