HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/24/1995 i OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 249 1995 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson- Chair, Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Jan Banister, Dea Drake, Joy Honeycutt, Roger Lubovich, May Miller, Ron Spang, Sue Viseth MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Linda Johnson, Bill Doolittle The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending May 15, 1995, in the amount of $1,635,501.72 were approved for payment. Addition of 0.5 FTE Position or Graphics/ Cable TV Information Services Division Manager Ron Spang reviewed with the Committee the handouts distributed with the agenda. He noted that-staffing is currently 1/2 position down from 1991 staffing levels even though workloads have expanded for graphics and cable television has been added. To meet these demands $23,000 has been spent on overtime to date although only$350 has been budgeted. He explained that this overtime has been offset by other savings but it is not in the best interest of the employees to work the kind of hours Dea and Jan have had to work to keep up. During further review, Spang asked for authorization to add a half time permanent part time position as soon as possible and have authorization to add $7,500 to augment for temporary help. Graphics Specialist Lead Dea Drake pointed out that the chart included illustrates the amount of overtime worked since 1994 which shows that a V2 time FTE is needed to stabilize the normal workload with the additional $7,500 to hire temporary help during peak demands. She added that this covers current demand only. The Committee questioned the impact of the Meridian Annexation. Dea responded the increase would be in amounts of printing such as increasing utility stuffers and parks brochures. Drake added that they anticipate coming back in January to ask for another 1/2 FTE to concentrate on cable which would help cover expanding hours without overtime. After expanding on the needs for cable, Committee Chair Johnson questioned the use of volunteers from Community Colleges in addition to this for peaks, etc. He asked if it was possible with the unions. Human Resources Viseth noted that the use of volunteers had been discussed in contract negotiations. She noted that the expectations for a professional station dictates that staff be on site with volunteers and is being looked at. After further discussion,Committeemember Orr moved to approve for the additional production staff as soon as it can be arranged. Johnson seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Addition of Full Time Position for Finance Finance Division Director May Miller informed the Committee that the Finance Department has remained seven positions down since the 1991/92 cuts. To fill some of the need a temporary person had been utilized six months of last year and five months of this year. Miller explained that the AFSCME contract limits temporary positions to five months which is reasonable in that staff should be added where needed. She stated that she was asking for a Administrative Assistant II which most directors have to assist with budget and timesheets, etc. Miller added that a budget change is not needed since budget savings would be utilized but requested authorization to hire this position. She noted that the need for another position is anticipated to be requested in January to assist the budget analyst. Viseth interjected that an 0 0 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, Cont. MAY 249 1995 Administrative Assistant H position was in Finance previously and had been deleted which has left May with no secretarial support for the department leaving management level employees to pick up coordination. Orr moved to approve the position,Johnson seconded. Orr noted that more work is going to be needed to be ready for the annexation. After Johnson noted his agreement that the work should be done by the appropriate staff,the motion passed 2-0. Public Works Contract Reauirements - Ordinance Johnson stated that Roger Lubovich had requested that this item be forwarded to the Public Works Committee. Orr concurred. Kent Downtown Partnership 11gd.ate Executive Director of the Kent Downtown Partnership Linda Johnson stated that the information from the packet was self explanatory but wanted to touch base with the Committee. She pointed out that their in-kind donations have gone way up as well as extra people who have come forward to volunteer in the office. Linda Johnson explained that the downtown private investment has gone up to $15 million. She noted that the addition of the Code Enforcement Officer Brian Swanberg is reflected in major improvements to the downtown and,has been noticed by citizens. Linda explained that the Saturday Market project is progressing and she is pursuing a grant forwarded to her from Don Wickstrom for improvements. She noted that since this will be a business incubator and qualifies for economic development funding. Linda invited all City Councilmembers to walk through the downtown to look at sidewalks with her. Orr noted the response she had seen at work to the article on the Kent Downtown. Linda noted that at a recent convention she was reminded how forward thinking Kent is. Only 1,000 communities in the U.S. have a position such as hers. April Financial Report May Miller reviewed the April Financial Report with the Committee. After reviewing tie April Financial Report,May reviewed the Golf Complex April Financial Report with the Committee. On page 5, she noted the Director comparison from 1994 shows that the Director's major impact is in merchandise revenue is coming in under budget. On the City revenue comparison from 1994 she noted the major impacts are in range fees and driving range. She noted that the individual revenue funds had been rolled into the overall forecast and the revenue has been reduced from $3 million to $2.7 million. This is offset by the capital forecast being reduced from $1.4 million to $1 million. Orr asked if the raised fees had contributed to the revenue reduction. May responded that they are currently analyzing the number of rounds. She added that it is hard to estimate what will happen with all of the new competition but the mini-putt seems to be a good pull. May completed her review. Committee Chair Johnson asked if there was any further business, there being none he adjourned the meeting at 10:34 a.m. Page 2