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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 01/27/1988 s J~ 1 PARKS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 27, 1988 Councilmembers Present: Steve Dowell, Chair, Jon Johnson, Judy Woods, and Jim ite, Counci rest ent Staff Present: Brent McFall, Barney Wilson, Tony McCarthy, Jack Ball, Lori Hogan, Patrice Thorell, Neil Sullivan, Helen Wickstrom, Cheryl Fraser, Robyn Bartelt, Liz Carpenter, Lea Britting and Ramona Valdez Also Present: See attached list PARKS COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: The next meeting was set for Februar 24, 1988, at 4 .m., in the Courtroom. Dowell announced that each-meeting thereafter wou a every 4th Wednesaay, in the Council Chambers, 4 p.m. Call Ramona Valdez for agendas or in or` 'mation on meetings at 859-3995. SENIOR ADVISORY COUNCIL BYLAWS: Wilson, Parks and Recreation ffirector, reported that at the November 3 Council Meeting it was determined that the Senior Center issue was an administrative matter to be handled by the City Administrator and staff. Wilson noted that he had contacted Les Morris who refused to meet with him. Bartelt, Senior Center Facility Manager, provided copies of a proposal for bylaws developed by the Senior Advisory Council after reviewing those of other centers, and with the input of the Kent Concerned Citizens Group. Chet Hodgkin stated that he was the spokesperson for Kent Concerned Citizens which he said was a group of 169 with no interest in personnel changes at the Senior Center. He presented a proposal for bylaws using Renton as a model. The Committee will consider both proposals and make a recommendation at a future Parks Committee meeting. Bylaws will then be reviewed by the City Attorney and placed on the Council Agenda. Wilson noted that the initial meeting of the Committee of 23, was held at the home of John Wood, Chairman of the Concerned Citizens of Kent, and questioned whether these two groups were really separate. MEMBERSHIP FEE AT THE SENIOR CENTER: Judy Woods clarified that the Committee's intent for this item was a report of the entire Department's fee structure. Wilson noted that all Recreation Program fees had been increased 10-15 percent. Dowell asked for a complete report, including Senior Center's membership fees, on February 24. NAMING OF PARK: Wilson said that the Department had no objection to this request to name a small Green River area Eagle Park, in recognition of the cleanup efforts of Boy Scout Troup #316 and he in recommended compliance with ordinance requirements of a six-month wait. The Committee unanimously accepted the proposal. Wilson remarked that the work of the Boy Scouts was appreciated. • I Parks Committee Minutes January 27, 1988 Page 2 DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION/BUDGET TRANSFERS: Wilson reviewed a proposal which would provide a $50,000 per year General Fund saving. The retirement of Bill Stevens, Maintenance Superintendent, created a domino effect on the Parks personnel structure. Recommendations include Lori Hogan being promoted to Recreation Superintendent and moving all Recreation staff to Kent Commons; Neil Sullivan would become the new Golf Complex Superintendent; and Jack Ball would be promoted to Maintenance Superintendent. Wilson pointed out that full use of his assigned City car was included to allow for and encourage additional program surveillance. He stated that there would be a one-time cost of $50,000 to remodel Kent Commons' games room for the Recreation staff (using temporary partitions), the preferable space since games room revenue has declined; and because the Commons is open for 16 hours a day, this proposal would also provide better service. Other plans include moving the Cultural Division to the Parks Second-Floor area with some of the existing space being used for other City departments. McFall stated that he was very supportive of the proposal . It was clarified that the Cultural proposal to make one 1988 full-time position into two part-time positions resulted in only a small increase in benefits. The Committee unanimously accepted the reorganization proposal and recommended placement on Council Consent Calendar. 1988 CITY ART PLAN: arpenter noted that the plan had been accepted by the Arts Commission. McFall advised that in the 1988 Budget process, a separate fund had been established so that funds no longer need to be reallocated. The Committee unanimously approved the plan which will be placed on the Council Agenda. Woods reported that there will be an architect selection meeting for the Library on January 29. KENT COMMONS SCULPTURE REPAIR: In response to owe 's question, Carpenter reported that the best contractor for the work was the low bidder, but work starting date has not yet been set because of the contractor's other commitments. Dowell asked Carpenter to check on the timeline. CLARK LAKE: Wilson reported that he had ordered an appraisal. KING COUNTY PARKS WITHIN OUR SERVICE AREA: Due to Kent Parks' need for facilities to match growth, Wilson will meet with Russ Cahill of King County on January 28 to discuss some kind of cooperative management and maintenance of County facilities within the City of Kent service area. i r 1 Parks Committee Minutes January 27, 1988 Page 3 In response to Woods' question, Wilson said he would consider managing the Forward Thrust pool if the County were to contribute toward the pool 's deficit. Eighty percent of the pool users are County residents. Woods noted that several Councilmembers are interested in Grandview; McFall said that the County's maintenance of Grandview is not up to the City's standards resulting in numerous complaints, as citizens confuse this with a City park. SALE OF THE GOULD HOUSE: Wilson a notified t e high bidder and it is hoped that the house can be moved without disturbing the existing trees. This method is cheaper than demolishing the house and removing the debris. Revenue will go to the General Fund per McFall. SENIOR CENTER: Jon Wood stated that he was a member of the Senior Center because he had filled out a medical card there. Dowell asked Wood to discuss the matter further with staff or himself after the meeting. Dowell thanked visitors and staff on being respectful in order to solve problems. 2641 R-31 R C-14L v�, c1�y ,, - 1k, J I �- / �¢� mac, Mew b e r' �li'Y�, 1�,, lJy/CI •c r✓e, .�' ',> i' 1! �-�r �c �- `l z A � � � r z&6 Cvr� I �ftL- PLO 3's"tp '� 1�.,�G� l L°� 1 f�;P"L►nGl L ..�L�✓'C� ��1�/ ,�,;G,� S` PRELIMINARY DRAFT q KENT SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER SENIOR ADVISORY COUNCIL BY-LAWS ARTICLE I NAME SECTION 1 . The name of this organization shall be the Kent Senior Advisory Council ( hereafter referred to as Advisory Council ) . ARTICLE II PURPOSE SECTION 1 . The purpose of the Advisory Council shall be . a ) To serve the needs of senior adults at Kent Senior Activity Center . b ) To be responsible for advising the program co-ordinator and support staff concerning the operation and programming of the Kent Senior Activity Center . c ) To advise and be a liason between staff and senior adults . SECTION 2 . Specific functions include : a ) Inform staff about current needs and concerns of seniors in the Center ' s service area . I b ) Evaluate the Center ' s program and operation and reporting findings to the staff . c ) Recommend to the staff changes in the Center ' s policies or practices , based on needs assessment and evaluation . d ) Develop and maintain linkages with other community agencies which plan or provide senior services . e ) Provide expertise to assist the staff in the operation and program of the Center . f ) Interpret the needs of seniors as they relate to the purposes and program of the Center to the general public . ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 . The membership of the Advisory Council shall be comprised of 9 members . Positions and staggered 2 year terms are as follows : Postions 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 expire September 30 , 1989 , 1991 , 1993 , etc . Positions 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 expire September 30 , 1988 , 90 , 92 , etc . On the expiration dates listed above , each position will be filled according to ARTICLE V . SECTION 2 . All members of the Advisory Council must be 55 years of age or older . SECTION 3 . All members of the Advisory Council must be registered participants for a minimum of 12 months at Kent Senior Activity Center . SECTION 4 . An Advisory Council member may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Advisory Council if he/she has 3 unexcused absences from meetings . SECTION 5 . Mid-term vacancies will be appointed by a 2/3 vote of the Advisory Council . ARTICLE IV SELECTION AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION 1 . Officers a ) A Chair and Vice-Chair selected by 2/3 vote of the Advisory Council to serve terms of one ( 1 ) year each . ' SECTION 2 . Duties of Officers a ) Chair 1 ) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Advisory Council . 2 ) The Chair shall appoint any special committee heads as needed . Al i 116 3 ) The Chair is empowered to call additional special meetings as needed , with ,3 day notice . 4 ) The Chair shall prepare the agenda for each meeting from items submitted by Advisory Council members , staff , and Kent Senior Activity Center participants . 5 ) The Chair shall appoint a nominating committee for the annual election meeting , consisting of 3 outgoing Advisory Council members and 1 continuing Advisory Council member . b ) Vice-Chair 1 ) The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence . 2 ) When necessary , the Vice-Chair shall assume any duties assigned by the Chair . 3 ) The Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair in the event the Chair steps down during an unexpired term. ARTICLE V NOMINATING COMMITTEE AND ELECTIONS SECTION 1 . A nominating committee will consist of four ( 4 ) Advisory Council members appointed oy the Chair , consisting of 3 outgoing Advisory Council members and 1 continuing Advisory Council member . SECTION 2 . The Nominating Committee shall accept n#saes and resumes of those desiring to be el ectedo to the Advisory Council , from June 1 to June 30 . SECTION 3 . Advisory Council will select qualified candidates to be presented for election a ) Qualifications to include 55 years of age and older and a registered participant of Kent Senior Activity Center for at least 12 months . w SECTION 4 . Qualified candidates names , photo , and fact sheet wi 1 1 be made public as of the 3rd Monday in July until day of election . SECTION 5 . Qualified candidates will give brief oral presentations at the annual election meeting . SECTION 6 . Annual meeting for elections to be held the last Friday of September . Notice of meeting will be published in local newspaper and monthly bulletin a ) Those registered at Kent Senior Activity Center for 12 months or longer will be eligible to vote . b ) Voting will be by secret ballot. c ) Nominating Committee shall count ballots at the conclusion of the annual election meeting . d ) Public announcement shall be made as soon as results are tabulated and will be published . ARTICLE VI MEETINGS SECTION 1 . Meetings shall be held on the third Friday of each month at 10 : 00 am at the Kent Senior Activity Center , unless otherwise posted and announced . SECTION 2 . Notice of meetings shall be published in the monthly newsletter . SECTION 3 . All meetings shall be open to the public ; however , the public will have no vote and may participate only when recognized by the Chair . SECTION 4 . Minutes of the meeting shall be posted . ARTICLE VII QUORUM SECTION 1 . Six ( 6 ) voting members present at a regular or special meeting of the Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS SECTION 1 . All proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Advisory Council . SECTION 2 . These By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members provided there has been ten ( 10 ) days notice . A PROPOSAL For AN INDEPENDENT SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO SERVE THE SENIORS IN THE KENT AREA Submitted by: The Concerned Citizens of Kent J n Wood, Chairman January 27 , 1988 s TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Proposed By-Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 INTRODUCTION The Kent Senior Center was founded seventeen years ago. In the early days an informal senior council assisted the Staff in serving the needs of the seniors . This arrangement has been in effect for .a long time but , in view of the continual expansion of Senior Center usage, we feel that it is now outgrown. We propose the creation of a formally structured Senior Citizens Advisory Committee which would be more appropriate to current conditions . 2 SUMMARY The proposed by-laws appear on pages b through 10. Highlights are summarized below: PURPOSE To assist in identifying the needs of Kentsenior citizens and to assist in developing programs to meet these needs . To advise the Senior Center Director, the Parks Committee, the City Council and the Mayor on matters of concern to the seniors . STRUCTURE The committee shall be composed of fifteen persons, age 55 or older. Eight must reside in the Kent city limits ; Seven may reside anywhere in the Kent School District . — A chair, vice-chair, secretary and_t shall be selected by majority vo o the Committee and shall serve one year terms . OPERATION Meeting shall be held twice a month. All meetings shall be open to the public. Eight members shall make a quorum. Where appropriate, advisory recommendations shall be made to the Senior Center Director, the Parks Committee, the City Council , and the Mayor . SELECTION Openings shall be announced at least 30 days in advance in the monthly Bulletin. Those interested in serving shall offer a written stotement of their goals and qualifications . These applicatloos shall be submitted directly to the Mayor. The Mayor shall appoint committee members with staggered terms of one, two and three years . 3 DISCUSSION NUMBER OF MEMBERS Fifteen. Since attendance at the Center is growing steadily, we suggest 15 so that there will be a diversity of,, opinion in spite of absences . Note that eight will form a.{, quorum. (The existing council has nine members , but until' 1ast June it had thirteen) . EXPIRATION Terms of office will expire in September. This m4,�kes the term coincide with the most active months , September through June . There is a slow period in July and August . COMMITTEES Proposed committees are based on those listed in Monthly Bulletins . "Suggestions" has been added. The council will have more empathy with senior suggestions , can bring more opinions to bear on them, and can 4evote more time to them; taking this task off the shoulder of the Staff. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS Twice monthly. Given an independent committee, capable of responding to senior concerns, two weeks is a desirable response time. REPRESENTATION Eight from the City of Kent and seven from the Kent School District . This seems a fair representation in view of the many seniors attending who live outside the city limits , while giving a majority to Kent city residents. SELECTION Mayoral appointments. The Miyor can make ob jop:t 0 ,selections based on applicant qualifications , and at the; ,a time insure that diverse viewpoints are represented'. EFFECTIVENESS OF AN INDEPENDENT SENIOR ADVISOIYY COMMITTEE An independent Senior Advisory Committee has been aotive in Renton for the past six years. Mr. Shawn Daly, Renton Senior - Center Director , is enthusiastic about it . His comments are summarized below: FUNCTIONS The Committee raises and disburses its own funds . It serves as a forum for discussion of senior issue$ . Its guiding principle is--"What is best for the Seniors?" The Director considers the committee an integral part of the Sr=nibr Center . He relies on its recommendations on all senior matters . These recommendations are always accepted. The Staff attends all meetings but does not vote. ADVANTAGES The Committee sponsors fund-raising events , but most its income is voluntary donations from local businessmen. These are readily given because all funds remain under control of the seniors and are used solely for their benefit . The Committee now has a treasury of $9 ,000 . (Businesses would not make similar donations directly to the Senior Center as they would regard these as contributions to the City' s general fund. ) Every Committee member is an informal ombudsman. Seniors take their problems to the Committee , not the Director, leaving him free to work uninterrupted. Any senior problem, grievance or request is acted on in two weeks or less. Small problems thus remain small and never boil over. Committee recommendations are the result of open discussion with all opinions heard; eliminating the adverse roaction which can result from an arbitrary Staff decision.'' Their recommendations take the heat off the staff; ; those who disagree with the decision must take it up with the Committee . Mr. Daly' s final remark was--"I would be a fool to try to work without them! " 5 CONCLUSION We respectfully request that the Parks Committee take ample time to examine and discuss our proposal before arriving at a decision. The creation of a Senior Advisory Committee, and its internal structure , will cast a long shadow into the future. It may be many years before this subject is scrutinized again. In particular, we urge each member of the Parks Committee to attend a meeting of the Renton Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, and talk with Renton Senior Center Director Shawn Daly and Renton Parks Director John Webley, as a part of their evaluation. (The Renton committee meets on the first and third mondays of each month) . �g; I _ " }• . - b _ 1 KENT SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY - LAWS ARTICLE I NAME SECTION 1 The name of this organization shall be the KENT SENIOR CIT,12ENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. ARTICLE II PURPOSE SECTION 2 The purposes of the Committee shall be: a) To assist the Senior Center Director, the Parks Committee and the Mayor in identifying the needs of Kent senior citizen and further to assist in the development of specific programs to meet those needs. b) To develop recommendations for a comprehensive senior citizen program which provides senior citizens with opportunities to be involved in recreational programs, leisure time activities, public service, self- fulfillment opportunities and any other projects and programs beneficial to the welfare of senior citizens. c) To advise the Senior Center Director, the Parks Committee and the Mayor on matters of concern to the senior citizens of the community. All actions and public positions of the Committee shall be subject to approval of a majority vote of the membership and advisory to the aforestated individuals and/or agencies. d) To assist the Senior Center Director, The Parks Committee and the Mayor in developing policies and procedures governing the operation of the Kent Senior Center and other programs and facilities directliy affecting senior citizens. e) To raise funds and accept donations to be used for the service, benefit and convenience of seniors attending the Kent Senior Cintir. - 7 - ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. Openings for the Committee shall be announced at least 30 dys in advance in the Kent Senior Activity Center monthly bulletin. ,, SECTION 2. Seniors interested in serving on the Committee shall provide a written state- ment of their goals and qualifications. These applications 'sholl be submit- ted directly to the Mayor. SECTION 3. Members of the Committee are appointed by the Mayor for throe year terms of office. Members are appointed* to staggered terms to provide the Committee with stability. The Committee shall be made up of fifteen Members, at least eight of whom must reside within the City limits and up to Seven of whom may reside outside the City limits but within the Kent School District boundar- ies. Positions and staggered terms are as follows: Positions #11, 12, 13, 14, 15 expire August 1, 1989, 1992, 1995, etc. Positions #b, 7, 8, 9, 10 expire August 1, 1990, 1993, 1995, etc. Positions #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 expire August 1, 1991, 1994, 1997, ' etc. On the expiration dates listed above, each position will either be reappointed or a new appointment will be made which shall be for a period of three years from the listed date of expiration. Appointments to the Committee to fill unexpired terms shall be for the duration of the original term set for the position in question. SECTION 4. All members of the Committee must be 55 years of age or older. ARTICLE IV SELECTION AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION 1 Officers i a) A Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will ', 4 ' Cted by majority vote of the Committee to serve terms of one year, ., '° SECTION 2 Duties of Officers a) Chair 1) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the ComM ttee. 2) The Chair shall appoint all standing and special colnmittee heads whose duty shall be to appoint three to five committee members to carry out tasks assigned to them. - 8 - 3) The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all c tmittees except the nominating committee. 4) The Chair is empowered to call additional special meetings as needed. 5) The Chair shall be authorized to co-sign disbursements. b) Vice-Chair 1) The Vice-Chair shall -perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. 2) The Vice-Chair shall be authorized to co-sign disbursements. c) Secretary 1) The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings and shall be charged with all official correspondence of the Committee and with maintaining an accurate roll of members in good standing. 2) Copies of the minutes shall be provided to all members of the Advisory Committee, the Director of the Senior Center, and the Parks Committee. d) Treasurer 1) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial operations deemed necessary by the Committee including the maintenance of accurate records, banking, and having all disbursements properly approved and co-signed by the duly authorized Committee members. 2) The Treasurer shall be authorized to co-sign disbursements. 9 - ARTICLE V STANDING COMMITTEES SECTION 1 Standing committees shall be as follows; Suggestions, Fitness and Nutrition, Class Development, Outreach, Trips and Travel , and Program Development. 1) Standing Committees may be added or deleted by majority vote of members of the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE VI NOMINATING COMMITTEE AND ELECTION SECTION 1 A Nominating Committee of three members appointed by the Chair shall present a slate of officers to the Committee membership at the second meeting in July of each year. Additional nominations from the floor .wi)l be accepted at this time. SECTION 2 Elections shall be held at the first regularly scheduled meeting in Sept- ember of each year. SECTION 3 Officers shall serve for a one year term, assuming their duties upon conc- clusion of the annual election of officers. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS SECTION 1 Meetings shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 10 AMJ at the Kent Senior Center unless otherwise posted and announced. SECTION 2 All meetings shall be open to the public. SECTION 3 , Special meetings may be held at the call of the Chair o ^t, H, request of at least five members of the Committee. SECTION 4 Members who must be absent must contact the Chair or Senior tefter recrea- tion staff in advance of such absences. Three unexcused absences shall be cause for dismissal , which shall be determined by a majority vote of the Committee. - 10 - e'. ARTICLE VIII QUORUM SECTION 1 Eight voting members present at a regular or special meeting of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE IX AMENDMENTS SECTION 1 The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee, provided notification and copy of the proposed amendment has been given to the m�mbp rs of this Committee at least seven days in advance of such meeting. ARTICLE X PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY SECTION 1 Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Committee, except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws.