HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/09/1994r OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1994 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson - Chair, Leona Orr, Christi Houser STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo, Dee Gergich, John Hodgson, Mary Ann Kerns, Roger Lubovich, Brent McFall, May Miller, Kelli O'Donnell, Pete Peterson, Ron Spang MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: None. The meeting was called to order at 9:31 a.m. by Chairperson Johnson. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending October 31, 1994, in the amount of $2,113,913.23 were approved for payment. It Video Arraignment Information Services Director Spang explained to the Committee that currently prisoners are transported by manual transport for arraignment by officers. He explained that this project began about a year ago to help reduce overtime costs and reduce risks in transporting prisoners. Spang noted, that Information Services became involved when it was realized that the alternatives for transmitting video images could also be used at some point for voice and data. A number of alternatives were investigated including fiber optics and cable television, etc. The best alternative is to go with the proposed microwave system. Ron noted that implementation of this system would help to eliminate overtime costs of approximately $1,300 to $1,500 per month and would have a five year break even point for the initial cost of $52,000. The equipment could also be moved at a later date if the physical location of the court changed in the future. He noted that the system could be upgraded in the future for voice and data if the City the decided to which would eliminate the use of some phone line services. Spang noted that Dee Gergich had coordinated this project with the assistance of a consultant specializing in microwaves. He noted that final approval is still pending from Sound Ventures who is leasing the building to the City. Johnson noted that this is an action item and asked if anyone wished to offer a motion. Orr moved to approve the Video Arraignment Project as outline in the memorandum in the agenda. Houser seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Fire Equipment Replacement - 5 Year Plan & Rates Fire Chief Angelo referred the Committee to the information included in the agenda package. Angelo noted that this project was the result of a combined effort by Finance, Administration and Public Works who all worked with to a collaborative solution. The Chief noted that May Miller had prepared the policy statement and financial spreadsheet in the packet and they had worked with Tim Heydon to find out what other cities were doing.- He explained the equipment was evaluated to determine if it was front line or second line and how many replacements were needed based on the life of the equipment. He noted that part of the equipment replaced would be sent to salvage and some would be put in reserve for back up. Chief Angelo noted that 21-22 pieces of equipment were covered in this plan. He explained that today's cost were used to calculate the rate for replacement. Since some pieces needed replacement sooner, some funding was infused to begin the program as part of the capital plan budgeted at $600,00 for 1995. In explaining the equipment scheduled for immediate replacement, Angelo noted that HO OPERATI S COMMITTEE MINUTES, .4. !* NOVEMBER 9,1994 the aerial truck would be ordered for 1996 which takes about a year and a quarter to go,froa. the bid process to delivery. He noted that through the year 1999, ten pieces of equipment would be replaced using an inflation rate of 5%. Angelo stated that after starting with this five year plan there will be a need to look at the rates and adjust them as necessary. After a brief discussion of the aerial truck, Miller noted that to save money it has been budgeted to replace two pieces of equipment at a time in order to get a better bid. She added that 80% funding was used with anticipated extensions for replacement and inflati* etc. This rate has been used in equipment rental. Angelo pointed out that definitions were included in the last page of the item. He noted that this is a better long-term plan to monitor apparatus conditions and will work with insurance through risk management. After further explanation, Miller recommended that the Committee approve the five year equipment plan and recommend to proceed with the bidding of apparatus and equipment in accordance with the plan, and establishment of the fire equipment replacement, fund and rates. Houser so moved and Orr seconded. Orr noted her pleasure that this program was being brought forward. The item passed 3-0. McFall noted that this will put the City light years ahead of other cities and the hardest part is starting the program. Refinancing Golf Course Debt Miller informed the Committee that the current interest rate being paid on the Golf Course debt is 8.33%. Refinancing is being recommended to reduce the interest and use excess funds to fund the Golf Course Capital projects. Miller noted that she spoke to Dick King and the market has moved in the.wrong direction since the agenda package was prepared. As of today the City would save $825,000 instead of the $925,000 estimated. She noted that there is still hope that the market will turn. Parks and Recreation Director John Hodgson explained to the Committee that he had met with the Men's and Women's Club at the golf course as well as other interested groups to determine improvements needed. Hodgson noted the Meed to raise the fence by Colony Apartments and informed the Committee that the users are very supportive of the plan. Miller reviewed the $1.7 million in capital improvements recommended for the golf course iincluding work on: the driving range, par 3, mini putt and irrigation. Miller noted that contingency fundiqg was included and the highest cost options were used for estimation. She noted that $340,000 would be left at the beginning of 1995 to be used for future improvements. Miller reviewed page 4 with the Committee noting option 2 would add one and a half years to the existing debt as well as including a new money piece. Miller stated that she would recommend option 2 as it provides the best savings and lowest rates for the farthest out and asked to proceed with bond sales. She stated that she will call the Committee if interest rates move lower and asked to begin the process of actual bid development. Houser moved to authorize refinance of the debt with revenues to be used to refinance the golf course revenue bonds and proceed,vvit$ the capital improvements recommended. Orr seconded the motion which carried 3-0. Excise Tax Refund. May Miller explained to the Committee that at a recent WFOA conference she had heard, thgt additional fiends were available as refunds from excise taxes. She noted that she had contacted Benson and McLaughlin, a CPA firm which had been successful in pursuing these refunds for other municipalities. She stated that it was important to begin the process before the end of December to gain an additional year. Miller asked for authorization to enter into a contract with Benson and McLaughlin not to exceed $10,000. Orr so moved, Houser seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Page 2 IlkP, ,,. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, Cont. NOVEMBER 9, 1994 1995 Budget Review Youth/Teen Pr gim Proposal Miller stated that at the last meeting the Committee had asked to bring back this item,. She noted that the Parks Committee had recommended that the proposal be accepted and asked if there were any questions. John Hodgson commented that Time magazine included an article on going soft on crime and talks about a report from the National Recreation and Parks Association which notes the success of these types of programs. Jon Johnson asked how it would be possible to establish criteria to measure the success of the proposed program. Hodgson responded that as the program is built it is possible ,to set up accountability standards. He noted that there are some national efforts being made to establish standards. Committeemember Houser stated that summer employment is one area that could be tracked. She noted that Drinking Driver Task Force has some experience from the youth conference and may be able to assist. Hodgson stated that he would propose that non -seniors be recruited so that they can be tracked through the school year to have data to report. He stated he had success with this approach in a previous program. Houser stated that she was very impressed with the information she had received and noted that she felt more comfortable after seeing where the money was going. Houser moved to authorize proceeding with the youth teen program proposal and asked to have finance work on technical changes to get the funding into the program. Orr seconded the motion which passed 3-0. Technical Changes to Preliminary Budget Miller stated that the labor contracts had been settled for the Police and Teamsters,which would require changes to the final budget as well as an adjustment to property tax, the addition of two light bars for the Fire Department and $2,000 for fuel in the Police Department which had been missed. Additionally, changes would account for revenue for the street fund received for the transportation plan as well as funding from the criminal justice fund for the rule 9 interns utilized in law. May reviewed changes to the environmental fund with revised rates and the alloca4ion of 1/4 person to water conservation. As noted in the previous item, the youth/teen programs need to be allocated and the budget savings incentive previously mentioned would be moved to a separate project. Miller stated that the golf course fund would include refinancing and CIP projects and some improvements in restrooms and miscellaneous projects such as the addition of chemical restrooms at the 18th hole., May explained these changes were reflected in option 2 discussed previously. In addition, equipment rental has changed due to the contract settlement which included payment for some air tools. One other technical change provided for transferring of internal funds. Houser asked why revenues were less than expenses. Miller replied that this budget will reduce debt but expenses will be more than revenue by $560,000. During discussion, McFall noted that at a recent Chamber of Commerce City Government Meeting, the Chamber complimented the City on the budget itself as well as the format which more clearly explains what the budget will do. Miller added that the budget will increase the fund balance by 1% and the capital balance by 1%. After further discussion Houser moved to accept the technical changes to the 1995 budget, Orr seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Page 3 OPERATIAS COMMITTEE MINUTES.0oni. ! NOVEMBER 9, 1994 AA 1995 Tax Lew_ Ordinance May Miller stated that she had called the County and no growth was reported. Miller explained that with the figures received it was calculated that the final figure would be $2.60 down from $2.80 which would be added to the voted debt. The net effect would be a 17 cent decrease. Miller stated that Council would need to adopt the dollar amount shown as estimated now. Lubovich stated that he has redrafted the ordinance. Miller added that the estimate is down but they have not received a firm number and alI indicators show that it should be up. May noted that the City plans to do some auditing particularly regarding'the annexations. Miller recommended that the ordinance be adopted as part of the budget ordinance. McFall noted that it is the County's responsibility to determine the levy and the City must only adopt the dollar amount. After discussion Houser moved to authorize the adoption of the tax levy amounts. Orr seconded and the motion passed 3-0. McFall suggested that the Budget Ordinance and Tax Levy be placed under other business on the Council agenda. Johnson agreed. Future Committee Meetings It was noted that the Public Defender contract would need to be brought to the Committee at the November 23rd meeting. Johnson stated that the Committee would meet on November 23rd. During further discussion it was decided to cancel the first meeting in December and meet on the regular second meeting scheduled for December 28th. Orr noted that after today she would need to leave by 10:30 a.m. and asked that action items be first on the agenda. Adogtion of Preliminary Budget Committeemember Houser recommended approval of the preliminary 1995 budget. Orr seconded the motion which passed unanimously 3-0. Miller noted that she would be bringing forward the 1994 budget adjustment to the next meeting. There being no further business, Committee Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m. Page 4