HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 02/23/1994OPERA IONS COMMITTEE MINUTES February 23, 1994 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson, Christi Houser, Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Arthur Martin, Brent McFall, May Miller, Kelli O'Donnell, Patrice Thorell MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. EAnproval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending February 15, 1994, in the amount of $1,205,622.57 were approved for payment. Briefing on Status of Community Development/Development Services Director of Operations Brent McFall informed the Committee that there was a question of reporting and integration of the above function; not fixing something that is broken. McFall noted that the concept being considered is a core group as the Office of Development Services with plan checkers and plan inspectors; and, looking at intake and customer service. Other departments will have a designated representative assigned. Public Works, Planning and Fire will have a key contact to coordinate between the permit center and their department. In periods of peak demand more resources would be brought in. Committeemember Houser asked how this would fit in with the one stop permit center and half hour permits discussed previously. McFall responded that the consumer would go to one area for all aspects and basic permits would be issued within a half hour. McFall noted that the framework is just being developed and the next step is to pull in the people in the trenches for their input. Houser stated that it was her understanding a consultant had been hired to accomplish this. McFall replied that the consultant had prepared a written report and this follow-up is not inconsistent. Houser asked if it would still be one stop with everyone able to issue permits. McFall stated that it was the same concept. People doing permits and interaction will be configured so it really works. McFall explained that customer service/problem solvers versus regulators is being looked at. In other words, if the answer is no on a permit, explaining the options to help the costumer get to yes. McFall noted that this is more time consuming and will require training. During further discussion McFall added that the remaining component is adding the code enforcement position that is in the budget to enforce the nuisance ordinances. This function will probably snowball when the community see areas being cleaned up but is important to set the tone of how the City is perceived. Orr added that the safety implications are also important with arson being a concern. Committee Chair Johnson stated his concern that there was too much to deal with for the Director of Operations. A Department of Community Development is important from an organizational standpoint. The Council Target Issues and economic issues need a Department of Community Development. Johnson noted that the Growth Management Act, permit area, and human services would fit in this area. As well as needing an individual to specifically address recruitment and retaining business. Johnson stated that as a Councilmember he would be willing to do a budget adjustment. 1 During further discussion Mall stated that the Tacoma/Pierce CounItevelopment Board provides service assistance on how to walk through the system as an independent organization. There are different ways that this service can be provided. Houser stated that the Chamber could provide that service. McFall agreed adding that the City could work hand in hand with the Chamber. With the Chamber the City could coordinate an outreach into business. Johnson moved to direct the Director of Operations to come back with ideas on the Department of Community Development with a proposed organization chart with the component by the first meeting in April. Houser seconded the motion. Orr asked to include a division of economic development as a friendly amendment. Johnson accepted the amendment and the motion passed 3-0. December Financial Report Finance Manager Miller distributed the December Financial Report. Miller stated that the report indicates the City is $55,000 ahead of budget as a preliminary report. This is primarily because of a one time sales tax with some growth. She noted property taxes are under budget as well as parks fees, plan check fees and building permit fees while vacant positions have added to the balance. January Financial Report Miller noted the new format with more narrative and less graphs and reviewed the general fund with the Committee. Miller stated that January sales taxes were 6% higher than expected; on the expense side the 1993 police contract has not been settled which is estimated will be an expense of $150,000. Other outstanding expenses include the settlement of remaining union contracts, the cost of the loss of federal prisoners from corrections and the lower than projected cable TV revenues. Miller reviewed the report with the committee noting the emphasis on types of business reporting revenue on page 8. Committee Chair Johnson asked if reports showed any bio chemical companies or technical. Miller responded that the business licenses don't track in those categories. McFall noted that the changes made in the report were intended to make them more understandable and asked for any ideas or feedback from the Committee. Committeemember Houser noted that she liked graphs. Annual Accounts Receivable Writeoffs Miller noted that although the requested action would remove the accounts from the books, they would still be collectable. Miller stated that the $24,079.83 amount was considerably down from previous years. After further discussion Miller recommended that the proposed writeoffs be removed from the books. Orr so moved, Houser seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Added Item: EMS Contract McFall asked to add an item. Johnson approved. McFall stated that the annual EMS contract needs Council approval. McFall noted the proposed 1994 contract amount for basic life support services is $636,405. This is up from the 1993 contract of $604,719. McFall recommended that this be forwarded onto Council on the Consent Calendar for amendment of the contract for EMS Levy. Orr so moved, Houser seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Added Item: Operations Reorganization Committee Chair Johnson stated that he had some questions on the Operations Reorganization. He noted that the two positions he was concerned with the salary classification of were the Director of E Parks and Recreation and the Public Information/Governmental Affairtsanw, Johnson stated that when the reorganization of Operations he did not realize that the salary ham. °het for the Public Information/Governmental Affairs position along with the others. Johnson notod*,concern that the salary range is too high for that position. Johnson asked the Director of Oper4i64 to; come back to the Committee in two weeks with an appropriate range of salary for the Parks Dircoor and the Public Information/Governmental Affairs Manager. During further discussion Johnson opted that Police, Fire and City Attorney are lower than the Parks Director. Houser and Orr agreed that the Parks and Recreation Department is fairly well established and may not warrant such a bigh salary. McFall noted that the range is wide enough to accommodate a number of situations. Johpson stated that it seemed appropriate to look at the salary ranges now before the positions were filled. McFall agreed to bring salary survey information to the next meeting. Added Information Item: LiabilityInsurance Pro&= Johnson stated that he would like to compliment Ken Chatwin on changing the City's liability insurance program. McFall concurred noting that this is one area that the City can eft savings when attention is paid to it. Committee Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:32 a.m. 3