HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 02/09/1994OPERA' ONS COMMITTE? MINUTES February 9, 1994 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson, Christi Houser, Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Ken Chatwin, Lauri Evezich, Charlie Lindsey, Brent McFall, May Miller, Kelli O'Donnell, Scott Woods MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: None The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the periods ending January 13, 1994 and January 14, 1994 in the amounts of $1,132,158.28 and $276,326.78 respectively and all claims for the periods ending January 28, 1994 and January 31, 1994 in the amounts of $1,917,096.79 and $1,273,848.98 respectively. Animal Control Interlocal Agreement and Ordinance Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich informed the Committee that the City has not amended our Animal Control Ordinance since 1986. While King County has enacted mandatory spay/neuter fees with an increase of approximately 40%. The City has not had a contract for the previous year. The City of Kent is obligated under the interlocal agreement to pass an ordinance consistent with the County Code regarding fees, etc. King County has repealed the mandatory sale of animals for research. The City Code has been updated to reflect these changes. Johnson asked if there were any questions. Houser moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement and Kent City Code for animal control to be forwarded to Council, Orr seconded and the motion passed 3-0. City Hall Remodel Update - Verbal Report Director of Operations Brent McFall updated the Committee on the plans for the current remodeL McFall noted that the remodel of the former police wing was begun with ambiguous space utilization plans. He reviewed the current plans which include the City Attorney moving to the third floor south wing. Administration, including the Mayor's Office and City Clerk, moving to the second floor south wing. Some partitions and walls will be required to accommodate this move. Human Resources will move out of the north wing to give more space to Information Services. The third floor north wing will be remodeled when vacant and Human Resources will be moved into the former attorney area with the balance of the wing to portions of Finance that do not have high public contact such as payroll and accounting. McFall stated that these plans should give good operating space to the departments and can be done within budget with some change orders for the Mayor and Director of Operations office walls. McFall informed the Committee that the recreation staff at the Commons is being considered for a move back to the fourth floor of City Hall which would free up the game room at the Commons for possible teen activity. McFall distributed a layout for a proposed change to the City Council Chamber. McFall explained that the dais currently has no room for councilmembers to get in and out as well as a problem with the ventilation. The proposed changes would add 2 1/2feet behind the Council alleviating these problems as well as meeting ADA requirements. These changes would also benefit the any boards and commissions using the chambers. In addition, the brick behind the Council does not provide a good backdrop for broadcast of Council meetings on TV. A neutral fabric or drywall would be added below the artwork as a backdrop for TV. 1 McFall estimated that the cIt or these changes to the dais would be ess than $10,000 and could be done in March since there are five Tuesdays. McFall asked if the Council would be ingested in pursuing this, if so Administration would get a formal estimate. During discussion, Orr asked how this would be paid for. McFall replied that there is currently $50,000 unappropriated in the Capital Facilities Project. After further discussion of the above items, Houser moved to authorize Administration to proceed in obtaining a firm estimate on the remodel of the Council Chamber dais and ramp. Orr seconded the motion which passed unanimously. A discussion followed regarding staff reaction to carpet glue used in the remodel. Added Item - Updated Worker's Compensation Ordinance Finance Manager May Miller presented the subject ordinance explaining that the City is currently paying Scott Wetzel, a third party administrator, to process the Worker's Compensation claims and checks but have been doing a portion of the bookkeeping at the City. Miller proposed that the total operation be moved to Wetzel with a daily check register being provided to the City. In order to do this, an increase in the Worker's Compensation Bank Account from $2,000 to $20,000 is necessary. Miller noted that the draft ordinance may need some minor adjustments. Evezich noted minor adjustments are needed adding a severability clause and to correct section 1 noting this is codified in the Kent City Code. Orr moved to recommended approval of the ordinance with the noted corrections. Houser seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Meeting Date and Time Johnson asked the Committees preference for meeting time. The meeting time was set for the second and fourth Wednesdays at 9:$0 a.m. pending Houser being able to adjust her work schedule. Jon Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m. 2