HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/27/1994O; 0 a OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUT "r APRIL 27, 1994 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Jon Johnson, Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Charlie Lindsey, Roger Lubovich, Brent McFall, Kelli O'Donnell, Bruce Weissich, Helen Wickstrom MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Paul Morford, Cheryl Reid The meeting was called to order at 9:33 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending March 31, 1994, and April 15, 1994, in the amounts of $2,204,758.63 and $1,286,568.03 respectively, were approved for payment. Authorization for Police Office Technician II Lieutenant Rufener reported to the Committee that the Police Department had begun the process for national accreditation in March of 1993 and the department goal is to complete the process by September 1995. Rufener explained that her only assistance on this project is from a temporary employee which requires working four months at 16 hours or less. Rufener asked for authorization to change the status of the temporary employee to a regular part time employee for the duration of this project. Rufaner explained that over 800 standards have to be met and proven to gain accreditation which requires a great deal of research and documentation. Committeemember Houser asked what the benefits of accreditation would be. Rufener, replied that grants would be more favorable, a reduction in liability and the requirement to look at programs, such as victim witness advocacy which is not currently pursued in the city. After further discussion, Houser moved to authorize the Police Technician II to regular part time. Orr seconded noting that she applauded the efforts of the Police Department and the motion. passed 3-0. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Des Moines Regarding_Midway Crossing City Attorney Lubovich explained that this item is a continuation of the "till of two cities" located at the QFC. He clarified that one till is located in Des Moines and eight in Kent. A number of weetings have been held to adjust revenues and an agreement was reached. Lubovich distributed a revised agreement. He stated that the agreement specifies that the City of Kent will collect the sales tax and reimburse the City of Des Moines for 1/9th of the revenues. Lubovich continued that the agreement states that Kent will give Des Moines some storm drain fees in return for their maintenance and operation of the storm drain facilities on the site. The City of Kent will receive utility taxes from the site. Lubovich noted that the parties have also reached agreement on some additional items which are not in the copy distributed. The final agreement will specify that payment will be made once a year and that storm fees will only be reimbursed based on the fees charged by the City and not any future capital assessment. Responsibility for operations and maintenance and a hold harmless clause will also be added. Lubovich stated that this was a good agreement for the City and asked for authorization to enter into the interlocal agreement with the City of Des Moines. 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, CONT: April 27, 1994 After further discussion, Orr moved to recommend approval of the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Des Moines regarding Midway Crossing with the changes outlined by the City Attorney. Houser seconded the motion which carried 3-0. Ordinance Amendine Section 2.01.010 Compensation of Council Members and Amending Section 2.02.0 Director of Operations McFall noted that this item was being brought forward in response, to the discussion at the Council Retreat. McFall noted that as previously reported the council has the authority to adjust wages and benefits at the expiration of terms excepting medical; and, the council may adjust the mayor's compensation at any time. Committeemember Houser asked that the council's compensation and the mayor's compensation be handled as two separate items. Council Compensation McFall stated that the proposal being brought forward for consideration includes medical insurance for councilmembers comparable to employees medical except that family members could only be added at the councilmembers expense. Medical coverage could be added at the time that an ordiaance takes effect. McFall continued that effective 1/1/98, the completion of the existing terms, the current $500 salary would be adjusted by 75% of CPI -W, Seattle from the previous July to July. All council salaries would be adjusted and the ordinance could provide for an annual adjustment. McFall noted that 75% of CPI -W could be higher or lower and was only a proposal. Committee Chair Johnson noted that this issue has been discussed periodically during his 17 years on the council and wages have only been increased two times. He noted that in 1978 council received $200 a month. Johnson reviewed with the committee the handout from the March 23rd meeting which compared neighboring cities. During further discussion Houser asked what increase 75% of CPI-W'would amount to. McFall noted it would most likely be a $10-11 a month increase. Orr asked if it was possible to start in 1996 with only newly elected councilmembers and if it would be possible to increase the wage to $550 monthly at that time. Lubovich noted 1998 was suggested so that all councilmembers could start at the same time which would also make accounting easier. Orr asked that a base increase be considered with the CPI adjustment. McFall suggested that the base salary could be increased in steps with those elected in 1996 followed by those in 1998 with a percentage increase from 1998 on. Paul Morford addressed the committee and noted that council positions are a public service and stated his opposition to a raise. Morford stated that the percentage increase sounded like an entitlement and asked that the committee vote in a flat fee and recommended getting rid of the percentage and the medical insurance. Morford stated that he was making this request as a citizen and a tax payer. Houser responded that even as a public servant their are costs for what they do and it is getting more expensive for gad and dinners, etc. Orr moved to recommend that on the effective date of the ordinance councilmembers receive medical insurance for themselves, and their family at their expense, and effective 1/1/98 a $50 base pay increase and that it be adjusted by 75% of C.P.I: W annually. Houser seconded the motion. After further discussion the motion passed 3-0. F 0 0 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, COI T. April 27, 1994 Mayor's Compensation McFall stated that since the mayor does not vote the council can adjust compensation at,any time. McFall reviewed the proposal stating that effective 1/1/95 the base salary would be set at $75,000; effective 1/1/96 the salary would be adjusted by 75% of C.P.I.-W., Seattle annually; and effective 1/1/95 management benefits would be added at the $1,500 level with a $200 mileage allowance. Houser stated that the mayor had voted on the salary previously and stated that $50,000 was plenty of money. She noted that she had attended six meetings and the mayor had made it clear that he did not support a higher salapy. Houser stated that she could not support this item when the mayor did not want it raised. Orr stated that Jim White had suggested the $50,000 salary and voted against the higher salary. McFall noted that the proposal was based on comparable positions. Morford stated that at the operations committee meeting the current salary was set at, Jinn and Leona voted against the higher salary. Morford stated that he questioned administrations ethics to do this and it kind of smells since the mayor said he would serve for $1. After further discussion, Johnson responded that he had brought forward this proposal even though he had originally supported the $50,000 salary. He noted that they didn't know how it would evolve and recommended that effective 1/1/95 the salary` be set at $75,000. He noted that Renton compensated their mayor at $84,220 annually, Johnson also pointed out that it is difficult to compare apples to apples since every city is organized differently. After further discussion, the committee decided to take no action on the mayor's compensation. McFall confirmed that the council compensation would be forwarded to council under Other Business at their next meeting pd that their were sufficient funds to cover the impact of medical benefits. Budget Change - Open SpAW Parks Administration Superintendent Wickstrom requested to adjust the budget for the Parkside Wetlands Project to include the interest income. Wickstrom noted that this was a requirement of the King County contract. Orr moved to approve the budget adjustment, Houser seconded and the motWa carried 3-0. First Quarter Financial Report The First Quarter Financial Report was distributed. McFall noted that Finance Manager Miller is out of the office on bereavement and asked to move this item to the next meeting. Johnson concorred. Added Item Lubovich stated that the council had previously appropriated $150,000 for the Community, Health Center. He stated that the center has negotiated purchase of the land for less than $150,000 and would like to use the remaining funds for land clearance. Johnson asked if this was within the ordinance. Lubovich stated that it was not authorized and that he would like to bring it to a future meeting. No action vasa taken. Committee Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m. 3