HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 10/26/1994,i•;r- OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 26, 1994 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Christi Houser STAFF PRESENT: Dee Gergich, Brent McFall, May Miller, Kelli O'Donnell, Ron Spang, Helen Wickstrom MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: None. The meeting was called to order at 9:33 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending October 14, 1994 were -approved for payment. Ordinance Revising Council Meeting Schedule Director of Operations Brent McFAll explained that, as distributed with the agenda, option one is an ordinance that changes the regular Council meeting date in December to the second Tuesday in December eliminating the meeting on the first and third Tuesday. He noted that a special meeting could be added if needed and that the meeting schedule for December would remain the second Tuesday in the future until such time as a new ordinance is passed. McFall explained the second proposed ordinance includes the meeting change in December and also includes a revised meeting date if a Council meeting falls on election day. He noted that the previous discussion on this issue had provided for moving the Council meeting to the following day if it falls on an election day. Since this created some scheduling conflicts, the proposed ordinance would move the Council meeting to the previous day when this situation arises. He noted that this could conflict with the Planning Commission or other meetings. Councilmember Houser stated that the polls do not close until 8:00 p.m. Orr asked if this would apply in the Spring elections. Orr stated that she would be willing to make the revision for general elections only. After further discussion, Houser moved to adopt the first ordinance that changes the two meetings in December to one meeting in December on the second Tuesday. Orr seconded the motion which carried 3-0. Johnson asked that the item be placed on the Consent Calendar of the next Council meeting. Report on Cellular Phone Usage McFall introduced Information Services Division Director Ron Spang to review the report. Spang explained that Dee Gergich is in the audience who oversees telephones. Ron noted that Dee is also working on another complex issue called video arraignment which will be brought to the Committee in the near future. In reviewing the cellular phone report, Ron noted that the predominant user is the Police Department. The City owns all 76 of the phones and that the Chief of Police had informed him that the patrol officers have been using the cell phones to let citizens know when they have been delayed, etc. He noted that all cell phones are authorized by the department director. During further review, he noted that a cellular phone policy had been implemented mid -year which outlines that users must audit their phone bill to identify personal calls and reimburse the City. Johnson noted the concerns reported in the paper of abuse by other agencies and felt it was important that employees reimburse the City for personal use. McFall responded that the policy had been enacted specifically because of that concern. He also noted that phones are utilized for service issues such as police notifying citizens as a public relations tool. He continued that the other use is as a productivity tool such as returning calls when in the car which would normally be unproductive time. Orr noted the increase in costs for 1994. OPERA,.TIO CommrrT E MINDS, Qont nC'TOT1994 September Financial Report Finance Division Director May Miller reviewed the September Financial Report with the Committee as distributed with the agenda. May reported that permit fees were up 47% above the budgeted amount for Septemberor a cumulative' 1.7% increase for the year as graphed on page 13 while building permit valuation is down 14.2% as graphed on page 14. She noted the detailed numbers for permits were included on page 15 for,.the ' Committees information. May explained the current budget analysis and forecast on page 23 for the street fund allocates the majority of funds for corridor improvements as well as funding for neighborhood traffic control and plastic markings for turn arrows, etc. Miller reviewed the capital improvement fund expenditures with the Committee on page 24 and reviewed the 1995 CIP balancing on page 25 noting the inclusion of a number of park facility repairs end replacement items. She noted that finance is also looking at taking a more proactive role in maintenance and improvements of existing facilities and work areas. Orr asked if a comparison of the old heating/cooling system and the new one would be monitored to track actual savings. Miller responded that it would be tracked. May continued her review of the 1995 CIP noting that $20,000 had been funAed to conduct a maintenance facility needs study to explore options for an additional maintenance facility In 1996. Houser asked if it was possible to expand the existing facility. McFall replied that option would be explored as part of the study. Miller continued that plumbing repairs were needed in the amount of $66,000 at City Hall and the air conditioning project at the Commons had been increased to $100,000 due to the size of the facility and the need to have the system adjust for closed office areas as needed. It was also explained that $100,000 was budgeted for computer upgrades with the total CIP funds project totalling $1.7 million as well as increasing the fund balance. May finished her review of the remaining report. Acl,clea Item - Award. of Senior Bus Bid. Brent McFall Asked to add an item to the agenda regarding the award of the senior bus bid. Chairperson Johnson agreed to the addition and Brent introduced Parks Development Superintendent Helen Wickstrom. Helen explained that on October 12 two bids had been received for the senior center bus. The, low bid was received from Bryant Motors. She stated that the bid exceeds the $60,000 budget and asked for authorization to take the difference from the Parks Department budget in the amount ,bf $4,000 from underrun areas. Houser asked if the low bid took into account the lower sales tax. After a discussion of the bids Houser moved to accept the low bidder for the senior center bus. Orr seconded the motion which passed 3-0. ,added Item - State Auditor Exit Interview ` May Miller reported that the exit interview for the State Auditor had been conducted for 1993. No exceptions had been noted. 1995 Budget Review Page 2 OPERXRONS COMMITTEE M?NUTEY Cont OCTOBER 2 , 1994a Miller noted the table of contents in the 1995 Preliminary Budget and asked if the'Committee had any questions. She stated that some technical changes were being made such as the inclusion of the Teamster settlement, department rates, etc. which she will bring to the next Committee meeting for approval. Orr asked if the total o£page 9 which showed the total budget down $1.3 million was the result of the library annexation. Miller responded that $200,000 was removed from the operating funds for the library and that the $1.3 is actual a result of a reduction in the capital area. Miller noted the ending balance on page 8 of $21 million in the ending fund which is a good healthy balance. Johnson asked what costs would be associated with annexations such as costs for street repairs, etc. McFall replied that staff is conducting that assessment now and that public works is assessing street conditions and the finance department is analyzing the financial picture. Orr asked if the recycling contract had been considered and the possibility of subsidizing additional households. McFall noted that the Utility Tax would be extended to any annexed areas. Miller added that it may be up to five years before annexed areas would convert to the City's garbage contractor. McFall informed the Committee that there would be an impact on the water fund since annexed areas would no longer be charged the out of City rates. A discussion followed regarding water services. Houser asked what had been budgeted for administration and the city council for travel. McFall noted that it is in services and charges. McFall responded that it was included at previous levels with 1.9% for inflation. Houser inquired what training had been included in the budget. Miller responded that on page 31 Human Resources budget includes $65,836 for training which includes some staff hours and $30,000 for outside assistance. In addition, the automation budget includes funding of a training room as well as training allocated in department budgets. McFall expanded that 1994 has been the year of negotiating labor contracts for Human Services and it is hoped that 1995 will allow more time for training, etc. Orr noted her concern regarding funding for staffing levels for annexation such as police and mailings, as well as census taking. McFall noted that $27,000 had been including in planning for some of these expenses. He noted that ongoing impacts are being analyzed as well as start up costs and revenue lags. Orr questioned the possibility of a two year lag for collections. McFall noted that is'possible for the state levied property taxes but sales taxes are collected immediately, County road taxes are diverted to the City, and state allocated funds are recalculated with the higher population. During further discussion McFall noted that if the annexation passes a supplemental budget would be needed. Johnson asked when an annexation would be effective. McFall noted the earliest would be approximately April 1, 1995, which is not likely if referred to the Boundary Review Board which could take 120 days. He noted there are too many unknowns especially as far as timing to put any firm numbers down now. McFall stated that he was confident that the proposed 1995 budget has the ability to handle the annexation process for early 1995 after which an addendum may be needed to cover extending services to new areas. Miller stated that the golf course capital projects have not been included but will be added in a technical adjustment if refinancing is approved. Houser noted that Dick King will be speaking to the Parks Committee regarding refinancing and would not be coming- to Operations and invited Operations Committeemembers to attend the Parks Committee if they had specific questions for Mr. King. Page 3 OPE RATIO COmMITTE E -M-Sit ` .. 't Orr asked what the process will be for the new youth program from the utility tax funds'an4 the staffing proposed for it. She asked if the budget is adopted is the program approved or will it be going back to the Parks Committee. McFall stated that was the case, if the Committee wished to do something different, funds could be appropriated without approving line items. During further discussion Orr noted her concern that out of $300,000, $250,000 was proposed as personnel which would have increased costs,,' ever time and if the utility tax sunsets would require replacement funding. Houser asked for more details to intake a decision. Johnson suggested that some sort of success or result criteria be established. Houser noted„thai the number of jobs resulting from the employment program could be used. After further discussion, Johnson asked to have the item brought to the November 9th Committee meeting. Houser asked if there was any information on the status of the annexation. McFall replied that it is anticipated that the 10% petition will be brought forward at the November 15th Council meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. Page 4 fi r'