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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/26/1995 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 26, 1995 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson- Chair, Leona Orr, Christi Houser STAFF PRESENT: Lin Ball, Laurie Evezich, John Hillman,Kelli O'Donnell MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Judy Jones-King County Housing Authority The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending April 14, 1995, in the amount of $1,470,419.63 were approved for payment. Harrison House Update Manager of Housing and Human Services Lin Ball stated that an overview of the subsidy program for Harrison House had been included with the agenda and introduced Judy Jones from the King County Housing Authority. Lin stated that two full subsidies had been implemented in 1994 and that the subsidies had been increased this year with four subsidies for half of the rent implemented. Half subsidies were utilized to help the most low-income people who cannot make the minimum requirements. She noted that the subsidies are for Kent residents. Ball also informed the Committee that when the two full subsidies are vacated it is planned to convert them into four half subsidies. Judy Jones of the King County Housing Authority added that the current subsidies are full and very happy to have the assistance and currently six people are on the waiting list. Committeemember Orr asked what the monthly cost was at Harrison House. Ms. Jones responded that it is currently$240 a month for a one bedroom with a charge of$112 per month for the meal program. Orr noted that she had visited Webster Court on Saturday which is full and charges$380+per month without the food program. She stated that the need is there and the City has done a good job of providing a facility with less cost and the food service. Lin Ball noted that the subsidy applies to rent only and applauded the City and Christi Houser and Christi Houser for bringing the program forward noting that six lives were improved at a cost of only$11,000 for housing. She stated that quarterly meetings on Harrison House are held between the City, King County, the residents council and management. The support services work is paying off. The residents themselves are working on programs. Orr noted that residents have spoken highly of how staff has run the building. Judy Jones responded that they have come together as a community and are working together. For example a committee has been formed on food and food is delivered to the room if a resident is sick. A system is also in place to track if a resident is not coming down for food or is ill for staff to follow up. March Financial Report Acting Finance Director John Hillman reviewed the March financial report with the Committee. On page one Hillman noted that the special assessment area has paid off a significant amount of debt and the fire equipment rental fund reflects transfers in without any expenditures. Additionally,the Firemen's Pension fund sold their more high risk investments upon approval of the board and transferred the funds to the State Investment Pool. During further review,John OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, Cont. APRIL 26, 1995 noted the general fund revenues had dropped below normal in March but was up overall by 5.8%as shown on page 8 with expenditures a little under budget on page 9. He explained that their had been an accounting change accounting for $144,000 in property taxes although it is normal for them to be down in March. While reviewing sales tax,Hillman distributed the April update noting that it was up 5.9% for April and is above April 1994 by 10.8% with the cumulative trend 8.2%over 1994. John noted on page 14 the building permits had jumped by 89.6%with 39 of the projects for warehousing with a cumulative total of 44.5%over budget. He noted the valuation was 32.4%over budget but permitting varies each month with no clear trends. On page 16,John stated the recreation fees are up a little and just about at budget. He continued on page 17 that fines and forfeitures are up 33.6% due to increased collection efforts. As he continued his review on page 19, he noted sewer and drainage are up due to the new rate budgeted but not adopted. On page 20, Hillman noted that the golf operating revenues were down, most likely from the new competition, and are not expected to improve until the golf course improvements are completed. On page 21,he explained the temporaries have been hired earlier to begin maintenance earlier. After John finished his review, Jon Johnson asked if their was any reason the sales tax revenue was up during the later part of the year. Hillman responded that it is typical for October and November to be up. There being no fiu Cher business to be brought before the Committee, Committee Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:07 a.m. Page 2