HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 06/08/1994OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 1, 81 1994 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson -Chair, Christi Hou$er, Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Lin Ball, Jim Harris, Charlie Lindsey, Brent McFall, Tlli:0'Donnell MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: None The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m. by Acting Chairperson Houser. (Committee Chair Johnson arrived at 9:41.) &=oval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending May 31, 1994, in the amounts of $1,517,224.68 were approved for payment. Creation e Block Qrmt Funded Human ServicAx Human Services Manager Ball informed the Committee that the temporary Block Grant Intern has been in the position for 19 months and it is important to change the status of this position to regualr part-time. Planning Director Harris interjected that if the position stays tempotWy it will just be training for jobs elsewhere and it is in the best interest of the City and the Offer of Housing and Human Services to make it regular part-time. Ball stated that they are using the intern as a planner and the current intern has the skill level to take the lead on projects, facilitate community meetings, etc., and it is important to have a person with this skill level. Ball stated that she is asking Council to create the position at a level 32 replacing the intern position which will be pWd out of Block Grant funds and have no impact on the general fund with the position disappearing if the Block Grant funds disappear. Ball noted that the City has recieved Block Grant funds since 1974 and she is confident that the funding will not disappear. She also noted that there are sufficient funds to cover the position for the remainder of 1994 and in the Block Grant funds for 1995. Bail stated the impact would be $15,000, including benefit costs, for 1994. Committeemember Houser stated that it seemed like a lot of money for part -tine work. Harris responded that if it is paid lower because it is part-time you get lower level people that move on to full-time elsewhere. Committee Chair Johnson noted that it is market driven. His added that the benefit level also raises the cost. After further discussion Houser moved to approve the regular part- time Block Grant Human Services Planner. Orr seconded the motion which passed 3-0. McFall asked if the item could be placed on the consent calendar of the June 21st City Council meeting, Johnson concurred. Committee Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:55 a.m.